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Everything posted by Spooner

  1. First Rose attacking our leader IRL, then you guys infiltrate a private forum. Seriously, just how low will you stoop?
  2. What a stupid thing to complain about. Tanks are weak against air attacks, this has always been obvious. Similarly, soldiers get torn to shreds against tanks. Meanwhile, gaining force on the ground reduces the enemy's air. You're a fool to focus on one, then blame game mechanics for your mistakes.
  3. Tearing out a man's tongue does not prove him wrong. You're merely telling the world you're afraid of what he has to say. On a related note: Sigma (1 votes [0.93%]) I wonder who it could be.
  4. It's not our fault that we actually have active private forums You guys should really come by, it's pretty great. I've grown up with these guys for years. http://eusaforums.com
  5. Sheepy, have you considered making the "Quick & Easy" operations free? You could even tack it on to the CIA Project if you wanted. It would make having spies actually interesting. Players could pay extra money for better odds, but could mess around for fun without any cost. I think it would breathe some life into spies & make the module actually fun, as opposed to something you buy 50 of and more or less ignore.
  6. Sheepy, I'm interested in starting to build some nuclear weapons. However, I'm wondering if there's plans to buff the Vital Defense System: from 20% to 50% block-rate, like you did with the Iron Dome awhile back. I think that missiles are relatively well balanced in comparison to nuclear weapons, but I know you often consider game updates without announcing them until the change goes live. Since the nuclear weapons project is such a massive investment, I was curious if you were going to "buff" the defense system anytime soon, which would change my calculations. Cheers, -Syrup
  7. I'm pleased with the announcement of Malone entering in as a second Admin, he will do a good job. Malone will you still be playing the game as normal? I enjoyed watching your whole roleplay interact with the other nations ingame.
  8. I'm wondering if it's possible to do so with a hyperlink, that I could then bookmark. For example, I'm always going to be buying or selling Steel 1,000 at a time, so it would be nice to just click a bookmark that has those values pre-filled so I only have to research the current market prices. I know it sounds dumb, but I buy food at $1,500 each too often by mistake.
  9. Hey guys, so on this trade page: https://politicsandwar.com/nation/trade/create/ The current offer is for "Food", and everything else is blanked out. Is it possible to create a hyperlink or a bookmark that has "Steel" as the chosen resource? Also, if possible, it would be nice if the "Amount" field was pre-filled with a given number (say 1000), so I only had to enter the price, but I'm not sure if that's possible. I'm not the most tech-savvy guy, but perhaps some of you guys are. Cheers, -Syrup
  10. I like this idea. It's silly, but I think you can have one-two tongue in cheek mechanics without ruining the tone of the game. I'd be one of the first to build this and piss around with it. Support.
  11. I think you misunderstood the intention of the two pictures. The private ownership of a vineyard would go completely against both the premise and practical application of socialism, which is where the confusion comes from. I'm unsure what your point is.
  12. Scotty bought a boat in another episode, soooo....
  13. Libertarian society: Socialist Society: Fictional movies are not the best place to search for political truth. Also, doesn't Picard's brother own a vineyard in Star Trek? Can't own producing assets in socialist societies, comrade.
  14. Our declaration was like a sentence long -- it's traditional to make a declaration post on these forums when you go to war, just like everyone else does. And eh, I'd say we're losing, but I don't think there's any hard feelings in the alliance. We've been playing just around two months now, so it's not like any irreversible damage has done. We'll chalk it up as a learning experience in how to build & fight more efficiently for the future. Who is SAI-40? And when exactly were we never true to our allies? I fail to see the irony you're referencing.
  15. Fair enough. I had an agreement with a member of VE to beige me so I could focus on my 4 offensive wars, along with helping out an alliance member who needed some air support. In the two hours between coming off beige & going back into it, 2 WWF members noticed and caught me with my trousers down. Well done lads, enjoy bombing my infra (or whatever it is y'all do when you're winning a war)
  16. Surely as an alliance leader you cannot be this dense, Morgan. I've seen your posting, and you're clearly bright, so no need to play around. There's a heavy difference in attacking the largest alliance in the game with a combined force of three alliances (all of which combined have an equal size to the defending alliance) and joining in a 4v1 pileup against an alliance which has zero chance of retaliating. By attacking VE, we knew there would be blowback that was roughly equal in strength to us -- whereas you attacking us (after preparing for 3 days) has no chance, whatsoever, of any negative repercussions for your alliance. So, actually, yes -- comparatively, attacking VE was "braver" than this attack if you want to compare the two. Only a fool would disagree. This declaration of yours is just PR & loot-seeking, nothing more.
  17. A long while. Also, your score's too low for me to attack you mate.
  18. I have no interest in living in a commune. And the point is to tart anew in unclaimed territory not bound to the current legal problems surrounding land ownership on Earth.
  19. Have we done something that's soured you? I've been told stop trying to antagonize people, so I'm trying to be completely polite with this -- I've seen you in multiple threads shitting on MENSA, and I'm not sure what we've done to annoy you so much.
  20. We banned him back in the day, but let him back in since we thought he may have matured a bit (we kicked him when he was ~13, I think he's around 15 now). The reason we didn't attack him in P&W is to avoid antagonizing Rose, or so I've been told. All that said, I don't wish him to leave the game, I like watching his antics. Just wanted to bring the hypocrisy in his statements to his attention.
  21. Can't wait until !@#$ing space where I can peace the !@#$ out & leave all the statists behind.
  22. If you seriously think that a world government is the most pragmatic approach then you're either young or naive. It's really that simple.
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