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Aqua-Corpsman last won the day on February 22 2021

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    IRL- I love politics and history, plus philosophy is always fun.
    P&W- Foreign Affairs is my sort of thing, with maybe a dash of Military Affairs every now and then. I have lots of experience with FA though. Pretty good at Econ if needed.
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  1. I am just going to rant about shit today, I tried to write stories but that failed.

    Disclaimer, everything I say is my opinion and mine alone. I do not speak for anyone else and I am not saying that I am right, but that it is merely my insight and I realize as a human being my insight may be skewed. Feel free to debate anything with me at anytime. Or scoff at me and call me an idiot.

    Don't you think it's weird that humans have music? Like, what? Seriously. Look at it from a rabbit's perspective or something. We humans make random sounds that somehow make sense to us, and that we tend to like. 

    On that note, song has language in it. Language is what defines humanity. And it's weird as hell. Yacht and yearn, can't and won't, your and yours and you're, where does it end? 
    Have you ever looked at a word enough it doesn't seem like a word at all? Word, word, word, word, word, word. Now "word" looks like it isn't a word. Great.

    Whole wars have been fought over words. Words are insanely powerful and unbelievably weak at the same time. Words only have power when said power is given to said words. Without that, words look like nothing. Just a random jumble of letters. If someone is calling you stupid, ask yourself what stupid means to you. In that one moment, can you forgot it's meaning and move on? Or do you must get upset at whoever called you that?

    Being offended is very weird. If I called a donkey an ass, I don't think they would throw a fit and try and get me arrested for a hate crime. If I called a colored person a negro (which is the official term in many English speaking countries, including where I originate) they could construe that as hate. If I called a trans-woman "he" they can construe that as hate.
    What has society come to? Calling something what it is is a relic of the past, and everything must be sugarcoated.

    A comedian years back got yelled at for calling a "financially disadvantaged individual" poor. I think that's funny. Language gets sugarcoated and blanketed with big word to make people feel better.
    Nooo, they are "Individuals found guilty of breaking laws put on them by society." 
    Nope, they are "Disadvantaged freedom fighters."
    Nahh, they are "Democratic Socialists."
    Nahhh, they are "Enlightened Conservatives."
    Like seriously, I can do this all day for all sides. Left and right. It is sad, it really is, to see language used as leverage over the masses who do not know better.

    School teaches the words we use. Teachers are, in many ways, the most powerful people alive. If the teachers had a secret group that agreed to change the English language, they could do it relatively easily. If my teachers taught me that man=woman and woman=man I would grow up thinking that they are equal.

    They are not, which brings me to the next point. Humans are the only animal that is changing what they are fundamentally.
    It used to be common sense that women would be the ones who would care for people and the men would protect them. I don't know what's wrong with caring for people. And I don't know what's wrong with protecting people. Men are built stronger and better equipped to fight than women. That does not mean men are better than women at all. Women are built to care for the men, and to be an emotional consul for the men. The men would never function without the women. 

    20th century comes around and all of a sudden women think they should be the ones fighting and such. I see nothing wrong with voting rights, all should be represented I agree, and women without children or children that are old enough to care for themselves at home should be allowed to work I agree. They should own their own property and their own money.

    But if they have children, it is selfish to not give those children the attention raising a child deserves. Men are guilty of this too. A child needs a caring mother and father to teach them how to be functioning human beings.

    My father was never around and my mother, although she didn't work, secluded herself in her room all day. Oh, and she cheated on my dad. To be fair he cheated on her too. Doesn't make it right imo.

    One of my sisters is severely overweight and never gets support, my other sister has behavioral and intelligence issues, my first brother has attention seeking issues, my other brother can't pay attention and has behavioral issues, and I have severe depression.

    All of those have been proven in this case to be due to lack of parental guidance and support.

    We get upset that black families are notorious for losing fathers, understandably. What about mothers too? Both are important in their own ways, the father teaches the boy or girl to stand up for themselves and gives criticism with love. The mother grows and comforts the child so they do not feel forgotten or unloved.

    I wish my parents did that. And now, parents are selfish. Some have 20 kids with 20 different people, and then forget them.

    Brings me to the next topic, adultery. As you all know...

    hate adultery. Specifically the cheating and extramaritial affairs bit. 
    But I do see a question, why do we think adultery as wrong? Most other animals do it. I can see that.
    I still think cheating on whoever you are officially dating should get you shot. And those who think it's okay should also be shot, but maybe a little less.

    Huh, war is interesting. A lot of animals have it and, until recently, humans were okay with it. Personally I believe in the honor of combat. Ahem maybe look up what a "corpsman" is guys. Now with drones and the world already been explored and conquered war has kinda died out. Now it is just empty threats with weapons that would just destroy the world.

    So that means our next place of interest, is  s p a c e. I think being a space marine would be cool af, and you know they are gonna be made. The Space Force is already a branch of the U.S Military, next they are gonna have Marines. That would be sick. I always loved the idea of being a space medic, and flying around space with a railgun or something. Then landing on planets and picking up casualties. That would be fun. More so space and less so casualties.

    Ooh my chinese food is here...

    Don't you find it weird that there are so many different cultures and they are all so interesting? Humans developed everywhere and made so many different societies and cultures it isn't even funny. Personally I like Irish and Chinese culture the best. 'Course I am Irish (and not 5% Irish like most Americans), and Chinese food (and history) is the shit. Japanese are much the same, but I have recently grown away from sushi. Much sad, f in chat.

    Aight well, I'm hungry.

    Stay safe, stay happy, stay healthy.


    P.S Very political, my apologies. I did say it was a rant. We all knew it would come to that.

    P.P.S Join my sermon group, and follow me to get notified when I post these every day. And now I sound like a YouTuber lmao.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aqua-Corpsman


      Also I know I pissed off a lot of people with this. From both sides. But I do hold my right to my opinion and nobody is making you read this, I also believe that you can have your opinion too (unless you cheat on your girlfriend, if so then eat shit.)

    3. Clarke


      Whatever you're on I'll have some too. 

    4. Aqua-Corpsman


      Chinese food, maybe they laced it with opium @Clarke.

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