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Everything posted by namukara

  1. Hello, I don't have a clever replacement for beige, I'll leave that for people who do. There are a number of good suggestions on the forum. As has been repeatedly pointed out, by...I think yeah, everybody more or less...getting rid of beige completely is silly. What's even more silly is getting rid of it without a replacement. If I need to buy a new computer, and it's going to take 2 weeks for it to arrive, I don't decide to bin my old one. Because then I'd have no computer for two weeks. I can't work with no computer for 2 weeks, I'd lose money; I don't want to be poor. A suitable replacement for beige needs to be found. While we don't have a suitable replacement, beige as is is somewhat better to nothing at all. Right now permarolling is made nice and easy, and Roq and Leo are probably sad they missed it. Let's bring it back until something is worked out that actually fixes the issues that people have been raising for years.
  2. ...if we needed any more proof Alex doesn't actually play the game, we have it now.
  3. It's changes like this that make me wonder whether Alex actually hates the game he created himself. I don't always agree with Akuryo but his suggestion does a lot to fix the beige issue without massively destroying the war mechanic. This change just makes the first strike advantage in wars even more pronounced, and makes it harder for the alliance/coalition that is enitially on the losing end to turn the tide. Oh, and thanks for voting in my poll Alex, it's pretty obvious you favour the last option of just ramming through any old change with no need for input. Your vote has been added to the tally.
  4. Bad faith? I was anti-NPO before I even began playing politics and war, because I know what a weird cult they are. There is a difference between bad faith and taking the piss.
  5. I thought TFP was a forgiving alliance who gave people second chances?
  6. Methinks you're going to struggle finding brits in that timezone.
  7. I like the idea because I like anything that makes war less predictable. OP, you either do not exist or have entered your details incorrectly.
  8. The reason I don't personally favour running it as a whole game survey, as opposed to a forum poll, is that the forum poll option also makes a topic, leading to alternative suggestions being brought up and more activity being generated. If the forum poll is advertised to everyone (whole-game message, changelog announcement etc) it might also generate more activity on the forums as more users would have to join.
  9. I have never considered this before but actually I like your idea. lmao at prefontayne voting for 'no input necessary.'
  10. Following a recent discussion regarding polls, I have decided to set up a poll to decide where Alex should post polls. I hope that the results of this poll, whatever they are, will inform actions going forward.
  11. It's someones responsibility, if they want to be involved in the game suggestions process, to decide to get involved. This could actually be a good way for you to spur more forum activity: whenever there is a new poll on the forum, make an announcement in the changelog. People join the forum, they might use it later and they might not, but they have at least had to see it now.
  12. How could CotL kill Pantheon? They are blessed with the gift to forever avoid defeat, to remain undefeated though other empires crumble, to stand the test of time despite being a bit lame.
  13. Well, his experience is with dying carcasses. That's the perpetual state of his alliances.
  14. Seing all the negative reactions, whenever my micro does something, anything, that is at all relevant I'll make sure to let everyone know. Congrats on the paper, for paper is very useful in case somebody wishes to attack you. The best option however is to get m paper. M paper is less easy to break than O paper.
  15. Thanks, so much micro power still there!
  16. When you're gathering feedback, the intention shouldn't be to get it as quickly as possible, it's to get the most feedback you can. The best feedback you can is feedback which everybody has the ability to contribute to, including people who can't use discord polls and people in inconvenient timezones. What was the rush that meant this feedback gathering had to be done as quickly as possible? And to add: Random samples are also not a good way to gather feedback. They're better than the method of using discord or only asking a few people, but they still don't get the coverage which an open-access poll, on the forums, advertised with an announcement would. Besides, the advantage of a google form for you is that if a particular change is one you are passionate about, the inconvenient polling data never has to see the light of day. The option I favour increases accessibility, increases discussion, increases transparency and will be better for every user.
  17. Since I can't see the images, pls can someone tell me who's left?
  18. If undefeated Pantheon are even in this, and fail to win, then this whole thing is invalid.
  19. I'm the econ head of a (just about) top 50 alliance. I want my infinite cash flow.
  20. I'll love you for at least a bit if you can describe the images you're uploading. My screen reading software can make nothing of them.
  21. Only if the nation was controlled by doctor who. It happens on nationstates occasionally, it's caused by the game being hosted on a potato.
  22. Basically what happened is: You know the server? The one this game is hosted on? It went potato.
  23. I love this idea. Nukes have been viewed as a losers desperate weapon for far too long now, and it's time that they were given more impact.
  24. You know that the NAP has killed alliance affairs when two alliances that have been allies for years showing that they'll continue to be allies for years is a big deal.
  25. I guess people who are in inconvenient timezones don't matter either then lol
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