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  • Leader Name
    Fire Lee Rosewell
  • Nation Name
    Order Of The Flame
  • Nation ID

Contact Methods

  • Discord Name: fire who#5550

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  1. This will never end so lock it already... Nobody will win this
  2. EM I won't miss u come back with a multi or something ?
  3. TI wanted me to remove my farms so I will be back once I'm a whale buddy.
  4. 05/08 11:06 am

    fire of fire stars unite has executed an espionage operation to gather intelligence about your country. They were successful in gathering intelligence about your nation.


    That's quite obvious

    1. firedash


      lol your a pirate anyways buddy

    2. Firwof Kromwell
  5. your risking it being made as a rule buddy...
  6. If we are then I'm in as long as we don't get caught lol JK I won't
  7. I'm saying that because I'm not who u want to mess with
  8. I want to find out to ^
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