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Jaime Lannister

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Everything posted by Jaime Lannister

  1. People like Herman Cain, Michelle Bachmann and Rick Perry were all frontrunners in 2012, one can only hope the the GOP primary voters will come to their senses now like they did back then and cast this windbag aside as well. Though in a way I almost hope he gets the nomination, I can't see him ever getting any numbers of votes beyond white men. Older white men at that. Minorities? Women? Yeah right. Good thing to as the world would probably end in nuclear fire before his first term ends.
  2. Don't see how Hillary Clinton flip flopping excuses Rand Paul.
  3. No. Banning things takes way too much energy anyway.
  4. Ah of course, you dislike homosexuals and want to strip them of their newly won equality and I dislike this opinion and want to do nothing more than state that. Completely the same.
  5. People complained about blacks gaining equality and now people complain about gays gaining these rights as well. History will look at these people just as sternly as it does the previous bunch. I think you are a bigot. That's all I have to say, and I'm saying it.
  6. Just because I find the GOP candidates to be a combination of imbeciles and demagogues doesn't mean I have the slightest support towards Hillary Clinton, to me she is just Republican lite and the epitome of a politician who will say/do whatever it takes to win. Not a single principle to be found there. Primary voters don't care about that, goes to such "issues" like guns, Obama and the whatever the current organization that is being attacked, ACORN, Planned Parenthood, whatever red meat can be waved in front of people to get them to the polls in a rage.
  7. Didn't watch the debate myself but I'm curious. Did any of them bring up Benghazi? Just curious how desperate they all are.
  8. Prohibition being so effective and all.
  9. So are going to ban male gay porn too? No women to be "oppressed" there. Just curious. I'm sure no one is worried about objectifying a man.
  10. I see Rand Paul jumped on the "strip Planned Parenthood of funding" bandwagon. A real maverick this one.
  11. It is about time damn time. So not only have we given legal equality to gays but I get to have Republicans and other bigots losing their minds over it. It has been a fabulous day. Maybe Texas will threaten to secede again?
  12. Don't see what this matters, of all the possible "firsts" this is really low on the list. Besides, Donald Trump still needs to prove to us he's not the son of an orangutang, can't be elected until then.
  13. Oscar Isaac certainly impressed me in the film, he might have had the best character I've seen on screen so far this year. Loved him, faults and all.
  14. Been fun guys, maybe next time we can come over to your place to party.
  15. Hey, most of you are party crashers anyway yet we are entertaining you all regardless, Sure some of you may be feeling left out but that's what you get for bringing so many friends, no complaining now
  16. Well we knew this was inevitable. Honestly we should just get our artificial enhancements so we can compete, the sooner the better.
  17. I see we have all kinds of classy people here. Just enjoy the party and stop complaining.
  18. Truly brave of you to join in at this point, you're taking quite the risk aren't you?
  19. Thanks for all this attention I guess, nice to know you all needed so many to play with us. I'm flattered.
  20. War has come, guess I better get my golden armor.
  21. Saw it Thrus night, one of the best action movies I've seen. I didn't even like the original Mad Max films very much and I loved this. Practical effects, wide shots, lack of shaky cam or fast cuts.... movie is beautiful to look at and a crazy fun ride for two hours. One guy's opinion.
  22. Have to say I think you are in the small minority here, like those who claim The Dark Knight is really terrible. You aren't going to find many to agree with you I'm afraid.
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