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Everything posted by johnl023

  1. Meat has blood, so it is technically a "blood food". Are you suggesting that all people should become vegetarian? EDIT: Or is it that Fraggles are carnivores?
  2. I rarely post on treaties, but I'd like to say, good luck! (Also, love the Jurassic World references)
  3. Cruz actually has similar ideas. Did you know he gave up a Canadian citizenship in favour of an American one?
  4. I can literally figuratively hear the envy from the Veritum Economic Sector.
  5. What surprised me was that you guys were in the same war range.
  6. So you mean your nation, which emulates the Scandinavian socialist model, didn't have free healthcare before? No offense, but that's depressing.
  7. This video explains and solves all of our problems: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0
  8. My favorite part of this is that both sides used "rascist" instead of "racist". Though Lelouch is probably quoting Abu.
  9. You could make some way to cede cities, as a surrender term or something.
  10. For the attacked nations, I'd suggest pre-emptive strikes. For some reason, Fraggle Rock's warheads decompose for no apparent reason over other nations' cities.
  11. As you can submit to multiple categories, I will. Country: Yunland Name: Parsley and Rivercheese Stuffed Chicken Breast Category: Main Course Description: Rivercheese is a cheese from parts of Yunland that are, unsurprisingly, near rivers. It it a hard cheese, with a sharp, smokey flavour similar to Gouda or Parmesan. With chopped, fragrant parsley, BACON and a few other spices, this is stuffed into a Yunlandian chicken breast (the best meat comes from the southern regions). This is then topped with some more rivercheese and seasoned, and baked.
  12. Why did you decide to "debate" against Cynic and all of Orbis in the first place?
  13. Personally I think it's a stupid idea, but I'd like to see how the P&W community will react.
  14. As you may know if you're following the news, Donald Trump has made comments saying that if he were to become president, he'd try to ban Muslims from entering the country. This would prevent Muslim terrorists and tourists alike from entering the U.S. in response, some people in the UK made a petition to ban Trump from the UK, with over 500,000 signatures, so the Parliament has to actually deliberate over the ban. (https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/114003) Do you think that the UK should ban Trump from the UK? Explain your reasoning.
  15. https://politicsandwar.com/nation/war/timeline/war=80184 ^^Vietnamese power
  16. I've never really understood oDoAPs. If all alliances can technically jump into a war to the defense (or to help an attack) of another, what is the point?
  17. Personally, I feel that, instead of having a poll, the perks system should wait, and Sheepy should allow for feedback from the test server to change or nerf certain perks. Hopefuly, the system will work out.
  18. Another note about Trump: He's a billionaire. Most Americans aren't. Trump will probably pass laws that help rich people like him over the less fortunate.
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