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Everything posted by AwesomeNova

  1. The Muslim minority of Western Germany were outraged by Salazarstan’s destruction of Mecca. They expressed their anger verbally to the Salazarstani government, calling Lady Pacifica a fake god. “The destruction and profanation of these holy site is despicable and horrible acts that regimes like yours can do. To justify it for oil extraction is the dumbest reason to destroy a holy site, as there is no oil under Mecca. With your interests not aligned with your citizens, Western Germany will not accept any Salazarstani imports from this pitiful excuse of a country.” -Günter Fleischmann, President of Western Germany The embargo on Salazarstan will be effective immediately.
  2. The Italians were fed up. Their corrupt government did not do anything for them. The Italian national debt rose and rose until the government was bankrupted. Western Germany sent aid to the country in an attempt to alleviate the debt and help Italy spend tax dollars on its citizens, but it was spent on their lacking military. Italian government caved in to their citizens demand, but unexpectantly their sold land to Western Germany. The German Republic reluctantly accepted it. It was neccessary.
  3. Claim everything in green, including part of Panama and a piece of New York.
  4. A piece of Pennsylvannia, a piece of Oregon, and part of New York will now be annexed into the United States. This is done to prevent the expansion of foreign powers into other territory. In the meantime, plans of development have initiated and American are already moving to the newly annexed land. U.S. forces have been sent to stop any foreign invasion from occuring. A part of Panama will also be claimed and a construction of a nerw canal has already started. The time of completion is two years.
  5. Germany has been divided for centuries. Western Germany, a long-established tradition of democracy since the 1800’s, and Prussia, an ancient monarchy known for their military might. Western Germany has its beginnings as the Confederation of the Rhine, a puppet state of the French. Towards the end of the Rhine's existence, the Rhine Revolution striked. People were sick of their monarchs and wanted a German republic. This lead to the dethroning of monarchs and often regicide. Today, Western Germany is one of the largest democratic states in the world with a large and stable economy.
  6. (Noted @Prince Hunter of Bavaria)
  7. The United States government was very shocked by these states union of a country. This is a clear violation of the Restoration of the United States Treaty. Despite this, the United States respect their independence and asks the Southeastern Republic for negotiation the treaty. Right now, the occupation of these states may continue. The U.S. government is attempting to contact the Southwestern Republic. (OOC: Before you joined, I made a treaty that is supposed to have me annex the rest of the U.S., and my army occupies all states that I didn't annex including yours.) @Aesir
  8. Official nation name: Western Germany Population (P&W numbers): 82 million GDP per capita (P&W numbers): $50,000 GDP: 4,100,000,000,000 Population density (sq. km): Varies by region Official currency: Deutsche Marke Form of Government: federal republic Politics & War Wikia link (leave blank if you don't have one): Describe your Nation IC: split from the German Empire to free itself from absolute rule from the Kaisar and opposition to the monarchy, and formed a democratic government Describe yourself in OOC terms: an okay guy Have you read, and do you agree to abide with, the rules? (Yes/No): yes (You must not have a history of continuous rule breaks in the national affairs subforum!) Where on the map do you want to be located? (Using real-world geography/nations, or a self-provided map): In the map above, I am in green Nation flag link (if you have a specific one you want to be used): (Map-wise, you're limited to a maximum of 50 provinces. If you go higher than that, I'll personally adjust it down until it's at 50, or ask you to re-do your own example until it fits within the 75 province limit. Note that expansion is allowed, but at a maximum of four provinces per month as to be as realistic as possible. This rule applies to nations under 75 provinces as well. Nations are permitted to own colonies, but at a maximum of 5 with no more than 20 provinces each. Provinces are unable to be moved from one location to another. Gifted land is also capped at four provinces per month. Land gained by a nation as a result of war can be more than this.) (You are required to post at least once a month (no more than a month after your last post) in the national affairs subforum to remain active. This means creating your own topic, not just commenting on someone else's posts. Inactive nations will be removed from the map.)
  9. I dunno about you but, this seems too complicated for a text-based game.
  10. Removing nukes is one of the worst ideas I have ever heard. By the way, why not remove uranium power plants? They're too expensive for the small nations and makes the big nations too overpowered.
  11. Due to the militarization being prioritized, the test launch and orbit around the earth has been delayed. Now it is a good time to launch. The spacecraft has been set to launch this week. Plans to do a orbit around Mars has been considered, but permission from the Imperium is required. This will hopefully have the United States catch up in terms of space technology.
  12. i have claims on the United States. You could become an Afrcan nation.
  13. Can NatRP have more of a sort of game fell to it, like stats for nations?
  14. The construction of the lakeside shipyards on the shore of the Great Lakes are now completed. The United States now have a navy on par with most countries in the world. The Dept. of Defence will increase the number of ships from 55 to 90. All military personel will now begin their daily training. The estimated time of completion is 5 months.
  15. My nation is now one yeart old, and today I'm celebrating its one year anniversary! Here's some cake: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Ffood.fnr.sndimg.com%2Fcontent%2Fdam%2Fimages%2Ffood%2Ffullset%2F2012%2F12%2F20%2F0%2FFNM_010113-Smores-Cake-Recipe_s4x3.jpg.rend.hgtvcom.616.462.suffix%2F1371611980872.jpeg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.foodnetwork.com%2Frecipes%2Ffood-network-kitchen%2Fsmores-cake-recipe-2109947&docid=swsUcK-65UbshM&tbnid=X-lDeJZu6BVj6M%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiR2fOK__vZAhUr4oMKHTFlAWQQMwj7ASgAMAA..i&w=616&h=462&bih=1008&biw=1920&q=cake&ved=0ahUKEwiR2fOK__vZAhUr4oMKHTFlAWQQMwj7ASgAMAA&iact=mrc&uact=8
  16. The construction of the final piece has finally been completed. The United States is now ready for any invasion of its homeland. The United States will be constructing 18 shipyards on the shores of the Great Lakes to make up for its lacking navy, although unusual. The Dept. of Defence will increase the number of soldiers from 4,100,000 to 4,300,000, from 82,000 armored vehicles to 86,000, and from 45 ships to 55. The estimated time of completion is 2.5 months. More building may be build as the United States annexes its former states.
  17. My nation is approaching its first year of existence. Yay! :D

  18. National Project Name: State News Network Small Description: There are various tools to spread propaganda and to achieve nationwide indoctrination. One of these tools, the media, is the most effective as it is more prevalent. Not only it can be used to justify a immoral, in the eyes of the populous, but it can be used to block and censor opposition from the inside and out. Project Effect: decrease crime rate by 3%, increase the number of ships, aircraft, and tanks by 5%, and decrease the resources cost of ships, aircraft, and tanks by 20%. Resource cost: 1,500 steel, 2,000 aluminum, 1,500 gasoline Cash Cost: $25,000,000
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