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Everything posted by Magicboyd25

  1. When I was a lot younger, I loved DC. But now with Marvel studios creating a universe which has been only fantastic in my opinion, I have changed views a bit. Both sides are great, however with Marvel working hard, I have grown to love Marvel so much more. Doesn't mean I'm not excited for the Batman v Superman movie
  2. There is not just one area of Scientist bro. Like cmon. I will be going into evolutionary biology, so of course I wont be going into space or even working on cancer. I will be working on how to properly classify species. Is that something you think is pathetic and shouldn't be studied? And also, it is not one pool of resources and money. That money comes from all over and for many different purposes, so you can't just say that it should be used for one thing or several things and not a bunch of others.
  3. I just can't find myself knowing how you were brainwashed. Ok so I dont support hillary either, but guess what, this is a thread about Trump so I am talking about Trump. lol No one has been as much as an idiot as Trump has. I mean go ahead, support him, it's democracy. But just dont be surprised when he makes a buffoon of himself in front of a foreign power. Others could mess up to, but by god Trump would get this country destroyed. If you can't see that then it is pointless for me to say anything I can't fix your type of stupid.
  4. You still miss my point. He is still saying things and doing things which is bad representation and would give the US a bad image. I dont know about Hilary. I dont really support her too much so I dont care what she said tbh LOL so making yourself look better is something which a president should do rather than say directly that something like that is wrong. That is once again a recipe for disaster if he would be president.
  5. Yeah I have to agree that it would create more of a gap between large and small alliances. I wouldn't find myself supporting this since we want to allow smaller alliances to at least have a change at one day succeeding. (Of course you could argue larger alliances could help them but still there would be the gap).
  6. I had assumed he had insulted jews with all the others he has gone after. Dont place labels. They are what classify who is an idiot and who isn't LMAO yeah he insulted all mexicans, calling the majority of mexican americans illegals who are rapists etc. That basically states that most that are mexicans who have come to the US are rapists and murderers. That is pathetic as it is so if you fail to see that you clearly have less morals than you should. It's one thing to say we should stop illegal immigration, but when he says he is going to make Mexico build a wall themself as well as all mexican illegal immigrants are rapists and murderers, he is screwing up our image. If he was president it would tarnish our image. He basically is sexist. Reference this: http://www.cnn.com/videos/tv/2015/08/08/keeping-them-honest.cnn// this is just a small example. Why the heck would we want someone who says this stuff to be president? It is understandable that he can be a businessmen, but this is talking about the President of our Country who has to represent us to others. Do we want someone representing us who says this crap? For muslims: http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/17/politics/donald-trump-obama-muslim-new-hampshire/index.html This is also pathetic. Why would he not shoot something like this down? That man said something which is utterly pathetic and Trump did nothing but say "We are considering some options and will look into things". That is automatically offensive.
  7. So insulting Mexicans, women, Muslims, Jews, and other races are good for negotiations? Oh wait I forgot, he has employed and embezzled them all. It's ok. My bad.
  8. Welcome to PnW I hope you don't encounter too many idiots here. There will always be some, but you will find some good people too.
  9. Doesn't matter. If someone hits an applicant of an alliance, chances are the alliance isn't going to be happy and let it be brushed off. That alliance will be helping that member grow one day and to have them be damaged while in the process of becoming a member is hurting the alliance's future efforts. Therefore, if you want to raid applicants, get some brain cells and realize that it is not smart
  10. This is one of the best RP's I have ever been a part of. I suggest you all check it out!
  11. Just dont poke saeton in the wrong place... he can get a little feisty sometimes Welcome to Orbis!
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