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Everything posted by Callum

  1. Should that not be "When attacking, start war with 1 less MAP"? it seems rather pointless otherwise.
  2. Been in SK for 4 years. I'm looking forward to the future!
  3. SK, Too lazy to post their own Birthday.
  4. it depends what you're into. if Mechs and nonsense is your thing, i'd argue for Gurren Lagann as a solid starting Anime. If Wolf deities and the trading of Spices are more to your taste. Spice and Wolf is my hands down favorite. Currently reading the light novel as it continues past the animes two seasons.
  5. Sorry to hear its ended. best of luck to you guys,
  6. Nah, he was the last in the Alliance, so they've all gone somewhere.
  7. Ah, nice to see you again TFE.
  8. found on an old (That terrible game that is totally irrelevant and I shouldn't be bringing it up anyways) page
  9. So i was attacked by someone with a 600score advantage over me. after 3 days, that person now has nearly 1500score advantage over me. its completely unfair. its boring. and i have very little to do until that war ends. my suggestion is, once an attacking nation Deals (for the sake of argument) one third of their (the attackers) original starting score. they gain automatic victory. (not beige them, as to allow for coordinated attacks) for ex. player A has a score of 2500, declares on player B who has a score of 1900. now player A proceeds to pummel player B into submission (whom is unable to defend themselves from the superior opponent). deals 833.3 damage, the war ends in victory for player A, and player B now has a slot free for someone else to fill. (be it someone closer to there current score range.) The victory doesn't auto beige them, as not to interfere with other wars, but simply stops a snowball effect. they can immediately be attacked again assuming the aggressor coordinates with their allies. The variable for damage done is simply for arguments sake. Discuss if its too low/high. or if im simply bad at the game.
  10. Nice. Sheepy being number 6 though.. how?
  11. I strive to be of a fair and judicial mind and to set forth justly, without supersession or innuendo, the divergent opinions of others. Hence, I will do my best to present evidence both for and against the claim that Sir Kurdanak presents quasi-scientific and pseudointellectual justifications for his slatternly reports in order to convince people that the rigors that his victims have been called upon to undergo have been amply justified in the sphere of concrete achievement. Alas, listing all of our nation's woes that are directly caused by him would take up far too much of this letter: the spread of fanaticism; a newfound interest by the worst types of incompetent picaros there are in desecrating personal religious objects; the increasing number of people who believe that everyone with a different set of beliefs from Kurdanak's is going to get a one-way ticket to Hell; and so forth. Hence, to keep this letter to the point, I will limit its focus to a discussion of how I feel no more personal hatred for Kurdanak than I might feel for a herd of wild animals or a cluster of poisonous reptiles. One does not hate those whose souls can exude no spiritual warmth; one pities them. I have given this issue a great deal of thought, and I now have a strong conviction that he should start developing the parts of his brain that have been impaired by classism. At least then he'll stop trying to prevent the real problems from being solved. I have now said everything there is to say. So, to summarize it all, Sir Kurdanak's mercenaries are more determined than most stuck-up blowhards.
  12. Link to page The sequence in which the 3 parts of each branch is mixed up when it comes to the Airforce. Where the other two follow. 1.Branch Name 2.Branch commander 3. pictures. The Airforce Branch goes 1.Branch Name 2.Pictures 3.Branch Commander. its blends the different branch's text boxes together and looks odd.
  13. I'd argue theres a hell of lot more people that would exploit it than there are people then want to go on holiday.
  14. is it? at worst (5 NPP, which i doubt anyone has /would be incredibly hard to get all 5 via RNG) is a loss of 2.5m. But lets be honest. you have at worst an 80% success rate, which more or less zeros (or damn near close) a city. its hard to improve upon that without making it ungodly overpowered.
  15. The Aircraft images are lacking diversity. The Euro-fighter Typhoon would be an excellent choice as it covers a large portion of European countries. and is somewhat similar in shape to the Dassault Rafale for any French aircraft seekers. also LOL at the using the Queens guard for the British soldier.
  16. Whens original FSA? because all i can find is nov 2014.
  17. i wonder whos that was.. Is there any reason for the line limit? Image size makes sense, but lines, not so much.
  18. needs a skip button. money optional.
  19. is there going to be built in consequences to using the biological missile?
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