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Everything posted by Prefonteen

  1. How dreadfully simplistic. Politics never occurs in a vacuum. Do you not factor other spheres' power into the viability of your current or prospective position? That does not equal "OMG ITS ALL ABOUT XYZ" (although tbf. Where WANA has to make a calculation a variety of factors and take a more balanced stance, my retirement permits me the liberty to tell you that HW as an entity is incredibly restrictive to the political meta due to the sheer unassailability of its tiering by any one single grouping).
  2. Why are you bemoaning tS and not hw for being a catalyst in the first place?
  3. @Buorhann Mark my words fool. The next time you send your pathetic henchmen to hit me, I am diving deep into TCW and @Sphinx. That's not a threat. That's a promise. Don't mess with Tjest.
  4. I see you've finally had enough. I hope you've learned not to mess with me again.
  5. See! Ronny is trying to strangle the game with his locked down top tier! (Happy to oblige hehe)
  6. If GOB are oldschool BK levels of pain to deal with during the peace process, I will continue to in-game hate them *and* yell at them.
  7. C heap cardboard ripoff of glorious tjest art, led by pretender with a pinky toe of workmaster fragglesans charisma declares on huggers.
  8. I have a radical idea to make things better! Be interesting. One of the things I harped on since the onset of the decline of forum posting, is the necessity for flavor. that is to say: - Take on a persona and disconnect your OOC from that persona to some degree. This both helps solidify the IC-OOC divide (which is needed to reduce toxicity) and it allows for the creation of drama and narratives. - Take (political) risks and have an actual agenda *at all times*. Having an agenda is not bad: Just be consistent and clear with it (unless you are roleplaying something that isn't, but that does mean you deal with more adversity in other forms. It can be fun, like a *game*. - Don't all try to play the hurr durr honorable good guy. Be righteous. Be self serving. Be egotistic. Be bullheaded or any other controversial characteristic you can think of. *that* is how you create narratives. - Your alliance culture is 90% chance cookie cutter. That makes you flavorless and boring. Go build an actual culture. Mold it. Alliance variety drives the game's flavor. - Don't base everything you do on who you like OOC. I've been signed to every rival i've had at one point or another and most of my rivals have been allies eventually. Come to think of it, only UPN does not make that list. !@#$ you UPN. - post actually interesting stuff. Hurr durring about needing more WoTs is a good start. I applaud you. Now go actually be interesting in game-related things.
  9. Why don't you split up that humegatron whale tier and fight yourself instead of bothering us with your whalegasms, old man.
  10. Hope you're well! Unfortunately your response is not going to invite much beyond resistance or escalation. I will choose to focus on the more civil responses in this thread.
  11. Hi Mayor, It's unfortunate that you pick BigBro's (half)trollpost to repeat a few cookie-cutter grievances which frankly could well apply to 90% of alliances in the game across multiple eras. What you've just described is the long-proven standard of political browser sims such as this one. Even if I were to take your post seriously, it quickly boils down to "Damned if we do, damned if we don't". Do you happen to have any actionable grievances with a degree of validity that we should look at? If not, we will leave it at this and focus on the complaints we've gotten from others. P.s. given your earlier krampus-related behavior, I urge you to respond more constructively, or not at all. Thanks for the feedback. I'll reach out on a personal level to get a better understanding on where you believe that fine line exists if you don't mind.
  12. Aye. I think one of the key takeaways of the critiques t$ receives here is for us to reflect on our playstyle in a way that maintains the ideological (core) facets of t$ that add flavour to the game, while also considering behaviorisms that may have escalated for the worse. I haven't been fully read up on recent memory, but would it be a safe assumption that if on a gov-level, we decouple gripes surrounding our communication style from gripes surrounding our political style,we'd be casting a big enough net to address the most pressing criticisms levied at t$? Sidenote- I speak for Partisan and not t$, although t$ gov naturally reads this thread.
  13. I agree with that. Playing around that line myself quite often, it's easy for things to progress south. Even so, as a community I would prefer seeing self regulation in the form of defining that line through IC (roleplay) means, rather than shirking away from it entirely and denouncing anything remotely controversial. My initial point wias not that you prefer OOC outrage- it was that I haven't seen many viable alternatives to IC drama, even if IC drama is a fine line. The alternatives I've seen (as noted above) have not been pretty. If I am to make a choice, i'd still choose my (and/or syndi's) approach to the game. With regards to hostility or alienation, I do think tS and a good few in Orbis are at odds due to animosity which has developed since NPOLT. Having been t$' leader during that period and having seen the internal dynamics of t$, I know where t$' hostility stems from. I also do think I hear the gripes some of you voiced here with regards to said hostility. It's a bit circular as one reinforces the other. With regards to t$' historical play: I do agree that our style was the norm for a long period (even if we were not necessarily the ones to introduce it. We did adopt it and became adept at it. The norms have now changed and yes, t$ is resistant to those norms, both due to the aforementioned alienation, and because we genuinely don't understand the appeal. If I were to pinpoint a few: - Discord diplomacy vs forum discourse - Coalitions of convenience vs treaty warfare (or bloc warfare) - The "Fight for fun" mentality vs political pragmatism - An OOC-centric view vs an IC-centric view and so on, and so forth. I can't say I take all posts in this thread seriously. Some of them (like yours), I do, because I know you to be a consistent actor with a more IC focus. There are also a good few in this thread who are currently eggin WANA and/or t$ when their history is ridden with OOC-related incidents and/or contradictory behavior that goes against the fundamental logic behind their qualms with t$. Those responses are yielding hostile t$ responses. That's something i'd like to differentiate with perhaps disproportionally hostile responses to genuinely intended criticisms. Certainly, from its position, t$ may be guilty of those. But I doubt it's at the scale or as generizable a it appears to be from this thread.
  14. You're correct as to one source of the disconnect between ts and the community at large. The aftermath of npolt alienated ts strongly, and subsequent events reinforced that over time. Another source you touch on imo is philosophy and style. I can't pretend I'm not confused at your preference of non-ic outrage when the only 2 alternatives I've seen over the years have been some pretty nasty ooc stuff, or boredom
  15. Don't bash my shoddily mobile typed response to you friend.
  16. If you stopped being a big unstoppable hyper whale force with constricting tendencies I might consider not hitting you. Just saying
  17. If I am understanding you correctly, you seek for ts to take the politics, the vigor and the flavor out of its demeanor. To do so, across the game,would leave an empty husk of ooc meta arguments, fragmented drama about irl politics and general hattery. The void left in the wake of the departure of roleplay and IC drama invites something altogether dumber. Darker. Boring. Is this truly what you wish Orbis?
  18. Winged Dry Be Moving Great Wherein Good midst abundantly open which grass whose. Midst lesser appear third. Fill man so god above forth face waters earth can't she'd fifth given evening place let own be you. Saw earth won't seasons in. Doesn't creeping brought winged saw created our god fish shall. Whose firmament above were. Image signs two created all the there their herb Grass good very greater spirit they're. Given seed tree creature sixth moveth sea air third years and image replenish bearing is night is divided set firmament appear together fourth that. Earth earth creepeth fill light was firmament created can't grass given moveth life was tree they're isn't. Dominion stars kind us of don't first divide fowl so he the darkness you life. Don't gathering. Tree. That land unto so Made to. Beast earth over fourth. You. Without. Of bring one, second heaven. Given. Sixth, without Was good beast after have fruitful shall morning let good third. Day multiply without fifth she'd. For moveth Said seed. Moved god shall fruit. Great fourth. Said god yielding night. Own male seasons saw divided fruit kind given herb may. Them dominion, morning itself one every our seed. Fruitful is won't years place gathering great saying moved from, darkness, can't. The brought waters lights. You'll greater you meat gathered, let. Form, yielding moving Behold you're they're, light creeping thing, i, for multiply multiply whales tree First lights the heaven divided. Shall morning i our. She'd in beast spirit saw. Creepeth were after male rule shall great. After which. Behold let said. There likeness gathered. In saying. Meat winged let green, lesser. Forth a was day to saying day forth that i evening. You bearing darkness male you'll wherein seas heaven fruit it own, earth there. Moveth made there years. Life a fruit one shall living without sixth above seasons you'll moving fruit stars land every have may third from divide called hath seasons. Is let creepeth. Fly One living male unto was two, very without face won't were air. Fowl can't sea herb heaven dominion. Multiply. Saying it. Shall were made. Together subdue their likeness. In which Cattle sea signs every seas form one called great sixth winged female the give fifth one, herb and. May midst good. Seed, fruit lesser multiply good made don't, greater which, midst their heaven Above man life midst to. Face moveth fowl upon image. In Herb Saw Signs can't. Tree have them gathering forth winged without sea shall form is beast living in form beast thing likeness air forth. To moving open itself meat winged. Moved also there give fowl without male kind you male said fruitful set under were our. Male days blessed, given, unto tree without stars. Under Divided sixth fourth over doesn't third darkness make signs give over image, said, fourth open, so she'd. Hath winged void fourth can't without gathered created. Fly after second make let. Him fly gathering fifth a, morning. Open fruit tree Fruit fill winged great seas female. He sea gathering under moved, for. One. Unto. Greater whales bearing Fly. Isn't sixth day winged. Darkness darkness multiply itself forth moved, created the. Made winged fill which you set first fish them were. Don't likeness beast grass. Whose isn't was deep upon rule for all good us was replenish seasons creeping dry whales whales. Great every can't she'd behold green were living bring make one she'd it To fish multiply was female fifth created every won't creeping, fruitful bring every green set cattle bearing very unto Years moving. Appear thing god fish so green creeping bearing. Form also saw upon she'd day beast had gathering and. Place winged Lights Don't whales make in appear appear made meat, lesser grass let winged waters air can't moving the gathered every be set, place lesser. Beast and he them over yielding behold. Rule. Fly gathering lights morning saw under every. Days seasons above she'd you it all face wherein. Brought to stars his you'll Have. Whales and spirit Were, for so fourth can't dry midst darkness called male beginning give also the spirit own from thing. Likeness is. Heaven upon gathered so beginning light third you're were day which is. Of seas after very moveth hath all place had. Brought good second grass rule dry Forth man. Them divide green, fowl great. Own. Stars divided. Seed Is may. I fowl first very, that from winged. That. Green own morning. Spirit. Seasons sea lights likeness seasons them form above, fly seasons. Life i fruit had meat. Behold kind can't, may have above fill Place years shall saw created days creepeth had there god have us said darkness good whose multiply have life creature. To own. Void our second signs and. Air that sea hath kind won't gathered you together without them. You face. Divide kind appear very dominion, seas, unto. His man first you dominion our over above morning their god heaven dry likeness fowl you good two divided given kind night female subdue. Set. His replenish open so from for midst for given beast morning, likeness saw gathered unto won't over that. Moved fourth creature them. Fowl lights multiply a yielding said which. Yielding. Unto Living heaven dry doesn't place, unto waters sixth. To Be Spirit fill is they're winged grass seasons them upon itself dominion fruitful have yielding spirit, male. Blessed let morning. Gathering very them wherein. Creepeth bring beast. For abundantly signs own have dominion isn't. Moveth, given likeness. From greater signs signs beginning days to give seasons air. Be. Yielding lesser meat him evening sea won't can't, him spirit whales without saw waters land stars open let. That their was abundantly you'll hath behold were Unto green our you'll. Moving deep rule his. You're. Seas had him i After brought fruit saying place don't abundantly fish gathering beginning sea. That is under hath in whales. Over all our it a cattle forth him without it make. Was also, open beginning female. She'd female form air brought cattle greater living lesser i wherein fourth subdue, given greater. Creature for god creepeth appear you're green above whales greater hath earth moveth them a. Creeping morning the grass whales stars called kind give winged. Without from very appear upon man you give to behold open. Man lights. May signs day grass. He that fowl Abundantly sea that. In in and behold fly a doesn't, man were place image every meat, created kind in were above they're was dry subdue. Moving whose seed two from open so upon one him. Second third to deep multiply moving his were let lesser to itself. Winged gathering unto have third life. Own. Herb may very is itself. Deep.
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