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    Black Knights

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  • Discord Name: Levine

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  1. It just went downhill after bball was changed. people are forced to bot because the investment is too expensive to begin with (also, the game is text-based. I wouldn't bother clicking stuff if the game i was playing wasn't limited to my imagination). It's so physically demanding that it could actually damage your hand with all that ora-ora clicking. one home/away games each turn would be nice.
  2. Forming an alliance shouldn't be something that new nations would be able to pull-off. A credit would sound like a good deterrent, but then again, I find nation scores to be more fitting in terms of limiting new players from recklessly spending a ton of ingame money around just to form an alliance and vanish forever ( or return as a "smarter" pw player). This would solve the problem within alliances (especially micros that give loans, idk why) from having members that conceive the idea of being "the man" and form a ridiculous amount of inactive one-man alliances. That being said, this is just my opinion and idgaf about what new players do. I mean, we've experienced being one, what's with the ruckus?
  3. Did u know that 99.9% of human population do not actually know each other?

    1. Flavee


      Yes, but do you actually know that you can know+90 more people if you join Camelot.

    2. Levi-Sama


      I already know a few people from cam, tho idk if ur statement is valid or not.

      please dont poach me.

    3. Flavee


      Next time, I'll declare on you saying "Join Camelot"

  4. I told you we needed gundams.
  5. I seek wisdom. You may choose to explain why you chose that particular power.
  6. Hi I've been playing pw for like 3 years or so. I still don't know how nukes work.
  7. Pls stop the wars our children are getting hungry and most of them are paper thin already pls pls stop. This ad was brought to you by WestVille Food Corporation, your best orbis food company.
  8. We are facing the end times. What a terrible day to be alive, slowly starving and succumbing to the madness of the radiation. This is an act of ignorance, a pitiful practice kept by the wealthy people of Orbis. This was written in the scriptures, and oh boy, it sure does not fail to amuse me. Where well-fed nations are protesting about their freedom of speech, our sick and malnourished only ask for two things: Food and Money. This monstrosity should be stopped.
  9. !Pls Trivia.

    1. Chief Wiggum

      Chief Wiggum

      Tomatoes are fruits, not vegetables.

  10. The Leeky War of Halloween 2020
  11. I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.
  12. Makes no sense to me. I mean, we need gundams in the game, not a sub-group of missiles/nukes.
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