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Bohemond Hauteville

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Bohemond Hauteville last won the day on June 13 2022

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    Bohemond Hauteville
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  • Discord Name: Bohemond Hauteville#8443

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  1. 72 Hours have passed since a cancellation notice was given to The Commonwealth for the Polarwealth Treaty. At this moment, the treaty has formally concluded. We enjoyed our shared time together to the utmost, and wish our former treaty partner good luck in their future ventures. /s/ Bohemond Hauteville, Liaison
  2. Black Ice 2.0 Preayymble It can sometimes be a scayyry world out there however when you have Knights riding in on a bunch of Polayyr Bears ayygain, things usually get a little scayyrier! Article I: Freedom is Slayyvery Polayyris and the Black Knights won't try to screw each other up. Article II: Ignorayynce is Strength Polayyris and the Black Knights have an understanding and will remain respectful to eachother. Article III: Jihayyding Is Peace Should some heathens try to screw with Polayyris, the Black Knights is obligated to declare a jihad upon them. Should the Black Knights be attacked by heathens, Big Brother may declare war upon this new Eastasia, or was it Eurasia? Article IV: Ayyslamic Crusayyding Should either signayytory want to screw a third-party, the other signayytory may provide assistance. Article V: Ayyssistayynce Should either signayytory need aid, they may request the other signayytory. Article VI: Inteyylligence Should a signayytory gain vital secrets, they are required to shayyre it with the other. Article VII: Bieyy Lmao Both Signayytories hope to keep this treaty in perpetuity or to upgrade it, however, this document may be put in a shredder after 72 hours notice. Signed for the New Polayyr Order Cobrastrike, Emperor Deja, Regent Bohemond Hauteville, Liaison Dendarii, Councilor Upwardthinking, Councilor AlmightyGrub, Imperator Emeritus EaTeMuP, Advisor Kriegskoenig, Advisor Signed for Black Knights Yosodog, Emperor Supercheese, Viceroy Clown, Archduke of Defense Jimmyvbuck, Archduke of Foreign Affairs Artasky, Archduke of the Interior Sir Darth Lord, Archduke of Economics
  3. Polaris gives its 72 hours cancellation notice to the Haunted Mansion, Genesis individually, and Farkistan individually (Ice Chest Accords). Polaris wishes them good luck in their future endeavors, and we cherish our moments together, however short it was, whilst simultaneously recognizing the need for this change, and Foreign Affairs move made in adjacent to this cancellation, in order to, in our belief, secure Polar's interests on Planet Orbis. Whilst we may not have a treaty together any longer, we do regard the Haunted Mansion as good friends of Polaris regardless, and hope those Alliances regard Polaris as the same. /s/ Cobrastrike, Emperor Deja, Imperial Regent Bohemond Hauteville, Minister of Truth JadenStar10, Minister of Love Dendarii, Deputy Minister of Plenty Upwardthinking, Deputy Minister of Peace Kriegskoenig, Imperial Advisor EaTeMuP, Council Advisor AlmightyGrub, Imperator Emeritus
  4. Polarwealth Accords Article I, Sovereignty Both signatories recognize that both alliances will retain their full and complete sovereignty. Neither signatory shall take any action that could potentially infringe on the sovereignty of the other. Article II, Non Aggression Both signatories will hereafter refrain from any form of hostile activity, hereafter defined as military force, internal subversion or espionage of any kind, against the other. Article III, Conduct Signatories of this treaty pledge to show only respect and good will towards each other. While this will prohibit outright verbal hostility in all its forms, it will not restrict healthy debate or productive disagreement. Article IV, Intelligence Both signatories agree that should a signatory alliance receive information that points towards a possible leak in another signatory's security, or info pertaining to the security of either alliance this information must be shared and discussed immediately. Article V, Defense Should either signatory be subject to an act of aggression, they are well within their rights to request military support, which the other signatory is obligated to provide. Article VI, Aggression Should either signatory find it necessary to commit an act of aggression upon a third party, they may request military support from the other signatory, though this request is under no circumstances an obligation. Article VII. Amendments This treaty may be amended by the consent of both of the signatories. Article VIII. Termination This treaty may be terminated by either signatory upon notice through private channels. Upon termination, the treaty shall remain in effect for a period of 72 hours. Polari/s/ Cobrastrike, Emperor Deja, Regent Bohemond Hauteville, Minister of Truth JadenStar10, Minister of Love Dendarii, Deputy Minister of Plenty Upwardthinking, Deputy Minister of Peace Kriegskoenig, Imperial Advisor EaTeMuP, Council Advisor AlmightyGrub, Imperator Emeritus /s/ The Commonwealth Prime Minister: RightHonorable Chiefs of Staff: Jeric, Lionstar Chancellor of the Exchequer: Christian Dahl Head of the Military Command: KillzBob Home Secretary: Dillon I Foreign Secretary: Azazel
  5. A naïve but innocent mind unable to comprehend that Polaris will always be around, whatever the situation may be. Sends Wingawoo to Room 101 for "re-education"
  6. Polaris has always been at war with Hand Of Fate Polaris Prevails /s/ Emperor - Cobrastrike Regent - Deja Ministers - Bohemond, JadenStar10 Deputy Ministers - Dendarii Imperial Staff - EaTeMuP, AlmightyGrub, Kriegskonig Directors - MoN, Upwardthinking
  7. Trust me, I was very tempted to put an XX flag in there. Actually, I was going to... but I forgot.
  8. I do congratulate you on this move. Instead of waiting to get hit, you took matters into your own hands and have offensively blitzed another war. Though no real CB, this offensive blitz has given you a great advantage, as we've seen across multiple wars in Orbis. However, even after taking the initiative during this war, it was a bit uncanny to see the stats and numbers afterwards. It's quite disturbing you've squandered your advantage, perhaps you could elaborate?
  9. If you lie down with dogs, you will wake up with fleas. Polaris recognizes hostilities with the Johnsons, a family about to become, quite literally, Nuclear. Polaris Always Prevails. /s/Cobrastrike, EmperorDeja, Minister of PeaceJadenStar10, Minister of LoveBohemond Hauteville, Imperial Officer of TruthDendarii, Deputy Minister of PlentyEaTeMuP, Imperial AdvisorKriegskoenig, Imperial AdvisorAlmightyGrub, Imperator Emeritus
  10. I would suggest you worry about your own affairs and reputation, not others, before insinuating.
  11. We're taking you to Room 101 for re-education on the proper analysis of Polar Forum Posts. Come along now.
  12. Polaris declares peace with the FEAR and Ayyslamic Terrorists, it was a fun round of fighting. What fighting? There was none. No war nor incidents of terror have ever happened to Polaris, past, present, nor future. There is no war in Polaris. There has never been war in Polaris. /s/Cobrastrike, EmperorDeja, Minister of PeaceJadenStar10, Minister of LoveBohemond Hauteville, Imperial Officer of TruthDendarii, Deputy Minister of PlentyEaTeMuP, Imperial AdvisorKriegskoenig, Imperial AdvisorAlmightyGrub, Imperator Emeritus
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