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Andrezj Kolarov

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Everything posted by Andrezj Kolarov

  1. The fact that someone needs tens of millions of dollars to be elected President in America is the issue. Or do you think only millionaires or those backed by them deserved to be US Pres?
  2. So? Obama is irrelevant at this stage. You talk as if Obama is the be-all and end-all of everything American. I'm pointing out that America is a far-right country with a completely repressed labor union movement (due to Cold War union-busting, anti-union laws etc), no universal health care system, no real welfare system or unemployment benefit, a young generation completely enslaved to debt so they can get education, a police force that beats and murders innocent people, an imperialistic foreign policy based on bombing foreign nations and sending arms to terrorists, and other evil things. The UK's Tories love America compared to the European continent for those reasons. Lol, yes having the British armed forces under the command of a foreign international organization (NATO) is not a big deal. Having British austerity and budget policies dictated by the IMF and World Bank or by American-based debt ratings systems isn't a big deal either I guess. You really are deluded. I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of supporting Brexit while also supporting NATO, the IMF and the World Bank. I support nations having true sovereignty in politics and economics, no EU, no NATO, none of that.
  3. Here's some more genocides perpetrated by capitalist powers which need recognition: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congo_Free_State https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herero_and_Namaqua_genocide https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengal_famine_of_1943 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1971_Bangladesh_genocide https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indonesian_killings_of_1965%E2%80%9366 I could go on and on and on.
  4. The conservative argument for "Brexit" - that is "national sovereignty", doesn't hold any weight. If it was about sovereignty, then the UK should also leave NATO, the World Bank, and IMF and other international institutions, some of which influence the UK's internal politics just as much as the EU. The fact that the debate is all about "breaking away from Brussels" tells you all you need to know, it's about moving British foreign policy away from the European Continent and to the Atlantic - that is the United States. The European continent is more liberal and left-wing, which the Tories and their right-wing fellow travelers despise, they'd much rather Britain be a satellite state of American capitalism. There's also a distinctly nativist, anti-immigration tinge to "Brexit", because the open movement of people within the EU established by the Schengen Agreement. These Tories will shout their fury at the UK being "dominated" by the EU, but if you ask them what they think of the EU being dominated by the United States since the end of WW2 and the creation of NATO, well they won't say much at all. Somehow the EU making some human rights laws is such a huge violation of UK sovereignty, but the fact that the UK's armed forces is under the control of a foreign (US-domination) international organization is not worthy of even a mention. Hypocrisy, these people wouldn't bat an eye at the UK being a slave to Wall Street and Washingston, but the fact that some brown people are using Schengen to immigrate to Britain - outrageous!
  5. I guess there would be two types of events, those that affect a nation alone and those that affect parts of the world or the whole world.
  6. So these would be random (but rare) extreme weather events. Every turn/day there would be a (small) chance of one happening, and they would last several turns. They would happen in specific Continents, so if a weather event happened in Asia it would only affect nations in Asia. Snowstorm: Happens in Europe and North America in Winter. Food production reduced by -90%. Reduces effectiveness of all Aircraft -60% (both yours and any attacking enemy Aircraft). Reduces effectiveness of attacking Soldiers and Tanks by 30%. Random chance during battles that some of your Aircraft might crash (destroyed) and some of your Soldiers might die of hypothermia. Hurricane: Happens in South America, North America and Asia in Summer. Food production reduced by -90%. Reduces effectiveness of all Aircraft -60% (both yours and any attacking enemy Aircraft). Reduces effectiveness of attacking Soldiers and Tanks by 30%. Random chance during battles that some of yours or your enemy's Aircraft might crash (destroyed) and some of your Soldiers might die due to hurricane damage. Flooding: Happens in South America, North America, Asia and Europe. Food production reduced by -70%. Reduces effectiveness of attacking Soldiers and by 80%. Makes it impossible to use Tanks in ground battles (both yours and any attacking enemy Aircraft). Random chance during battles that some of yours or your enemy's Soldiers might die due to drowning. Sandstorm: Happens in Australia, Africa and Asia in Summer. Food production reduced by -60%. Reduces effectiveness of all Aircraft -20% (both yours and any attacking enemy Aircraft). Reduces effectiveness of attacking Soldiers and Tanks by 30%. Heatwave: Happens in Asia, Africa, Asia and South America in Summer. Food production reduced by -50%. Reduces effectiveness of attacking Soldiers by 30%. Random chance during battles that some of yours or your enemy's Soldiers might die due to dehydration. Volcano Eruption (Sky Ash): Very Rare. Happens in all Continents and all Seasons. Makes it impossible to launch Aircraft attacks (both yours and any attacking enemy Aircraft). Notes: *Obviously if two or more nations are on the same Continent and at war with each other, they would both suffer the same battle penalties. *The numbers are just something I improvised, so don't take them as scripture, this is just a basic idea.
  7. The occupation thing, if you occupy a nation are they incapable of declaring new wars while occupied? What would happen if a nation is defeated and occupied while also at war with other nations?
  8. Although we believe personal terrorism is tactically ineffective, this problem was ultimately created by the government of Thundera trying to sell their working class into slavery at the hands of the money-bag exploiters.
  9. Is there any situation that your country will not exploit to advance a barbaric imperialist agenda?
  10. If the ASP is revived, all bets are off as far as Velika is concerned.
  11. Not authoritarian enough, you're slipping comrade.
  12. The People's Republic of Velika welcomes a fellow socialist state and people's republic to the political scene and would very much like to establish good diplomatic relations with them.
  13. True, "Communist Japan" is informal.
  14. Also it's a rather important thing so it's to prevent accidental clicking (though I guess you wouldn't be on that page if you weren't going to declare war, but whatever).
  15. I think a good idea would be that if a nation blockades another, the blockaded nation's tanks are 15% less effective, because of naval gunfire from the coasts which suppresses their attacks.
  16. So much instability, do you even have a police force and/or personal guard?
  17. To be honest he does seem to be nothing but a self-important know-it-all and generally a douche.
  18. I myself am quite partial to Green/environmentalist views. There's so many political parties and governments that essentially believe that the Earth's resources and unlimited.
  19. Alex, have you considered implementing something like Training, where you can build up a small amount of morale by using munitions/gas to train your forces during peace time? I guess it could be capped at a small amount.
  20. I think Khevin had some kind of pseudo-socialist ideology mixed with Islam, a comparison could be made to post-independence Algeria or Libya under Gaddafi.
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