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Everything posted by Jroc

  1. I remember when you had to walk two miles in the snow, just to press a refresh button and then walk back to your computer. Simpler times.
  2. Now its even worse :/ It irks me. I was okay with the resized addy.
  3. Least we know where to shrink pictures now.
  4. Huh, see we were under the impression you would merge into us. We so need to stop communicating by smoke signals.
  5. So I made one for Politics and War. And yeah, please join so we can play games together.
  6. All depends on perspective, where one may see a problem. Others see an opportunity
  7. Yay someone else believes in Magic. o/ Hogwarts
  8. I am flattered, but I am retired from the gov scene. I do offer consulting though And, I am also happy to be a member of House Stark. And o/ t$
  9. Introducing the PnW Open Legend RPG Group, we are a small group of players that plan to meetup soon for a first run of the Open Legend ruleset. You can read more about it here. We plan to run through a few campaigns of different worlds, of either our own creation or something else. Currently, Heinrich and I are heading it up, but if you would like to get involved, hit us up as well. Our discord is: PnWOLR Anyone and everyone is welcomed to join! And, we welcome all skill levels.
  10. I bet its that super good shit. Count me in, I want some.
  11. I am just mad that your alliance had an amazing name, like Blue Moon is like the most dank beer ever. And, taking the first shot you got, shows that you don't know how to play the long game. Money is one thing, but leaking pictures of Manthrax in a mink coat is another. And, pictures of Manthrax in a mink coat is way better than 340 mil.
  12. You were still my favorite hippo when I was away doing life. Also, Happy Day of Birth.
  13. Wasn't sure if I would ever come back.
  14. Didn't yo momma teach you respect?
  15. So, long story short, life was pretty topsy turvy for a long time and didn't really have time to play. But, now, I am here and able to play again. So, yeah, I am back and ready to shit post err play.
  16. Due to having a busy work week. I have been delayed in releasing this as an early adopter build. But don't worry, once I have a window. I will go for it.
  17. One way to do that would be to start from the beginning of all nationId's, poll the API to get all those nations and save that to the database with a nullable FK. And, then, poll the API to get all the alliances and save that to the database. And, then cross-reference all the nations with the alliance names and then update the nullable FK that you created in the nations table with the ID that was created when you added the alliances to the db. Now, you have an easy to use way. Albeit, you could also do it all in memory.
  18. R is a nice programming language. I however don't know R but I know c# so ya know, And, I also run Arch Linux testing on a machine and I am a big linux guy as well. TYVM
  19. Awesome man! I should also be able to nuget package it once I have everything working. That way, all you have to do is pull down the nuget package and you are good to go.
  20. Basically, I am wrapping sheepy's API and making it easier to use from the start so you don't have to build the infrastructure to parse his json. Basically, you could use this in your own program you write. For instance if you wanted to save it to a database every hour you could do it. Basically you would do this, Create a type called Nation Have it implement INation, if it implements INation than .Net will enforce that you implement all methods and properties in the interface.Its pretty simple if you have resharper to do that. If not, I think VS will do it for you as well. then have Entity Framework (or even linq to sql) save it the database for you. This is assuming you have done a code-first migration and you have a table called Nations in the database. If you have a database and want to do it the other way, you would modify your approach as necessary. And, then call your code and methods to do analytical evaluation, etc...
  21. Edit: no more 360, now just a xbox one
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