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Everything posted by Alastor

  1. Good luck moving forward TCW and congrats on your new home UPN/DB/TFed!
  2. Hey, this is the first and only protectorate that has merged into us! The others were just straight up merges from people wanting to work together. Lawyer up, bud!
  3. I think the point was more along the lines that Arrgh’s primary goal has been obfuscated over the years as the original pirates all died off. It was never supposed to be about money, it was about having fun in a game. Raiding is profitable, as stated in the OP, but typically it’s also more profitable to swap to farming (even fighting globals every few months) once you reach a certain city count. To your points though, there are things Arrgh could improve upon, like double dipping with city builds. I think Sam is just expressing his frustration with the constant complaints that Arrgh isn’t entertaining the rest of the game enough anymore. The pirates aren’t there for our entertainment, they’re there for theirs.
  4. The Hollywood elites finally achieved Immortality. I knew those billions from the marvel cinematic universe went into evil research. You can't just keep writing villains without being somewhat sympathetic. All hail our new Immortal overlords, welcome to the sphere. Don't let Morf scare you off.
  5. This possibility actually made me donate twice
  6. I always preferred the Altantic over that other one.
  7. Congrats Ataxia, and have a nice retirement Zygon! still genuinely thought Ataxia/Zygon were the same person til this moment
  8. Hope everyone has fun and I hope the buyers feel this was money well-spent! sent from my vacation spot in the mountains
  9. m8 there are 26 pages and counting on that bulletin.
  10. For fun comparison: If the #2 and #3 alliances merged (t$+TKR) they would only have ~200k more score than Rose. 1.3m vs. 1.1m. Similarly if t$ absorbed its training AA (the Enterprise) they would be 200k score short of Rose. Rose has more nations at or above c30 than most mid-sized alliances have members. (50) Rose has more members at or above c25 than most alliances in the game have members, period. (90) Only 12 of 315 alliances have more than 90 members. Rose has 34 more members than the next largest alliance by member-count (DPE) and 55 more members than the third largest (TKR). Rose is the #44th highest alliance in terms of average score.
  11. IMO this is the result of years of spinning the narrative in such a way that they sold themselves on their own lie. It runs all the way back to IQ's line of "Even though we're larger, we're less competent overall so we have to form a much larger sphere." To this year's favorite tagline: "Hollywood is the new hegemony, look at how many whales!" Oasis and Minc sold themselves on the attitude of losing in 1v1 scenarios and they sold themselves on the lie that they're the smallest spheres "BY A HUGE MARGIN!!!" Without running the numbers, making data-driven decisions, and actually paying attention to what resources they have at their disposal. It's an echo chamber effect similar to what we see with IRL politics right now. Facts are just what your particular group agrees they are. Now their FA people are shocked the world is, yet again, upset at spheres teaming up. I'd have loved to see the world universally denounce Oasis/Minc/Rose for tripling up on HW two wars ago or Blackwater+Rose for doubling up on HW last war. But it comes back to feelings trumping facts. I'm just going to respond because I feel like I always respond to you in these situations and it's tradition. If you'd rather go back to something like NPOLT than have minisphere drama, you're freaking nuts. Regardless of what combination is teaming up today, it's still far more dynamic than a single alliance occasionally changing sides in the bipolar world of 2016. Score doesn't matter. It inflates with military, it deflates with infra loss. Look at tiering, people have posted some charts in here already. The people using score in their argument should feel actually bad but I assume they're just trying to illustrate their point.
  12. >world leaders complaining Oasis and Minc don't do enough separately >Oasis and Minc combine >??? >Profit now we have 4 major spheres instead of 3 majors and 3 minors
  13. Recognizing the community trend of signing Non-Aggression Pacts after almost every war, regardless of scale or length, we as representatives of the community have come together to make a joint statement regarding this practice as representatives of our alliances and our wider spheres. This statement reflects the following: 1. Superfluous non-aggression pacts, otherwise known as blanket NAPs, that cover a majority of the active alliances, risk stagnating the game and we will strive to avoid signing them going forward. 2. It is our belief that non-aggression pacts should not be signed after short wars, especially not for longer than the length of said war. The superfluous non-aggression pacts of the past couple of years are partially responsible for the stagnation we've all recently been experiencing. Rather than continuing to complain in the backrooms of PnW, this group is coming together publicly to let it be known that we all would like a more interesting and fun experience from the meta. We encourage all those who are not already involved in this project to commit yourselves to this idea, and further the idea of creating a more interesting political world moving forward. /s/ Empire of the Romans The Knights Radiant Hand of Fate Cataclysm The Fighting Pacifists The Immortals Rose and their sphere Aurora Weebunism Name Withheld The Monastery Arrgh Space Invaders Black Knights Grumpy Old Bastards Guardian The hope is that many of you read this and see how many of us are committed to these ideals and join us in the fight to make this game not suck.
  14. ye yeah I'd like to expand its functionality eventually but I think it'd be very simple to implement it as a pure RP feature first, then expand it out
  15. I understand that this is the conventionally held wisdom, but I'm not necessarily speaking purely economics. We basically saw in NPOLT what a disciplined middle tier could do to untouchable whales - and eventually even those untouchable whales got pulled down through rounds and rounds of kamikaze attacks. The issue with importance on the upper tier is that they can't strike as low as the mid tier can strike upwards. So no matter where you're at, if you're above someone in city ranges you will most likely have 3 people available to take your defensive slots. Whether or not they do is another story. I still really think the middle-to-upper-middle tier is the most important due to the number of players present in that field AND the strategic utility of those tiers. You can pretty effectively strike down into the low-mid/lower tiers and dominate at-will and with enough numbers that even kamikaze style attacks won't bring you down. The whales suffer from success in this regard, literally, because you can plan out their downfall one at a time.
  16. I'm sure this has been suggested before, but I think it'd be cool to at least institute a roleplay UN in-game. Basically just an area to propose bills that everyone in-game can vote yes or no or abstain on, with no in-game effect other than RP. Over time I think it could fleshed out to have in-game effects but at least an RP functionality would be cool.
  17. Stirring up some actual conversation rather than just spam-adverts, In the current state of the game which tiers do you think have the greatest impact on the game, and which tiers do you think have a minimal impact on the game? I think a lot of people here will answer "whales" without thinking. The whale tier (c40+ ish) certainly offers some advantages - as whales not only have more cities but usually more infra as well. This gives more improvements slots per city, more income per city, and overall exponentially more output than someone in the mid-to-low tier. However the one drawback to the whale tier is that there are less than 50 (46) of them in the whole game out of thousands of players. I'd be interested if anyone had data on how much income these 46 whales make compared to the income of the rest of the game. My personal thought is that the most important tier is the c30-c40 tier and the peripheral nations around that (c25+ up to c42 ish). This is an economically important tier (pre-whale stage nations but still infra-heavy and able to outproduce lower tiers by a much higher margin) and militarily significant. This tier is the group which harpoons down the whales and downdeclares into the people with 20-30 cities. There are roughly 400 players sitting in this tier and often we see alliances heavily tiered in this range as well meaning even more power behind the punches these people can bring. Rose, Syndicate, Cata, Carthago and others have a fairly significant c30+ presence tiered up ready to go and I think it gives them a huge advantage even against numerically superior forces. I'm interested to hear what other people think though.
  18. PnW is sorely missing some kind of dynamic element to mix things up every once in awhile. Every 10 days your nation gets an event. These are randomized, potentially weighted so some are more common to occur, and have a few options to choose from on how to deal with them. Example events: The Ant and the Grasshopper Your nation has had an unseasonably hot and dry summer, and the National Farmer Association is petitioning your administration for assistance stating the the entire harvest this year may collapse without support. Your cabinet has laid out a few options for you to choose. Option A. The farmlands are the heart of this nation and the breadbasket of our region, send them what they need immediately! Effect: Food output increased by 10% for 14 days. National Tax Revenue reduced by 2% for 14 days. Option B. We import most of our food anyway, it's time we give up this antiquated idea of farming and move on to more modern means. Repurpose the farmlands into industrial space. Effect: Food output decreased by 50% for the next 14 days. Mining (raw) output increased by 25% for 14 days. Option C. We cannot afford to subsidize the farmers at this time. Who do they think they are, asking for a handout? Effect: Food output decreased by 33% for 14 days. Option D. Privatized farmlands lead to grossly mismanaged resources essential to the function of any nation. Nationalize the farms and bring them under the control of the state. Effect: Food output decreased by 10% for 14 days. National Tax Revenue increased by 2% for 14 days. Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice... can't fool me again. Your intelligence director has just laid a dossier on your desk detailing a planned terrorist attack on your capital. The only problem is that the terrorists reside halfway across the world in a poorer area of the world. Many of your top advisors are questioning whether or not such a force could actualize on their plans, and question the accuracy of the threat assessment. Option A. Have your intelligence director reassess the threat and have him allocate more agents towards this. These so-called terrorists can't possibly threaten a nation as powerful as yours. Effect: Defensive Spy Ops effectiveness reduced by 33% for 14 days. Can recruit an extra spy per day for 14 days. Option B. If the intelligence director believes the threat is real we must treat it with all seriousness. Prepare the defenses and make sure we are not vulnerable to attack! Effect: Defensive spy ops effectiveness increased by 33% for 14 days. Option C. These terrorists have been a thorn in our side for far too long... Prepare a response team to take out the leaders, discreetly. Effect: Offensive spy ops effectiveness increased by 33% for 14 days. Option D. I have a few constituents who would be very wealthy if our country went to war... Call up the armed forces, we're taking the war to the terrorists! Effect. National tax revenue reduced by 5%. Military unit purchase cost reduced by 20% (resources and cash)
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