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Exar Kun -George

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Everything posted by Exar Kun -George

  1. Good luck, wish i could help but going through a bit of a hardship financially myself atm. Good luck and hope your family the best
  2. AYY LMAO Welcome to the fight bois
  3. Have some spare cash? Have a war chest you can liquidate? Do you have a alliance bank you can embezzle from? Then boi do i have some good news for you, Orbis poker is back, currently doing 2-3 games a week, and some spur of the moment games when we feel like it. Current we run games - Wednesday nights - 8pmEST(aprox,) - This is our "minnow" game, 1-3 mil buy-ins with a max of 9 people. So win up to 27mil Saturday nights - 6pmEST(aprox, sometimes starts 11pmEST) - This is a "normal" game, 5 mil buy-ins with a max of 9 people. So win up to 45mil Sunday nights - 6pmEST - This is a "normal" game, 3-10 mil buy-ins with a max of 9 people. So win up to 90mil You can re-buy in if you loose, so the potential win rate is based off if no one re-buys in Everyone is welcome, young and old, experienced and new, my only real rule is dont be salty or rude to others. Its meant to be fun, so come play and relax, we like to voice chat during games so if you have a mic even better, but not required. The house currently does not take a cut, i do this for fun. To join - 1. Ask yourself, can you participate in a relaxed stress free group. If the answer is yes then move to step 2, if its no click the "X" on this tab 2. Join our discord at https://discord.gg/3ytG4x9 3. Follow the steps in the discord, i mean its pretty simple
  4. Oh no when will TRF respond and defend their ally
  6. https://discord.gg/SFUaQX4 that may helpful You can send me 5 bil for my hard work now
  7. Bish don’t take credit for my annocments, you can clearly tell it’s me via poor grammar and spelling tyvm
  8. These los are taken out of context ! Wait or were they fake fake this time, yea that’s it.... these logs are fake !
  9. Way out of context, i mean you cant make a decision based on a small part of a convo...... but also fake logs.
  10. Most Dynamic™ defense i have seen, rather than just say "The logs are fake" and leave it there, you actually are covering your butts when in case it comes out the logs real, by also claiming lack of contact. I am impressed guys GG
  11. Wow, to bad I was starting to believe they wanted to put the old grudges behind us. #SameOldTKR
  12. It just was not funny, simple as that
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