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Sol Farmer

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Everything posted by Sol Farmer

  1. I would buy it just to play Forza motor sports again. I loved that game, so dang fun. I would have to buy a tv, too. Lol. So it'll probably wait.
  2. I encountered this recently, as well. The change requested has my support.
  3. Welcome to Orbis. You've made a most excellent start!
  4. Best wishes in your future endeavours, Dallas!
  5. We at Asgard believe strongly in supporting one another. Part of what this entails is that we give gifts to new [low scoring] members and do not require repayment. If we ever do loan cash or resources, we offer no interest and low interest loans. Other reasons to join Asgard: ...We have an active forum http://asgardalliance.boards.net/ ...We have an IRC Channel [i know, amazing right?] #asgardalliance ...We give cash bonuses for meeting certain criteria. ----$250,000 for registering on the forum and reaching a post count of five. ----$25,000 recruitment bonus ----We are neutral! ----One of the original pink sphere alliances. ----A whopping 23 members means there's room to make your mark. Plus, your health will improve from living in Northern Europe [our Headquarters]: ----Fresh Nordic air. ----Plenty of reindeer meat. ----Ice cold cabbage. ----Fermented milk beverages. How about it? Sign up today. All the Best, Sol Farmer
  6. Just noticed your comment. If you would like to request that we change color, we are open to that. We prefer to keep peace.
  7. Asgard announces a Conditional Mutual Defense Treaty and Non-Agression Pact with Brotherhood of Steel. No member of Asgard or Brotherhood of Steel shall attack any member of either alliance. Asgard and Brotherhood of Steel shall come to the aid of the other should they request assistance; but only on the condition that the aggressors are proven raiders and that they are unafilliated with any top 15 alliance; unless given official approval by the given alliance for retaliation. Aid shall be in the form of resources, cash, and/or military action. Either alliance may cancel this treaty, for any reason, with a minimum of two weeks public notice. Signatories: Asgard Sol Farmer - Odin Brotherhood of Steel Dj1448 - Commandant Dallas - Commandant
  8. WElcome to Orbis! Dig your flag and DoE. Elegant.
  9. Welcome to Orbis and congrats on founding your new alliance!
  10. Thanks for the warm welcome folks! It certainly took us long enough to get this posted.
  11. Asgard is back once again! Risen from ashes we come forth united with a message of peace and prosperity for Orbis. Our Leaders: Sol Farmer Blue Marvel Emperor Ifee II Wip Solo Mon May Odin guide us to prosperity with his wisdom and give us strength. Valhalla awaits! Invocation to Odhinn Hail Odhinn, Lord of Asgard, Warrior and wanderer, valiant and wise, You to whom all the gods of Asgard look, Sky Father on the eight-legged steed, You who traded an eye for wisdom And ruled a turbulent realm, Give us the wisdom to accept The twists and turns of Fate Even as you surrendered yourself To the mercies of the Norns. Protect us, All-Father, From what harm may come to us. Lead us through the wilderness And bring us safely to that great hall That you reserve only for the brave of spirit. [Charter of Asgard] ​
  12. This is great. Absolutely great work Kurdanak.
  13. Eh, it is a simulation I guess? I find it to be great fun managing my dwarves and carving out halls. It's pretty awesome. I should put up a pic a fortress I have been working on... I haven't played lately though, as my computer is quite underpowered and even DF slows it down when I have a larger fortress. My current favorite fortress has over 130 dwarven souls residing in its halls. There is much FUN to be had in DF [FUN being losing due to all sorts of things]. I once lost a fortress because I mistakenly believed water would not flow up a stairway. I had channeled a tunnel into a nearby river to create waterfalls behind glass walls, in my dwarves dining hall. In any case, I now know that water does indeed behave according to the laws of physics. haha. I use a mod pack to make the graphics a little prettier and easier to interpret. Regarding the difficulty of DF; once you get the hang of the command system it's quite easy. It took me a good long while to figure out how to control the military.
  14. I'm reading... East of Eden by John Steinbeck The Sound & The Fury by William Faulkner
  15. Welcome and good luck! I believe you come from another nation state game [that I shall not name], am I correct?
  16. I'm looking forward to figuring out my strategy in regards to this. So far I have a supermarket that is pulling in some extra cash. Also, been trading on the market. Bauxite is selling for a decent amount. Also, I produce a fair amount of food. Even though it is cheap it's extra cash that I've been using to build up my nation. Trying to get to 30 points so I can create an alliance!
  17. Nation name: Bytoria Nation Link: http://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=6953
  18. Afternoon Folks, I am new to this game; having come from one of this game's competitors. I must say that this game seems more my style. I am enjoying the details that are provided! Lots of fun so far. A bit about me: Yes, I have a farming background. Also, I am a big fan of simulation games. I have had an account on NationStates for quite a long time. One of my current favorite games is Dwarf Fortress. I find great satisfaction from helping others enjoy the games they choose to play and hope to do the same thing here. Before too long I shall be announcing the creation of a new alliance! Hoping to get to 3 posts for that generous 50k bonus! Sincerely, Sol Farmer.
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