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The Alliance Power Rankings


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09 September 2015 - Collaborative
05.0) (±0.0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company
05.5) (±0.0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms
05.5) (±0.0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate
06.0) (-1.0) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose
08.0) (±0.0) RfSWE9E.png?1 United Purple Nations
09.5) (+0.5) 33d9Euk.png?1 Green Protection Agency
09.5) (±0.0) zunT10Q.png?1 Viridian Entente
10.0) (-0.5) Tbd5yYu.jpg?1 Alpha
10.0) (-0.5) 2EbpmEO.jpg?1 Terminus Est
10.5) (+0.5) Guardian
10.5) (±0.0) Mensa HQ
10.5) (±0.0) Sigma
11.5) (±0.0) Cobalt
13.0) (±0.0) Asgard
14.0) (-0.5) Brotherhood of the Clouds
14.5) (-0.5) Fark
16.0) (+3.0) Cornerstone
16.5) (±0.0) Arrgh
17.0) (+0.5) Vanguard
19.0) (±0.0) Black Knights
19.5) (±0.0) The Coalition
21.0) (-0.5) InGen
21.5) (-1.0) The Light Federation
22.5) (-0.5) Empire of Spades
25.0) (+1.0) Noir
25.5) (±0.0) North American Confederacy
25.5) (-1.0) The Knights Radiant
27.5) (+1.0) The Fighting Pacifists
28.0) (+0.5) The Evenstar Empire
29.5) (+0.5) World Task Force
31.0) (-2.0) Charming Friends
31.0) (±0.0) Roz Wei
31.5) (+0.5) Vargen Institution
34.0) (±0.0) Trident

No notes today!

Greatest Membership Gain:
1) Brotherhood of the Clouds (+3), Cornerstone (+3)
2) N/A
3) Mensa HQ (+2), Black Knights (+2), The Knights Radiant (+2), The Light Federation (+2)

Greatest Membership Loss:
1) Charming Friends (-5)
2) The Evenstar Empire (-2)
3) Vanguard (-1)

09 September 2015 - By Total Score
01) (±0) RfSWE9E.png?1 United Purple Nations (141 --> 141) (±0) - 112417.36 --> 112651.22 (+233.86)
02) (±0) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose (87 --> 88) (+1) - 81695.87 --> 82389.12 (+693.25)
03) (±0) zunT10Q.png?1 Viridian Entente (106 --> 106) (±0) - 81349.81 --> 81977.27 (+627.46)
04) (±0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company (75 --> 75) (±0) - 75717.77 --> 76045.50 (+327.73)
05) (±0) SpmNr0m.png?1 Brotherhood of the Clouds (93 --> 96) (+3) - 58873.68 --> 59521.72 (+648.04)
06) (±0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate (53 --> 53) (±0) - 55911.15 --> 56815.65 (+904.50)
07) (±0) bSYZ1bB.jpg?1 Mensa HQ (61 --> 63) (+2) - 48916.36 --> 50987.06 (+2070.70)
08) (±0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms (34 --> 34) (±0) - 41187.85 --> 41242.41 (+54.56)
09) (±0) Jm3V4KQ.png?1 Arrgh (65 --> 65) (±0) - 38625.87 --> 39197.06 (+571.19)
10) (±0) 33d9Euk.png?1 Green Protection Agency (38 --> 38) (±0) - 35504.24 --> 35707.72 (+203.48)
11) (±0) Black Knights (73 --> 75) (+2) - 34453.79 --> 34599.85 (+146.06)
12) (±0) Cobalt (29 --> 29) (±0) - 26490.92 --> 26592.33 (+101.41)
13) (±0) Guardian (27 --> 27) (±0) - 25310.66 --> 25518.91 (+208.25)
14) (±0) Vanguard (35 --> 34) (-1) - 24171.78 --> 24232.01 (+60.23)
15) (+3) Cornerstone (28 --> 31) (+3) - 19475.47 --> 22973.71 (+3498.24)
16) (-1) Alpha (20 --> 20) (±0) - 22413.74 --> 22493.74 (+80.00)
17) (-1) Fark (25 --> 25) (±0) - 22057.63 --> 22112.47 (+54.84)
18) (-1) Terminus Est (12 --> 12) (±0) - 21529.75 --> 21600.91 (+71.16)
19) (±0) Asgard (19 --> 19) (±0) - 19163.91 --> 19254.36 (+90.45)
20) (±0) Sigma (10 --> 10) (±0) - 18857.05 --> 18925.50 (+68.45)
21) (±0) The Knights Radiant (42 --> 44) (+2) - 16300.02 --> 16401.39 (+101.37)
22) (±0) The Light Federation (20 --> 22) (+2) - 14028.95 --> 14207.63 (+178.68)
23) (±0) InGen (17 --> 17) (±0) - 12132.87 --> 12264.39 (+131.52)
24) (±0) The Evenstar Empire (40 --> 38) (-2) - 10982.31 --> 10525.02 (-457.29)
25) (±0) North American Confederacy (21 --> 21) (±0) - 10197.42 --> 10236.50 (+39.08)
26) (±0) The Coalition (12 --> 12) (±0) - 10048.40 --> 9999.00 (-49.40)
27) (±0) Empire of Spades (13 --> 13) (±0) - 9489.82 --> 9552.81 (+62.99)
28) (+1) Noir (14 --> 14) (±0) - 8795.70 --> 8910.42 (+114.72)
29) (+1) Roz Wei (32 --> 33) (+1) - 8788.28 --> 8877.12 (+88.84)
30) (+2) The Fighting Pacifists (15 --> 15) (±0) - 8499.15 --> 8583.89 (+84.74)
31) (±0) World Task Force (22 --> 22) (±0) - 8517.88 --> 8534.01 (+16.13)
32) (+1) Vargen Institution (28 --> 28) (±0) - 8434.63 --> 8508.22 (+73.59)
33) (-5) Charming Friends (26 --> 21) (-5) - 8921.55 --> 7926.15 (-995.40)
34) (±0) Trident (43 --> 43) (±0) - 7160.30 --> 7220.87 (+60.57)
ADD/DROP LINE: 7100.85 --> 7141.54 (+40.70)

Rose repasses the 82000 Score milestone!
The Dutch East India Company repasses the 76000 Score milestone!
The Brotherhood of the Clouds passes the 59000 Score milestone!
The Syndicate repasses the 56000 Score milestone!
Mensa HQ repasses the 49000 Score and 50000 Score milestones!
Arrgh passes the 39000 Score milestone!
Cornerstone repasses the 20000 Score - 22000 Score milestones!
The Coalition falls below the 10000 Score milestone!
The Charming Friends falls below the 8000 Score milestone!

Greatest Score Gain:
1) Cornerstone (+3498.24)
2) Mensa HQ (+2070.70)
3) The Syndicate (+904.50)

Greatest Score Loss:
1) Charming Friends (-995.40)
2) The Evenstar Empire (-457.29)
3) The Coalition (-49.40)

09 September 2015 - By Avg Score
01) (±0) VOzJrT2.png?1 Sigma (10 --> 10) (±0) - 1885.70 --> 1892.55 (+6.85)
02) (±0) 2EbpmEO.jpg?1 Terminus Est (12 --> 12) (±0) - 1794.15 --> 1800.08 (+5.93)
03) (±0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms (34 --> 34) (±0) - 1211.41 --> 1213.01 (+1.60)
04) (±0) Tbd5yYu.jpg?1 Alpha (20 --> 20) (±0) - 1120.69 --> 1124.69 (+4.00)
05) (±0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate (53 --> 53) (±0) - 1054.93 --> 1071.99 (+17.07)
06) (±0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company (75 --> 75) (±0) - 1009.57 --> 1013.94 (+4.37)
07) (±0) 5BITHdf.jpg?1 Asgard (19 --> 19) (±0) - 1008.63 --> 1013.39 (+4.76)
08) (+1) Yog6dWH.jpg?1 Guardian (27 --> 27) (±0) - 937.43 --> 945.14 (+7.71)
09) (+1) 33d9Euk.png?1 Green Protection Agency (38 --> 38) (±0) - 934.32 --> 939.68 (+5.35)
10) (-2) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose (87 --> 88) (+1) - 939.03 --> 936.24 (-2.79)
11) (±0) Cobalt (29 --> 29) (±0) - 913.48 --> 916.98 (+3.50)
12) (±0) Fark (25 --> 25) (±0) - 882.31 --> 884.50 (+2.19)
13) (±0) The Coalition (12 --> 12) (±0) - 837.37 --> 833.25 (-4.12)
14) (±0) Mensa HQ (61 --> 63) (+2) - 801.91 --> 809.32 (+7.41)
15) (±0) United Purple Nations (141 --> 141) (±0) - 797.29 --> 798.94 (+1.66)
16) (±0) Viridian Entente (106 --> 106) (±0) - 767.45 --> 773.37 (+5.92)
17) (+3) Cornerstone (28 --> 31) (+3) - 695.55 --> 741.09 (+45.53)
18) (-1) Empire of Spades (13 --> 13) (±0) - 729.99 --> 734.83 (+4.85)
19) (-1) InGen (17 --> 17) (±0) - 713.70 --> 721.43 (+7.74)
20) (+1) Vanguard (35 --> 34) (-1) - 690.62 --> 712.71 (+22.08)
21) (-2) The Light Federation (20 --> 22) (+2) - 701.45 --> 645.80 (-55.65)
22) (+1) Noir (14 --> 14) (±0) - 628.26 --> 636.46 (+8.19)
23) (-1) Brotherhood of the Clouds (93 --> 96) (+3) - 633.05 --> 620.02 (-13.03)
24) (±0) Arrgh (65 --> 65) (±0) - 594.24 --> 603.03 (+8.79)
25) (±0) The Fighting Pacifists (15 --> 15) (±0) - 566.61 --> 572.26 (+5.65)
26) (±0) North American Confederacy (21 --> 21) (±0) - 485.59 --> 487.45 (+1.86)
27) (±0) Black Knights (73 --> 75) (+2) - 471.97 --> 461.33 (-10.64)
28) (+1) World Task Force (22 --> 22) (±0) - 387.18 --> 387.91 (+0.73)
29) (+1) Charming Friends (26 --> 21) (-5) - 343.14 --> 377.44 (+34.30)
30) (-2) The Knights Radiant (42 --> 44) (+2) - 388.10 --> 372.76 (-15.34)
31) (±0) Vargen Institution (28 --> 28) (±0) - 301.24 --> 303.86 (+2.63)
32) (+1) The Evenstar Empire (40 --> 38) (-2) - 274.56 --> 276.97 (+2.41)
33) (-1) Roz Wei (32 --> 33) (+1) - 274.63 --> 269.00 (-5.63)
34) (±0) Trident (43 --> 43) (±0) - 166.52 --> 167.93 (+1.41)

Terminus Est repasses the 1800 Avg Score milestone!
Vanguard reenters the top twenty!
Cornerstone repasses the 700 Avg Score milestone!
Vanguard repasses the 700 Avg Score milestone!
The Light Federation falls below the 700 Avg Score and 650 Avg Score milestones!
Arrgh repasses the 600 Avg Score milestone!
The Charming Friends passes the 350 Avg Score milestone!

Greatest Avg Score Gain:
1) Cornerstone (+45.53)
2) Charming Friends (+34.30)
3) Vanguard (+22.08)

Greatest Avg Score Loss:
1) The Light Federation (-55.65)
2) The Knights Radiant (-15.34)
3) Brotherhood of the Clouds (-13.03)

Stats taken: September 9 12:00 am

A huge thank you to Gopherbashi for creating and donating the program used to quickly calculate these stats!

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10 September 2015 - Collaborative
05.0) (±0.0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company
05.5) (±0.0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms
05.5) (±0.0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate
06.0) (±0.0) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose
08.5) (-0.5) RfSWE9E.png?1 United Purple Nations
09.0) (+1.0) Tbd5yYu.jpg?1 Alpha
09.5) (±0.0) 33d9Euk.png?1 Green Protection Agency
10.0) (±0.0) 2EbpmEO.jpg?1 Terminus Est
10.0) (-0.5) zunT10Q.png?1 Viridian Entente
10.5) (±0.0) Guardian
10.5) (±0.0) Mensa HQ
10.5) (±0.0) Sigma
13.0) (±0.0) Asgard
14.0) (±0.0) Brotherhood of the Clouds
14.0) (-2.5) Cobalt
14.0) (+0.5) Fark
14.0) (+3.0) Vanguard
16.5) (±0.0) Arrgh
17.5) (-1.5) Cornerstone
18.5) (+0.5) Black Knights
19.5) (±0.0) The Coalition
21.0) (±0.0) InGen
21.5) (±0.0) The Light Federation
22.5) (±0.0) Empire of Spades
25.5) (-0.5) Noir
25.5) (±0.0) North American Confederacy
25.5) (±0.0) The Knights Radiant
28.0) (±0.0) The Evenstar Empire
28.0) (-0.5) The Fighting Pacifists
30.0) (-0.5) World Task Force
30.5) (+0.5) Roz Wei
30.5) (+1.0) Vargen Institution
31.0) (±0.0) Charming Friends
34.0) (±0.0) Trident

No notes today!

Greatest Membership Gain:
1) Roz Wei (+2)
2) United Purple Nations (+1), Mensa HQ (+1), Alpha (+1), Cornerstone (+1), The Knights Radiant (+1), Charming Friends (+1)
3) N/A

Greatest Membership Loss:
1) Cobalt (-5)
2) Vanguard (-4)
3) Green Protection Agency (-3)

10 September 2015 - By Total Score
01) (±0) RfSWE9E.png?1 United Purple Nations (141 --> 142) (+1) - 112651.22 --> 113125.99 (+474.77)
02) (±0) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose (88 --> 88) (±0) - 82389.12 --> 82863.37 (+474.25)
03) (±0) zunT10Q.png?1 Viridian Entente (106 --> 106) (±0) - 81977.27 --> 82514.04 (+536.77)
04) (±0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company (75 --> 75) (±0) - 76045.50 --> 76404.88 (+359.38)
05) (±0) SpmNr0m.png?1 Brotherhood of the Clouds (96 --> 96) (±0) - 59521.72 --> 59835.37 (+313.65)
06) (±0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate (53 --> 53) (±0) - 56815.65 --> 57392.91 (+577.26)
07) (±0) bSYZ1bB.jpg?1 Mensa HQ (63 --> 64) (+1) - 50987.06 --> 52092.80 (+1105.74)
08) (±0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms (34 --> 34) (±0) - 41242.41 --> 41160.88 (-81.53)
09) (±0) Jm3V4KQ.png?1 Arrgh (65 --> 65) (±0) - 39197.06 --> 39354.83 (+157.77)
10) (+1) WgPa7BW.png?1 Black Knights (75 --> 75) (±0) - 34599.85 --> 34841.91 (+242.06)
11) (-1) Green Protection Agency (38 --> 35) (-3) - 35707.72 --> 34633.06 (-1074.66)
12) (+1) Guardian (27 --> 27) (±0) - 25518.91 --> 25637.55 (+118.64)
13) (+1) Vanguard (34 --> 30) (-4) - 24232.01 --> 24263.58 (+31.57)
14) (+2) Alpha (20 --> 21) (+1) - 22493.74 --> 23704.01 (+1210.27)
15) (±0) Cornerstone (31 --> 32) (+1) - 22973.71 --> 23333.77 (+360.06)
16) (+1) Fark (25 --> 25) (±0) - 22112.47 --> 22161.87 (+49.40)
17) (-5) Cobalt (29 --> 24) (-5) - 26592.33 --> 21737.28 (-4855.05)
18) (±0) Terminus Est (12 --> 12) (±0) - 21600.91 --> 21638.41 (+37.50)
19) (±0) Asgard (19 --> 19) (±0) - 19254.36 --> 19325.48 (+71.12)
20) (±0) Sigma (10 --> 10) (±0) - 18925.50 --> 19097.63 (+172.13)
21) (±0) The Knights Radiant (44 --> 45) (+1) - 16401.39 --> 16764.61 (+363.22)
22) (±0) The Light Federation (22 --> 21) (-1) - 14207.63 --> 14181.86 (-25.77)
23) (±0) InGen (17 --> 17) (±0) - 12264.39 --> 12410.55 (+146.16)
24) (±0) The Evenstar Empire (38 --> 38) (±0) - 10525.02 --> 11030.37 (+505.35)
25) (±0) North American Confederacy (21 --> 21) (±0) - 10236.50 --> 10258.96 (+22.46)
26) (±0) The Coalition (12 --> 12) (±0) - 9999.00 --> 10024.00 (+25.00)
27) (±0) Empire of Spades (13 --> 13) (±0) - 9552.81 --> 9594.07 (+41.26)
28) (+1) Roz Wei (33 --> 35) (+2) - 8877.12 --> 8967.38 (+90.26)
29) (-1) Noir (14 --> 14) (±0) - 8910.42 --> 8930.32 (+19.90)
30) (+2) Vargen Institution (28 --> 28) (±0) - 8508.22 --> 8643.57 (+135.35)
31) (-1) The Fighting Pacifists (15 --> 15) (±0) - 8583.89 --> 8615.01 (+31.12)
32) (-1) World Task Force (22 --> 22) (±0) - 8534.01 --> 8594.96 (+60.95)
33) (±0) Charming Friends (21 --> 22) (+1) - 7926.15 --> 8418.11 (+491.96)
34) (±0) Trident (43 --> 43) (±0) - 7220.87 --> 7385.58 (+164.71)
ADD/DROP LINE: 7141.54 --> 6968.38 (-173.16)

The Black Knights reenters the top ten! WgPa7BW.png?1
The United Purple Nations repasses the 113000 Score milestone!
The Viridian Entente repasses the 82000 Score milestone!
The Syndicate repasses the 57000 Score milestone!
Mensa HQ repasses the 51000 Score and 52000 Score milestones!
The Green Protection Agency falls below the 35000 Score milestone!
Alpha repasses the 23000 Score milestone!
Cornerstone repasses the 23000 Score milestone!
Cobalt falls below the 26000 Score - 22000 Score milestones!
Sigma passes the 19000 Score milestone!
The Evenstar Empire repasses the 11000 Score milestone!
The Coalition repasses the 10000 Score milestone!
The Charming Friends repasses the 8000 Score milestone!

Greatest Score Gain:
1) Alpha (+1210.27)
2) Mensa HQ (+1105.74)
3) The Syndicate (+577.26)

Greatest Score Loss:
1) Cobalt (-4855.05)
2) Green Protection Agency (-1074.66)
3) Seven Kingdoms (-81.53)

10 September 2015 - By Avg Score
01) (±0) VOzJrT2.png?1 Sigma (10 --> 10) (±0) - 1892.55 --> 1909.76 (+17.21)
02) (±0) 2EbpmEO.jpg?1 Terminus Est (12 --> 12) (±0) - 1800.08 --> 1803.20 (+3.13)
03) (±0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms (34 --> 34) (±0) - 1213.01 --> 1210.61 (-2.40)
04) (±0) Tbd5yYu.jpg?1 Alpha (20 --> 21) (+1) - 1124.69 --> 1128.76 (+4.08)
05) (±0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate (53 --> 53) (±0) - 1071.99 --> 1082.89 (+10.89)
06) (±0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company (75 --> 75) (±0) - 1013.94 --> 1018.73 (+4.79)
07) (±0) 5BITHdf.jpg?1 Asgard (19 --> 19) (±0) - 1013.39 --> 1017.13 (+3.74)
08) (+1) 33d9Euk.png?1 Green Protection Agency (38 --> 35) (-3) - 939.68 --> 989.52 (+49.84)
09) (-1) Yog6dWH.jpg?1 Guardian (27 --> 27) (±0) - 945.14 --> 949.54 (+4.39)
10) (±0) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose (88 --> 88) (±0) - 936.24 --> 941.63 (+5.39)
11) (±0) Cobalt (29 --> 24) (-5) - 916.98 --> 905.72 (-11.26)
12) (±0) Fark (25 --> 25) (±0) - 884.50 --> 886.47 (+1.98)
13) (±0) The Coalition (12 --> 12) (±0) - 833.25 --> 835.33 (+2.08)
14) (±0) Mensa HQ (63 --> 64) (+1) - 809.32 --> 813.95 (+4.63)
15) (+5) Vanguard (34 --> 30) (-4) - 712.71 --> 808.79 (+96.08)
16) (-1) United Purple Nations (141 --> 142) (+1) - 798.94 --> 796.66 (-2.28)
17) (-1) Viridian Entente (106 --> 106) (±0) - 773.37 --> 778.43 (+5.06)
18) (±0) Empire of Spades (13 --> 13) (±0) - 734.83 --> 738.01 (+3.17)
19) (±0) InGen (17 --> 17) (±0) - 721.43 --> 730.03 (+8.60)
20) (-3) Cornerstone (31 --> 32) (+1) - 741.09 --> 729.18 (-11.91)
21) (±0) The Light Federation (22 --> 21) (-1) - 645.80 --> 675.33 (+29.53)
22) (±0) Noir (14 --> 14) (±0) - 636.46 --> 637.88 (+1.42)
23) (±0) Brotherhood of the Clouds (96 --> 96) (±0) - 620.02 --> 623.29 (+3.27)
24) (±0) Arrgh (65 --> 65) (±0) - 603.03 --> 605.46 (+2.43)
25) (±0) The Fighting Pacifists (15 --> 15) (±0) - 572.26 --> 574.33 (+2.07)
26) (±0) North American Confederacy (21 --> 21) (±0) - 487.45 --> 488.52 (+1.07)
27) (±0) Black Knights (75 --> 75) (±0) - 461.33 --> 464.56 (+3.23)
28) (±0) World Task Force (22 --> 22) (±0) - 387.91 --> 390.68 (+2.77)
29) (±0) Charming Friends (21 --> 22) (+1) - 377.44 --> 382.64 (+5.21)
30) (±0) The Knights Radiant (44 --> 45) (+1) - 372.76 --> 372.55 (-0.21)
31) (±0) Vargen Institution (28 --> 28) (±0) - 303.86 --> 308.70 (+4.83)
32) (±0) The Evenstar Empire (38 --> 38) (±0) - 276.97 --> 290.27 (+13.30)
33) (±0) Roz Wei (33 --> 35) (+2) - 269.00 --> 256.21 (-12.79)
34) (±0) Trident (43 --> 43) (±0) - 167.93 --> 171.76 (+3.83)

Sigma repasses the 1900 Avg Score milestone!
The Green Protection Agency repasses the 950 Avg Score milestone!
Vanguard repasses the 750 Avg Score and 800 Avg Score milestones!
The Light Federation repasses the 650 Avg Score milestone!

Greatest Avg Score Gain:
1) Vanguard (+96.08)
2) Green Protection Agency (+49.84)
3) The Light Federation (+29.53)

Greatest Avg Score Loss:
1) Roz Wei (-12.79)
2) Cornerstone (-11.91)
3) Cobalt (-11.26)

Stats taken: September 10 12:00 am

A huge thank you to Gopherbashi for creating and donating the program used to quickly calculate these stats!
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11 September 2015 - Collaborative
05.5) (±0.0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms
05.5) (-0.5) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company
05.5) (±0.0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate
07.0) (-1.0) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose
08.0) (+0.5) RfSWE9E.png?1 United Purple Nations
09.0) (±0.0) Tbd5yYu.jpg?1 Alpha
09.0) (+0.5) 33d9Euk.png?1 Green Protection Agency
09.5) (+0.5) 2EbpmEO.jpg?1 Terminus Est
09.5) (+0.5) zunT10Q.png?1 Viridian Entente
10.5) (±0.0) Guardian
10.5) (±0.0) Mensa HQ
10.5) (±0.0) Sigma
12.5) (+0.5) Asgard
14.0) (±0.0) Brotherhood of the Clouds
14.0) (±0.0) Cobalt
14.0) (±0.0) Fark
14.5) (-0.5) Vanguard
16.5) (±0.0) Arrgh
17.0) (+0.5) Cornerstone
19.0) (-0.5) Black Knights
19.5) (±0.0) The Coalition
20.5) (+0.5) InGen
21.5) (±0.0) The Light Federation
23.5) (-1.0) Empire of Spades
25.5) (±0.0) Noir
25.5) (±0.0) North American Confederacy
25.5) (±0.0) The Knights Radiant
28.0) (±0.0) The Evenstar Empire
28.0) (±0.0) The Fighting Pacifists
30.0) (±0.0) World Task Force
30.5) (±0.0) Roz Wei
30.5) (±0.0) Vargen Institution
31.0) (±0.0) Charming Friends
34.0) (±0.0) Trident

No notes today!

Greatest Membership Gain:
1) The Knights Radiant (+4)
2) Black Knights (+3)
3) Rose (+2), Green Protection Agency (+2), Roz Wei (+2)

Greatest Membership Loss:
1) Cobalt (-2)
2) Charming Friends (-1)
3) N/A

11 September 2015 - By Total Score
01) (±0) RfSWE9E.png?1 United Purple Nations (142 --> 142) (±0) - 113125.99 --> 113537.76 (+411.77)
02) (+1) zunT10Q.png?1 Viridian Entente (106 --> 107) (+1) - 82514.04 --> 83691.19 (+1177.15)
03) (-1) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose (88 --> 90) (+2) - 82863.37 --> 83415.93 (+552.56)
04) (±0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company (75 --> 75) (±0) - 76404.88 --> 76592.19 (+187.31)
05) (±0) SpmNr0m.png?1 Brotherhood of the Clouds (96 --> 96) (±0) - 59835.37 --> 60318.92 (+483.55)
06) (±0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate (53 --> 53) (±0) - 57392.91 --> 57961.57 (+568.66)
07) (±0) bSYZ1bB.jpg?1 Mensa HQ (64 --> 64) (±0) - 52092.80 --> 52498.02 (+405.22)
08) (±0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms (34 --> 34) (±0) - 41160.88 --> 41217.15 (+56.27)
09) (±0) Jm3V4KQ.png?1 Arrgh (65 --> 66) (+1) - 39354.83 --> 39878.31 (+523.48)
10) (+1) 33d9Euk.png?1 Green Protection Agency (35 --> 37) (+2) - 34633.06 --> 35394.38 (+761.32)
11) (-1) Black Knights (75 --> 78) (+3) - 34841.91 --> 35078.61 (+236.70)
12) (±0) Guardian (27 --> 27) (±0) - 25637.55 --> 25772.51 (+134.96)
13) (±0) Vanguard (30 --> 31) (+1) - 24263.58 --> 24571.75 (+308.17)
14) (±0) Alpha (21 --> 21) (±0) - 23704.01 --> 23654.04 (-49.97)
15) (±0) Cornerstone (32 --> 33) (+1) - 23333.77 --> 23510.35 (+176.58)
16) (±0) Fark (25 --> 25) (±0) - 22161.87 --> 22274.01 (+112.14)
17) (+1) Terminus Est (12 --> 12) (±0) - 21638.41 --> 21650.65 (+12.24)
18) (-1) Cobalt (24 --> 22) (-2) - 21737.28 --> 20519.98 (-1217.30)
19) (±0) Asgard (19 --> 19) (±0) - 19325.48 --> 19482.98 (+157.50)
20) (±0) Sigma (10 --> 10) (±0) - 19097.63 --> 19151.53 (+53.90)
21) (±0) The Knights Radiant (45 --> 49) (+4) - 16764.61 --> 17488.18 (+723.57)
22) (±0) The Light Federation (21 --> 21) (±0) - 14181.86 --> 14255.73 (+73.87)
23) (±0) InGen (17 --> 17) (±0) - 12410.55 --> 12482.08 (+71.53)
24) (±0) The Evenstar Empire (38 --> 38) (±0) - 11030.37 --> 11091.78 (+61.41)
25) (±0) North American Confederacy (21 --> 21) (±0) - 10258.96 --> 10267.81 (+8.85)
26) (±0) The Coalition (12 --> 12) (±0) - 10024.00 --> 10024.00 (±0.00)
27) (±0) Empire of Spades (13 --> 14) (+1) - 9594.07 --> 9631.41 (+37.34)
28) (±0) Roz Wei (35 --> 37) (+2) - 8967.38 --> 9467.06 (+499.68)
29) (±0) Noir (14 --> 14) (±0) - 8930.32 --> 8922.36 (-7.96)
30) (±0) Vargen Institution (28 --> 28) (±0) - 8643.57 --> 8787.20 (+143.63)
31) (±0) The Fighting Pacifists (15 --> 15) (±0) - 8615.01 --> 8770.13 (+155.12)
32) (±0) World Task Force (22 --> 22) (±0) - 8594.96 --> 8677.56 (+82.60)
33) (±0) Charming Friends (22 --> 21) (-1) - 8418.11 --> 8173.35 (-244.76)
34) (±0) Trident (43 --> 43) (±0) - 7385.58 --> 7399.09 (+13.51)
ADD/DROP LINE: 6968.38 --> 7078.88 (+110.49)

The Green Protection Agency reenters the top ten! 33d9Euk.png?1
The Viridian Entente repasses the 83000 Score milestone!
Rose repasses the 83000 Score milestone!
The Brotherhood of the Clouds passes the 60000 Score milestone!
The Green Protection Agency repasses the 35000 Score milestone!
The Black Knights repasses the 35000 Score milestone!
Cobalt falls below the 21000 Score milestone!
The Knights Radiant passes the 17000 Score milestone!
Roz Wei passes the 9000 Score milestone!

Greatest Score Gain:
1) Viridian Entente (+1177.15)
2) Green Protection Agency (+761.32)
3) The Knights Radiant (+723.57)

Greatest Score Loss:
1) Cobalt (-1217.30)
2) Charming Friends (-244.76)
3) Alpha (-49.97)

11 September 2015 - By Avg Score
01) (±0) VOzJrT2.png?1 Sigma (10 --> 10) (±0) - 1909.76 --> 1915.15 (+5.39)
02) (±0) 2EbpmEO.jpg?1 Terminus Est (12 --> 12) (±0) - 1803.20 --> 1804.22 (+1.02)
03) (±0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms (34 --> 34) (±0) - 1210.61 --> 1212.27 (+1.66)
04) (±0) Tbd5yYu.jpg?1 Alpha (21 --> 21) (±0) - 1128.76 --> 1126.38 (-2.38)
05) (±0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate (53 --> 53) (±0) - 1082.89 --> 1093.61 (+10.73)
06) (+1) 5BITHdf.jpg?1 Asgard (19 --> 19) (±0) - 1017.13 --> 1025.42 (+8.29)
07) (-1) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company (75 --> 75) (±0) - 1018.73 --> 1021.23 (+2.50)
08) (±0) 33d9Euk.png?1 Green Protection Agency (35 --> 37) (+2) - 989.52 --> 956.60 (-32.91)
09) (±0) Yog6dWH.jpg?1 Guardian (27 --> 27) (±0) - 949.54 --> 954.54 (+5.00)
10) (+1) 9xRmIu1.png?1 Cobalt (24 --> 22) (-2) - 905.72 --> 932.73 (+27.01)
11) (-1) Rose (88 --> 90) (+2) - 941.63 --> 926.84 (-14.78)
12) (±0) Fark (25 --> 25) (±0) - 886.47 --> 890.96 (+4.49)
13) (±0) The Coalition (12 --> 12) (±0) - 835.33 --> 835.33 (±0.00)
14) (±0) Mensa HQ (64 --> 64) (±0) - 813.95 --> 820.28 (+6.33)
15) (+1) United Purple Nations (142 --> 142) (±0) - 796.66 --> 799.56 (+2.90)
16) (-1) Vanguard (30 --> 31) (+1) - 808.79 --> 792.64 (-16.15)
17) (±0) Viridian Entente (106 --> 107) (+1) - 778.43 --> 782.16 (+3.73)
18) (+1) InGen (17 --> 17) (±0) - 730.03 --> 734.24 (+4.21)
19) (+1) Cornerstone (32 --> 33) (+1) - 729.18 --> 712.43 (-16.74)
20) (-2) Empire of Spades (13 --> 14) (+1) - 738.01 --> 687.96 (-50.05)
21) (±0) The Light Federation (21 --> 21) (±0) - 675.33 --> 678.84 (+3.52)
22) (±0) Noir (14 --> 14) (±0) - 637.88 --> 637.31 (-0.57)
23) (±0) Brotherhood of the Clouds (96 --> 96) (±0) - 623.29 --> 628.32 (+5.04)
24) (±0) Arrgh (65 --> 66) (+1) - 605.46 --> 604.22 (-1.24)
25) (±0) The Fighting Pacifists (15 --> 15) (±0) - 574.33 --> 584.68 (+10.34)
26) (±0) North American Confederacy (21 --> 21) (±0) - 488.52 --> 488.94 (+0.42)
27) (±0) Black Knights (75 --> 78) (+3) - 464.56 --> 449.73 (-14.83)
28) (±0) World Task Force (22 --> 22) (±0) - 390.68 --> 394.43 (+3.75)
29) (±0) Charming Friends (22 --> 21) (-1) - 382.64 --> 389.21 (+6.57)
30) (±0) The Knights Radiant (45 --> 49) (+4) - 372.55 --> 356.90 (-15.64)
31) (±0) Vargen Institution (28 --> 28) (±0) - 308.70 --> 313.83 (+5.13)
32) (±0) The Evenstar Empire (38 --> 38) (±0) - 290.27 --> 291.89 (+1.62)
33) (±0) Roz Wei (35 --> 37) (+2) - 256.21 --> 255.87 (-0.34)
34) (±0) Trident (43 --> 43) (±0) - 171.76 --> 172.07 (+0.31)

Cobalt reenters the top ten! 9xRmIu1.png?1
Guardian repasses the 950 Avg Score milestone!
Vanguard falls below the 800 Avg Score milestone!
The Empire of Spades falls below the 700 Avg Score milestone!
The Black Knights falls below the 450 Avg Score milestone!

Greatest Avg Score Gain:
1) Cobalt (+27.01)
2) The Syndicate (+10.73)
3) The Fighting Pacifists (+10.34)

Greatest Avg Score Loss:
1) Empire of Spades (-50.05)
2) Green Protection Agency (-32.91)
3) Cornerstone (-16.74)

Stats taken: September 11 12:00 am

A huge thank you to Gopherbashi for creating and donating the program used to quickly calculate these stats!

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12 September 2015 - Collaborative
05.5) (±0.0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms
05.5) (±0.0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company
05.5) (±0.0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate
07.0) (±0.0) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose
08.5) (-0.5) RfSWE9E.png?1 United Purple Nations
09.0) (±0.0) Tbd5yYu.jpg?1 Alpha
09.5) (-0.5) 33d9Euk.png?1 Green Protection Agency
09.5) (±0.0) 2EbpmEO.jpg?1 Terminus Est
09.5) (±0.0) zunT10Q.png?1 Viridian Entente
10.0) (+0.5) Yog6dWH.jpg?1 Guardian
10.5) (±0.0) Mensa HQ
10.5) (±0.0) Sigma
12.5) (±0.0) Asgard
14.0) (±0.0) Brotherhood of the Clouds
14.0) (±0.0) Cobalt
14.0) (±0.0) Fark
14.0) (+0.5) Vanguard
16.5) (±0.0) Arrgh
16.5) (+0.5) Cornerstone
19.0) (±0.0) Black Knights
19.5) (±0.0) The Coalition
21.0) (-0.5) InGen
21.0) (+0.5) The Light Federation
24.0) (-0.5) Empire of Spades
25.5) (±0.0) North American Confederacy
25.5) (±0.0) The Knights Radiant
26.0) (-0.5) Noir
28.0) (±0.0) The Evenstar Empire
28.0) (±0.0) The Fighting Pacifists
30.0) (+0.5) Vargen Institution
30.0) (±0.0) World Task Force
30.5) (±0.0) Roz Wei
31.0) (±0.0) Charming Friends
34.0) (±0.0) Trident

Guardian reenters the top ten! Yog6dWH.jpg?1

Greatest Membership Gain:
1) The Knights Radiant (+2), Vargen Institution (+2)
2) N/A
3) Brotherhood of the Clouds (+1), Empire of Spades (+1)

Greatest Membership Loss:
1) United Purple Nations (-1), Vanguard (-1), Cornerstone (-1), Roz Wei (-1)
2) N/A
3) N/A

12 September 2015 - By Total Score
01) (±0) RfSWE9E.png?1 United Purple Nations (142 --> 141) (-1) - 113537.76 --> 112806.47 (-731.29)
02) (±0) zunT10Q.png?1 Viridian Entente (107 --> 107) (±0) - 83691.19 --> 84715.10 (+1023.91)
03) (±0) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose (90 --> 90) (±0) - 83415.93 --> 83946.87 (+530.94)
04) (±0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company (75 --> 75) (±0) - 76592.19 --> 76617.13 (+24.94)
05) (±0) SpmNr0m.png?1 Brotherhood of the Clouds (96 --> 97) (+1) - 60318.92 --> 61869.38 (+1550.46)
06) (±0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate (53 --> 53) (±0) - 57961.57 --> 58382.68 (+421.11)
07) (±0) bSYZ1bB.jpg?1 Mensa HQ (64 --> 64) (±0) - 52498.02 --> 53037.83 (+539.81)
08) (±0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms (34 --> 34) (±0) - 41217.15 --> 41319.26 (+102.11)
09) (±0) Jm3V4KQ.png?1 Arrgh (66 --> 66) (±0) - 39878.31 --> 40083.78 (+205.47)
10) (±0) 33d9Euk.png?1 Green Protection Agency (37 --> 37) (±0) - 35394.38 --> 35683.65 (+289.27)
11) (±0) Black Knights (78 --> 78) (±0) - 35078.61 --> 35392.60 (+313.99)
12) (±0) Guardian (27 --> 27) (±0) - 25772.51 --> 26336.34 (+563.83)
13) (±0) Vanguard (31 --> 30) (-1) - 24571.75 --> 24117.76 (-453.99)
14) (±0) Alpha (21 --> 21) (±0) - 23654.04 --> 23946.54 (+292.50)
15) (±0) Cornerstone (33 --> 32) (-1) - 23510.35 --> 23670.09 (+159.74)
16) (±0) Fark (25 --> 25) (±0) - 22274.01 --> 22354.62 (+80.61)
17) (±0) Terminus Est (12 --> 12) (±0) - 21650.65 --> 21607.65 (-43.00)
18) (±0) Cobalt (22 --> 22) (±0) - 20519.98 --> 20702.08 (+182.10)
19) (±0) Asgard (19 --> 19) (±0) - 19482.98 --> 19624.00 (+141.02)
20) (±0) Sigma (10 --> 10) (±0) - 19151.53 --> 19198.43 (+46.90)
21) (±0) The Knights Radiant (49 --> 51) (+2) - 17488.18 --> 17586.11 (+97.93)
22) (±0) The Light Federation (21 --> 21) (±0) - 14255.73 --> 14266.13 (+10.40)
23) (±0) InGen (17 --> 17) (±0) - 12482.08 --> 12549.25 (+67.17)
24) (±0) The Evenstar Empire (38 --> 38) (±0) - 11091.78 --> 11136.73 (+44.95)
25) (±0) North American Confederacy (21 --> 21) (±0) - 10267.81 --> 10405.44 (+137.63)
26) (±0) The Coalition (12 --> 12) (±0) - 10024.00 --> 10059.00 (+35.00)
27) (±0) Empire of Spades (14 --> 15) (+1) - 9631.41 --> 9698.40 (+66.99)
28) (±0) Roz Wei (37 --> 36) (-1) - 9467.06 --> 9397.12 (-69.94)
29) (+1) Vargen Institution (28 --> 30) (+2) - 8787.20 --> 9221.05 (+433.85)
30) (-1) Noir (14 --> 14) (±0) - 8922.36 --> 9026.49 (+104.13)
31) (±0) The Fighting Pacifists (15 --> 15) (±0) - 8770.13 --> 8863.18 (+93.05)
32) (±0) World Task Force (22 --> 22) (±0) - 8677.56 --> 8849.56 (+172.00)
33) (±0) Charming Friends (21 --> 21) (±0) - 8173.35 --> 8194.48 (+21.13)
34) (±0) Trident (43 --> 43) (±0) - 7399.09 --> 7514.27 (+115.18)
ADD/DROP LINE: 7078.88 --> 7136.73 (+57.85)

The United Purple Nations falls below the 113000 Score milestone!
Viridian Entente repasses the 84000 Score milestone!
The Brotherhood of the Clouds passes the 61000 Score milestone!
The Syndicate repasses the 58000 Score milestone!
Mensa HQ repasses the 53000 Score milestone!
Arrgh passes the 40000 Score milestone!
Guardian repasses the 26000 Score milestone!
The Vargen Institution passes the 9000 Score milestone!
Noir repasses the 9000 Score milestone!

Greatest Score Gain:
1) Brotherhood of the Clouds (+1550.46)
2) Viridian Entente (+1023.91)
3) Guardian (+563.83)

Greatest Score Loss:
1) United Purple Nations (-731.29)
2) Vanguard (-453.99)
3) Roz Wei (-69.94)

12 September 2015 - By Avg Score
01) (±0) VOzJrT2.png?1 Sigma (10 --> 10) (±0) - 1915.15 --> 1919.84 (+4.69)
02) (±0) 2EbpmEO.jpg?1 Terminus Est (12 --> 12) (±0) - 1804.22 --> 1800.64 (-3.58)
03) (±0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms (34 --> 34) (±0) - 1212.27 --> 1215.27 (+3.00)
04) (±0) Tbd5yYu.jpg?1 Alpha (21 --> 21) (±0) - 1126.38 --> 1140.31 (+13.93)
05) (±0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate (53 --> 53) (±0) - 1093.61 --> 1101.56 (+7.95)
06) (±0) 5BITHdf.jpg?1 Asgard (19 --> 19) (±0) - 1025.42 --> 1032.84 (+7.42)
07) (±0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company (75 --> 75) (±0) - 1021.23 --> 1021.56 (+0.33)
08) (+1) Yog6dWH.jpg?1 Guardian (27 --> 27) (±0) - 954.54 --> 975.42 (+20.88)
09) (-1) 33d9Euk.png?1 Green Protection Agency (37 --> 37) (±0) - 956.60 --> 964.42 (+7.82)
10) (±0) 9xRmIu1.png?1 Cobalt (22 --> 22) (±0) - 932.73 --> 941.00 (+8.28)
11) (±0) Rose (90 --> 90) (±0) - 926.84 --> 932.74 (+5.90)
12) (±0) Fark (25 --> 25) (±0) - 890.96 --> 894.18 (+3.22)
13) (±0) The Coalition (12 --> 12) (±0) - 835.33 --> 838.25 (+2.92)
14) (±0) Mensa HQ (64 --> 64) (±0) - 820.28 --> 828.72 (+8.43)
15) (+1) Vanguard (31 --> 30) (-1) - 792.64 --> 803.93 (+11.29)
16) (-1) United Purple Nations (142 --> 141) (-1) - 799.56 --> 800.05 (+0.49)
17) (±0) Viridian Entente (107 --> 107) (±0) - 782.16 --> 791.73 (+9.57)
18) (+1) Cornerstone (33 --> 32) (-1) - 712.43 --> 739.69 (+27.26)
19) (-1) InGen (17 --> 17) (±0) - 734.24 --> 738.19 (+3.95)
20) (+1) The Light Federation (21 --> 21) (±0) - 678.84 --> 679.34 (+0.50)
21) (-1) Empire of Spades (14 --> 15) (+1) - 687.96 --> 646.56 (-41.40)
22) (±0) Noir (14 --> 14) (±0) - 637.31 --> 644.75 (+7.44)
23) (±0) Brotherhood of the Clouds (96 --> 97) (+1) - 628.32 --> 637.83 (+9.51)
24) (±0) Arrgh (66 --> 66) (±0) - 604.22 --> 607.33 (+3.11)
25) (±0) The Fighting Pacifists (15 --> 15) (±0) - 584.68 --> 590.88 (+6.20)
26) (±0) North American Confederacy (21 --> 21) (±0) - 488.94 --> 495.50 (+6.55)
27) (±0) Black Knights (78 --> 78) (±0) - 449.73 --> 453.75 (+4.03)
28) (±0) World Task Force (22 --> 22) (±0) - 394.43 --> 402.25 (+7.82)
29) (±0) Charming Friends (21 --> 21) (±0) - 389.21 --> 390.21 (+1.01)
30) (±0) The Knights Radiant (49 --> 51) (+2) - 356.90 --> 344.83 (-12.07)
31) (±0) Vargen Institution (28 --> 30) (+2) - 313.83 --> 307.37 (-6.46)
32) (±0) The Evenstar Empire (38 --> 38) (±0) - 291.89 --> 293.07 (+1.18)
33) (±0) Roz Wei (37 --> 36) (-1) - 255.87 --> 261.03 (+5.16)
34) (±0) Trident (43 --> 43) (±0) - 172.07 --> 174.75 (+2.68)

The Syndicate repasses the 1100 Avg Score milestone!
The Light Federation reenters the top twenty!
Vanguard repasses the 800 Avg Score milestone!
The United Purple Nations repasses the 800 Avg Score milestone!
The Empire of Spades falls below the 650 Avg Score milestone!
The Black Knights repasses the 450 Avg Score milestone!
The World Task Force passes the 400 Avg Score milestone!
The Knights Radiant falls below the 350 Avg Score milestone!

Greatest Avg Score Gain:
1) Cornerstone (+27.26)
2) Guardian (+20.88)
3) Alpha (+13.93)

Greatest Avg Score Loss:
1) Empire of Spades (-41.40)
2) The Knights Radiant (-12.07)
3) Vargen Institution (-6.46)

Stats taken: September 12 12:00 am

A huge thank you to Gopherbashi for creating and donating the program used to quickly calculate these stats!

Happy Saturday! Enjoying the updates? Throw your give the thread a rating at the top, throw your favourites a like, and post about it! I'm also very open to suggestions, if you have them. :) Edited by Kurdanak

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13 September 2015 - Collaborative
05.5) (±0.0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms
05.5) (±0.0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company
05.5) (±0.0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate
07.0) (±0.0) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose
08.5) (±0.0) RfSWE9E.png?1 United Purple Nations
09.0) (±0.0) Tbd5yYu.jpg?1 Alpha
09.5) (±0.0) 2EbpmEO.jpg?1 Terminus Est
09.5) (±0.0) zunT10Q.png?1 Viridian Entente
10.0) (-0.5) 33d9Euk.png?1 Green Protection Agency
10.0) (±0.0) Yog6dWH.jpg?1 Guardian
10.5) (±0.0) Mensa HQ
10.5) (±0.0) Sigma
12.5) (±0.0) Asgard
13.5) (+0.5) Brotherhood of the Clouds
14.0) (±0.0) Cobalt
14.0) (±0.0) Fark
14.0) (±0.0) Vanguard
16.0) (+0.5) Arrgh
17.0) (-0.5) Cornerstone
18.5) (+0.5) Black Knights
19.5) (±0.0) The Coalition
20.0) (+1.0) InGen
21.5) (-0.5) The Light Federation
24.0) (±0.0) Empire of Spades
25.5) (±0.0) North American Confederacy
25.5) (±0.0) The Knights Radiant
27.5) (-1.5) Noir
27.5) (+0.5) The Fighting Pacifists
28.0) (±0.0) The Evenstar Empire
30.0) (±0.0) Vargen Institution
30.0) (±0.0) World Task Force
30.5) (±0.0) Roz Wei
31.0) (±0.0) Charming Friends
34.0) (±0.0) Trident

InGen reenters the top twenty!

Greatest Membership Gain:
1) Rose (+2), Black Knights (+2), Noir (+2)
2) N/A
3) N/A

Greatest Membership Loss:
1) The Light Federation (-3)
2) Brotherhood of the Clouds (-1), Mensa HQ (-1), Trident (-1)
3) N/A

13 September 2015 - By Total Score
01) (±0) RfSWE9E.png?1 United Purple Nations (141 --> 141) (±0) - 112806.47 --> 113578.18 (+771.71)
02) (±0) zunT10Q.png?1 Viridian Entente (107 --> 108) (+1) - 84715.10 --> 86042.99 (+1327.89)
03) (±0) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose (90 --> 92) (+2) - 83946.87 --> 85474.46 (+1527.59)
04) (±0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company (75 --> 75) (±0) - 76617.13 --> 76791.68 (+174.55)
05) (±0) SpmNr0m.png?1 Brotherhood of the Clouds (97 --> 96) (-1) - 61869.38 --> 62241.43 (+372.05)
06) (±0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate (53 --> 54) (+1) - 58382.68 --> 59750.53 (+1367.85)
07) (±0) bSYZ1bB.jpg?1 Mensa HQ (64 --> 63) (-1) - 53037.83 --> 52183.44 (-854.39)
08) (±0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms (34 --> 34) (±0) - 41319.26 --> 41339.26 (+20.00)
09) (±0) Jm3V4KQ.png?1 Arrgh (66 --> 66) (±0) - 40083.78 --> 40490.89 (+407.11)
10) (+1) WgPa7BW.png?1 Black Knights (78 --> 80) (+2) - 35392.60 --> 36008.22 (+615.62)
11) (-1) Green Protection Agency (37 --> 37) (±0) - 35683.65 --> 35765.17 (+81.52)
12) (±0) Guardian (27 --> 27) (±0) - 26336.34 --> 26603.22 (+266.88)
13) (±0) Vanguard (30 --> 30) (±0) - 24117.76 --> 24291.90 (+174.14)
14) (±0) Alpha (21 --> 21) (±0) - 23946.54 --> 24001.54 (+55.00)
15) (±0) Cornerstone (32 --> 32) (±0) - 23670.09 --> 23860.21 (+190.12)
16) (±0) Fark (25 --> 25) (±0) - 22354.62 --> 22482.47 (+127.85)
17) (±0) Terminus Est (12 --> 12) (±0) - 21607.65 --> 21632.65 (+25.00)
18) (±0) Cobalt (22 --> 22) (±0) - 20702.08 --> 20961.63 (+259.55)
19) (±0) Asgard (19 --> 19) (±0) - 19624.00 --> 19784.80 (+160.80)
20) (±0) Sigma (10 --> 10) (±0) - 19198.43 --> 19223.43 (+25.00)
21) (±0) The Knights Radiant (51 --> 52) (+1) - 17586.11 --> 17755.90 (+169.79)
22) (+1) InGen (17 --> 17) (±0) - 12549.25 --> 12690.19 (+140.94)
23) (-1) The Light Federation (21 --> 18) (-3) - 14266.13 --> 12594.26 (-1671.87)
24) (±0) The Evenstar Empire (38 --> 38) (±0) - 11136.73 --> 11234.59 (+97.86)
25) (±0) North American Confederacy (21 --> 21) (±0) - 10405.44 --> 10574.52 (+169.08)
26) (±0) The Coalition (12 --> 12) (±0) - 10059.00 --> 10092.50 (+33.50)
27) (±0) Empire of Spades (15 --> 15) (±0) - 9698.40 --> 9889.55 (+191.15)
28) (±0) Roz Wei (36 --> 36) (±0) - 9397.12 --> 9812.21 (+415.09)
29) (±0) Vargen Institution (30 --> 30) (±0) - 9221.05 --> 9302.63 (+81.58)
30) (±0) Noir (14 --> 16) (+2) - 9026.49 --> 9207.54 (+181.05)
31) (±0) The Fighting Pacifists (15 --> 15) (±0) - 8863.18 --> 8955.58 (+92.40)
32) (±0) World Task Force (22 --> 22) (±0) - 8849.56 --> 8899.52 (+49.96)
33) (±0) Charming Friends (21 --> 21) (±0) - 8194.48 --> 8209.40 (+14.92)
34) (±0) Trident (43 --> 42) (-1) - 7514.27 --> 7536.24 (+21.97)
ADD/DROP LINE: 7136.73 --> 7201.64 (+64.91)

The United Purple Nations repasses the 113000 Score milestone!
Viridian Entente repasses the 85000 Score and 86000 Score milestones!
Rose repasses the 84000 Score and 85000 Score milestones!
The Brotherhood of the Clouds passes the 62000 Score milestone!
The Syndicate repasses the 59000 Score milestone!
Mensa HQ falls below the 53000 Score milestone!
The Black Knights repasses the 36000 Score milestone!
The Black Knights reenters the top ten! WgPa7BW.png?1
Alpha repasses the 24000 Score milestone!
The Light Federation falls below the 14000 Score and 13000 Score milestones!

Greatest Score Gain:
1) Rose (+1527.59)
2) The Syndicate (+1367.85)
3) Viridian Entente (+1327.89)

Greatest Score Loss:
1) The Light Federation (-1671.87)
2) Mensa HQ (-854.39)
3) N/A

13 September 2015 - By Avg Score
01) (±0) VOzJrT2.png?1 Sigma (10 --> 10) (±0) - 1919.84 --> 1922.34 (+2.50)
02) (±0) 2EbpmEO.jpg?1 Terminus Est (12 --> 12) (±0) - 1800.64 --> 1802.72 (+2.08)
03) (±0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms (34 --> 34) (±0) - 1215.27 --> 1215.86 (+0.59)
04) (±0) Tbd5yYu.jpg?1 Alpha (21 --> 21) (±0) - 1140.31 --> 1142.93 (+2.62)
05) (±0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate (53 --> 54) (+1) - 1101.56 --> 1106.49 (+4.93)
06) (±0) 5BITHdf.jpg?1 Asgard (19 --> 19) (±0) - 1032.84 --> 1041.31 (+8.46)
07) (±0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company (75 --> 75) (±0) - 1021.56 --> 1023.89 (+2.33)
08) (±0) Yog6dWH.jpg?1 Guardian (27 --> 27) (±0) - 975.42 --> 985.30 (+9.88)
09) (±0) 33d9Euk.png?1 Green Protection Agency (37 --> 37) (±0) - 964.42 --> 966.63 (+2.20)
10) (±0) 9xRmIu1.png?1 Cobalt (22 --> 22) (±0) - 941.00 --> 952.80 (+11.80)
11) (±0) Rose (90 --> 92) (+2) - 932.74 --> 929.07 (-3.67)
12) (±0) Fark (25 --> 25) (±0) - 894.18 --> 899.30 (+5.11)
13) (±0) The Coalition (12 --> 12) (±0) - 838.25 --> 841.04 (+2.79)
14) (±0) Mensa HQ (64 --> 63) (-1) - 828.72 --> 828.31 (-0.41)
15) (±0) Vanguard (30 --> 30) (±0) - 803.93 --> 809.73 (+5.80)
16) (±0) United Purple Nations (141 --> 141) (±0) - 800.05 --> 805.52 (+5.47)
17) (±0) Viridian Entente (107 --> 108) (+1) - 791.73 --> 796.69 (+4.96)
18) (+1) InGen (17 --> 17) (±0) - 738.19 --> 746.48 (+8.29)
19) (-1) Cornerstone (32 --> 32) (±0) - 739.69 --> 745.63 (+5.94)
20) (±0) The Light Federation (21 --> 18) (-3) - 679.34 --> 699.68 (+20.34)
21) (±0) Empire of Spades (15 --> 15) (±0) - 646.56 --> 659.30 (+12.74)
22) (+1) Brotherhood of the Clouds (97 --> 96) (-1) - 637.83 --> 648.35 (+10.52)
23) (+1) Arrgh (66 --> 66) (±0) - 607.33 --> 613.50 (+6.17)
24) (+1) The Fighting Pacifists (15 --> 15) (±0) - 590.88 --> 597.04 (+6.16)
25) (-3) Noir (14 --> 16) (+2) - 644.75 --> 575.47 (-69.28)
26) (±0) North American Confederacy (21 --> 21) (±0) - 495.50 --> 503.55 (+8.05)
27) (±0) Black Knights (78 --> 80) (+2) - 453.75 --> 450.10 (-3.65)
28) (±0) World Task Force (22 --> 22) (±0) - 402.25 --> 404.52 (+2.27)
29) (±0) Charming Friends (21 --> 21) (±0) - 390.21 --> 390.92 (+0.71)
30) (±0) The Knights Radiant (51 --> 52) (+1) - 344.83 --> 341.46 (-3.37)
31) (±0) Vargen Institution (30 --> 30) (±0) - 307.37 --> 310.09 (+2.72)
32) (±0) The Evenstar Empire (38 --> 38) (±0) - 293.07 --> 295.65 (+2.58)
33) (±0) Roz Wei (36 --> 36) (±0) - 261.03 --> 272.56 (+11.53)
34) (±0) Trident (43 --> 42) (-1) - 174.75 --> 179.43 (+4.68)

Cobalt passes the 950 Avg Score milestone!
The Empire of Spades repasses the 650 Avg Score milestone!
Noir falls below the 600 Avg Score milestone!
The North American Confederacy repasses the 500 Avg Score milestone!

Greatest Avg Score Gain:
1) The Light Federation (+20.34)
2) Empire of Spades (+12.74)
3) Cobalt (+11.80)

Greatest Avg Score Loss:
1) Noir (-69.28)
2) Rose (-3.67)
3) Black Knights (-3.65)

Stats taken: September 13 12:00 am

A huge thank you to Gopherbashi for creating and donating the program used to quickly calculate these stats!

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14 September 2015 - Collaborative
05.5) (±0.0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms
05.5) (±0.0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company
05.5) (±0.0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate
06.0) (+1.0) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose
08.5) (±0.0) RfSWE9E.png?1 United Purple Nations
09.5) (-0.5) Tbd5yYu.jpg?1 Alpha
09.5) (±0.0) 2EbpmEO.jpg?1 Terminus Est
09.5) (±0.0) zunT10Q.png?1 Viridian Entente
10.0) (±0.0) Yog6dWH.jpg?1 Guardian
10.5) (±0.0) Mensa HQ
10.5) (±0.0) Sigma
11.0) (-1.0) Green Protection Agency
12.5) (±0.0) Asgard
13.5) (±0.0) Brotherhood of the Clouds
14.0) (±0.0) Cobalt
14.0) (±0.0) Fark
14.5) (-0.5) Vanguard
16.0) (±0.0) Arrgh
16.0) (+1.0) Cornerstone
18.5) (±0.0) Black Knights
19.5) (±0.0) The Coalition
20.0) (±0.0) InGen
21.5) (±0.0) The Light Federation
24.5) (-0.5) Empire of Spades
25.5) (±0.0) North American Confederacy
26.0) (-0.5) The Knights Radiant
27.5) (±0.0) Noir
27.5) (±0.0) The Fighting Pacifists
28.0) (±0.0) The Evenstar Empire
29.5) (+0.5) Vargen Institution
30.0) (+0.5) Roz Wei
30.0) (±0.0) World Task Force
31.0) (±0.0) Charming Friends
34.0) (±0.0) Trident

No notes today!

Greatest Membership Gain:
1) United Purple Nations (+2), Green Protection Agency (+2), The Knights Radiant (+2)
2) N/A
3) N/A

Greatest Membership Loss:
1) Rose (-7)
2) Arrgh (-4)
3) Brotherhood of the Clouds (-3)

14 September 2015 - By Total Score
01) (±0) RfSWE9E.png?1 United Purple Nations (141 --> 143) (+2) - 113578.18 --> 115316.06 (+1737.88)
02) (±0) zunT10Q.png?1 Viridian Entente (108 --> 108) (±0) - 86042.99 --> 86517.38 (+474.39)
03) (±0) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose (92 --> 85) (-7) - 85474.46 --> 82204.15 (-3270.31)
04) (±0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company (75 --> 75) (±0) - 76791.68 --> 77002.02 (+210.34)
05) (±0) SpmNr0m.png?1 Brotherhood of the Clouds (96 --> 93) (-3) - 62241.43 --> 61879.46 (-361.97)
06) (±0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate (54 --> 54) (±0) - 59750.53 --> 60074.02 (+323.49)
07) (±0) bSYZ1bB.jpg?1 Mensa HQ (63 --> 62) (-1) - 52183.44 --> 51257.37 (-926.07)
08) (±0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms (34 --> 34) (±0) - 41339.26 --> 41626.36 (+287.10)
09) (±0) Jm3V4KQ.png?1 Arrgh (66 --> 62) (-4) - 40490.89 --> 39669.52 (-821.37)
10) (±0) WgPa7BW.png?1 Black Knights (80 --> 80) (±0) - 36008.22 --> 36382.94 (+374.72)
11) (±0) Green Protection Agency (37 --> 39) (+2) - 35765.17 --> 35928.17 (+163.00)
12) (±0) Guardian (27 --> 27) (±0) - 26603.22 --> 26856.76 (+253.54)
13) (+2) Cornerstone (32 --> 33) (+1) - 23860.21 --> 24983.68 (+1123.47)
14) (-1) Vanguard (30 --> 30) (±0) - 24291.90 --> 24614.95 (+323.05)
15) (-1) Alpha (21 --> 21) (±0) - 24001.54 --> 24006.54 (+5.00)
16) (±0) Fark (25 --> 25) (±0) - 22482.47 --> 22651.14 (+168.67)
17) (±0) Terminus Est (12 --> 12) (±0) - 21632.65 --> 21661.63 (+28.98)
18) (±0) Cobalt (22 --> 22) (±0) - 20961.63 --> 21142.48 (+180.85)
19) (±0) Asgard (19 --> 19) (±0) - 19784.80 --> 19833.44 (+48.64)
20) (±0) Sigma (10 --> 10) (±0) - 19223.43 --> 19283.53 (+60.10)
21) (±0) The Knights Radiant (52 --> 54) (+2) - 17755.90 --> 18144.23 (+388.33)
22) (±0) InGen (17 --> 17) (±0) - 12690.19 --> 12910.87 (+220.68)
23) (±0) The Light Federation (18 --> 18) (±0) - 12594.26 --> 12664.02 (+69.76)
24) (±0) The Evenstar Empire (38 --> 38) (±0) - 11234.59 --> 11386.18 (+151.59)
25) (±0) North American Confederacy (21 --> 21) (±0) - 10574.52 --> 10553.58 (-20.94)
26) (±0) The Coalition (12 --> 12) (±0) - 10092.50 --> 10177.00 (+84.50)
27) (+1) Roz Wei (36 --> 37) (+1) - 9812.21 --> 10062.93 (+250.72)
28) (-1) Empire of Spades (15 --> 15) (±0) - 9889.55 --> 10019.56 (+130.01)
29) (±0) Vargen Institution (30 --> 28) (-2) - 9302.63 --> 9612.77 (+310.14)
30) (±0) Noir (16 --> 16) (±0) - 9207.54 --> 9490.77 (+283.23)
31) (±0) The Fighting Pacifists (15 --> 15) (±0) - 8955.58 --> 9025.18 (+69.60)
32) (±0) World Task Force (22 --> 22) (±0) - 8899.52 --> 8752.16 (-147.36)
33) (±0) Charming Friends (21 --> 21) (±0) - 8209.40 --> 8191.67 (-17.73)
34) (±0) Trident (42 --> 41) (-1) - 7536.24 --> 7575.82 (+39.58)
ADD/DROP LINE: 7201.64 --> 7276.59 (+74.94)

The United Purple Nations repasses the 114000 Score and 115000 Score milestones!
Rose falls below the 85000 Score - 83000 Score milestones!
The Dutch East India Company repasses the 77000 Score milestone!
The Brotherhood of the Clouds falls below the 62000 Score milestone!
The Syndicate repasses the 60000 Score milestone!
Mensa HQ falls below the 52000 Score milestone!
Arrgh falls below the 40000 Score milestone!
Cornerstone repasses the 24000 Score milestone!
Cobalt repasses the 21000 Score milestone!
The Knights Radiant passes the 18000 Score milestone!
Roz Wei passes the 10000 Score milestone!
The Empire of Spades passes the 10000 Score milestone!
The Fighting Pacifists passes the 9000 Score milestone!

Greatest Score Gain:
1) United Purple Nations (+1737.88)
2) Cornerstone (+1123.47)
3) Viridian Entente (+474.39)

Greatest Score Loss:
1) Rose (-3270.31)
2) Mensa HQ (-926.07)
3) Arrgh (-821.37)

14 September 2015 - By Avg Score
01) (±0) VOzJrT2.png?1 Sigma (10 --> 10) (±0) - 1922.34 --> 1928.35 (+6.01)
02) (±0) 2EbpmEO.jpg?1 Terminus Est (12 --> 12) (±0) - 1802.72 --> 1805.14 (+2.41)
03) (±0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms (34 --> 34) (±0) - 1215.86 --> 1224.30 (+8.44)
04) (±0) Tbd5yYu.jpg?1 Alpha (21 --> 21) (±0) - 1142.93 --> 1143.17 (+0.24)
05) (±0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate (54 --> 54) (±0) - 1106.49 --> 1112.48 (+5.99)
06) (±0) 5BITHdf.jpg?1 Asgard (19 --> 19) (±0) - 1041.31 --> 1043.87 (+2.56)
07) (±0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company (75 --> 75) (±0) - 1023.89 --> 1026.69 (+2.80)
08) (±0) Yog6dWH.jpg?1 Guardian (27 --> 27) (±0) - 985.30 --> 994.69 (+9.39)
09) (+2) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose (92 --> 85) (-7) - 929.07 --> 967.11 (+38.04)
10) (±0) 9xRmIu1.png?1 Cobalt (22 --> 22) (±0) - 952.80 --> 961.02 (+8.22)
11) (-2) Green Protection Agency (37 --> 39) (+2) - 966.63 --> 921.24 (-45.39)
12) (±0) Fark (25 --> 25) (±0) - 899.30 --> 906.05 (+6.75)
13) (±0) The Coalition (12 --> 12) (±0) - 841.04 --> 848.08 (+7.04)
14) (±0) Mensa HQ (63 --> 62) (-1) - 828.31 --> 826.73 (-1.58)
15) (±0) Vanguard (30 --> 30) (±0) - 809.73 --> 820.50 (+10.77)
16) (±0) United Purple Nations (141 --> 143) (+2) - 805.52 --> 806.41 (+0.89)
17) (±0) Viridian Entente (108 --> 108) (±0) - 796.69 --> 801.09 (+4.39)
18) (±0) InGen (17 --> 17) (±0) - 746.48 --> 759.46 (+12.98)
19) (±0) Cornerstone (32 --> 33) (+1) - 745.63 --> 757.08 (+11.45)
20) (±0) The Light Federation (18 --> 18) (±0) - 699.68 --> 703.56 (+3.88)
21) (±0) Empire of Spades (15 --> 15) (±0) - 659.30 --> 667.97 (+8.67)
22) (±0) Brotherhood of the Clouds (96 --> 93) (-3) - 648.35 --> 665.37 (+17.02)
23) (±0) Arrgh (66 --> 62) (-4) - 613.50 --> 639.83 (+26.33)
24) (±0) The Fighting Pacifists (15 --> 15) (±0) - 597.04 --> 601.68 (+4.64)
25) (±0) Noir (16 --> 16) (±0) - 575.47 --> 593.17 (+17.70)
26) (±0) North American Confederacy (21 --> 21) (±0) - 503.55 --> 502.55 (-1.00)
27) (±0) Black Knights (80 --> 80) (±0) - 450.10 --> 454.79 (+4.68)
28) (±0) World Task Force (22 --> 22) (±0) - 404.52 --> 397.83 (-6.70)
29) (±0) Charming Friends (21 --> 21) (±0) - 390.92 --> 390.08 (-0.84)
30) (+1) Vargen Institution (30 --> 28) (-2) - 310.09 --> 343.31 (+33.23)
31) (-1) The Knights Radiant (52 --> 54) (+2) - 341.46 --> 336.00 (-5.45)
32) (±0) The Evenstar Empire (38 --> 38) (±0) - 295.65 --> 299.64 (+3.99)
33) (±0) Roz Wei (36 --> 37) (+1) - 272.56 --> 271.97 (-0.59)
34) (±0) Trident (42 --> 41) (-1) - 179.43 --> 184.78 (+5.34)

Rose reenters the top ten! pkDJbln.png?1
Rose repasses the 950 Avg Score milestone!
The Green Protection Agency falls below the 950 Avg Score milestone!
Fark passes the 900 Avg Score milestone!
The Viridian Entente repasses the 800 Avg Score milestone!
InGen repasses the 750 Avg Score milestone!
Cornerstone repasses the 750 Avg Score milestone!
The Light Federation repasses the 700 Avg Score milestone!
The Brotherhood of the Clouds repasses the 650 Avg Score milestone!
The Fighting Pacifists passes the 600 Avg Score milestone!
The World Task Force falls below the 400 Avg Score milestone!

Greatest Avg Score Gain:
1) Rose (+38.04)
2) Vargen Institution (+33.23)
3) Arrgh (+26.33)

Greatest Avg Score Loss:
1) Green Protection Agency (-45.39)
2) World Task Force (-6.70)
3) The Knights Radiant (-5.45)

Stats taken: September 14 12:00 am

A huge thank you to Gopherbashi for creating and donating the program used to quickly calculate these stats!

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15 September 2015 - Collaborative
05.5) (±0.0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms
05.5) (±0.0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company
05.5) (±0.0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate
06.0) (±0.0) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose
08.0) (+1.5) Tbd5yYu.jpg?1 Alpha
08.5) (±0.0) RfSWE9E.png?1 United Purple Nations
09.5) (±0.0) 2EbpmEO.jpg?1 Terminus Est
09.5) (±0.0) zunT10Q.png?1 Viridian Entente
10.5) (+0.5) Green Protection Agency
10.5) (-0.5) Guardian
11.0) (-0.5) Mensa HQ
11.0) (-0.5) Sigma
12.5) (±0.0) Asgard
13.5) (±0.0) Brotherhood of the Clouds
14.0) (±0.0) Cobalt
14.0) (±0.0) Fark
14.5) (±0.0) Vanguard
16.0) (±0.0) Arrgh
16.5) (-0.5) Cornerstone
19.0) (-0.5) Black Knights
20.0) (±0.0) InGen
20.0) (-0.5) The Coalition
21.5) (±0.0) The Light Federation
24.5) (±0.0) Empire of Spades
25.5) (±0.0) North American Confederacy
25.5) (+0.5) The Knights Radiant
27.0) (+0.5) Noir
28.0) (±0.0) The Evenstar Empire
28.0) (-0.5) The Fighting Pacifists
29.5) (+0.5) Roz Wei
29.5) (±0.0) Vargen Institution
30.0) (±0.0) World Task Force
31.0) (±0.0) Charming Friends
34.0) (±0.0) Trident

Terminus Est changes colours from blue to white!
Guardian falls out of the top ten!

Greatest Membership Gain:
1) Alpha (+2)
2) United Purple Nations (+1), Rose (+1), Green Protection Agency (+1), Cornerstone (+1), Fark (+1), Terminus Est (+1), The Knights Radiant (+1), Roz Wei (+1)
3) N/A

Greatest Membership Loss:
1) Mensa HQ (-1), Arrgh (-1), Sigma (-1)
2) N/A
3) N/A

15 September 2015 - By Total Score
01) (±0) RfSWE9E.png?1 United Purple Nations (143 --> 144) (+1) - 115316.06 --> 116997.97 (+1681.91)
02) (±0) zunT10Q.png?1 Viridian Entente (108 --> 108) (±0) - 86517.38 --> 87192.64 (+675.26)
03) (±0) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose (85 --> 86) (+1) - 82204.15 --> 82687.10 (+482.95)
04) (±0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company (75 --> 75) (±0) - 77002.02 --> 77288.46 (+286.44)
05) (±0) SpmNr0m.png?1 Brotherhood of the Clouds (93 --> 93) (±0) - 61879.46 --> 61882.50 (+3.04)
06) (±0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate (54 --> 54) (±0) - 60074.02 --> 60296.11 (+222.09)
07) (±0) bSYZ1bB.jpg?1 Mensa HQ (62 --> 61) (-1) - 51257.37 --> 50356.85 (-900.52)
08) (±0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms (34 --> 34) (±0) - 41626.36 --> 41798.86 (+172.50)
09) (±0) Jm3V4KQ.png?1 Arrgh (62 --> 61) (-1) - 39669.52 --> 38735.08 (-934.44)
10) (+1) 33d9Euk.png?1 Green Protection Agency (39 --> 40) (+1) - 35928.17 --> 36872.62 (+944.45)
11) (-1) Black Knights (80 --> 80) (±0) - 36382.94 --> 36542.19 (+159.25)
12) (+3) Alpha (21 --> 23) (+2) - 24006.54 --> 27270.32 (+3263.78)
13) (-1) Guardian (27 --> 27) (±0) - 26856.76 --> 27148.76 (+292.00)
14) (-1) Cornerstone (33 --> 34) (+1) - 24983.68 --> 25881.17 (+897.49)
15) (-1) Vanguard (30 --> 30) (±0) - 24614.95 --> 24772.07 (+157.12)
16) (±0) Fark (25 --> 26) (+1) - 22651.14 --> 22777.18 (+126.04)
17) (±0) Terminus Est (12 --> 13) (+1) - 21661.63 --> 22609.53 (+947.90)
18) (±0) Cobalt (22 --> 22) (±0) - 21142.48 --> 21016.68 (-125.80)
19) (±0) Asgard (19 --> 19) (±0) - 19833.44 --> 19870.23 (+36.79)
20) (+1) The Knights Radiant (54 --> 55) (+1) - 18144.23 --> 18361.26 (+217.03)
21) (-1) Sigma (10 --> 9) (-1) - 19283.53 --> 18138.33 (-1145.20)
22) (±0) InGen (17 --> 17) (±0) - 12910.87 --> 12941.18 (+30.31)
23) (±0) The Light Federation (18 --> 18) (±0) - 12664.02 --> 12876.02 (+212.00)
24) (±0) The Evenstar Empire (38 --> 38) (±0) - 11386.18 --> 11462.13 (+75.95)
25) (±0) North American Confederacy (21 --> 21) (±0) - 10553.58 --> 10541.64 (-11.94)
26) (+1) Roz Wei (37 --> 38) (+1) - 10062.93 --> 10361.22 (+298.29)
27) (-1) The Coalition (12 --> 12) (±0) - 10177.00 --> 10153.00 (-24.00)
28) (±0) Empire of Spades (15 --> 15) (±0) - 10019.56 --> 10026.23 (+6.67)
29) (±0) Vargen Institution (28 --> 28) (±0) - 9612.77 --> 9814.56 (+201.79)
30) (±0) Noir (16 --> 16) (±0) - 9490.77 --> 9523.04 (+32.27)
31) (±0) The Fighting Pacifists (15 --> 16) (+1) - 9025.18 --> 9209.49 (+184.31)
32) (±0) World Task Force (22 --> 22) (±0) - 8752.16 --> 8959.37 (+207.21)
33) (±0) Charming Friends (21 --> 21) (±0) - 8191.67 --> 8223.24 (+31.57)
34) (±0) Trident (41 --> 41) (±0) - 7575.82 --> 7656.88 (+81.06)
ADD/DROP LINE: 7276.59 --> 7374.52 (+97.94)

The Green Protection Agency reenters the top ten! 33d9Euk.png?1
The United Purple Nations repasses the 116000 Score milestone!
The Viridian Entente repasses the 87000 Score milestone!
Mensa HQ falls below the 51000 Score milestone!
Arrgh falls below the 39000 Score milestone!
The Green Protection Agency repasses the 36000 Score milestone!
The Knights Radiant reenters the top twenty!
Alpha repasses the 25000 Score - 27000 Score milestones!
Guardian repasses the 27000 Score milestone!
Cornerstone passes the 25000 Score milestone!
Terminus Est repasses the 22000 Score milestone!
Sigma falls below the 19000 Score milestone!

Greatest Score Gain:
1) Alpha (+3263.78)
2) United Purple Nations (+1681.91)
3) Terminus Est (+947.90)

Greatest Score Loss:
1) Sigma (-1145.20)
2) Arrgh (-934.44)
3) Mensa HQ (-900.52)

15 September 2015 - By Avg Score
01) (±0) VOzJrT2.png?1 Sigma (10 --> 9) (-1) - 1928.35 --> 2015.37 (+87.02)
02) (±0) 2EbpmEO.jpg?1 Terminus Est (12 --> 13) (+1) - 1805.14 --> 1739.19 (-65.94)
03) (±0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms (34 --> 34) (±0) - 1224.30 --> 1229.38 (+5.07)
04) (±0) Tbd5yYu.jpg?1 Alpha (21 --> 23) (+2) - 1143.17 --> 1185.67 (+42.50)
05) (±0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate (54 --> 54) (±0) - 1112.48 --> 1116.59 (+4.11)
06) (±0) 5BITHdf.jpg?1 Asgard (19 --> 19) (±0) - 1043.87 --> 1045.80 (+1.94)
07) (±0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company (75 --> 75) (±0) - 1026.69 --> 1030.51 (+3.82)
08) (±0) Yog6dWH.jpg?1 Guardian (27 --> 27) (±0) - 994.69 --> 1005.51 (+10.81)
09) (±0) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose (85 --> 86) (+1) - 967.11 --> 961.48 (-5.63)
10) (±0) 9xRmIu1.png?1 Cobalt (22 --> 22) (±0) - 961.02 --> 955.30 (-5.72)
11) (±0) Green Protection Agency (39 --> 40) (+1) - 921.24 --> 921.82 (+0.58)
12) (±0) Fark (25 --> 26) (+1) - 906.05 --> 876.05 (-30.00)
13) (±0) The Coalition (12 --> 12) (±0) - 848.08 --> 846.08 (-2.00)
14) (+1) Vanguard (30 --> 30) (±0) - 820.50 --> 825.74 (+5.24)
15) (-1) Mensa HQ (62 --> 61) (-1) - 826.73 --> 825.52 (-1.21)
16) (±0) United Purple Nations (143 --> 144) (+1) - 806.41 --> 812.49 (+6.08)
17) (±0) Viridian Entente (108 --> 108) (±0) - 801.09 --> 807.34 (+6.25)
18) (±0) InGen (17 --> 17) (±0) - 759.46 --> 761.25 (+1.78)
19) (±0) Cornerstone (33 --> 34) (+1) - 757.08 --> 761.21 (+4.13)
20) (±0) The Light Federation (18 --> 18) (±0) - 703.56 --> 715.33 (+11.78)
21) (±0) Empire of Spades (15 --> 15) (±0) - 667.97 --> 668.42 (+0.44)
22) (±0) Brotherhood of the Clouds (93 --> 93) (±0) - 665.37 --> 665.40 (+0.03)
23) (±0) Arrgh (62 --> 61) (-1) - 639.83 --> 635.00 (-4.83)
24) (+1) Noir (16 --> 16) (±0) - 593.17 --> 595.19 (+2.02)
25) (-1) The Fighting Pacifists (15 --> 16) (+1) - 601.68 --> 575.59 (-26.08)
26) (±0) North American Confederacy (21 --> 21) (±0) - 502.55 --> 501.98 (-0.57)
27) (±0) Black Knights (80 --> 80) (±0) - 454.79 --> 456.78 (+1.99)
28) (±0) World Task Force (22 --> 22) (±0) - 397.83 --> 407.24 (+9.42)
29) (±0) Charming Friends (21 --> 21) (±0) - 390.08 --> 391.58 (+1.50)
30) (±0) Vargen Institution (28 --> 28) (±0) - 343.31 --> 350.52 (+7.21)
31) (±0) The Knights Radiant (54 --> 55) (+1) - 336.00 --> 333.84 (-2.16)
32) (±0) The Evenstar Empire (38 --> 38) (±0) - 299.64 --> 301.63 (+2.00)
33) (±0) Roz Wei (37 --> 38) (+1) - 271.97 --> 272.66 (+0.69)
34) (±0) Trident (41 --> 41) (±0) - 184.78 --> 186.75 (+1.98)

Sigma repasses the 1950 Avg Score and 2000 Avg Score milestones!
Terminus Est falls below the 1800 Avg Score and 1750 Avg Score milestones!
Alpha repasses the 1150 Avg Score milestone!
Guardian repasses the 1000 Avg Score milestone!
Fark falls below the 900 Avg Score milestone!
The Fighting Pacifists falls below the 600 Avg Score milestone!
The World Task Force repasses the 400 Avg Score milestone!
The Vargen Institution passes the 350 Avg Score milestone!
The Evenstar Empire passes the 300 Avg Score milestone!

Greatest Avg Score Gain:
1) Sigma (+87.02)
2) Alpha (+42.50)
3) The Light Federation (+11.78)

Greatest Avg Score Loss:
1) Terminus Est (-65.94)
2) Fark (-30.00)
3) The Fighting Pacifists (-26.08)

Stats taken: September 15 12:00 am

A huge thank you to:
Gopherbashi for creating and donating the program used to quickly calculate these stats!
The correct form of the English language for providing the colour used in this update!

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16 September 2015 - Collaborative
05.5) (±0.0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms
05.5) (±0.0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company
05.5) (±0.0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate
06.5) (-0.5) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose
08.0) (±0.0) Tbd5yYu.jpg?1 Alpha
08.5) (±0.0) RfSWE9E.png?1 United Purple Nations
09.5) (±0.0) 2EbpmEO.jpg?1 Terminus Est
09.5) (±0.0) zunT10Q.png?1 Viridian Entente
10.5) (±0.0) Green Protection Agency
10.5) (±0.0) Guardian
10.5) (+0.5) Mensa HQ
11.0) (±0.0) Sigma
12.5) (±0.0) Asgard
13.0) (+0.5) Brotherhood of the Clouds
13.5) (+0.5) Cobalt
14.0) (±0.0) Fark
15.0) (-0.5) Vanguard
16.0) (±0.0) Arrgh
16.0) (+0.5) Cornerstone
19.0) (±0.0) Black Knights
20.5) (-0.5) The Coalition
21.0) (-1.0) InGen
21.0) (+0.5) The Light Federation
25.5) (-1.0) Empire of Spades
25.5) (+1.5) Noir
25.5) (±0.0) North American Confederacy
25.5) (±0.0) The Knights Radiant
28.0) (±0.0) The Evenstar Empire
28.0) (±0.0) The Fighting Pacifists
29.5) (±0.0) Roz Wei
30.0) (-0.5) Vargen Institution
30.0) (±0.0) World Task Force
31.0) (±0.0) Charming Friends
34.0) (±0.0) Trident

The Coalition falls out of the top twenty!
InGen falls out of the top twenty!

Greatest Membership Gain:
1) The Knights Radiant (+2), Roz Wei (+2)
2) N/A
3) Rose (+1), Brotherhood of the Clouds (+1), The Syndicate (+1), Mensa HQ (+1), Seven Kingdoms (+1), Arrgh (+1), Noir (+1), Empire of Spades (+1)

Greatest Membership Loss:
1) Vargen Institution (-1)
2) N/A
3) N/A

16 September 2015 - By Total Score
01) (±0) RfSWE9E.png?1 United Purple Nations (144 --> 144) (±0) - 116997.97 --> 117493.63 (+495.66)
02) (±0) zunT10Q.png?1 Viridian Entente (108 --> 108) (±0) - 87192.64 --> 87989.71 (+797.07)
03) (±0) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose (86 --> 87) (+1) - 82687.10 --> 82718.18 (+31.08)
04) (±0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company (75 --> 75) (±0) - 77288.46 --> 77526.97 (+238.51)
05) (±0) SpmNr0m.png?1 Brotherhood of the Clouds (93 --> 94) (+1) - 61882.50 --> 62276.02 (+393.52)
06) (±0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate (54 --> 55) (+1) - 60296.11 --> 60504.68 (+208.57)
07) (±0) bSYZ1bB.jpg?1 Mensa HQ (61 --> 62) (+1) - 50356.85 --> 51357.90 (+1001.05)
08) (±0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms (34 --> 35) (+1) - 41798.86 --> 41779.81 (-19.05)
09) (±0) Jm3V4KQ.png?1 Arrgh (61 --> 62) (+1) - 38735.08 --> 38993.54 (+258.46)
10) (±0) 33d9Euk.png?1 Green Protection Agency (40 --> 40) (±0) - 36872.62 --> 36982.72 (+110.10)
11) (±0) Black Knights (80 --> 80) (±0) - 36542.19 --> 36743.84 (+201.65)
12) (±0) Alpha (23 --> 23) (±0) - 27270.32 --> 27291.18 (+20.86)
13) (±0) Guardian (27 --> 27) (±0) - 27148.76 --> 27199.76 (+51.00)
14) (±0) Cornerstone (34 --> 34) (±0) - 25881.17 --> 26102.11 (+220.94)
15) (±0) Vanguard (30 --> 30) (±0) - 24772.07 --> 24810.67 (+38.60)
16) (±0) Fark (26 --> 26) (±0) - 22777.18 --> 22897.07 (+119.89)
17) (±0) Terminus Est (13 --> 13) (±0) - 22609.53 --> 22636.73 (+27.20)
18) (±0) Cobalt (22 --> 22) (±0) - 21016.68 --> 20936.78 (-79.90)
19) (±0) Asgard (19 --> 19) (±0) - 19870.23 --> 19811.10 (-59.13)
20) (±0) The Knights Radiant (55 --> 57) (+2) - 18361.26 --> 19341.81 (+980.55)
21) (±0) Sigma (9 --> 9) (±0) - 18138.33 --> 18318.83 (+180.50)
22) (+1) The Light Federation (18 --> 18) (±0) - 12876.02 --> 13011.88 (+135.86)
23) (-1) InGen (17 --> 17) (±0) - 12941.18 --> 12978.75 (+37.57)
24) (±0) The Evenstar Empire (38 --> 38) (±0) - 11462.13 --> 11511.11 (+48.98)
25) (±0) North American Confederacy (21 --> 21) (±0) - 10541.64 --> 10642.79 (+101.15)
26) (±0) Roz Wei (38 --> 40) (+2) - 10361.22 --> 10511.37 (+150.15)
27) (+3) Noir (16 --> 17) (+1) - 9523.04 --> 10202.81 (+679.77)
28) (-1) The Coalition (12 --> 12) (±0) - 10153.00 --> 10153.00 (±0.00)
29) (-1) Empire of Spades (15 --> 16) (+1) - 10026.23 --> 10075.19 (+48.96)
30) (-1) Vargen Institution (28 --> 27) (-1) - 9814.56 --> 9996.26 (+181.70)
31) (±0) The Fighting Pacifists (16 --> 16) (±0) - 9209.49 --> 9265.54 (+56.05)
32) (±0) World Task Force (22 --> 22) (±0) - 8959.37 --> 8981.72 (+22.35)
33) (±0) Charming Friends (21 --> 21) (±0) - 8223.24 --> 8235.98 (+12.74)
34) (±0) Trident (41 --> 41) (±0) - 7656.88 --> 7727.72 (+70.84)
ADD/DROP LINE: 7374.52 --> 7396.54 (+22.02)

The United Purple Nations passes the 117000 Score milestone!
The Brotherhood of the Clouds repasses the 62000 Score milestone!
Mensa HQ repasses the 51000 Score milestone!
Cornerstone passes the 26000 Score milestone!
Cobalt falls below the 21000 Score milestone!
The Knights Radiant passes the 19000 Score milestone!
The Light Federation repasses the 13000 Score milestone!
Noir passes the 10000 Score milestone!

Greatest Score Gain:
1) Mensa HQ (+1001.05)
2) The Knights Radiant (+980.55)
3) Viridian Entente (+797.07)

Greatest Score Loss:
1) Cobalt (-79.90)
2) Asgard (-59.13)
3) Seven Kingdoms (-19.05)

16 September 2015 - By Avg Score
01) (±0) VOzJrT2.png?1 Sigma (9 --> 9) (±0) - 2015.37 --> 2035.43 (+20.06)
02) (±0) 2EbpmEO.jpg?1 Terminus Est (13 --> 13) (±0) - 1739.19 --> 1741.29 (+2.09)
03) (±0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms (34 --> 35) (+1) - 1229.38 --> 1193.71 (-35.67)
04) (±0) Tbd5yYu.jpg?1 Alpha (23 --> 23) (±0) - 1185.67 --> 1186.57 (+0.91)
05) (±0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate (54 --> 55) (+1) - 1116.59 --> 1100.09 (-16.51)
06) (±0) 5BITHdf.jpg?1 Asgard (19 --> 19) (±0) - 1045.80 --> 1042.69 (-3.11)
07) (±0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company (75 --> 75) (±0) - 1030.51 --> 1033.69 (+3.18)
08) (±0) Yog6dWH.jpg?1 Guardian (27 --> 27) (±0) - 1005.51 --> 1007.40 (+1.89)
09) (+1) 9xRmIu1.png?1 Cobalt (22 --> 22) (±0) - 955.30 --> 951.67 (-3.63)
10) (-1) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose (86 --> 87) (+1) - 961.48 --> 950.78 (-10.69)
11) (±0) Green Protection Agency (40 --> 40) (±0) - 921.82 --> 924.57 (+2.75)
12) (±0) Fark (26 --> 26) (±0) - 876.05 --> 880.66 (+4.61)
13) (±0) The Coalition (12 --> 12) (±0) - 846.08 --> 846.08 (±0.00)
14) (+1) Mensa HQ (61 --> 62) (+1) - 825.52 --> 828.35 (+2.83)
15) (-1) Vanguard (30 --> 30) (±0) - 825.74 --> 827.02 (+1.29)
16) (±0) United Purple Nations (144 --> 144) (±0) - 812.49 --> 815.93 (+3.44)
17) (±0) Viridian Entente (108 --> 108) (±0) - 807.34 --> 814.72 (+7.38)
18) (+1) Cornerstone (34 --> 34) (±0) - 761.21 --> 767.71 (+6.50)
19) (-1) InGen (17 --> 17) (±0) - 761.25 --> 763.46 (+2.21)
20) (±0) The Light Federation (18 --> 18) (±0) - 715.33 --> 722.88 (+7.55)
21) (+1) Brotherhood of the Clouds (93 --> 94) (+1) - 665.40 --> 662.51 (-2.89)
22) (-1) Empire of Spades (15 --> 16) (+1) - 668.42 --> 629.70 (-38.71)
23) (±0) Arrgh (61 --> 62) (+1) - 635.00 --> 628.93 (-6.07)
24) (±0) Noir (16 --> 17) (+1) - 595.19 --> 600.17 (+4.98)
25) (±0) The Fighting Pacifists (16 --> 16) (±0) - 575.59 --> 579.10 (+3.50)
26) (±0) North American Confederacy (21 --> 21) (±0) - 501.98 --> 506.80 (+4.82)
27) (±0) Black Knights (80 --> 80) (±0) - 456.78 --> 459.30 (+2.52)
28) (±0) World Task Force (22 --> 22) (±0) - 407.24 --> 408.26 (+1.02)
29) (±0) Charming Friends (21 --> 21) (±0) - 391.58 --> 392.19 (+0.61)
30) (±0) Vargen Institution (28 --> 27) (-1) - 350.52 --> 370.23 (+19.71)
31) (±0) The Knights Radiant (55 --> 57) (+2) - 333.84 --> 339.33 (+5.49)
32) (±0) The Evenstar Empire (38 --> 38) (±0) - 301.63 --> 302.92 (+1.29)
33) (±0) Roz Wei (38 --> 40) (+2) - 272.66 --> 262.78 (-9.88)
34) (±0) Trident (41 --> 41) (±0) - 186.75 --> 188.48 (+1.73)

Seven Kingdoms falls below the 1200 Avg Score milestone!
The Empire of Spades falls below the 650 Avg Score milestone!
Noir repasses the 600 Avg Score milestone!

Greatest Avg Score Gain:
1) Sigma (+20.06)
2) Vargen Institution (+19.71)
3) The Light Federation (+7.55)

Greatest Avg Score Loss:
1) Empire of Spades (-38.71)
2) Seven Kingdoms (-35.67)
3) The Syndicate (-16.51)

Stats taken: September 16 12:00 am

A huge thank you to Gopherbashi for creating and donating the program used to quickly calculate these stats!
  • Upvote 1

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17 September 2015 - Collaborative
05.5) (±0.0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms
05.5) (±0.0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company
05.5) (±0.0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate
06.5) (±0.0) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose
08.5) (-0.5) Tbd5yYu.jpg?1 Alpha
09.0) (+0.5) 2EbpmEO.jpg?1 Terminus Est
09.0) (-0.5) RfSWE9E.png?1 United Purple Nations
09.0) (+0.5) zunT10Q.png?1 Viridian Entente
10.0) (+0.5) Yog6dWH.jpg?1 Guardian
10.5) (±0.0) Green Protection Agency
11.0) (-0.5) Mensa HQ
11.0) (±0.0) Sigma
13.0) (-0.5) Asgard
13.5) (-0.5) Brotherhood of the Clouds
14.0) (-0.5) Cobalt
14.5) (-0.5) Fark
14.5) (+0.5) Vanguard
16.0) (±0.0) Arrgh
16.5) (-0.5) Cornerstone
19.0) (+1.5) The Coalition
19.5) (-0.5) Black Knights
20.0) (+1.0) InGen
21.5) (-0.5) The Light Federation
25.5) (±0.0) The Knights Radiant
26.0) (-0.5) Noir
26.5) (-1.0) North American Confederacy
27.0) (-1.5) Empire of Spades
27.5) (±N/A) DHaran Empire
28.5) (-0.5) The Fighting Pacifists
29.0) (-1.0) The Evenstar Empire
31.0) (-1.5) Roz Wei
31.0) (-1.0) Vargen Institution
31.0) (-1.0) World Task Force
32.0) (-1.0) Charming Friends
32.5) (±N/A) Socialist Workers Front
35.5) (-1.5) Trident

The DHaran Empire reenters the rankings!
The Socialist Workers Front reenters the rankings!

Greatest Membership Gain:
1) The Knights Radiant (+2), DHaran Empire (+2)
2) N/A
3) Mensa HQ (+1), Green Protection Agency (+1), Black Knights (+1), Cornerstone (+1), The Coalition (+1), Empire of Spades (+1), Socialist Workers Front (+1)

Greatest Membership Loss:
1) United Purple Nations (-1), Viridian Entente (-1), Rose (-1), Fark (-1)
2) N/A
3) N/A

17 September 2015 - By Total Score
01) (±0) RfSWE9E.png?1 United Purple Nations (144 --> 143) (-1) - 117493.63 --> 116894.26 (-599.37)
02) (±0) zunT10Q.png?1 Viridian Entente (108 --> 107) (-1) - 87989.71 --> 87657.48 (-332.23)
03) (±0) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose (87 --> 86) (-1) - 82718.18 --> 81928.35 (-789.83)
04) (±0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company (75 --> 75) (±0) - 77526.97 --> 78259.89 (+732.92)
05) (±0) SpmNr0m.png?1 Brotherhood of the Clouds (94 --> 94) (±0) - 62276.02 --> 62521.09 (+245.07)
06) (±0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate (55 --> 55) (±0) - 60504.68 --> 61072.01 (+567.33)
07) (±0) bSYZ1bB.jpg?1 Mensa HQ (62 --> 63) (+1) - 51357.90 --> 52005.90 (+648.00)
08) (±0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms (35 --> 35) (±0) - 41779.81 --> 41869.81 (+90.00)
09) (±0) Jm3V4KQ.png?1 Arrgh (62 --> 62) (±0) - 38993.54 --> 40961.56 (+1968.02)
10) (±0) 33d9Euk.png?1 Green Protection Agency (40 --> 41) (+1) - 36982.72 --> 37180.13 (+197.41)
11) (±0) Black Knights (80 --> 81) (+1) - 36743.84 --> 37030.83 (+286.99)
12) (+1) Guardian (27 --> 27) (±0) - 27199.76 --> 27531.74 (+331.98)
13) (-1) Alpha (23 --> 23) (±0) - 27291.18 --> 27405.68 (+114.50)
14) (±0) Cornerstone (34 --> 35) (+1) - 26102.11 --> 26436.29 (+334.18)
15) (±0) Vanguard (30 --> 30) (±0) - 24810.67 --> 25129.50 (+318.83)
16) (+1) Terminus Est (13 --> 13) (±0) - 22636.73 --> 22752.53 (+115.80)
17) (-1) Fark (26 --> 25) (-1) - 22897.07 --> 22009.26 (-887.81)
18) (+2) The Knights Radiant (57 --> 59) (+2) - 19341.81 --> 20985.11 (+1643.30)
19) (-1) Cobalt (22 --> 22) (±0) - 20936.78 --> 20965.08 (+28.30)
20) (-1) Asgard (19 --> 19) (±0) - 19811.10 --> 19861.58 (+50.48)
21) (±0) Sigma (9 --> 9) (±0) - 18318.83 --> 18495.73 (+176.90)
22) (+1) InGen (17 --> 17) (±0) - 12978.75 --> 13207.54 (+228.79)
23) (-1) The Light Federation (18 --> 18) (±0) - 13011.88 --> 13092.50 (+80.62)
24) (±0) The Evenstar Empire (38 --> 38) (±0) - 11511.11 --> 11655.43 (+144.32)
25) (+3) The Coalition (12 --> 13) (+1) - 10153.00 --> 10897.10 (+744.10)
26) (-1) North American Confederacy (21 --> 21) (±0) - 10642.79 --> 10726.14 (+83.35)
27) (-1) Roz Wei (40 --> 40) (±0) - 10511.37 --> 10708.47 (+197.10)
28) (-1) Noir (17 --> 17) (±0) - 10202.81 --> 10566.23 (+363.42)
29) (±0) Empire of Spades (16 --> 17) (+1) - 10075.19 --> 10233.18 (+157.99)
30) (±0) Vargen Institution (27 --> 27) (±0) - 9996.26 --> 10174.71 (+178.45)
31) (±0) The Fighting Pacifists (16 --> 16) (±0) - 9265.54 --> 9344.07 (+78.53)
32) (±0) World Task Force (22 --> 22) (±0) - 8981.72 --> 9194.22 (+212.50)
33) (±0) Charming Friends (21 --> 21) (±0) - 8235.98 --> 8249.13 (+13.15)
34) (+2) DHaran Empire (9 --> 11) (+2) - 6383.20 --> 7819.63 (+1436.43)
35) (-1) Trident (41 --> 41) (±0) - 7727.72 --> 7817.84 (+90.12)
36) (±0) Socialist Workers Front (16 --> 17) (+1) - 6182.66 --> 7500.82 (+1318.16)
ADD/DROP LINE: 7396.54 --> 7436.03 (+39.48)

The United Purple Nations falls below the 117000 Score milestone!
Rose falls below the 82000 Score milestone!
The Dutch East India Company repasses the 78000 Score milestone!
The Syndicate repasses the 61000 Score milestone!
Mensa HQ repasses the 52000 Score milestone!
Arrgh repasses the 39000 Score and 40000 Score milestones!
The Green Protection Agency repasses the 37000 Score milestone!
The Black Knights passes the 37000 Score milestone!
Vanguard repasses the 25000 Score milestone!
The Knights Radiant passes the 20000 Score milestone!
InGen passes the 13000 Score milestone!
The Vargen Institution passes the 10000 Score milestone!
The World Task Force passes the 9000 Score milestone!
The DHaran Empire passes the 7000 Score milestone!
The Socialist Workers Front repasses the 7000 Score milestone!

Greatest Score Gain:
1) Arrgh (+1968.02)
2) The Knights Radiant (+1643.30)
3) DHaran Empire (+1436.43)

Greatest Score Loss:
1) Fark (-887.81)
2) Rose (-789.83)
3) United Purple Nations (-599.37)

17 September 2015 - By Avg Score
01) (±0) VOzJrT2.png?1 Sigma (9 --> 9) (±0) - 2035.43 --> 2055.08 (+19.66)
02) (±0) 2EbpmEO.jpg?1 Terminus Est (13 --> 13) (±0) - 1741.29 --> 1750.19 (+8.91)
03) (±0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms (35 --> 35) (±0) - 1193.71 --> 1196.28 (+2.57)
04) (±0) Tbd5yYu.jpg?1 Alpha (23 --> 23) (±0) - 1186.57 --> 1191.55 (+4.98)
05) (±0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate (55 --> 55) (±0) - 1100.09 --> 1110.40 (+10.32)
06) (±0) 5BITHdf.jpg?1 Asgard (19 --> 19) (±0) - 1042.69 --> 1045.35 (+2.66)
07) (±0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company (75 --> 75) (±0) - 1033.69 --> 1043.47 (+9.77)
08) (±0) Yog6dWH.jpg?1 Guardian (27 --> 27) (±0) - 1007.40 --> 1019.69 (+12.30)
09) (±0) 9xRmIu1.png?1 Cobalt (22 --> 22) (±0) - 951.67 --> 952.96 (+1.29)
10) (±0) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose (87 --> 86) (-1) - 950.78 --> 952.66 (+1.88)
11) (±0) Green Protection Agency (40 --> 41) (+1) - 924.57 --> 906.83 (-17.73)
12) (±0) Fark (26 --> 25) (-1) - 880.66 --> 880.37 (-0.29)
13) (±0) The Coalition (12 --> 13) (+1) - 846.08 --> 838.24 (-7.84)
14) (+1) Vanguard (30 --> 30) (±0) - 827.02 --> 837.65 (+10.63)
15) (-1) Mensa HQ (62 --> 63) (+1) - 828.35 --> 825.49 (-2.86)
16) (+1) Viridian Entente (108 --> 107) (-1) - 814.72 --> 819.23 (+4.51)
17) (-1) United Purple Nations (144 --> 143) (-1) - 815.93 --> 817.44 (+1.51)
18) (+1) InGen (17 --> 17) (±0) - 763.46 --> 776.91 (+13.46)
19) (-1) Cornerstone (34 --> 35) (+1) - 767.71 --> 755.32 (-12.39)
20) (±0) The Light Federation (18 --> 18) (±0) - 722.88 --> 727.36 (+4.48)
21) (±N/A) DHaran Empire (9 --> 11) (+2) - 709.24 --> 710.88 (+1.63)
22) (-1) Brotherhood of the Clouds (94 --> 94) (±0) - 662.51 --> 665.12 (+2.61)
23) (±0) Arrgh (62 --> 62) (±0) - 628.93 --> 660.67 (+31.74)
24) (±0) Noir (17 --> 17) (±0) - 600.17 --> 621.54 (+21.38)
25) (-3) Empire of Spades (16 --> 17) (+1) - 629.70 --> 601.95 (-27.75)
26) (-1) The Fighting Pacifists (16 --> 16) (±0) - 579.10 --> 584.00 (+4.91)
27) (-1) North American Confederacy (21 --> 21) (±0) - 506.80 --> 510.77 (+3.97)
28) (-1) Black Knights (80 --> 81) (+1) - 459.30 --> 457.17 (-2.13)
29) (±N/A) Socialist Workers Front (16 --> 17) (+1) - 386.42 --> 441.22 (+54.81)
30) (-2) World Task Force (22 --> 22) (±0) - 408.26 --> 417.92 (+9.66)
31) (-2) Charming Friends (21 --> 21) (±0) - 392.19 --> 392.82 (+0.63)
32) (-2) Vargen Institution (27 --> 27) (±0) - 370.23 --> 376.84 (+6.61)
33) (-2) The Knights Radiant (57 --> 59) (+2) - 339.33 --> 355.68 (+16.35)
34) (-2) The Evenstar Empire (38 --> 38) (±0) - 302.92 --> 306.72 (+3.80)
35) (-2) Roz Wei (40 --> 40) (±0) - 262.78 --> 267.71 (+4.93)
36) (-2) Trident (41 --> 41) (±0) - 188.48 --> 190.68 (+2.20)

Sigma repasses the 2050 Avg Score milestone!
Terminus Est repasses the 1750 Avg Score milestone!
Arrgh passes the 650 Avg Score milestone!
The Socialist Workers Front repasses the 400 Avg Score milestone!
The Knights Radiant repasses the 350 Avg Score milestone!

Greatest Avg Score Gain:
1) Socialist Workers Front (+54.81)
2) Arrgh (+31.74)
3) Noir (+21.38)

Greatest Avg Score Loss:
1) Empire of Spades (-27.75)
2) Green Protection Agency (-17.73)
3) Cornerstone (-12.39)

Stats taken: September 17 ~12:00 am

A huge thank you to Gopherbashi for creating and donating the program used to quickly calculate these stats!

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18 September 2015 - Collaborative
05.0) (+0.5) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company
05.0) (+0.5) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate
05.5) (±0.0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms
06.0) (+0.5) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose
08.0) (+1.0) zunT10Q.png?1 Viridian Entente
08.5) (±0.0) Tbd5yYu.jpg?1 Alpha
09.0) (±0.0) RfSWE9E.png?1 United Purple Nations
09.5) (-0.5) 2EbpmEO.jpg?1 Terminus Est
10.0) (±0.0) Yog6dWH.jpg?1 Guardian
11.0) (-0.5) Green Protection Agency
11.0) (±0.0) Sigma
11.5) (-0.5) Mensa HQ
13.5) (-0.5) Asgard
13.5) (+1.0) Fark
14.0) (-0.5) Brotherhood of the Clouds
14.0) (+0.5) Vanguard
14.5) (-0.5) Cobalt
16.0) (±0.0) Arrgh
16.5) (±0.0) Cornerstone
20.0) (-0.5) Black Knights
20.0) (±0.0) InGen
20.5) (-1.5) The Coalition
21.5) (±0.0) The Light Federation
26.0) (±0.0) Noir
26.0) (-0.5) The Knights Radiant
27.5) (±0.0) DHaran Empire
27.5) (-0.5) Empire of Spades
27.5) (-1.0) North American Confederacy
28.0) (+0.5) The Fighting Pacifists
29.5) (-0.5) The Evenstar Empire
30.5) (+0.5) Roz Wei
31.5) (-0.5) Vargen Institution
31.5) (-0.5) World Task Force
32.0) (±N/A) Odd Squad
32.5) (-0.5) Charming Friends
33.0) (-0.5) Socialist Workers Front
36.0) (-0.5) Trident

The Odd Squad reenters the rankings!
The Coalition falls out of the top twenty!

Greatest Membership Gain:
1) Empire of Spades (+2), Odd Squad (+2)
2) N/A
3) The Syndicate (+1), Green Protection Agency (+1), Guardian (+1), Cornerstone (+1), Fark (+1), DHaran Empire (+1)

Greatest Membership Loss:
1) Viridian Entente (-3)
2) Brotherhood of the Clouds (-1), Mensa HQ (-1), Black Knights (-1)
3) N/A

18 September 2015 - By Total Score
01) (±0) RfSWE9E.png?1 United Purple Nations (143 --> 143) (±0) - 116894.26 --> 117869.52 (+975.26)
02) (±0) zunT10Q.png?1 Viridian Entente (107 --> 104) (-3) - 87657.48 --> 87467.91 (-189.57)
03) (±0) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose (86 --> 86) (±0) - 81928.35 --> 82355.80 (+427.45)
04) (±0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company (75 --> 75) (±0) - 78259.89 --> 78699.17 (+439.28)
05) (+1) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate (55 --> 56) (+1) - 61072.01 --> 62822.38 (+1750.37)
06) (-1) SpmNr0m.png?1 Brotherhood of the Clouds (94 --> 93) (-1) - 62521.09 --> 61910.55 (-610.54)
07) (±0) bSYZ1bB.jpg?1 Mensa HQ (63 --> 62) (-1) - 52005.90 --> 51383.58 (-622.32)
08) (±0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms (35 --> 35) (±0) - 41869.81 --> 41982.11 (+112.30)
09) (±0) Jm3V4KQ.png?1 Arrgh (62 --> 62) (±0) - 40961.56 --> 40347.01 (-614.55)
10) (±0) 33d9Euk.png?1 Green Protection Agency (41 --> 42) (+1) - 37180.13 --> 37393.97 (+213.84)
11) (±0) Black Knights (81 --> 80) (-1) - 37030.83 --> 36470.14 (-560.69)
12) (±0) Guardian (27 --> 28) (+1) - 27531.74 --> 28810.36 (+1278.62)
13) (±0) Alpha (23 --> 23) (±0) - 27405.68 --> 27485.68 (+80.00)
14) (±0) Cornerstone (35 --> 36) (+1) - 26436.29 --> 26663.78 (+227.49)
15) (±0) Vanguard (30 --> 30) (±0) - 25129.50 --> 25276.44 (+146.94)
16) (+1) Fark (25 --> 26) (+1) - 22009.26 --> 23213.58 (+1204.32)
17) (-1) Terminus Est (13 --> 13) (±0) - 22752.53 --> 22797.53 (+45.00)
18) (±0) The Knights Radiant (59 --> 59) (±0) - 20985.11 --> 21279.75 (+294.64)
19) (±0) Cobalt (22 --> 22) (±0) - 20965.08 --> 21001.78 (+36.70)
20) (±0) Asgard (19 --> 19) (±0) - 19861.58 --> 19930.46 (+68.88)
21) (±0) Sigma (9 --> 9) (±0) - 18495.73 --> 18614.17 (+118.44)
22) (±0) InGen (17 --> 17) (±0) - 13207.54 --> 13225.24 (+17.70)
23) (±0) The Light Federation (18 --> 18) (±0) - 13092.50 --> 13095.64 (+3.14)
24) (±0) The Evenstar Empire (38 --> 38) (±0) - 11655.43 --> 11700.57 (+45.14)
25) (+2) Roz Wei (40 --> 40) (±0) - 10708.47 --> 11048.43 (+339.96)
26) (-1) The Coalition (13 --> 13) (±0) - 10897.10 --> 10897.10 (±0.00)
27) (-1) North American Confederacy (21 --> 21) (±0) - 10726.14 --> 10815.42 (+89.28)
28) (±0) Noir (17 --> 17) (±0) - 10566.23 --> 10595.13 (+28.90)
29) (±0) Empire of Spades (17 --> 19) (+2) - 10233.18 --> 10472.12 (+238.94)
30) (±0) Vargen Institution (27 --> 27) (±0) - 10174.71 --> 10383.19 (+208.48)
31) (±0) The Fighting Pacifists (16 --> 16) (±0) - 9344.07 --> 9465.37 (+121.30)
32) (±0) World Task Force (22 --> 22) (±0) - 9194.22 --> 9257.43 (+63.21)
33) (±0) Charming Friends (21 --> 21) (±0) - 8249.13 --> 8223.03 (-26.10)
34) (±0) DHaran Empire (11 --> 12) (+1) - 7819.63 --> 8036.40 (+216.77)
35) (±0) Trident (41 --> 41) (±0) - 7817.84 --> 7840.17 (+22.33)
36) (±0) Socialist Workers Front (17 --> 17) (±0) - 7500.82 --> 7556.43 (+55.61)
37) (±0) Odd Squad (12 --> 14) (+2) - 7403.66 --> 7497.84 (+94.18)
ADD/DROP LINE: 7436.03 --> 7478.79 (+42.77)

The United Purple Nations repasses the 117000 Score milestone!
Rose repasses the 82000 Score milestone!
The Syndicate repasses the 62000 Score milestone!
The Brotherhood of the Clouds falls below the 62000 Score milestone!
Mensa HQ falls below the 52000 Score milestone!
The Black Knights falls below the 37000 Score milestone!
Guardian repasses the 28000 Score milestone!
Fark passes the 23000 Score milestone!
The Knights Radiant passes the 21000 Score milestone!
Cobalt repasses the 21000 Score milestone!
Roz Wei passes the 11000 Score milestone!
The DHaran Empire passes the 8000 Score milestone!

Greatest Score Gain:
1) The Syndicate (+1750.37)
2) Guardian (+1278.62)
3) Fark (+1204.32)

Greatest Score Loss:
1) Mensa HQ (-622.32)
2) Arrgh (-614.55)
3) Brotherhood of the Clouds (-610.54)

18 September 2015 - By Avg Score
01) (±0) VOzJrT2.png?1 Sigma (9 --> 9) (±0) - 2055.08 --> 2068.24 (+13.16)
02) (±0) 2EbpmEO.jpg?1 Terminus Est (13 --> 13) (±0) - 1750.19 --> 1753.66 (+3.46)
03) (±0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms (35 --> 35) (±0) - 1196.28 --> 1199.49 (+3.21)
04) (±0) Tbd5yYu.jpg?1 Alpha (23 --> 23) (±0) - 1191.55 --> 1195.03 (+3.48)
05) (±0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate (55 --> 56) (+1) - 1110.40 --> 1121.83 (+11.43)
06) (+1) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company (75 --> 75) (±0) - 1043.47 --> 1049.32 (+5.86)
07) (-1) 5BITHdf.jpg?1 Asgard (19 --> 19) (±0) - 1045.35 --> 1048.97 (+3.63)
08) (±0) Yog6dWH.jpg?1 Guardian (27 --> 28) (+1) - 1019.69 --> 1028.94 (+9.25)
09) (+1) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose (86 --> 86) (±0) - 952.66 --> 957.63 (+4.97)
10) (-1) 9xRmIu1.png?1 Cobalt (22 --> 22) (±0) - 952.96 --> 954.63 (+1.67)
11) (+1) Fark (25 --> 26) (+1) - 880.37 --> 892.83 (+12.46)
12) (-1) Green Protection Agency (41 --> 42) (+1) - 906.83 --> 890.33 (-16.50)
13) (+1) Vanguard (30 --> 30) (±0) - 837.65 --> 842.55 (+4.90)
14) (+2) Viridian Entente (107 --> 104) (-3) - 819.23 --> 841.04 (+21.81)
15) (-2) The Coalition (13 --> 13) (±0) - 838.24 --> 838.24 (±0.00)
16) (-1) Mensa HQ (63 --> 62) (-1) - 825.49 --> 828.77 (+3.28)
17) (±0) United Purple Nations (143 --> 143) (±0) - 817.44 --> 824.26 (+6.82)
18) (±0) InGen (17 --> 17) (±0) - 776.91 --> 777.96 (+1.04)
19) (±0) Cornerstone (35 --> 36) (+1) - 755.32 --> 740.66 (-14.66)
20) (±0) The Light Federation (18 --> 18) (±0) - 727.36 --> 727.54 (+0.17)
21) (±0) DHaran Empire (11 --> 12) (+1) - 710.88 --> 669.70 (-41.17)
22) (±0) Brotherhood of the Clouds (94 --> 93) (-1) - 665.12 --> 665.70 (+0.58)
23) (±0) Arrgh (62 --> 62) (±0) - 660.67 --> 650.76 (-9.91)
24) (±0) Noir (17 --> 17) (±0) - 621.54 --> 623.24 (+1.70)
25) (+1) The Fighting Pacifists (16 --> 16) (±0) - 584.00 --> 591.59 (+7.58)
26) (-1) Empire of Spades (17 --> 19) (+2) - 601.95 --> 551.16 (-50.79)
27) (±N/A) Odd Squad (12 --> 14) (+2) - 616.97 --> 535.56 (-81.41)
28) (-1) North American Confederacy (21 --> 21) (±0) - 510.77 --> 515.02 (+4.25)
29) (-1) Black Knights (81 --> 80) (-1) - 457.17 --> 455.88 (-1.29)
30) (-1) Socialist Workers Front (17 --> 17) (±0) - 441.22 --> 444.50 (+3.27)
31) (-1) World Task Force (22 --> 22) (±0) - 417.92 --> 420.79 (+2.87)
32) (-1) Charming Friends (21 --> 21) (±0) - 392.82 --> 391.57 (-1.24)
33) (-1) Vargen Institution (27 --> 27) (±0) - 376.84 --> 384.56 (+7.72)
34) (-1) The Knights Radiant (59 --> 59) (±0) - 355.68 --> 360.67 (+4.99)
35) (-1) The Evenstar Empire (38 --> 38) (±0) - 306.72 --> 307.91 (+1.19)
36) (-1) Roz Wei (40 --> 40) (±0) - 267.71 --> 276.21 (+8.50)
37) (-1) Trident (41 --> 41) (±0) - 190.68 --> 191.22 (+0.54)

The Green Protection Agency falls below the 900 Avg Score milestone!
Cornerstone falls below the 750 Avg Score milestone!
The DHaran Empire falls below the 700 Avg Score milestone!
The Empire of Spades falls below the 600 Avg Score milestone!
The Odd Squad falls below the 600 Avg Score and 550 Avg Score milestones!

Greatest Avg Score Gain:
1) Viridian Entente (+21.81)
2) Sigma (+13.16)
3) Fark (+12.46)

Greatest Avg Score Loss:
1) Odd Squad (-81.41)
2) Empire of Spades (-50.79)
3) DHaran Empire (-41.17)

Stats taken: September 18 12:00 am

A huge thank you to Gopherbashi for creating and donating the program used to quickly calculate these stats!

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19 September 2015 - Collaborative
05.0) (±0.0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate
05.5) (-0.5) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company
06.0) (-0.5) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms
06.5) (-0.5) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose
08.0) (+0.5) Tbd5yYu.jpg?1 Alpha
08.0) (±0.0) zunT10Q.png?1 Viridian Entente
09.0) (±0.0) RfSWE9E.png?1 United Purple Nations
09.5) (±0.0) 2EbpmEO.jpg?1 Terminus Est
10.0) (±0.0) Yog6dWH.jpg?1 Guardian
11.0) (±0.0) Green Protection Agency
11.0) (±0.0) Sigma
11.5) (±0.0) Mensa HQ
13.0) (+0.5) Asgard
13.5) (±0.0) Fark
14.0) (+0.5) Cobalt
14.0) (±0.0) Vanguard
14.5) (-0.5) Brotherhood of the Clouds
15.5) (+0.5) Arrgh
16.5) (±0.0) Cornerstone
19.5) (+0.5) Black Knights
21.0) (+6.5) DHaran Empire
21.0) (-0.5) The Coalition
21.5) (-1.5) InGen
21.5) (±0.0) The Light Federation
26.0) (±0.0) The Knights Radiant
26.5) (-0.5) Noir
27.5) (±0.0) North American Confederacy
28.0) (-0.5) Empire of Spades
28.5) (-0.5) The Fighting Pacifists
30.0) (-0.5) The Evenstar Empire
31.0) (-0.5) Roz Wei
31.5) (±0.0) World Task Force
32.0) (-0.5) Vargen Institution
33.0) (-0.5) Charming Friends
33.0) (±0.0) Socialist Workers Front
33.5) (-1.5) Odd Squad
36.0) (±0.0) Trident

InGen falls out of the top twenty!

Greatest Membership Gain:
1) Odd Squad (+4)
2) Black Knights (+3), DHaran Empire (+3)
3) N/A

Greatest Membership Loss:
1) Rose (-2), Charming Friends (-2)
2) N/A
3) Viridian Entente (-1), Arrgh (-1), The Knights Radiant (-1), The Evenstar Empire (-1), World Task Force (-1)

19 September 2015 - By Total Score
01) (±0) RfSWE9E.png?1 United Purple Nations (143 --> 144) (+1) - 117869.52 --> 118811.13 (+941.61)
02) (±0) zunT10Q.png?1 Viridian Entente (104 --> 103) (-1) - 87467.91 --> 86691.27 (-776.64)
03) (±0) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose (86 --> 84) (-2) - 82355.80 --> 80282.99 (-2072.81)
04) (±0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company (75 --> 75) (±0) - 78699.17 --> 79030.18 (+331.01)
05) (±0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate (56 --> 56) (±0) - 62822.38 --> 63055.10 (+232.72)
06) (±0) SpmNr0m.png?1 Brotherhood of the Clouds (93 --> 95) (+2) - 61910.55 --> 62229.81 (+319.26)
07) (±0) bSYZ1bB.jpg?1 Mensa HQ (62 --> 62) (±0) - 51383.58 --> 51630.64 (+247.06)
08) (±0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms (35 --> 36) (+1) - 41982.11 --> 42248.11 (+266.00)
09) (±0) Jm3V4KQ.png?1 Arrgh (62 --> 61) (-1) - 40347.01 --> 40733.33 (+386.32)
10) (±0) 33d9Euk.png?1 Green Protection Agency (42 --> 43) (+1) - 37393.97 --> 37662.65 (+268.68)
11) (±0) Black Knights (80 --> 83) (+3) - 36470.14 --> 37400.36 (+930.22)
12) (±0) Guardian (28 --> 28) (±0) - 28810.36 --> 28877.37 (+67.01)
13) (±0) Alpha (23 --> 23) (±0) - 27485.68 --> 27709.52 (+223.84)
14) (±0) Cornerstone (36 --> 36) (±0) - 26663.78 --> 26720.88 (+57.10)
15) (±0) Vanguard (30 --> 30) (±0) - 25276.44 --> 25459.94 (+183.50)
16) (±0) Fark (26 --> 26) (±0) - 23213.58 --> 23310.20 (+96.62)
17) (±0) Terminus Est (13 --> 13) (±0) - 22797.53 --> 22702.53 (-95.00)
18) (±0) The Knights Radiant (59 --> 58) (-1) - 21279.75 --> 21121.28 (-158.47)
19) (±0) Cobalt (22 --> 22) (±0) - 21001.78 --> 21108.48 (+106.70)
20) (±0) Asgard (19 --> 19) (±0) - 19930.46 --> 20032.86 (+102.40)
21) (±0) Sigma (9 --> 9) (±0) - 18614.17 --> 18675.67 (+61.50)
22) (±0) InGen (17 --> 19) (+2) - 13225.24 --> 13306.33 (+81.09)
23) (±0) The Light Federation (18 --> 18) (±0) - 13095.64 --> 13159.08 (+63.44)
24) (+10) DHaran Empire (12 --> 15) (+3) - 8036.40 --> 11805.97 (+3769.57)
25) (-1) The Evenstar Empire (38 --> 37) (-1) - 11700.57 --> 11768.19 (+67.62)
26) (-1) Roz Wei (40 --> 42) (+2) - 11048.43 --> 11437.41 (+388.98)
27) (-1) The Coalition (13 --> 13) (±0) - 10897.10 --> 10897.10 (±0.00)
28) (-1) North American Confederacy (21 --> 21) (±0) - 10815.42 --> 10805.44 (-9.98)
29) (-1) Noir (17 --> 17) (±0) - 10595.13 --> 10621.83 (+26.70)
30) (-1) Empire of Spades (19 --> 19) (±0) - 10472.12 --> 10541.13 (+69.01)
31) (-1) Vargen Institution (27 --> 27) (±0) - 10383.19 --> 10527.75 (+144.56)
32) (-1) The Fighting Pacifists (16 --> 16) (±0) - 9465.37 --> 9565.31 (+99.94)
33) (-1) World Task Force (22 --> 21) (-1) - 9257.43 --> 9176.03 (-81.40)
34) (-1) Charming Friends (21 --> 19) (-2) - 8223.03 --> 7903.00 (-320.03)
35) (±0) Trident (41 --> 41) (±0) - 7840.17 --> 7895.74 (+55.57)
36) (+1) Odd Squad (14 --> 18) (+4) - 7497.84 --> 7670.94 (+173.10)
37) (-1) Socialist Workers Front (17 --> 17) (±0) - 7556.43 --> 7578.93 (+22.50)
ADD/DROP LINE: 7478.79 --> 7532.53 (+53.74)

The United Purple Nations passes the 118000 Score milestone!
The Viridian Entente falls below the 87000 Score milestone!
Rose falls below the 82000 Score and 81000 Score milestones!
The Dutch East India Company repasses the 79000 Score milestone!
The Syndicate repasses the 63000 Score milestone!
The Brotherhood of the Clouds repasses the 62000 Score milestone!
Seven Kingdoms passes the 42000 Score milestone!
The Black Knights repasses the 37000 Score milestone!
Asgard repasses the 20000 Score milestone!
The DHaran Empire passes the 9000 Score - 11000 Score milestones!
The Charming Friends falls below the 8000 Score milestone!

Greatest Score Gain:
1) DHaran Empire (+3769.57)
2) United Purple Nations (+941.61)
3) Black Knights (+930.22)

Greatest Score Loss:
1) Rose (-2072.81)
2) Viridian Entente (-776.64)
3) Charming Friends (-320.03)

19 September 2015 - By Avg Score
01) (±0) VOzJrT2.png?1 Sigma (9 --> 9) (±0) - 2068.24 --> 2075.07 (+6.83)
02) (±0) 2EbpmEO.jpg?1 Terminus Est (13 --> 13) (±0) - 1753.66 --> 1746.35 (-7.31)
03) (+1) Tbd5yYu.jpg?1 Alpha (23 --> 23) (±0) - 1195.03 --> 1204.76 (+9.73)
04) (-1) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms (35 --> 36) (+1) - 1199.49 --> 1173.56 (-25.93)
05) (±0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate (56 --> 56) (±0) - 1121.83 --> 1125.98 (+4.16)
06) (+1) 5BITHdf.jpg?1 Asgard (19 --> 19) (±0) - 1048.97 --> 1054.36 (+5.39)
07) (-1) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company (75 --> 75) (±0) - 1049.32 --> 1053.74 (+4.41)
08) (±0) Yog6dWH.jpg?1 Guardian (28 --> 28) (±0) - 1028.94 --> 1031.33 (+2.39)
09) (+1) 9xRmIu1.png?1 Cobalt (22 --> 22) (±0) - 954.63 --> 959.48 (+4.85)
10) (-1) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose (86 --> 84) (-2) - 957.63 --> 955.75 (-1.87)
11) (±0) Fark (26 --> 26) (±0) - 892.83 --> 896.55 (+3.72)
12) (±0) Green Protection Agency (42 --> 43) (+1) - 890.33 --> 875.88 (-14.46)
13) (±0) Vanguard (30 --> 30) (±0) - 842.55 --> 848.66 (+6.12)
14) (±0) Viridian Entente (104 --> 103) (-1) - 841.04 --> 841.66 (+0.62)
15) (±0) The Coalition (13 --> 13) (±0) - 838.24 --> 838.24 (±0.00)
16) (±0) Mensa HQ (62 --> 62) (±0) - 828.77 --> 832.75 (+3.98)
17) (±0) United Purple Nations (143 --> 144) (+1) - 824.26 --> 825.08 (+0.81)
18) (+3) DHaran Empire (12 --> 15) (+3) - 669.70 --> 787.06 (+117.36)
19) (±0) Cornerstone (36 --> 36) (±0) - 740.66 --> 742.25 (+1.59)
20) (±0) The Light Federation (18 --> 18) (±0) - 727.54 --> 731.06 (+3.52)
21) (-3) InGen (17 --> 19) (+2) - 777.96 --> 700.33 (-77.62)
22) (+1) Arrgh (62 --> 61) (-1) - 650.76 --> 667.76 (+17.00)
23) (-1) Brotherhood of the Clouds (93 --> 95) (+2) - 665.70 --> 655.05 (-10.65)
24) (±0) Noir (17 --> 17) (±0) - 623.24 --> 624.81 (+1.57)
25) (±0) The Fighting Pacifists (16 --> 16) (±0) - 591.59 --> 597.83 (+6.25)
26) (±0) Empire of Spades (19 --> 19) (±0) - 551.16 --> 554.80 (+3.63)
27) (+1) North American Confederacy (21 --> 21) (±0) - 515.02 --> 514.54 (-0.47)
28) (+1) Black Knights (80 --> 83) (+3) - 455.88 --> 450.61 (-5.27)
29) (+1) Socialist Workers Front (17 --> 17) (±0) - 444.50 --> 445.82 (+1.32)
30) (+1) World Task Force (22 --> 21) (-1) - 420.79 --> 436.95 (+16.16)
31) (-4) Odd Squad (14 --> 18) (+4) - 535.56 --> 426.16 (-109.40)
32) (±0) Charming Friends (21 --> 19) (-2) - 391.57 --> 415.95 (+24.38)
33) (±0) Vargen Institution (27 --> 27) (±0) - 384.56 --> 389.92 (+5.35)
34) (±0) The Knights Radiant (59 --> 58) (-1) - 360.67 --> 364.16 (+3.49)
35) (±0) The Evenstar Empire (38 --> 37) (-1) - 307.91 --> 318.06 (+10.15)
36) (±0) Roz Wei (40 --> 42) (+2) - 276.21 --> 272.32 (-3.89)
37) (±0) Trident (41 --> 41) (±0) - 191.22 --> 192.58 (+1.36)

Terminus Est falls below the 1750 Avg Score milestone!
Alpha repasses the 1200 Avg Score milestone!
Asgard repasses the 1050 Avg Score milestone!
The Dutch East India Company repasses the 1050 Avg Score milestone!
The DHaran Empire reenters the top twenty!
The DHaran Empire repasses the 700 Avg Score and 750 Avg Score milestones!
InGen falls below the 750 Avg Score milestone!
The Odd Squad falls below the 500 Avg Score and 450 Avg Score milestones!
The Charming Friends passes the 400 Avg Score milestone!

Greatest Avg Score Gain:
1) DHaran Empire (+117.36)
2) Charming Friends (+24.38)
3) Arrgh (+17.00)

Greatest Avg Score Loss:
1) Odd Squad (-109.40)
2) InGen (-77.62)
3) Seven Kingdoms (-25.93)

Stats taken: September 19 12:00 am

A huge thank you to Gopherbashi for creating and donating the program used to quickly calculate these stats!

Happy Saturday! Enjoying the updates? Throw your give the thread a rating at the top, throw your favourites a like, and post about it! I'm also very open to suggestions, if you have them. :) Edited by Kurdanak
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20 September 2015 - Collaborative
05.0) (±0.0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate
05.5) (±0.0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company
06.0) (±0.0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms
06.5) (±0.0) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose
08.0) (±0.0) Tbd5yYu.jpg?1 Alpha
08.0) (±0.0) zunT10Q.png?1 Viridian Entente
08.5) (+0.5) RfSWE9E.png?1 United Purple Nations
09.5) (±0.0) 2EbpmEO.jpg?1 Terminus Est
10.0) (±0.0) Yog6dWH.jpg?1 Guardian
11.0) (±0.0) Sigma
11.5) (-0.5) Green Protection Agency
12.0) (-0.5) Mensa HQ
13.0) (±0.0) Asgard
13.5) (±0.0) Fark
14.0) (±0.0) Cobalt
14.0) (±0.0) Vanguard
14.5) (±0.0) Brotherhood of the Clouds
15.5) (±0.0) Arrgh
17.0) (-0.5) Cornerstone
19.0) (+0.5) Black Knights
20.5) (+1.0) The Light Federation
21.0) (±0.0) The Coalition
21.5) (-0.5) DHaran Empire
21.5) (±0.0) InGen
26.0) (±0.0) The Knights Radiant
26.5) (±0.0) Noir
26.5) (+1.0) North American Confederacy
28.0) (±0.0) Empire of Spades
28.5) (±0.0) The Fighting Pacifists
30.5) (+0.5) Roz Wei
30.5) (+1.5) Vargen Institution
32.0) (+1.0) Socialist Workers Front
32.0) (-0.5) World Task Force
33.0) (+0.5) Odd Squad
33.0) (-3.0) The Evenstar Empire
33.5) (-0.5) Charming Friends
36.5) (-0.5) Trident

No notes today!

Greatest Membership Gain:
1) Brotherhood of the Clouds (+4)
2) The Knights Radiant (+2)
3) United Purple Nations (+1), Arrgh (+1), DHaran Empire (+1), North American Confederacy (+1), Socialist Workers Front (+1)

Greatest Membership Loss:
1) The Evenstar Empire (-3)
2) Mensa HQ (-1), Green Protection Agency (-1), InGen (-1), The Light Federation (-1), Odd Squad (-1)
3) N/A

20 September 2015 - By Total Score
01) (±0) RfSWE9E.png?1 United Purple Nations (144 --> 145) (+1) - 118811.13 --> 120216.97 (+1405.84)
02) (±0) zunT10Q.png?1 Viridian Entente (103 --> 103) (±0) - 86691.27 --> 86563.38 (-127.89)
03) (±0) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose (84 --> 84) (±0) - 80282.99 --> 80714.62 (+431.63)
04) (±0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company (75 --> 75) (±0) - 79030.18 --> 79204.33 (+174.15)
05) (±0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate (56 --> 56) (±0) - 63055.10 --> 63153.76 (+98.66)
06) (±0) SpmNr0m.png?1 Brotherhood of the Clouds (95 --> 99) (+4) - 62229.81 --> 62651.40 (+421.59)
07) (±0) bSYZ1bB.jpg?1 Mensa HQ (62 --> 61) (-1) - 51630.64 --> 50538.05 (-1092.59)
08) (±0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms (36 --> 36) (±0) - 42248.11 --> 42634.61 (+386.50)
09) (±0) Jm3V4KQ.png?1 Arrgh (61 --> 62) (+1) - 40733.33 --> 42491.61 (+1758.28)
10) (+1) WgPa7BW.png?1 Black Knights (83 --> 83) (±0) - 37400.36 --> 37848.18 (+447.82)
11) (-1) Green Protection Agency (43 --> 42) (-1) - 37662.65 --> 37837.33 (+174.68)
12) (±0) Guardian (28 --> 28) (±0) - 28877.37 --> 29011.59 (+134.22)
13) (±0) Alpha (23 --> 23) (±0) - 27709.52 --> 27829.52 (+120.00)
14) (±0) Cornerstone (36 --> 36) (±0) - 26720.88 --> 26913.35 (+192.47)
15) (±0) Vanguard (30 --> 30) (±0) - 25459.94 --> 25710.59 (+250.65)
16) (±0) Fark (26 --> 26) (±0) - 23310.20 --> 23744.05 (+433.85)
17) (±0) Terminus Est (13 --> 13) (±0) - 22702.53 --> 22660.03 (-42.50)
18) (±0) The Knights Radiant (58 --> 60) (+2) - 21121.28 --> 21401.82 (+280.54)
19) (±0) Cobalt (22 --> 22) (±0) - 21108.48 --> 21198.73 (+90.25)
20) (±0) Asgard (19 --> 19) (±0) - 20032.86 --> 20120.11 (+87.25)
21) (±0) Sigma (9 --> 9) (±0) - 18675.67 --> 18725.67 (+50.00)
22) (±0) InGen (19 --> 18) (-1) - 13306.33 --> 13010.61 (-295.72)
23) (±0) The Light Federation (18 --> 17) (-1) - 13159.08 --> 12824.34 (-334.74)
24) (±0) DHaran Empire (15 --> 16) (+1) - 11805.97 --> 12056.29 (+250.32)
25) (+1) Roz Wei (42 --> 42) (±0) - 11437.41 --> 11567.96 (+130.55)
26) (+2) North American Confederacy (21 --> 22) (+1) - 10805.44 --> 11293.66 (+488.22)
27) (±0) The Coalition (13 --> 13) (±0) - 10897.10 --> 10925.10 (+28.00)
28) (+3) Vargen Institution (27 --> 27) (±0) - 10527.75 --> 10697.19 (+169.44)
29) (±0) Noir (17 --> 17) (±0) - 10621.83 --> 10650.43 (+28.60)
30) (±0) Empire of Spades (19 --> 19) (±0) - 10541.13 --> 10557.02 (+15.89)
31) (-6) The Evenstar Empire (37 --> 34) (-3) - 11768.19 --> 10413.54 (-1354.65)
32) (±0) The Fighting Pacifists (16 --> 16) (±0) - 9565.31 --> 9621.95 (+56.64)
33) (±0) World Task Force (21 --> 21) (±0) - 9176.03 --> 9234.53 (+58.50)
34) (+3) Socialist Workers Front (17 --> 18) (+1) - 7578.93 --> 8051.05 (+472.12)
35) (-1) Charming Friends (19 --> 19) (±0) - 7903.00 --> 8017.59 (+114.59)
36) (-1) Trident (41 --> 41) (±0) - 7895.74 --> 7979.15 (+83.41)
37) (-1) Odd Squad (18 --> 17) (-1) - 7670.94 --> 7645.44 (-25.50)
ADD/DROP LINE: 7532.53 --> 7569.64 (+37.11)

The Black Knights reenters the top ten! WgPa7BW.png?1
The United Purple Nations passes the 119000 Score and 120000 Score milestones!
Mensa HQ falls below the 51000 Score milestone!
Arrgh passes the 41000 Score and 42000 Score milestones!
Guardian repasses the 29000 Score milestone!
The Light Federation falls below the 13000 Score milestone!
The DHaran Empire passes the 12000 Score milestone!
The North American Confederacy repasses the 11000 Score milestone!
The Evenstar Empire falls below the 11000 Score milestone!
The Socialist Workers Front repasses the 8000 Score milestone!
The Charming Friends repasses the 8000 Score milestone!

Greatest Score Gain:
1) Arrgh (+1758.28)
2) United Purple Nations (+1405.84)
3) North American Confederacy (+488.22)

Greatest Score Loss:
1) The Evenstar Empire (-1354.65)
2) Mensa HQ (-1092.59)
3) The Light Federation (-334.74)

20 September 2015 - By Avg Score
01) (±0) VOzJrT2.png?1 Sigma (9 --> 9) (±0) - 2075.07 --> 2080.63 (+5.56)
02) (±0) 2EbpmEO.jpg?1 Terminus Est (13 --> 13) (±0) - 1746.35 --> 1743.08 (-3.27)
03) (±0) Tbd5yYu.jpg?1 Alpha (23 --> 23) (±0) - 1204.76 --> 1209.98 (+5.22)
04) (±0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms (36 --> 36) (±0) - 1173.56 --> 1184.29 (+10.74)
05) (±0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate (56 --> 56) (±0) - 1125.98 --> 1127.75 (+1.76)
06) (±0) 5BITHdf.jpg?1 Asgard (19 --> 19) (±0) - 1054.36 --> 1058.95 (+4.59)
07) (±0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company (75 --> 75) (±0) - 1053.74 --> 1056.06 (+2.32)
08) (±0) Yog6dWH.jpg?1 Guardian (28 --> 28) (±0) - 1031.33 --> 1036.13 (+4.79)
09) (±0) 9xRmIu1.png?1 Cobalt (22 --> 22) (±0) - 959.48 --> 963.58 (+4.10)
10) (±0) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose (84 --> 84) (±0) - 955.75 --> 960.89 (+5.14)
11) (±0) Fark (26 --> 26) (±0) - 896.55 --> 913.23 (+16.69)
12) (±0) Green Protection Agency (43 --> 42) (-1) - 875.88 --> 900.89 (+25.01)
13) (±0) Vanguard (30 --> 30) (±0) - 848.66 --> 857.02 (+8.36)
14) (±0) Viridian Entente (103 --> 103) (±0) - 841.66 --> 840.42 (-1.24)
15) (±0) The Coalition (13 --> 13) (±0) - 838.24 --> 840.39 (+2.15)
16) (+1) United Purple Nations (144 --> 145) (+1) - 825.08 --> 829.08 (+4.01)
17) (-1) Mensa HQ (62 --> 61) (-1) - 832.75 --> 828.49 (-4.26)
18) (+2) The Light Federation (18 --> 17) (-1) - 731.06 --> 754.37 (+23.31)
19) (-1) DHaran Empire (15 --> 16) (+1) - 787.06 --> 753.52 (-33.55)
20) (-1) Cornerstone (36 --> 36) (±0) - 742.25 --> 747.59 (+5.35)
21) (±0) InGen (19 --> 18) (-1) - 700.33 --> 722.81 (+22.48)
22) (±0) Arrgh (61 --> 62) (+1) - 667.76 --> 685.35 (+17.59)
23) (±0) Brotherhood of the Clouds (95 --> 99) (+4) - 655.05 --> 632.84 (-22.21)
24) (±0) Noir (17 --> 17) (±0) - 624.81 --> 626.50 (+1.68)
25) (±0) The Fighting Pacifists (16 --> 16) (±0) - 597.83 --> 601.37 (+3.54)
26) (±0) Empire of Spades (19 --> 19) (±0) - 554.80 --> 555.63 (+0.84)
27) (±0) North American Confederacy (21 --> 22) (+1) - 514.54 --> 513.35 (-1.20)
28) (±0) Black Knights (83 --> 83) (±0) - 450.61 --> 456.00 (+5.40)
29) (+2) Odd Squad (18 --> 17) (-1) - 426.16 --> 449.73 (+23.57)
30) (-1) Socialist Workers Front (17 --> 18) (+1) - 445.82 --> 447.28 (+1.46)
31) (-1) World Task Force (21 --> 21) (±0) - 436.95 --> 439.74 (+2.79)
32) (±0) Charming Friends (19 --> 19) (±0) - 415.95 --> 421.98 (+6.03)
33) (±0) Vargen Institution (27 --> 27) (±0) - 389.92 --> 396.19 (+6.28)
34) (±0) The Knights Radiant (58 --> 60) (+2) - 364.16 --> 356.70 (-7.46)
35) (±0) The Evenstar Empire (37 --> 34) (-3) - 318.06 --> 306.28 (-11.78)
36) (±0) Roz Wei (42 --> 42) (±0) - 272.32 --> 275.43 (+3.11)
37) (±0) Trident (41 --> 41) (±0) - 192.58 --> 194.61 (+2.03)

Fark repasses the 900 Avg Score milestone!
The Green Protection Agency repasses the 900 Avg Score milestone!
Vanguard repasses the 850 Avg Score milestone!
The Light Federation repasses the 750 Avg Score milestone!
The Brotherhood of the Clouds falls below the 650 Avg Score milestone!
The Fighting Pacifists repasses the 600 Avg Score milestone!

Greatest Avg Score Gain:
1) Green Protection Agency (+25.01)
2) Odd Squad (+23.57)
3) The Light Federation (+23.31)

Greatest Avg Score Loss:
1) DHaran Empire (-33.55)
2) Brotherhood of the Clouds (-22.21)
3) The Evenstar Empire (-11.78)

Stats taken: September 20 12:00 am

A huge thank you to Gopherbashi for creating and donating the program used to quickly calculate these stats! Edited by Kurdanak

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21 September 2015 - Collaborative
05.0) (±0.0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate
05.5) (±0.0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company
06.0) (+0.5) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose
06.5) (-0.5) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms
08.0) (±0.0) Tbd5yYu.jpg?1 Alpha
08.5) (±0.0) RfSWE9E.png?1 United Purple Nations
09.5) (±0.0) 2EbpmEO.jpg?1 Terminus Est
09.5) (-1.5) zunT10Q.png?1 Viridian Entente
10.0) (±0.0) Yog6dWH.jpg?1 Guardian
10.0) (+1.0) VOzJrT2.png?1 Sigma
11.0) (+0.5) Green Protection Agency
12.5) (-0.5) Mensa HQ
13.5) (-0.5) Asgard
13.5) (±0.0) Fark
14.5) (-0.5) Vanguard
15.0) (-1.0) Cobalt
15.5) (±0.0) Arrgh
15.5) (-1.0) Brotherhood of the Clouds
17.0) (±0.0) Cornerstone
20.0) (-1.0) Black Knights
21.0) (-0.5) The Light Federation
21.5) (-0.5) The Coalition
22.0) (-0.5) InGen
22.5) (-1.0) DHaran Empire
23.5) (±N/A) The Kings Parliament
26.5) (±0.0) Noir
26.5) (-0.5) The Knights Radiant
27.0) (-0.5) North American Confederacy
28.5) (-0.5) Empire of Spades
29.0) (-0.5) The Fighting Pacifists
30.5) (±0.0) Vargen Institution
31.0) (-0.5) Roz Wei
32.0) (±0.0) World Task Force
32.5) (-0.5) Socialist Workers Front
33.5) (-0.5) The Evenstar Empire
34.0) (-0.5) Charming Friends
35.5) (-2.5) Odd Squad
37.5) (-1.0) Trident

The Kings Parliament enters the rankings!
Sigma reenters the top ten! VOzJrT2.png?1

Greatest Membership Gain:
1) Brotherhood of the Clouds (+4)
2) Seven Kingdoms (+2), Sigma (9 --> 11) (+2), Odd Squad (+2)
3) N/A

Greatest Membership Loss:
1) Trident (-3)
2) Rose (-1), Mensa HQ (-1), The Knights Radiant (-1), Asgard (-1)
3) N/A

21 September 2015 - By Total Score
01) (±0) RfSWE9E.png?1 United Purple Nations (145 --> 145) (±0) - 120216.97 --> 120922.95 (+705.98)
02) (±0) zunT10Q.png?1 Viridian Entente (103 --> 103) (±0) - 86563.38 --> 85521.20 (-1042.18)
03) (±0) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose (84 --> 83) (-1) - 80714.62 --> 80196.67 (-517.95)
04) (±0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company (75 --> 75) (±0) - 79204.33 --> 79423.18 (+218.85)
05) (±0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate (56 --> 56) (±0) - 63153.76 --> 63296.23 (+142.47)
06) (±0) SpmNr0m.png?1 Brotherhood of the Clouds (99 --> 103) (+4) - 62651.40 --> 63284.87 (+633.47)
07) (±0) bSYZ1bB.jpg?1 Mensa HQ (61 --> 60) (-1) - 50538.05 --> 49351.71 (-1186.34)
08) (+1) Jm3V4KQ.png?1 Arrgh (62 --> 62) (±0) - 42491.61 --> 44059.56 (+1567.95)
09) (-1) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms (36 --> 38) (+2) - 42634.61 --> 43133.56 (+498.95)
10) (+1) 33d9Euk.png?1 Green Protection Agency (42 --> 43) (+1) - 37837.33 --> 38053.42 (+216.09)
11) (-1) Black Knights (83 --> 83) (±0) - 37848.18 --> 37995.22 (+147.04)
12) (±0) Guardian (28 --> 28) (±0) - 29011.59 --> 29402.53 (+390.94)
13) (±0) Alpha (23 --> 23) (±0) - 27829.52 --> 28009.12 (+179.60)
14) (±0) Cornerstone (36 --> 36) (±0) - 26913.35 --> 27097.20 (+183.85)
15) (±0) Vanguard (30 --> 30) (±0) - 25710.59 --> 25816.69 (+106.10)
16) (±0) Fark (26 --> 26) (±0) - 23744.05 --> 23909.47 (+165.42)
17) (±0) Terminus Est (13 --> 14) (+1) - 22660.03 --> 23623.03 (+963.00)
18) (±0) The Knights Radiant (60 --> 59) (-1) - 21401.82 --> 21411.57 (+9.75)
19) (+2) Sigma (9 --> 11) (+2) - 18725.67 --> 21361.72 (+2636.05)
20) (-1) Cobalt (22 --> 22) (±0) - 21198.73 --> 21236.42 (+37.69)
21) (-1) Asgard (19 --> 18) (-1) - 20120.11 --> 19145.42 (-974.69)
22) (±0) InGen (18 --> 18) (±0) - 13010.61 --> 13169.54 (+158.93)
23) (±0) The Light Federation (17 --> 17) (±0) - 12824.34 --> 12893.94 (+69.60)
24) (±0) DHaran Empire (16 --> 17) (+1) - 12056.29 --> 12500.44 (+444.15)
25) (±0) Roz Wei (42 --> 42) (±0) - 11567.96 --> 11797.56 (+229.60)
26) (±0) North American Confederacy (22 --> 22) (±0) - 11293.66 --> 11366.25 (+72.59)
27) (+1) Vargen Institution (27 --> 27) (±0) - 10697.19 --> 10978.92 (+281.73)
28) (-1) The Coalition (13 --> 13) (±0) - 10925.10 --> 10935.30 (+10.20)
29) (±0) Noir (17 --> 17) (±0) - 10650.43 --> 10776.52 (+126.09)
30) (±0) Empire of Spades (19 --> 19) (±0) - 10557.02 --> 10579.17 (+22.15)
31) (±0) The Evenstar Empire (34 --> 34) (±0) - 10413.54 --> 10505.46 (+91.92)
32) (±0) The Fighting Pacifists (16 --> 16) (±0) - 9621.95 --> 9735.74 (+113.79)
33) (±0) World Task Force (21 --> 21) (±0) - 9234.53 --> 9286.65 (+52.12)
34) (+4) The Kings Parliament (9 --> 10) (+1) - 7387.29 --> 8650.89 (+1263.60)
35) (-1) Socialist Workers Front (18 --> 18) (±0) - 8051.05 --> 8070.55 (+19.50)
36) (-1) Charming Friends (19 --> 19) (±0) - 8017.59 --> 8050.09 (+32.50)
37) (-1) Trident (41 --> 38) (-3) - 7979.15 --> 7920.15 (-59.00)
38) (-1) Odd Squad (17 --> 19) (+2) - 7645.44 --> 7791.28 (+145.84)
ADD/DROP LINE: 7569.64 --> 7610.68 (+41.05)

The Green Protection Agency reenters the top ten! 33d9Euk.png?1
The Viridian Entente falls below the 86000 Score milestone!
The Brotherhood of the Clouds passes the 63000 Score milestone!
Mensa HQ falls below the 50000 Score milestone!
Arrgh passes the 43000 Score and 44000 Score milestones!
Seven Kingdoms passes the 43000 Score milestone!
The Green Protection Agency passes the 38000 Score milestone!
Sigma reenters the top twenty!
Alpha repasses the 28000 Score milestone!
Cornerstone passes the 27000 Score milestone!
Terminus Est repasses the 23000 Score milestone!
Sigma repasses the 19000 Score milestone, and passes the 20000 Score and 21000 Score milestones!
Asgard falls below the 20000 Score milestone!
The Kings Parliament passes the 8000 Score milestone!

Greatest Score Gain:
1) Sigma (+2636.05)
2) Arrgh (+1567.95)
3) The Kings Parliament (+1263.60)

Greatest Score Loss:
1) Mensa HQ (-1186.34)
2) Viridian Entente (-1042.18)
3) Asgard (-974.69)

21 September 2015 - By Avg Score
01) (±0) VOzJrT2.png?1 Sigma (9 --> 11) (+2) - 2080.63 --> 1941.97 (-138.65)
02) (±0) 2EbpmEO.jpg?1 Terminus Est (13 --> 14) (+1) - 1743.08 --> 1687.36 (-55.72)
03) (±0) Tbd5yYu.jpg?1 Alpha (23 --> 23) (±0) - 1209.98 --> 1217.79 (+7.81)
04) (±0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms (36 --> 38) (+2) - 1184.29 --> 1135.09 (-49.20)
05) (±0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate (56 --> 56) (±0) - 1127.75 --> 1130.29 (+2.54)
06) (±0) 5BITHdf.jpg?1 Asgard (19 --> 18) (-1) - 1058.95 --> 1063.63 (+4.68)
07) (±0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company (75 --> 75) (±0) - 1056.06 --> 1058.98 (+2.92)
08) (±0) Yog6dWH.jpg?1 Guardian (28 --> 28) (±0) - 1036.13 --> 1050.09 (+13.96)
09) (+1) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose (84 --> 83) (-1) - 960.89 --> 966.22 (+5.33)
10) (-1) 9xRmIu1.png?1 Cobalt (22 --> 22) (±0) - 963.58 --> 965.29 (+1.71)
11) (±0) Fark (26 --> 26) (±0) - 913.23 --> 919.60 (+6.36)
12) (±0) Green Protection Agency (42 --> 43) (+1) - 900.89 --> 884.96 (-15.92)
13) (±N/A) The Kings Parliament (9 --> 10) (+1) - 820.81 --> 865.09 (+44.28)
14) (-1) Vanguard (30 --> 30) (±0) - 857.02 --> 860.56 (+3.54)
15) (±0) The Coalition (13 --> 13) (±0) - 840.39 --> 841.18 (+0.78)
16) (±0) United Purple Nations (145 --> 145) (±0) - 829.08 --> 833.95 (+4.87)
17) (-3) Viridian Entente (103 --> 103) (±0) - 840.42 --> 830.30 (-10.12)
18) (-1) Mensa HQ (61 --> 60) (-1) - 828.49 --> 822.53 (-5.96)
19) (-1) The Light Federation (17 --> 17) (±0) - 754.37 --> 758.47 (+4.09)
20) (±0) Cornerstone (36 --> 36) (±0) - 747.59 --> 752.70 (+5.11)
21) (-2) DHaran Empire (16 --> 17) (+1) - 753.52 --> 735.32 (-18.20)
22) (-1) InGen (18 --> 18) (±0) - 722.81 --> 731.64 (+8.83)
23) (-1) Arrgh (62 --> 62) (±0) - 685.35 --> 710.64 (+25.29)
24) (±0) Noir (17 --> 17) (±0) - 626.50 --> 633.91 (+7.42)
25) (-2) Brotherhood of the Clouds (99 --> 103) (+4) - 632.84 --> 614.42 (-18.43)
26) (-1) The Fighting Pacifists (16 --> 16) (±0) - 601.37 --> 608.48 (+7.11)
27) (-1) Empire of Spades (19 --> 19) (±0) - 555.63 --> 556.80 (+1.17)
28) (-1) North American Confederacy (22 --> 22) (±0) - 513.35 --> 516.65 (+3.30)
29) (-1) Black Knights (83 --> 83) (±0) - 456.00 --> 457.77 (+1.77)
30) (±0) Socialist Workers Front (18 --> 18) (±0) - 447.28 --> 448.36 (+1.08)
31) (±0) World Task Force (21 --> 21) (±0) - 439.74 --> 442.22 (+2.48)
32) (±0) Charming Friends (19 --> 19) (±0) - 421.98 --> 423.69 (+1.71)
33) (-4) Odd Squad (17 --> 19) (+2) - 449.73 --> 410.07 (-39.66)
34) (-1) Vargen Institution (27 --> 27) (±0) - 396.19 --> 406.63 (+10.43)
35) (-1) The Knights Radiant (60 --> 59) (-1) - 356.70 --> 362.91 (+6.21)
36) (-1) The Evenstar Empire (34 --> 34) (±0) - 306.28 --> 308.98 (+2.70)
37) (-1) Roz Wei (42 --> 42) (±0) - 275.43 --> 280.89 (+5.47)
38) (-1) Trident (41 --> 38) (-3) - 194.61 --> 208.42 (+13.81)

Sigma falls below the 2050 Avg Score - 1950 Avg Score milestones!
Terminus Est falls below the 1700 Avg Score milestone!
Seven Kingdoms falls below the 1150 Avg Score milestone!
Guardian repasses the 1050 Avg Score milestone!
The Kings Parliament enters the top twenty!
The Green Protection Agency falls below the 900 Avg Score milestone!
The Kings Parliament passes the 850 Avg Score milestone!
Cornerstone repasses the 750 Avg Score milestone!
The DHaran Empire falls below the 750 Avg Score milestone!
Arrgh passes the 700 Avg Score milestone!
The Vargen Institution passes the 400 Avg Score milestone!
Trident passes the 200 Avg Score milestone!a

Greatest Avg Score Gain:
1) The Kings Parliament (+44.28)
2) Arrgh (+25.29)
3) Guardian (+13.96)

Greatest Avg Score Loss:
1) Sigma (-138.65)
2) Terminus Est (-55.72)
3) Seven Kingdoms (-49.20)

Stats taken: September 21 12:00 am

A huge thank you to Gopherbashi for creating and donating the program used to quickly calculate these stats!

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22 September 2015 - Collaborative
05.5) (±0.0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company
06.0) (±0.0) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose
06.0) (-1.0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate
06.5) (±0.0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms
07.5) (+0.5) Tbd5yYu.jpg?1 Alpha
09.0) (-0.5) RfSWE9E.png?1 United Purple Nations
09.0) (+0.5) zunT10Q.png?1 Viridian Entente
09.5) (±0.0) 2EbpmEO.jpg?1 Terminus Est
10.0) (±0.0) VOzJrT2.png?1 Sigma
10.5) (-0.5) Guardian
11.5) (-0.5) Green Protection Agency
12.5) (±0.0) Mensa HQ
13.0) (+0.5) Asgard
13.5) (±0.0) Fark
14.5) (±0.0) Vanguard
15.0) (+0.5) Arrgh
15.0) (+0.5) Brotherhood of the Clouds
15.0) (±0.0) Cobalt
17.5) (-0.5) Cornerstone
20.5) (-0.5) Black Knights
21.5) (±0.0) The Coalition
22.0) (+0.5) DHaran Empire
22.0) (-1.0) The Light Federation
23.0) (-1.0) InGen
24.0) (-0.5) The Kings Parliament
26.5) (±0.0) Noir
26.5) (±0.0) The Knights Radiant
27.5) (-0.5) North American Confederacy
28.5) (±0.0) Empire of Spades
29.0) (±0.0) The Fighting Pacifists
29.5) (+1.5) Roz Wei
30.5) (±0.0) Vargen Institution
31.0) (±N/A) New Wei Kingdom
32.5) (-0.5) World Task Force
33.0) (-0.5) Socialist Workers Front
33.5) (±0.0) The Evenstar Empire
35.0) (-1.0) Charming Friends
38.0) (-0.5) Trident

The New Wei Kingdom enters the rankings!
The Odd Squad falls out of the rankings!
Guardian falls out of the top ten!
The Black Knights falls out of the top twenty!

Greatest Membership Gain:
1) Roz Wei (+10)
2) New Wei Kingdom (+3)
3) United Purple Nations (+1), Brotherhood of the Clouds (+1), The Syndicate (+1), Black Knights (+1), Vargen Institution (+1)

Greatest Membership Loss:
1) Guardian (-2)
2) Mensa HQ (-1), Green Protection Agency (-1), Asgard (-1), DHaran Empire (-1), Odd Squad (-1)
3) N/A

22 September 2015 - By Total Score
01) (±0) RfSWE9E.png?1 United Purple Nations (145 --> 146) (+1) - 120922.95 --> 121242.94 (+319.99)
02) (±0) zunT10Q.png?1 Viridian Entente (103 --> 103) (±0) - 85521.20 --> 85825.28 (+304.08)
03) (±0) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose (83 --> 83) (±0) - 80196.67 --> 80623.63 (+426.96)
04) (±0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company (75 --> 75) (±0) - 79423.18 --> 79960.84 (+537.66)
05) (+1) SpmNr0m.png?1 Brotherhood of the Clouds (103 --> 104) (+1) - 63284.87 --> 63924.79 (+639.92)
06) (-1) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate (56 --> 57) (+1) - 63296.23 --> 63688.13 (+391.90)
07) (±0) bSYZ1bB.jpg?1 Mensa HQ (60 --> 59) (-1) - 49351.71 --> 48152.04 (-1199.67)
08) (±0) Jm3V4KQ.png?1 Arrgh (62 --> 62) (±0) - 44059.56 --> 45591.25 (+1531.69)
09) (±0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms (38 --> 38) (±0) - 43133.56 --> 43182.56 (+49.00)
10) (+1) WgPa7BW.png?1 Black Knights (83 --> 84) (+1) - 37995.22 --> 37786.72 (-208.50)
11) (-1) Green Protection Agency (43 --> 42) (-1) - 38053.42 --> 37308.88 (-744.54)
12) (+1) Alpha (23 --> 23) (±0) - 28009.12 --> 28139.12 (+130.00)
13) (-1) Guardian (28 --> 26) (-2) - 29402.53 --> 27343.82 (-2058.71)
14) (±0) Cornerstone (36 --> 36) (±0) - 27097.20 --> 27183.06 (+85.86)
15) (±0) Vanguard (30 --> 30) (±0) - 25816.69 --> 25894.29 (+77.60)
16) (±0) Fark (26 --> 26) (±0) - 23909.47 --> 24190.61 (+281.14)
17) (±0) Terminus Est (14 --> 14) (±0) - 23623.03 --> 23693.13 (+70.10)
18) (±0) The Knights Radiant (59 --> 59) (±0) - 21411.57 --> 21650.69 (+239.12)
19) (±0) Sigma (11 --> 11) (±0) - 21361.72 --> 21530.37 (+168.65)
20) (±0) Cobalt (22 --> 22) (±0) - 21236.42 --> 21332.80 (+96.38)
21) (±0) Asgard (18 --> 17) (-1) - 19145.42 --> 19048.06 (-97.36)
22) (+3) Roz Wei (42 --> 52) (+10) - 11797.56 --> 13322.83 (+1525.27)
23) (-1) InGen (18 --> 18) (±0) - 13169.54 --> 13204.08 (+34.54)
24) (-1) The Light Federation (17 --> 17) (±0) - 12893.94 --> 13113.04 (+219.10)
25) (-1) DHaran Empire (17 --> 16) (-1) - 12500.44 --> 12507.33 (+6.89)
26) (±0) North American Confederacy (22 --> 22) (±0) - 11366.25 --> 11506.18 (+139.93)
27) (±0) Vargen Institution (27 --> 28) (+1) - 10978.92 --> 11125.32 (+146.40)
28) (±0) The Coalition (13 --> 13) (±0) - 10935.30 --> 10935.30 (±0.00)
29) (±0) Noir (17 --> 17) (±0) - 10776.52 --> 10898.02 (+121.50)
30) (±0) Empire of Spades (19 --> 19) (±0) - 10579.17 --> 10630.31 (+51.14)
31) (±0) The Evenstar Empire (34 --> 34) (±0) - 10505.46 --> 10576.60 (+71.14)
32) (±0) The Fighting Pacifists (16 --> 16) (±0) - 9735.74 --> 9765.18 (+29.44)
33) (±0) World Task Force (21 --> 21) (±0) - 9286.65 --> 9388.35 (+101.70)
34) (+5) New Wei Kingdom (14 --> 17) (+3) - 6076.17 --> 9121.40 (+3045.23)
35) (-1) The Kings Parliament (10 --> 10) (±0) - 8650.89 --> 8694.89 (+44.00)
36) (-1) Socialist Workers Front (18 --> 18) (±0) - 8070.55 --> 8256.05 (+185.50)
37) (-1) Charming Friends (19 --> 19) (±0) - 8050.09 --> 8054.96 (+4.87)
38) (-1) Trident (38 --> 38) (±0) - 7920.15 --> 7981.74 (+61.59)
ADD/DROP LINE: 7610.68 --> 7557.34 (-53.34)
39) (-1) Odd Squad (19 --> 18) (-1) - 7791.28 --> 7070.66 (-720.62)

The Black Knights reenters the top ten! WgPa7BW.png?1
The United Purple Nations passes the 121000 Score milestone!
Mensa HQ falls below the 49000 Score milestone!
Arrgh passes the 45000 Score milestone!
The Green Protection Agency falls below the 38000 Score milestone!
Guardian falls below the 29000 Score and 28000 Score milestones!
Fark passes the 24000 Score milestone!
Roz Wei passes the 12000 Score and 13000 Score milestones!
The Light Federation repasses the 13000 Score milestone!
The Vargen Institution passes the 11000 Score milestone!
The New Wei Kingdom passes the 7000 Score - 9000 Score milestones!

Greatest Score Gain:
1) New Wei Kingdom (+3045.23)
2) Arrgh (+1531.69)
3) Roz Wei (+1525.27)

Greatest Score Loss:
1) Guardian (-2058.71)
2) Mensa HQ (-1199.67)
3) Green Protection Agency (-744.54)

22 September 2015 - By Avg Score
01) (±0) VOzJrT2.png?1 Sigma (11 --> 11) (±0) - 1941.97 --> 1957.31 (+15.33)
02) (±0) 2EbpmEO.jpg?1 Terminus Est (14 --> 14) (±0) - 1687.36 --> 1692.37 (+5.01)
03) (±0) Tbd5yYu.jpg?1 Alpha (23 --> 23) (±0) - 1217.79 --> 1223.44 (+5.65)
04) (±0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms (38 --> 38) (±0) - 1135.09 --> 1136.38 (+1.29)
05) (+1) 5BITHdf.jpg?1 Asgard (18 --> 17) (-1) - 1063.63 --> 1120.47 (+56.84)
06) (-1) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate (56 --> 57) (+1) - 1130.29 --> 1117.34 (-12.95)
07) (±0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company (75 --> 75) (±0) - 1058.98 --> 1066.14 (+7.17)
08) (±0) Yog6dWH.jpg?1 Guardian (28 --> 26) (-2) - 1050.09 --> 1051.69 (+1.60)
09) (±0) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose (83 --> 83) (±0) - 966.22 --> 971.37 (+5.14)
10) (±0) 9xRmIu1.png?1 Cobalt (22 --> 22) (±0) - 965.29 --> 969.67 (+4.38)
11) (±0) Fark (26 --> 26) (±0) - 919.60 --> 930.41 (+10.81)
12) (±0) Green Protection Agency (43 --> 42) (-1) - 884.96 --> 888.31 (+3.35)
13) (±0) The Kings Parliament (10 --> 10) (±0) - 865.09 --> 869.49 (+4.40)
14) (±0) Vanguard (30 --> 30) (±0) - 860.56 --> 863.14 (+2.59)
15) (±0) The Coalition (13 --> 13) (±0) - 841.18 --> 841.18 (±0.00)
16) (+1) Viridian Entente (103 --> 103) (±0) - 830.30 --> 833.26 (+2.95)
17) (-1) United Purple Nations (145 --> 146) (+1) - 833.95 --> 830.43 (-3.52)
18) (±0) Mensa HQ (60 --> 59) (-1) - 822.53 --> 816.14 (-6.39)
19) (+2) DHaran Empire (17 --> 16) (-1) - 735.32 --> 781.71 (+46.39)
20) (-1) The Light Federation (17 --> 17) (±0) - 758.47 --> 771.36 (+12.89)
21) (-1) Cornerstone (36 --> 36) (±0) - 752.70 --> 755.09 (+2.38)
22) (+1) Arrgh (62 --> 62) (±0) - 710.64 --> 735.34 (+24.70)
23) (-1) InGen (18 --> 18) (±0) - 731.64 --> 733.56 (+1.92)
24) (±0) Noir (17 --> 17) (±0) - 633.91 --> 641.06 (+7.15)
25) (±0) Brotherhood of the Clouds (103 --> 104) (+1) - 614.42 --> 614.66 (+0.25)
26) (±0) The Fighting Pacifists (16 --> 16) (±0) - 608.48 --> 610.32 (+1.84)
27) (±0) Empire of Spades (19 --> 19) (±0) - 556.80 --> 559.49 (+2.69)
28) (±N/A) New Wei Kingdom (14 --> 17) (+3) - 434.01 --> 536.55 (+102.54)
29) (-1) North American Confederacy (22 --> 22) (±0) - 516.65 --> 523.01 (+6.36)
30) (±0) Socialist Workers Front (18 --> 18) (±0) - 448.36 --> 458.67 (+10.31)
31) (-2) Black Knights (83 --> 84) (+1) - 457.77 --> 449.84 (-7.93)
32) (-1) World Task Force (21 --> 21) (±0) - 442.22 --> 447.06 (+4.84)
33) (-1) Charming Friends (19 --> 19) (±0) - 423.69 --> 423.95 (+0.26)
34) (±0) Vargen Institution (27 --> 28) (+1) - 406.63 --> 397.33 (-9.29)
35) (±0) The Knights Radiant (59 --> 59) (±0) - 362.91 --> 366.96 (+4.05)
36) (±0) The Evenstar Empire (34 --> 34) (±0) - 308.98 --> 311.08 (+2.09)
37) (±0) Roz Wei (42 --> 52) (+10) - 280.89 --> 256.21 (-24.69)
38) (±0) Trident (38 --> 38) (±0) - 208.42 --> 210.05 (+1.62)

Sigma repasses the 1950 Avg Score milestone!
Asgard passes the 1100 Avg Score milestone!
The DHaran Empire reenters the top twenty!
The DHaran Empire passes the 750 Avg Score milestone!
The New Wei Kingdom passes the 450 Avg Score and 500 Avg Score milestones!
The Socialist Workers Front repasses the 450 Avg Score milestone!
The Black Knights falls below the 450 Avg Score milestone!
The Vargen Institution falls below the 400 Avg Score milestone!

Greatest Avg Score Gain:
1) New Wei Kingdom (+102.54)
2) Asgard (+56.84)
3) DHaran Empire (+46.39)

Greatest Avg Score Loss:
1) Roz Wei (-24.69)
2) The Syndicate (-12.95)
3) Black Knights (-7.93)

Stats taken: September 22 12:00 am

A huge thank you to Gopherbashi for creating and donating the program used to quickly calculate these stats!

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23 September 2015 - Collaborative
05.5) (±0.0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company
06.0) (±0.0) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose
06.0) (±0.0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate
06.5) (±0.0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms
07.5) (±0.0) Tbd5yYu.jpg?1 Alpha
08.0) (+1.0) RfSWE9E.png?1 United Purple Nations
09.0) (±0.0) zunT10Q.png?1 Viridian Entente
09.5) (±0.0) 2EbpmEO.jpg?1 Terminus Est
10.0) (±0.0) VOzJrT2.png?1 Sigma
11.0) (-0.5) Guardian
11.5) (±0.0) Green Protection Agency
12.5) (±0.0) Mensa HQ
13.0) (±0.0) Asgard
13.5) (±0.0) Fark
14.0) (+0.5) Vanguard
15.0) (±0.0) Arrgh
15.0) (±0.0) Brotherhood of the Clouds
15.0) (±0.0) Cobalt
16.5) (+1.0) Cornerstone
20.5) (±0.0) Black Knights
21.5) (±0.0) The Coalition
22.0) (±0.0) DHaran Empire
22.0) (+1.0) InGen
23.5) (-1.5) The Light Federation
25.5) (-1.5) The Kings Parliament
26.0) (+0.5) Noir
27.0) (+0.5) North American Confederacy
27.0) (-0.5) The Knights Radiant
28.5) (±0.0) Empire of Spades
29.0) (±0.0) The Fighting Pacifists
30.0) (-0.5) Roz Wei
30.5) (±0.0) Vargen Institution
32.5) (+0.5) Socialist Workers Front
32.5) (±0.0) World Task Force
33.5) (-2.5) New Wei Kingdom
34.0) (-0.5) The Evenstar Empire
34.5) (+0.5) Charming Friends
37.0) (±N/A) Odd Squad
38.0) (±0.0) Trident

Odd Squad reenters the rankings!

Greatest Membership Gain:
1) Arrgh (+3)
2) The Knights Radiant (+2), The Light Federation (+2), Odd Squad (+2)
3) N/A

Greatest Membership Loss:
1) Roz Wei (-3)
2) Brotherhood of the Clouds (-1), Black Knights (-1), Guardian (-1), New Wei Kingdom (-1)
3) N/A

23 September 2015 - By Total Score
01) (±0) RfSWE9E.png?1 United Purple Nations (146 --> 147) (+1) - 121242.94 --> 122494.16 (+1251.22)
02) (±0) zunT10Q.png?1 Viridian Entente (103 --> 104) (+1) - 85825.28 --> 86221.12 (+395.84)
03) (±0) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose (83 --> 83) (±0) - 80623.63 --> 81400.27 (+776.64)
04) (±0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company (75 --> 75) (±0) - 79960.84 --> 80352.58 (+391.74)
05) (±0) SpmNr0m.png?1 Brotherhood of the Clouds (104 --> 103) (-1) - 63924.79 --> 64593.37 (+668.58)
06) (±0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate (57 --> 57) (±0) - 63688.13 --> 64028.59 (+340.46)
07) (±0) bSYZ1bB.jpg?1 Mensa HQ (59 --> 59) (±0) - 48152.04 --> 48264.54 (+112.50)
08) (±0) Jm3V4KQ.png?1 Arrgh (62 --> 65) (+3) - 45591.25 --> 46968.28 (+1377.03)
09) (±0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms (38 --> 38) (±0) - 43182.56 --> 43388.86 (+206.30)
10) (±0) WgPa7BW.png?1 Black Knights (84 --> 83) (-1) - 37786.72 --> 37890.77 (+104.05)
11) (±0) Green Protection Agency (42 --> 42) (±0) - 37308.88 --> 37478.22 (+169.34)
12) (±0) Alpha (23 --> 23) (±0) - 28139.12 --> 28146.32 (+7.20)
13) (+1) Cornerstone (36 --> 36) (±0) - 27183.06 --> 27306.52 (+123.46)
14) (-1) Guardian (26 --> 25) (-1) - 27343.82 --> 26421.62 (-922.20)
15) (±0) Vanguard (30 --> 30) (±0) - 25894.29 --> 25861.60 (-32.69)
16) (±0) Fark (26 --> 26) (±0) - 24190.61 --> 24282.87 (+92.26)
17) (±0) Terminus Est (14 --> 14) (±0) - 23693.13 --> 23737.83 (+44.70)
18) (±0) The Knights Radiant (59 --> 61) (+2) - 21650.69 --> 21930.09 (+279.40)
19) (±0) Sigma (11 --> 11) (±0) - 21530.37 --> 21574.17 (+43.80)
20) (±0) Cobalt (22 --> 22) (±0) - 21332.80 --> 21414.66 (+81.86)
21) (±0) Asgard (17 --> 17) (±0) - 19048.06 --> 19195.44 (+147.38)
22) (±0) Roz Wei (52 --> 49) (-3) - 13322.83 --> 13698.42 (+375.59)
23) (±0) InGen (18 --> 18) (±0) - 13204.08 --> 13316.54 (+112.46)
24) (±0) The Light Federation (17 --> 19) (+2) - 13113.04 --> 13263.19 (+150.15)
25) (±0) DHaran Empire (16 --> 16) (±0) - 12507.33 --> 12604.09 (+96.76)
26) (±0) North American Confederacy (22 --> 22) (±0) - 11506.18 --> 11664.73 (+158.55)
27) (±0) Vargen Institution (28 --> 28) (±0) - 11125.32 --> 11234.86 (+109.54)
28) (+1) Noir (17 --> 17) (±0) - 10898.02 --> 10985.19 (+87.17)
29) (-1) The Coalition (13 --> 13) (±0) - 10935.30 --> 10935.30 (±0.00)
30) (±0) Empire of Spades (19 --> 20) (+1) - 10630.31 --> 10667.30 (+36.99)
31) (±0) The Evenstar Empire (34 --> 35) (+1) - 10576.60 --> 10519.08 (-57.52)
32) (±0) The Fighting Pacifists (16 --> 16) (±0) - 9765.18 --> 9820.44 (+55.26)
33) (±0) World Task Force (21 --> 21) (±0) - 9388.35 --> 9543.33 (+154.98)
34) (+1) The Kings Parliament (10 --> 11) (+1) - 8694.89 --> 9044.02 (+349.13)
35) (+1) Socialist Workers Front (18 --> 18) (±0) - 8256.05 --> 8293.15 (+37.10)
36) (+1) Charming Friends (19 --> 19) (±0) - 8054.96 --> 8107.01 (+52.05)
37) (+1) Trident (38 --> 39) (+1) - 7981.74 --> 7984.76 (+3.02)
38) (-4) New Wei Kingdom (17 --> 16) (-1) - 9121.40 --> 7973.35 (-1148.05)
39) (±0) Odd Squad (18 --> 20) (+2) - 7070.66 --> 7872.74 (+802.08)
ADD/DROP LINE: 7557.34 --> 7578.15 (+20.81)

The United Purple Nations passes the 122000 Score milestone!
The Viridian Entente repasses the 86000 Score milestone!
Rose repasses the 81000 Score milestone!
The Dutch East India Company passes the 80000 Score milestone!
The Brotherhood of the Clouds passes the 64000 Score milestone!
The Syndicate passes the 64000 Score milestone!
Arrgh passes the 46000 Score milestone!
Guardian falls below the 27000 Score milestone!
The Kings Parliament passes the 9000 Score milestone!
The New Wei Kingdom falls below the 9000 Score and 8000 Score milestones!

Greatest Score Gain:
1) Arrgh (+1377.03)
2) United Purple Nations (+1251.22)
3) Odd Squad (+802.08)

Greatest Score Loss:
1) New Wei Kingdom (-1148.05)
2) Guardian (-922.20)
3) The Evenstar Empire (-57.52)

23 September 2015 - By Avg Score
01) (±0) VOzJrT2.png?1 Sigma (11 --> 11) (±0) - 1957.31 --> 1961.29 (+3.98)
02) (±0) 2EbpmEO.jpg?1 Terminus Est (14 --> 14) (±0) - 1692.37 --> 1695.56 (+3.19)
03) (±0) Tbd5yYu.jpg?1 Alpha (23 --> 23) (±0) - 1223.44 --> 1223.75 (+0.31)
04) (±0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms (38 --> 38) (±0) - 1136.38 --> 1141.81 (+5.43)
05) (±0) 5BITHdf.jpg?1 Asgard (17 --> 17) (±0) - 1120.47 --> 1129.14 (+8.67)
06) (±0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate (57 --> 57) (±0) - 1117.34 --> 1123.31 (+5.97)
07) (±0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company (75 --> 75) (±0) - 1066.14 --> 1071.37 (+5.22)
08) (±0) Yog6dWH.jpg?1 Guardian (26 --> 25) (-1) - 1051.69 --> 1056.86 (+5.17)
09) (±0) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose (83 --> 83) (±0) - 971.37 --> 980.73 (+9.36)
10) (±0) 9xRmIu1.png?1 Cobalt (22 --> 22) (±0) - 969.67 --> 973.39 (+3.72)
11) (±0) Fark (26 --> 26) (±0) - 930.41 --> 933.96 (+3.55)
12) (±0) Green Protection Agency (42 --> 42) (±0) - 888.31 --> 892.34 (+4.03)
13) (+1) Vanguard (30 --> 30) (±0) - 863.14 --> 862.05 (-1.09)
14) (+1) The Coalition (13 --> 13) (±0) - 841.18 --> 841.18 (±0.00)
15) (+2) United Purple Nations (146 --> 147) (+1) - 830.43 --> 833.29 (+2.86)
16) (±0) Viridian Entente (103 --> 104) (+1) - 833.26 --> 829.05 (-4.20)
17) (-4) The Kings Parliament (10 --> 11) (+1) - 869.49 --> 822.18 (-47.30)
18) (±0) Mensa HQ (59 --> 59) (±0) - 816.14 --> 818.04 (+1.91)
19) (±0) DHaran Empire (16 --> 16) (±0) - 781.71 --> 787.76 (+6.05)
20) (+1) Cornerstone (36 --> 36) (±0) - 755.09 --> 758.51 (+3.43)
21) (+2) InGen (18 --> 18) (±0) - 733.56 --> 739.81 (+6.25)
22) (±0) Arrgh (62 --> 65) (+3) - 735.34 --> 722.59 (-12.75)
23) (-3) The Light Federation (17 --> 19) (+2) - 771.36 --> 698.06 (-73.29)
24) (±0) Noir (17 --> 17) (±0) - 641.06 --> 646.19 (+5.13)
25) (±0) Brotherhood of the Clouds (104 --> 103) (-1) - 614.66 --> 627.12 (+12.46)
26) (±0) The Fighting Pacifists (16 --> 16) (±0) - 610.32 --> 613.78 (+3.45)
27) (±0) Empire of Spades (19 --> 20) (+1) - 559.49 --> 533.37 (-26.12)
28) (+1) North American Confederacy (22 --> 22) (±0) - 523.01 --> 530.22 (+7.21)
29) (-1) New Wei Kingdom (17 --> 16) (-1) - 536.55 --> 498.33 (-38.22)
30) (±0) Socialist Workers Front (18 --> 18) (±0) - 458.67 --> 460.73 (+2.06)
31) (±0) Black Knights (84 --> 83) (-1) - 449.84 --> 456.52 (+6.67)
32) (±0) World Task Force (21 --> 21) (±0) - 447.06 --> 454.44 (+7.38)
33) (±0) Charming Friends (19 --> 19) (±0) - 423.95 --> 426.68 (+2.74)
34) (±0) Vargen Institution (28 --> 28) (±0) - 397.33 --> 401.25 (+3.91)
35) (±N/A) Odd Squad (18 --> 20) (+2) - 392.81 --> 393.64 (+0.82)
36) (-1) The Knights Radiant (59 --> 61) (+2) - 366.96 --> 359.51 (-7.45)
37) (-1) The Evenstar Empire (34 --> 35) (+1) - 311.08 --> 300.55 (-10.53)
38) (-1) Roz Wei (52 --> 49) (-3) - 256.21 --> 279.56 (+23.35)
39) (-1) Trident (38 --> 39) (+1) - 210.05 --> 204.74 (-5.31)

Cornerstone reenters the top twenty!
The Kings Parliament falls below the 850 Avg Score milestone!
The Light Federation falls below the 750 Avg Score and 700 Avg Score milestones!
The Empire of Spades falls below the 550 Avg Score milestone!
The New Wei Kingdom falls below the 500 Avg Score milestone!
The Black Knights repasses the 450 Avg Score milestone!
The World Task Force passes the 450 Avg Score milestone!
The Vargen Institution repasses the 400 Avg Score milestone!

Greatest Avg Score Gain:
1) Roz Wei (+23.35)
2) Brotherhood of the Clouds (+12.46)
3) Rose (+9.36)

Greatest Avg Score Loss:
1) The Light Federation (-73.29)
2) The Kings Parliament (-47.30)
3) New Wei Kingdom (-38.22)

Stats taken: September 23 12:00 am

A huge thank you to Gopherbashi for creating and donating the program used to quickly calculate these stats!

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24 September 2015 - Collaborative
05.0) (+1.0) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate
06.0) (-0.5) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company
06.5) (-0.5) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose
06.5) (±0.0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms
08.0) (-0.5) Tbd5yYu.jpg?1 Alpha
08.0) (+1.0) zunT10Q.png?1 Viridian Entente
09.0) (-1.0) RfSWE9E.png?1 United Purple Nations
09.5) (±0.0) 2EbpmEO.jpg?1 Terminus Est
10.0) (±0.0) VOzJrT2.png?1 Sigma
10.5) (+0.5) Guardian
11.5) (±0.0) Green Protection Agency
12.5) (±0.0) Mensa HQ
13.5) (-0.5) Asgard
13.5) (±0.0) Fark
14.0) (±0.0) Vanguard
14.5) (+0.5) Cobalt
15.0) (±0.0) Arrgh
16.0) (-1.0) Brotherhood of the Clouds
16.0) (+0.5) Cornerstone
20.0) (+0.5) Black Knights
21.5) (+0.5) InGen
22.0) (±0.0) DHaran Empire
22.0) (-0.5) The Coalition
23.0) (+0.5) The Light Federation
25.0) (+0.5) The Kings Parliament
26.0) (±0.0) Noir
26.5) (+0.5) The Knights Radiant
27.0) (±0.0) North American Confederacy
28.5) (±0.0) Empire of Spades
28.5) (+0.5) The Fighting Pacifists
30.5) (-0.5) Roz Wei
30.5) (±0.0) Vargen Institution
32.0) (+0.5) Socialist Workers Front
32.0) (+0.5) World Task Force
33.5) (+0.5) The Evenstar Empire
34.0) (+0.5) Charming Friends
35.5) (+1.5) Odd Squad
37.5) (+0.5) Trident

The New Wei Kingdom falls out of the rankings!
The Charming Friends change colours from brown to purple!
The Black Knights reenter the top twenty!

Greatest Membership Gain:
1) Brotherhood of the Clouds (+3)
2) United Purple Nations (+1), Rose (+1), Arrgh (+1), Cornerstone (+1), Vargen Institution (+1)
3) N/A

Greatest Membership Loss:
1) Roz Wei (-3)
2) Viridian Entente (-2)
3) Green Protection Agency (-1), Guardian (-1), Odd Squad (-1)

24 September 2015 - By Total Score
01) (±0) RfSWE9E.png?1 United Purple Nations (147 --> 148) (+1) - 122494.16 --> 121760.63 (-733.53)
02) (±0) zunT10Q.png?1 Viridian Entente (104 --> 102) (-2) - 86221.12 --> 85924.11 (-297.01)
03) (±0) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose (83 --> 84) (+1) - 81400.27 --> 81917.71 (+517.44)
04) (±0) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company (75 --> 75) (±0) - 80352.58 --> 80748.30 (+395.72)
05) (+1) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate (57 --> 57) (±0) - 64028.59 --> 64472.58 (+443.99)
06) (-1) SpmNr0m.png?1 Brotherhood of the Clouds (103 --> 106) (+3) - 64593.37 --> 64299.60 (-293.77)
07) (±0) bSYZ1bB.jpg?1 Mensa HQ (59 --> 59) (±0) - 48264.54 --> 48435.54 (+171.00)
08) (±0) Jm3V4KQ.png?1 Arrgh (65 --> 66) (+1) - 46968.28 --> 47723.72 (+755.44)
09) (±0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms (38 --> 38) (±0) - 43388.86 --> 43518.86 (+130.00)
10) (±0) WgPa7BW.png?1 Black Knights (83 --> 83) (±0) - 37890.77 --> 38168.04 (+277.27)
11) (±0) Green Protection Agency (42 --> 41) (-1) - 37478.22 --> 37083.74 (-394.48)
12) (+1) Cornerstone (36 --> 37) (+1) - 27306.52 --> 28366.57 (+1060.05)
13) (-1) Alpha (23 --> 23) (±0) - 28146.32 --> 28226.32 (+80.00)
14) (±0) Guardian (25 --> 24) (-1) - 26421.62 --> 26409.54 (-12.08)
15) (±0) Vanguard (30 --> 30) (±0) - 25861.60 --> 26191.64 (+330.04)
16) (±0) Fark (26 --> 26) (±0) - 24282.87 --> 24356.74 (+73.87)
17) (±0) Terminus Est (14 --> 14) (±0) - 23737.83 --> 23768.93 (+31.10)
18) (±0) The Knights Radiant (61 --> 61) (±0) - 21930.09 --> 22183.98 (+253.89)
19) (±0) Sigma (11 --> 11) (±0) - 21574.17 --> 21614.17 (+40.00)
20) (±0) Cobalt (22 --> 22) (±0) - 21414.66 --> 21473.70 (+59.04)
21) (±0) Asgard (17 --> 17) (±0) - 19195.44 --> 19215.03 (+19.59)
22) (+1) InGen (18 --> 18) (±0) - 13316.54 --> 13493.88 (+177.34)
23) (+1) The Light Federation (19 --> 19) (±0) - 13263.19 --> 13455.70 (+192.51)
24) (-2) Roz Wei (49 --> 46) (-3) - 13698.42 --> 13378.27 (-320.15)
25) (±0) DHaran Empire (16 --> 16) (±0) - 12604.09 --> 12766.56 (+162.47)
26) (±0) North American Confederacy (22 --> 22) (±0) - 11664.73 --> 11719.64 (+54.91)
27) (±0) Vargen Institution (28 --> 29) (+1) - 11234.86 --> 11491.35 (+256.49)
28) (±0) Noir (17 --> 17) (±0) - 10985.19 --> 11183.75 (+198.56)
29) (±0) The Coalition (13 --> 13) (±0) - 10935.30 --> 10935.30 (±0.00)
30) (±0) Empire of Spades (20 --> 20) (±0) - 10667.30 --> 10763.44 (+96.14)
31) (±0) The Evenstar Empire (35 --> 35) (±0) - 10519.08 --> 10527.25 (+8.17)
32) (±0) The Fighting Pacifists (16 --> 16) (±0) - 9820.44 --> 9858.04 (+37.60)
33) (±0) World Task Force (21 --> 21) (±0) - 9543.33 --> 9592.83 (+49.50)
34) (±0) The Kings Parliament (11 --> 11) (±0) - 9044.02 --> 9155.54 (+111.52)
35) (±0) Socialist Workers Front (18 --> 18) (±0) - 8293.15 --> 8328.52 (+35.37)
36) (±0) Charming Friends (19 --> 19) (±0) - 8107.01 --> 8121.22 (+14.21)
37) (±0) Trident (39 --> 39) (±0) - 7984.76 --> 7975.14 (-9.62)
38) (+1) Odd Squad (20 --> 19) (-1) - 7872.74 --> 7642.90 (-229.84)
ADD/DROP LINE: 7578.15 --> 7633.61 (+55.45)
39) (-1) New Wei Kingdom (16 --> 16) (±0) - 7973.35 --> 7488.10 (-485.25)

The United Purple Nations fall below the 122000 Score milestone!
The Viridian Entente falls below the 86000 Score milestone!
Arrgh passes the 47000 Score milestone!
The Black Knights pass the 38000 Score milestone!
Cornerstone passes the 28000 Score milestone!
Vanguard repasses the 26000 Score milestone!
The Knights Radiant passes the 22000 Score milestone!
Noir passes the 11000 Score milestone!

Greatest Score Gain:
1) Cornerstone (+1060.05)
2) Arrgh (+755.44)
3) Rose (+517.44)

Greatest Score Loss:
1) United Purple Nations (-733.53)
2) New Wei Kingdom (-485.25)
3) Green Protection Agency (-394.48)

24 September 2015 - By Avg Score
01) (±0) VOzJrT2.png?1 Sigma (11 --> 11) (±0) - 1961.29 --> 1964.92 (+3.64)
02) (±0) 2EbpmEO.jpg?1 Terminus Est (14 --> 14) (±0) - 1695.56 --> 1697.78 (+2.22)
03) (±0) Tbd5yYu.jpg?1 Alpha (23 --> 23) (±0) - 1223.75 --> 1227.23 (+3.48)
04) (±0) 0tfAvUj.jpg?1 Seven Kingdoms (38 --> 38) (±0) - 1141.81 --> 1145.23 (+3.42)
05) (+1) Hpe388s.jpg?1 The Syndicate (57 --> 57) (±0) - 1123.31 --> 1131.10 (+7.79)
06) (-1) 5BITHdf.jpg?1 Asgard (17 --> 17) (±0) - 1129.14 --> 1130.30 (+1.15)
07) (+1) Yog6dWH.jpg?1 Guardian (25 --> 24) (-1) - 1056.86 --> 1100.40 (+43.54)
08) (-1) ram1P2a.jpg?1 The Dutch East India Company (75 --> 75) (±0) - 1071.37 --> 1076.64 (+5.28)
09) (+1) 9xRmIu1.png?1 Cobalt (22 --> 22) (±0) - 973.39 --> 976.08 (+2.68)
10) (-1) pkDJbln.png?1 Rose (83 --> 84) (+1) - 980.73 --> 975.21 (-5.51)
11) (±0) Fark (26 --> 26) (±0) - 933.96 --> 936.80 (+2.84)
12) (±0) Green Protection Agency (42 --> 41) (-1) - 892.34 --> 904.48 (+12.14)
13) (±0) Vanguard (30 --> 30) (±0) - 862.05 --> 873.05 (+11.00)
14) (+2) Viridian Entente (104 --> 102) (-2) - 829.05 --> 842.39 (+13.34)
15) (-1) The Coalition (13 --> 13) (±0) - 841.18 --> 841.18 (±0.00)
16) (+1) The Kings Parliament (11 --> 11) (±0) - 822.18 --> 832.32 (+10.14)
17) (-2) United Purple Nations (147 --> 148) (+1) - 833.29 --> 822.71 (-10.59)
18) (±0) Mensa HQ (59 --> 59) (±0) - 818.04 --> 820.94 (+2.90)
19) (±0) DHaran Empire (16 --> 16) (±0) - 787.76 --> 797.91 (+10.15)
20) (±0) Cornerstone (36 --> 37) (+1) - 758.51 --> 766.66 (+8.15)
21) (±0) InGen (18 --> 18) (±0) - 739.81 --> 749.66 (+9.85)
22) (±0) Arrgh (65 --> 66) (+1) - 722.59 --> 723.09 (+0.50)
23) (±0) The Light Federation (19 --> 19) (±0) - 698.06 --> 708.19 (+10.13)
24) (±0) Noir (17 --> 17) (±0) - 646.19 --> 657.87 (+11.68)
25) (+1) The Fighting Pacifists (16 --> 16) (±0) - 613.78 --> 616.13 (+2.35)
26) (-1) Brotherhood of the Clouds (103 --> 106) (+3) - 627.12 --> 606.60 (-20.52)
27) (±0) Empire of Spades (20 --> 20) (±0) - 533.37 --> 538.17 (+4.81)
28) (±0) North American Confederacy (22 --> 22) (±0) - 530.22 --> 532.71 (+2.50)
29) (+1) Socialist Workers Front (18 --> 18) (±0) - 460.73 --> 462.70 (+1.97)
30) (+1) Black Knights (83 --> 83) (±0) - 456.52 --> 459.86 (+3.34)
31) (+1) World Task Force (21 --> 21) (±0) - 454.44 --> 456.80 (+2.36)
32) (+1) Charming Friends (19 --> 19) (±0) - 426.68 --> 427.43 (+0.75)
33) (+2) Odd Squad (20 --> 19) (-1) - 393.64 --> 402.26 (+8.62)
34) (±0) Vargen Institution (28 --> 29) (+1) - 401.25 --> 396.25 (-4.99)
35) (+1) The Knights Radiant (61 --> 61) (±0) - 359.51 --> 363.67 (+4.16)
36) (+1) The Evenstar Empire (35 --> 35) (±0) - 300.55 --> 300.78 (+0.23)
37) (+1) Roz Wei (49 --> 46) (-3) - 279.56 --> 290.83 (+11.27)
38) (+1) Trident (39 --> 39) (±0) - 204.74 --> 204.49 (-0.25)

Guardian repasses the 1100 Avg Score milestone!
The Green Protection Agency repasses the 900 Avg Score milestone!
The Light Federation repasses the 700 Avg Score milestone!
Noir repasses the 650 Avg Score milestone!
The Odd Squad repasses the 400 Avg Score milestone!
The Vargen Institution falls below the 400 Avg Score milestone!

Greatest Avg Score Gain:
1) Guardian (+43.54)
2) Viridian Entente (+13.34)
3) Green Protection Agency (+12.14)

Greatest Avg Score Loss:
1) United Purple Nations (-10.59)
2) Rose (-5.51)
3) Vargen Institution (-4.99)

Stats taken: September 24 12:00 am

A huge thank you to:
Gopherbashi for creating and donating the program used to quickly calculate these stats!
The correct form of the English language for providing the colour used in this update!

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"In an honest service there is thin commons, low wages, and hard labor; in this, plenty and satiety, pleasure and ease, liberty and power; and who would not balance creditor on this side, when all the hazard that is run for it, at worst, is only a sour look or two at choking. No, a merry life and a short one, shall be my motto." - Bartholomew "Black Bart" Roberts


Green Enforcement Agency will rise again!

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