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Arthur Wellington

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Everything posted by Arthur Wellington

  1. Congratz! But why díd you sign by yourself epi?
  2. Only replying because you replied with a 'is so stupid' to Demi God Goober. 1. Have you seen the non-hidude content on dnn? How can you speak about anything other being stupid if you answer yes. (Yes, bit of trolling here, sorry) 2. I've said before as a non gov member of a top 10 alliance, no influence whatsoever. But, realpolitik is a common thing in Orbis, always has been. Yes, the meme with eclipse gov being not very consistent was spot on, very funny and will remain funny till the end of Orbis, but the same applies to almost all other gov of other top 15 alliances. What matters is being nice to eachother. 3. You stick to your principles but your principles are shifty. Perhaps not true but funny still. 4. Leave goober alooooonneee.
  3. Gl and hf but one tiny thingy, After the inspiring Latin phrase you sum up some binaries (except 0-1). Why are there dots after nr 1,2,5 and 6 but not after 3 and 4? I suspect some deep state double layered meaning that could threaten all of Orbis?
  4. Hold on there! I started out with a 'sorry' already! One doesn't follow a sorry with a mean tirade! That's not nice. T'was but a joke. Old people. Nap. Like sleeping a bit. Haha. Hihi. That stuff..
  5. You might RP roman style, your company however would only do so during personal day. 😉 That Istandor seems like a not so nice guy. Perma zero infra? Good luck and keep it up Legion!
  6. Sorry but, I bet GOB wanted to have peace until January, Them self proclaimed oldies need a long nap after this consternation.
  7. Water merchants, death claws, psycho raiders, the enclave, the brotherhood chapter Orbis, vault dwellers. You choose. Mole rats. Gl and hf
  8. Ohhhh. That's a really good idea! I might look into that! ^ = Sarcasm. I'm not new nor is there any alliance better than Eclipse. Vein/Pascal is orbis's true God and Master and KindaEpicMoah as the Demi God leading across alliances.
  9. 1. I know and wasn't accusing anyone of anything, just stating a different perspective on the debate. 2. Not that strong in orbis, The Hundred! 3-4. You are an exception and can, for example, freely hop between alliances. You're very very active, much more than most. Also often on point, and not very mean. Although most people aren't that involved, most alliances use a fixed nr of people for high gov. Low and mid gov is more open but the bigger decisions are made by high gov. 5. Sure, so called ironic, but internet ironic (so not). And it's just an example of a pretty tight nit of people that love eachother very much. 6. Oh and I didn't feel I was called out. You named the hypocrical statement people by name pretty nicely 👍🙂 Im *not* disagreeing with anything really here but I do want to shed some light on the very big group of people that are not involved but do actively play this game. P.s. Let's not forget the real baddy, George who stole the BK bank a while ago and still didn't repay me my 200m
  10. Well again, you very well may be right but you are, you quote and you are liked by the give or take hundred people. The next example I think applies to nearly every alliance; Let's say I don't understand this FA move. What do you think I can actually do? 90% of the players only get to view the fa move via an announcement, and I bet you often know before the most players do. Most players don't have any say nor do they want that. While Vein and let's call them, 'the hundred's do reply, they most certainly will not do what people from outside 'the hundred' suggest. And prolly rightly so. Most players in this game are dismissed with terms like micros, farms, irrelevant (which makes me chuckle as this is a game still). The hundred seems pretty happy with themselves, i mean, i even saw a poll who is the best to marry (!!) and similar things. My point, while calling out hypocrisy is very rightly a thing every once in a while, it's perhaps not completely fair when looking at Orbis as in all players instead of just leadership. P.s. The above meme must be very painful 😂 P.p.s. Let's not forget the real baddy, George who stole the BK bank a while ago and still didn't repay me my 200m! P.p.s. Btw, i actually do like all the aa topics, Ron and DnN stuff most of the time!
  11. Downdeclares may be a very real thing, i still can't loose the feeling that whales dictate how spheres and even alliances are viewed. I've read enough on these forums to notice that several sides blame eachother of unfair play via treaties, paperless or not. But the names tend to be the same and appear to be no more than about a hundred or so. The game has many more players that aren't that inclined to lead alliances or partake in the forum and discord debates but do have their nations influenced by the first group. They actually so really care about their nations (just read up with c1-c20 convo's about raids!). Same applies to the many micros who seem to have fun as well but aren't taken seriously. To me, it seems that this debate only matters to a relatively small group of players. I might be wrong though. btw, thanks for taking the time to reply to my questions!
  12. I'm not that well versed in the aa scenes but I like Ron and DnN, so my next question is an actual question. Ggo is mainly c30 +. Some other spheres have more sub c30 nations then RosEclipse has. In case of a war, hundreds of nations would/could thus lose, actually more could/would lose than higher city nations would win. Does their experience not matter as much as the whales? Also, and this might be redundant, the real FA moves are made.by only a handful of players. Thus far I'm pretty happy with my coincidentally luck but isn't it true that most people have no say at all?
  13. Previous poster might very well be spot on but using 'y'all' twice makes you sound like Bush Jr. We don't have hidden WMD's!
  14. If Rose and Eclipse shouldn't be together because that would be too powerfull, which sphere does deserve the position of most powerful? Seems to me that besides HoF and Aargh perhaps, all aa's try to be safe in spheres and treaties.
  15. The first sentence of the last paragraph isn't exactly in line with the roleplay style of t$. Perhaps something: 'it would only lead to socio economic decline, (...) many brainstorm sessions ago.'?
  16. My leaders called you a bunch of big ol kittens. Did I say that right?
  17. Bit of a potty mouth but he seems to be liked enough? Edit; so to be clear? You couped a dude who spend effort into building his alliance, share cash with others, give city grants and such. Right after you couped, effectivly ending all his input, you join a different alliance and disband his old alliance? Why not just leave there if you didnt like it? @Autumn Annayah *can you say boomer on the forums?
  18. This is a game and not RL. GWs dont have to be neutral, it could considered fun to have weird sounding names that clearly favor the winner. Winners would actually gain a price in these white peace GWs. A popularity vote will either result in a very incrowd name or a very neutral name. And the Bloc with the best ability to mobilize forum votes can fix it easily.
  19. The side with most net dmg at the time of peace signing*
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