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Everything posted by Denison

  1. What are the odds that The Legion signs TKR? Seems TKR is in the business of picking up every trash alliance that exists atm.
  2. time to wireshark this in a vm on a multi to be sure I don't get hacked
  3. I have never been shy about my small PENIS. By far the smallest in all of PNW no competition.
  4. Denison


    Time to find out :ancap:
  5. Denison


    Don't worry this was for @Horsecock 0 iq forum mod going crazy
  6. My boy helped me declare. Hopefully Alex doesn't ban me.
  7. Not really any benefit by removing it in my opinion. All I can see is the 9000 buy offers some individuals will put again or just in general spamming smaller sell offers but within their total resource.
  8. Do not remove the, "arbitrary" 3 trade limit, it's there for a reason. Stops people from spamming buy/sell offers without removing ones they already have. I really wonder how removing that would be an improvement.
  9. c40 person has around 20 projects
  10. Willing to be paid to roll sweden again. Hit me up spartans.
  11. shoulda been banned much sooner tbh
  12. The war system in Politics and War is utterly broken at the moment. Over the last 24 hours I have seen it only get worse. Some I know have compared it to the sinking of the Titanic, although laughable it almost seems true. I will list below just the bugs so far that I have seen or encountered over the last few weeks, many of which occurring within the last couple of days. No new map at day change for myself, but a new map for my enemies When you do a beige snipe you get an extra map from the turn before even though you declared this turn Someone who had two wars on the same person https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=60760&display=war An absolutely bugged war timeline in regards to the new feature Alex added the other day, just look at the time stamps Being able to use maps past 12 saved(5 airstrikes(20 maps) at once is the most I've experienced) An instance where maps were conjured out of thin air and I was beiged because of it. This was not the map bug where they sat on 12 maps for a long period, they had 0 after they nuked(used 4 navals(16 maps) within 13 turns of launching a nuke) https://politicsandwar.com/nation/war/timeline/war=1378717 I for one am demoralized. Once a fan of war and a proponent of it, I feel myself wanting to stop or simply delete my nation. The amount of bugs and as a result stress I have dealt with because of this are just something I would not expect from a game that has this very concept included in its title. My most accurate comparison for this feeling would be the stress or anger someone feels as a result of their internet lagging in a competitive online game. This is not a dig at the moderators or developers who are seemingly doing their best to solve the above problems, but what they are doing is just a band aid solution, individually going in and fixing wars. Alex needs to seriously take lead and solve these issues from wherever they source, as I fear many players will soon leave the game if this continues or even gets worse as I expect it will. I did not want to make this thread because I hate to feel that I have undermined those who I have spoken to, however this needed to be said publicly and I think there needs to be a place where people can openly post war bugs that they have experienced in hopes of finding some sort of solution faster. It is my hope that this thread will serve as just that. If you have experienced a bug not listed or if you just want to cope(like vein), please post below.
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