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Everything posted by Sargun

  1. oh boy I posted something and the formatting got !@#$ed up mods please delete this thanks
  2. $100,000,000,000 reps. THE REPS JUST GOT TEN TIMES HIGHER
  3. That'll be $10,000,000,000 in reps instead, thank you.
  4. I don't have an ugly sweater, I just have two Mr. Rogers sweaters. That count?
  5. But you're not "very good" at spy ops. This makes it so that automatic scripts that check every minute are no longer useful. Being "very good" at spy ops means that this changes very little. So either you're "very good" at spy ops and this just means you're still going to be taking their nukes away all the time. Or you're not "very good" and you're relying on a script/bot and it will expose that you're not that good. Occam's razor says you're upset that an artificial advantage is being taken away.
  6. Trying to poach my hippo? I'll !@#$ing cut you m8
  7. 1) Good, that's what spy op limits are for. 2) Good, get better at using spy ops. 3) Good, get better at using spy ops. 4) Good, get better at using spy ops. Every single one of these issues can be fixed by getting better at using spy ops. Sheepy is basically replacing a script that does all the work for you with actual gameplay. Oh, no, you'll have to actually coordinate with other players to use spy ops effectively! How terrible!
  8. you know my weakness is taytay how DARE YOU
  9. lmao I thought lordaeron couldn't get any worse
  10. "Here's five sources proving you're neo-Nazis" "those sources are LIBERAL TRASH!!!11" lol and you wonder why we leave instead of arguing with you
  11. The alt-right are literal neo-Nazis. The term "alt-right" was invented to describe people without calling them neo-Nazis. Here are examples by credible mainstream sources (aka not wonky leftist blogs) showcasing the neo-Nazi tendencies of the alt-right, all within the last few months (aka not cherry-picked articles from years ago): http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/21/us/alt-right-salutes-donald-trump.html http://www.rawstory.com/2016/11/what-do-the-neo-nazis-and-white-supremacists-of-the-alt-right-movement-want/ https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/nov/22/white-nationalists-alt-right-nazi-language-trump http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/09/09/alt-right-leaders-we-aren-t-racist-we-just-hate-jews.html https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/nov/15/steven-bannon-trump-chief-strategist-breitbart-white-house-dangerous I'm sorry, but I'm going to call a spade a spade - alt-right people follow an ideology that was designed for, propagandized by, and evangelized with neo-Nazis, have their roots in neo-Nazi leaders, and even in the modern day do things like call for a "homeland" without Jews, say black people are inferior to white people, give Nazi salutes at public rallies, and much more publicly documented activities that are all neo-Nazi mainstays. If you want to get upset that I'm calling them neo-Nazis, fine - you're allowed to. That's not going to change the truth.
  12. The problem is that you don't dissect anything - you all spout a bunch of garbage and yell incoherently, ignore actual facts and then when people get tired of being insulted you proclaim victory. Neo-Nazis are not worth debating against. By "left behind" I was referring to how I can just go to literally any other website and have the same discussion with people who are actually interested in real debate, not refer to some sort of progressive "you're on the wrong side of history" jab. You literally couldn't even respond to my post without inventing some kind of insult in there to call yourself an oppressed minority to justify your safe space. It's okay, Roz. We get it - nobody else lets you spout your racist, neo-Nazi agenda except the mods here, who think that their misinterpreted idea of "free speech" (which doesn't apply here, but I digress) should trump the ability to have an actual discourse. That doesn't mean those of us here are going to listen, just because you're allowed.
  13. Leaving to go talk to people who aren't you isn't surrender, it's leaving you to your safe space where any dissenting opinion isn't allowed. Sorry, hon, but being enough of an annoying prick to drive everyone else away isn't victory - it means you're being left behind.
  14. Honestly, after the "what's wrong with nerve gassing the ghettos" I stopped coming because this place is a cesspool of neo-Nazis and any dissenting opinion gets you ranted at and personally insulted. Literally the fifth post in this thread is "take your feelings over to tumblr". What's the point of coming here if you're going to be bombarded with nonsense like that? There's no point in actual debate here, it's just a neo-Nazi circlejerk. I'd cal it an alt-right circlejerk but "alt-right" is just politically correct neo-Nazi.
  15. Maybe if you live in Ohio or something. Public transport is incredibly packed in most populated areas to the point of needing expansion.
  16. Coming from someone in Lordaeron, this is precious.
  17. I am too tired of this war to even bother shitposting. Thank god this bull is over with. Now we can get back to proper, legitimate discourse: haranguing Infinite Citadel for leg pics.
  18. PnW hasn't existed since 2008.
  19. Last I was here we were deciding to roll Kastor. What the hell happened?
  20. The one lottery where everybody wins.
  21. I already kicked his ass once, I can do it again.
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