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Everything posted by JadenStar10

  1. Cant exactly move on when you're being attacked, im just enjoying IRON tears.
  2. Aww, you know ill always love Aurora 😘 You've taught me that more than anyone
  3. Today we are forced to post our declaration of existence earlier than we had hoped. So, hi, we're The Valyrian Freehold. If you can guess our theme, we'll save a bottle of IRON tears for you to sip upon once all this is over. Don't worry, there will be plenty to go around. We won't bore you with any of our official government constitutions and other such documentation, since nobody cares about that stuff anyway, but instead we'll regale you with a tale of IRON and Whine: we started an alliance, we did some funny things with ads and offshore alliances, IRON cried a bunch about it, and then blitzed us (okay so maybe there's a bit more to it than that, but that's part of the Prequel trilogy). Valyria and the people of its Freehold were neutral in this war, seeking no conflict in the ongoing Global. This has changed, with IRON and Aurora showing aggression and attacking Valyria. With a heavy butt heart, The Valyrian Freehold, and Better IRON (Independent Republic of Orange Nation) and its people's recognize hostilities with Lame IRON (Independent Republic of Orange Nations) and Aurora. We recognize hostilities with the two aforementioned alliances ONLY and do not wish the war to extend any further with any other alliances or spheres. Anyway, come hang out with us on our Discord (or our Forum if you're oldschool). Valar Morghulis Signed, Jaedan of the House Targaryen, First of his name, Emperor of Valyria and the East, Protector of the Freehold and its People. Hideri of the House Kanzakeon, Designated Lady Regent of Valyria and its Freehold. Blast of the House Scatheon, Dragonlord Commander of Valyria and its Freehold. Fire and Blood tl;dr: We exist, we notice IRON and Aurora attacking, cool. Thanks for the flag @Xi Jinping 😘
  4. ik right Yang the Federal Criminal strikes again 😢 I have a level 9 Town Hall @epsteindidntkillhimself 😤
  5. Alliance Name: Burger King Alliance Link: https://politicsandwar.com/alliance/id=8502 Leader Ruler: Cant Ducc the Zucc Leader Nation: Iconic Leader Link: https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=203049 Forum Name: Ducc Zucc Forum Link: https://forum.politicsandwar.com/index.php?/profile/10804-ducc-zucc/ SS:
  6. He payed the guy to attack one of our members. So basically Bounties/Merc services with IRL cash.
  7. Were you dropped on the had as a child? I'd like you to see who founded BK in its 3 iterations, here you go: http://forum.project-terra.com/index.php?/topic/4009-black-knights-doe https://forums.cybernations.net/topic/125811-black-knights-doe/ https://forum.politicsandwar.com/index.php?/topic/4209-black-knights-stopping-by-again/ What do these all have in Common? Yoso. Not Curu nor Leo I cant decide if you're dumb, or just plain stupid.
  8. You didnt have that theme when you joined Orbis though, it was much much later you rebranded
  9. ...Im kidding lmfao, me and Velyni are friends... I literally brought him into NPO in the 3 games he plays with them 😂. Velyni full knows what NPO did here at the time he joined you, it was the first thing I educated him on when he became head of FA for me, After his burnout he wanted to troll and shared what he did with me lmao.
  10. I dont agree with it, but I gotta admit this is funny as hell.
  11. I mean... look who they have in TFP Sorry, not sorry @Velyni Vas
  12. This is pathetic, imagine trying to cover up secret treaties now.
  13. Yeah... Fark Businessmen, cant trust any of em, luckily I learned my lesson after losing a billion+ with Taith
  14. No, TI+TFP Left, Swamp "Kicking" them out is similar to saying "You cant quit! You're fired!"
  15. This is very clearly an advertisements but it belongs here: https://forum.politicsandwar.com/index.php?/forum/103-simulation-games/
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