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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/07/24 in all areas

  1. Hey everyone, this month brought a lot of changes in the Politics and War development space, for starters I’ve come back to work on the game again, having gotten school under control. More importantly though, we now have a development team, with @Putmir Vladin and @Unlimited joining the team as Community Developers! Thanks to their amazing help, I’m excited to announce that we’re finally able to deliver monthly updates, with this post being the culmination of all the work we’ve been able to do in March after completing onboarding! Updates Espionage Rewrite Two things were missing when I completed the wars rewrite last summer, an espionage rewrite and a battle simulator rewrite. This month, espionage has been completely rewritten and next month we’re tackling the battle simulator! No mechanical changes to espionage were done as part of this rewrite, however the project changes below will have some effect. New Projects Two new projects have been added to the game, Guiding Satellite and Nuclear Launch Facility! More information about them can be found in the Game Development Discussion post here https://forum.politicsandwar.com/index.php?/topic/36867-game-development-discussion-update-feedback/. Note: We are aware of the lack of project pictures, Alex has been very busy and we’re waiting for him to get images, personally I’d rather have new projects without pictures than delay content for an image. Revenue Rewrite To improve performance and development productivity, we’ve also redone the revenue backend and frontend this month! However, we need your help! Revenue is a very large segment of code, and it’s edge cases are not easily tested on the test server like when working with wars. To that end, the new revenue page is being deployed live now, however the code running and turn change has not changed. We kindly ask that you take a look at your new revenue page (https://politicsandwar.com/nation/revenue) and the old revenue page (made available temporarily here https://politicsandwar.com/index.php?id=230) and open a ticket on the PnW Discord server with pictures of both if you notice any differences that amount to a difference of more than $10. There will be small changes in money and food due to some rounding optimizations. Once we’ve verified that the new system is correctly calculating revenue, we will release the new backend (which should significantly improve turn and day change times!). Project Updates A number of projects got new pricing or were rebalanced, the entire list can be found in the forum post here https://forum.politicsandwar.com/index.php?/topic/36611-game-development-discussion-project-commerce-update-proposal/. Of note however is that for the moment only the mechanical changes to Activity Center, Spy Satellite, and Surveillance Network are available on the live server. Since the remaining projects effect revenue, we are delaying there release until we have verified the new revenue backend functions correctly. Expect these to be released in a week or two once we’ve worked out any kinks in the new system! Map Calibrator Disabled I have disabled the automatic MAP calibrator on war pages, this seems to be the culprit of the insane quantities of deadlock errors encountered during the opening round of globals. If you notice any discrepancies with your MAPs or any other aspect of wars please open a ticket on the PnW Discord server so I can look into why. Color Bloc Bonus Increase The color bloc bonus cap has been increased from $75,000 to $125,000, correspondingly the beige turn bonus has been increased from $50,000 to $85,000. Miscellaneous Changes You are no longer able to spy on alliances with which you are allied. The city page now has a button to directly copy the city’s build without having to go to the export page. The trade cap has been increased to allow trades of up to a hundred million units. The max bulletin length has been increased to 25,000 characters. An icon will now show on the trade page on trades with members of your own alliance. Roadmap The road ahead is exciting! Now that we have a team, and I’ve got more time over the summer, I hope to have even more content out over the next few months. Check out a summary below! April Trades refactor Tariffs (https://forum.politicsandwar.com/index.php?/topic/36165-game-development-discussion-tariffs) New battle simulator Generals (https://forum.politicsandwar.com/index.php?/topic/36220-game-development-discussion-generals) Lots of quality of life changes! May (depending on the Game Design Team’s progress) Bulletins overhaul Color bloc councils Lots more quality of life changes! Thank you guys so much for hanging in there, I hope you’re as excited as I am about what the summer will hold for Politics and War! Have a great day everyone!
    7 points
  2. Just build your nation with Alum, Fuel, Ammo, and Uranium mines. Jack it all up since there's no real Improvement destruction in the game. Build all the nuke/missile projects. Go crazy. Color bonus and Daily income bonus (Plus the income protection you have that keeps them from being looted) plus the self sufficient improvement resources, and you can build nukes/missiles without worry about being blockaded. You can have 50/10 Improvement slots of self-sufficiency to do this because the Infra Cap means jack shit. Then just go to town hitting all the whales and nations out there. Fresh built nukes/missiles are protected from being spied on. Just check in once a day, "Oh I got 12 MAPs? Nuke." Go back to doing other things because no matter what your target does, they can't stop you. Sure they can fast beige you with 5 Naval/3 Ground attacks, but they're eating at least 1 nuke and 2 missiles in that time frame. If they mess up, that's 2 nukes + whatever missiles. If they don't beige you, well, you just beiged them and loot the hell out of them. And if you get beiged, that's more bonus income and the ability to resupply yourself if needed. Lather, rinse, repeat. This balance/game design team is stupid. "But the projects are expensive" - Please... Anybody can get those within weeks, if not days. "What's your solution to this, Hippo?" Well, one solution is that any improvements over infra level cap should have increased destruction chances. Don't jack up the color bonus and inflate MORE free income into the game. That's beyond stupidity. Remove the spy protection from nukes and missiles or remove these projects in the game. Could also lower the income protection limit that can't be looted. All of these ideas people will hate, but they're necessary to maintain a balance.
    5 points
  3. A project that allows the construction of a special Improvement in each city that renders nuclear fission impossible. The improvement shall -Protect the city that its built in from Nuclear weapon detonation, im sure the missile itself can still beanbag an old lady. -Prevent the use of Nuclear reactors in said city. Each Jammer built will increase the chance of your own nuclear missiles failing to detonate when launched at another nation, having all your cities protected will leave your stockpiles completely inert. Yeah i was rewatching gundam seed, sue me.
    1 point
  4. NASSAU, Bahamas, 2024-04-05: SYNDICATE, Inc., (NYSE:SCC) deems it necessary to inform the community at large about recent events surrounding the former servers The Syndicate utilized for its public operations. On the early hours of 04/04, the Board learned that the Discord account of the person who held ownership of both servers had been compromised via phishing. Efforts to back up the contents of both servers began immediately, and were completed midway through the day. Efforts to duplicate the servers' template likewise began immediately and were concluded by the next day, with the original owner of the account contacting Discord support to have the account frozen. On 04/05, the perpetrator transferred ownership of the servers from the compromised account to a new account (a presumed buyer, according to this account). With the servers effectively lost, t$' govt proceeded with eliminating the now backed up contents of both servers and kicking everyone who wasn't a t$/e$ member (who had already been notified about the situation) to minimize the harm the perpetrator could carry out and to render his ill-gotten gains void. After trying and failing to everyone ping in the now hollow server, and after a self-incriminating conversation which was screen capped to provide to Discord support, the perpetrator proceeded to delete both old servers. A link to the new main server will be provided below. For FA staff in need of joining the new FA discord, please contact our government so that a link to it may be provided. https://discord.gg/6A7SwbYc About SYNDICATE, Inc. SYNDICATE, Inc., based near Nassau, The Bahamas, is the world's leading gasoline, aluminum and munitions distributor for a wide variety of peacekeeping and humanitarian activities. Wholly-owned SYNDICATE, Inc. subsidiary brands include The Enterprise, which provides development and growth opportunities for multinational prodigies around the globe. For more information about SYNDICATE, Inc., and its activities, contact Tarroc, Chief Global Strategist.
    1 point
  5. Meow meow meow meow meow Meow meow meow
    1 point
  6. Hey folks, Village back again with August new content proposal the second, alliance tariffs!! AI TLDR The proposal for alliance tariffs in the game Politics and War aims to provide greater political engagement and market-based conflicts between alliances. Alliances will have the ability to set percentage or set number-based tariffs on trades on specific resources or all resources on specific nations or alliances. Tariffs could add a new dimension to the game, potentially triggering trade wars between alliances or spheres, providing a valid CB. Tariffs could help create more realistic and politically connected economic strategy through the potential for optimizing trades and adding a political layer to use of the market, potentially revitalizing it and adding more to market success than constantly updating your offer to have the lowest PPU. The Goal To provide greater ability for alliances to engage politically with each other and encounter conflict through the market. The Idea Alliances will have the ability to set percentage or set number-based tariffs on trades on specific resources or all resources on specific nations or alliances. This will not effect personal trades. Money from tariffs will be added directly to the alliance bank. Tariffs will be noted beside the PPU on a trade offer in the market. There will be a public page where you can view an alliance’s issued tariffs. Import Tariffs Import tariffs apply to any trade resulting in resources being imported to a member of the issuing alliance. Example Alliance A issues a 10% import tariff on Alliance B. Here are a few scenarios, assuming the tariff applies to the resource in question. For the sake of these examples, Alex is a member of Alliance A and Bailey is a member of Alliance B. Bailey posts a sell offer at $2,500 PPU, Alex see the price as $2,750 ($250 goes to the bank), but everyone else still sees it as $2,500. Alex posts a buy offer at $2,500 PPU, Bailey sees the price as $2,750 ($250 goes to the bank), but everyone else still sees it as $2,500. Export Tariffs Export tariffs apply to any trade resulting in resources being exported from a member of the issuing alliance. Example Alliance A issues a 10% export tariff on Alliance B. Here are a few scenarios, assuming the tariff applies to the resource in question. For the sake of these examples, Alex is a member of Alliance A and Bailey is a member of Alliance B. Alex posts a sell offer at $2,500 PPU, Bailey sees the price as $2,750 ($250 goes to the bank), but everyone else still sees it as $2,500. Bailey posts a buy offer at $2,500 PPU, Alex sees the price as $2,750 ($250 goes to the bank), but everyone else still sees it as $2,500. Why Tariffs could add a new dimension to the game, giving alliances greater political engagement and the potential for market-based conflicts. This could potentially cause trade wars to erupt between alliances or even spheres, potentially providing a new source of CBs and conflicts. Wars could end with tariff terms, such as having the defeated alliance impose an export tariff for a set period, making it harder for members to interact with the market. However, it would also allow the defeated alliance to recover faster. Alternatively, victors could apply a specific tariff targeting the defeated alliance for a period of time. Although this game is called Politics and War, there seems to be little point to anything other than war. Peace terms and gameplay without ongoing conflict can become tedious. Furthermore, while Politics and War advertises itself as a nation simulation, it lacks political intrigue. Tariffs could help create more realistic and politically connected economic strategy through the potential for optimizing trades and adding a political layer to use of the market, potentially revitalizing it and adding more to market success than constantly updating your offer to have the lowest PPU. Feel free to comment below with your thoughts and what you think, have a great day everyone! 🙂
    1 point
  7. I wasn't liking where this was going, but then you introduced the negative effects and idk.. this might be something I could get behind.
    1 point
  8. This is fricking stupid. Increasing color bonus, bringing in projects that further help the nuke raiding meta without any kind of consequences or balancing to those builds, etc. Do you guys even think about the future of this game?
    1 point
  9. How do you feel about the Holy Platypus and his Blessed Apathy?
    1 point
  10. Isn’t one alliance with 36 inactive members and constantly suspected multi nations already enough for your group?
    1 point
  11. Halal meme for a halal alliance
    1 point
  12. Oh well, it's my signature and i refuse to change it UWU! The only time i won't use it is during a serious topic, but that's usually on Discord UWU
    1 point
  13. The ILP average score isn't at 1000 yet, your leader is a C16 at the moment and has no one to protect him(no disrespect but i haven't did any spy attacks on him in weeks and he has still yet to recover from our last war), and the alliance only has 27 active members which tbh looks the whole alliance looks like a multi farm, no disrespect and all, every alliance has problems, especially mine, but you guys are not even top 60 so who exactly are you training? UwU
    1 point
  14. @Shwinhow could you target T$ like this, was I not enough??
    1 point
  15. The Lost Mines "Since they were to come in the days of the power of Melkor, Aulë made the dwarves strong to endure. Therefore they are stone-hard, stubborn, fast in friendship and in enmity, and they suffer toil and hunger and hurt of body more hardily than all other speaking peoples; and they live long, far beyond the span of Men, yet not forever.” In the heart of the sprawling mountain ranges, two great Dwarven empires stood, each with its own traditions, beliefs, and strengths. For generations, The Lost Empire and The Coal Mines had coexisted, sometimes in harmony, often in rivalry. But as the winds of change swept through the peaks and valleys, a new era beckoned—one of unity and cooperation. It began with an unexpected event—a cataclysmic earthquake that rocked the foundations of both empires. Villages were buried, mines collapsed, and ancient seas were drained. In the aftermath, both kingdoms faced dire circumstances. Resources were scarce, and rebuilding seemed an insurmountable task. Amidst the rubble and chaos, a brave group of Dwarven emissaries emerged, led by King Atlan of The Lost Empire and Nokia Rokia of The Coal Mines. Determined to find a solution, they journeyed through treacherous mountain passes and cavernous depths, facing challenges that tested their resolve. Their travels brought them face to face with the harsh realities of their world but also revealed the common bonds that united their people. They shared tales of bravery, ingenuity, and sacrifice, realizing that their strengths complemented each other. The Lost Empire Dwarves were master craftsmen, skilled in forging weapons and armor, while The Coal Mines Dwarves excelled in mining rare gems and harnessing powerful crystals. As they ventured deeper into the heart of the mountains, they encountered a forgotten chamber—an ancient hall where their ancestors had once convened to forge alliances. Inspired by this discovery, King Atlan and Nokia Rokia proposed a bold idea: to merge their empires and create a new realm, one stronger and more resilient than ever before. United by a shared vision, the Dwarven leaders returned to their kingdoms and presented their plan to their people. Despite initial skepticism and deep-rooted traditions, the prospect of a brighter future ignited a spark of hope in the hearts of the Dwarves. Slowly but surely, the two empires began to merge, blending their cultures, technologies, and expertise. In the years that followed, The Lost Empire and The Coal Mines flourished as one. Together, they rebuilt their cities, expanded their territories, and forged alliances with neighboring realms. The unity of their people became a beacon of strength and resilience, inspiring awe and admiration across the land. TLDR: “The Lost Empire” and “The Coal Mines” Merge to create “The Lost Mines” High Kings: Atlan Nokia Rokia Thanes: Calcis Palsada Damon Stewards of The Treasury Revan Lariat Stewards of War Blaze Epic Memegod Stewards of The Mines KozLegend Rose John DRC Stewards of Technology Xavior Darkgod
    1 point
  16. It's going to go out with the March update! We've had a small delay with some stuff but it should be out soon.
    1 point
  17. You literally waited till now to make this post? The damn NAP end is around the corner.
    1 point
  18. It would be nice if we could get an extra offensive spy op with one of the spy projects. I get to get hit with 3 but can only counter with 2 as it sits today
    1 point
  19. The Orbis Islamic Frontier is an alliance in Orbis that supports peace among all Muslims. This Alliance is the Academy section of Islamic League Of Power. According to the Emir of this Alliance and Caliph of Islamic League Of Power, If anyone attacks one of us the other one shall counter.
    0 points
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