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The Illyrian

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Everything posted by The Illyrian

  1. I should probably be replying at the beige removal sudden update, but too many people said what I would lol.. So: 1) Land is very cheap, compared to infrastructure(and doesn't really affect much at some specific point 2) I think it's not a necessity and therefore putting time on this project, while there's 404 things that needs a fix is useless 3) No:P
  2. 1) Blockading someone with additional units traps them and the units located in that nation, for a further defense or a joint attack by your alliance comrades - so yes the ships is a necessity not to lose someone's else units in an attack. And you should realise that every can joint attack/defend, even the single idiot who blockaded you.. 2) during peace time you could be correct, but during war time it would happen a lot and the spy ops would be very successful(as those aren't limited right) e.:x; when you're going to blitz someone Yes, it does leave you open for 1 turn but gives huge chances to war comebacks.. e.x; if your alliance highest city nation at city 28 attacks a city 23 nation but gets surprised by the additional units if not careful which could give a change in an alliance war if operated well also you could return the units back to your mates as soon as the attack is made which is literally a second.. as for being shot up into range of people with higher city counts, you don't really get shot up into such ranges anymore the units score is obviously much lower(e.x planes).. as for the pirates, they would also be able to buy the project and i'm sure they also have an alliance and alliance friends.. (an alliance is a clan in simple words) as for the time periods between these things, it is just example numbers and not really determined As for now, the idea could have too many loopholes or lacks of but I am generally interesting in knowing if people like the idea in the first place the details of the idea can always be constructed by the community and the community staff and admins.
  3. or in the contrary, this could make the black market pointless.. while having much more use
  4. 1) of course - you would be using the units like its yours for the time being, so the upkeep and the expenses of gas and munitions, yes the cost of sending the units would be somewhat a bit higher than sending 60 spies on an espionage operation 2) usable for the nation that received the units and is blockaded, but unusable for the nation that sent them(since the nation that sent the troops, won't be able to receive the units back because of the blockade the receiver is on) so if you intend in returning back the units to your alliance mate and let them rebuild what you could have lost of their units in your attack or even let them fight on their own(or coordinate a joint attack from his barracks) you'd have to make sure your ships aren't going down during the time of this attack and you're not going to get blockaded - By this I say that it actually adds more importance to ships. 3) deployment would be for one type of unit in particular, and yes if your plane cap is 750 you would be getting 1500 planes from 2 other nations the total being 2250(however it wouldn't be giving advantage to anyone in particular, since everyone would be coordinating joint attacks it would fairly be about who plans them correctly and in a timed schedule) 4) that's a good question, I think there should be an addition in the espionage operations to only spy the military alliance barracks of that nation(unlimited spy ops towards military alliance barracks but each use with a cost) 5)Yes, during the time of arriving and returning these units would be not available to neither the sending nation or the receiving nation 6) Yes it would contain the type of units,number of the units and the nations that sent the units in the military alliance barracks of the nation you're espionaging.
  5. Good question, no nukes and missiles wouldn't be able to be transferred. As for the 1 hour rule 1)when your ally sends you their units your ally would be vulnerable himself 2)the other enemy you want to hit, could be doing the exact same thing.. since joint attacks would be very expected;) 3)as I mentioned, if you're blockaded you wouldn't be able to resend units back to the original nation.
  6. Military Alliance Barracks Project in your Nation A:What is the military alliance barracks project? B:It would be an improvement that allows an alliance nation in your range to deploy their selected units army in your military alliance barracks in aid to your nation(of course, if they also have built the military alliance barracks Project). A:How do I find out if the enemy has joint units in his nation, from his alliance comrades? B: You have to get a successful espionage report, which will show the extra troops from the other nations.(Also read point 8 of the rules of the project) A: Why is this necessary? B: I think, it could bring a lot of changes/comebacks to the wars and more coordinated war game for those willing if planned well. A: What would the costs of this project be? B: It shouldn't be very expensive to build the project, but using it should be a little bit more expensive than "e.x; espionage reports" as it might be used only during wartime A: Why am I posting it? B: I just had this idea for a long time now, and want to know what every one thinks of it opinions and critics; Rules of the project: 1) the nation deploying units to your nation is not able to deploy more units than what your maximum is(ex. : 750 planes) 2) project capped to only one use per day 3) not being able to hold someones else units longer than 60 minutes - read point 4 4) if you're blockaded, and you're also carrying someones else units on you - the units cannot be returned to the original owner nation until you leave the blockade 5) maximum deployments from other alliance nations to your nation would be 2 deployments 6) the nation deploying the units, cannot build/rebuild units until they're returned back 7) the units from other nations cannot be seen(unless successfully spied when they're already in that nation 8 ) when the nations received the units from another alliance nation, it will increase in score however the nation that sends the units decreases in score 9) it would take approximately 60 minutes for a nation to send its units in aid of another alliance nation
  7. yeah, bring back downvotes 😆
  8. What is this crap ? Btw I'm not sure if this is a propaganda to show how nice Camelot or Arthur can be(in the intention of avoiding getting rolled) but.. To be honest, I personally dislike Camelot because of their past behavior and actions and even their current behavior now but in this very rare special case if I were Arthur or Camelot I'd smash you guys to pieces for the way you guys behaved in these conversations no matter the consequences. A thief leader mostly treatied to thief alliances talking about dignity and demanding apologies 😵
  9. You were told, and you were able to vote on the changes on the FORUMS and you even got to test the new updates on the TEST SERVER before they came out live.(I haven't seen any issues with the last updates ONLY bugs that were fixed completely) What rule changes? There wasn't a change in the rules about taking bounties or buying treasures, however Slot Filling was & IS against the game rules but someone was clever enough to report it as such. As for people suggesting changes and updates, you have a section in the forums which is called game suggestions and if your suggestion is good enough players will up vote it and therefore suggesting it to Admin himself.. Having 5-6 players that Alex sees more worthy and listens to them more than the entire players and alliances as mentioned above by others will do nothing except mess the game up!
  10. Congrats and best of luck Error 404!
  11. I'm also breaking the rules by saying this.. But this is a NO discussion form.
  12. Disgusting to see such comments(a few, but still) towards an incredible person like yourself considering your character was and will always be special:) Wish you all the best!
  13. says the one who ran away from his/her alliance, and abandoned the members ?
  14. thanks for clearing my doubts that I never had
  15. If you're going to make a complaint about something, please explain more on the details. How exactly are the 4 year old nations being at higher risk by 'noobs' in trade market? Are you saying people should be playing for 4 years to be able to sell any amount of resources they want to sell? Says the one with an entire special fancy forum profile ?
  16. So a recent one, a naval attack cannot be made upon this nation(It's weird because it works on all other nations) It's similar to the ground attack bug that won't be registered..
  17. I deeply apologize Alex, but Bjorn dragged me into this conversation without my intention - I am here only to express what I think is right about these updates. Bjorn, if you carefully check each war on that list planes and tanks were destroyed - and if you ask Mythics, this is no longer just raiding but it is a conflict. You are far less educated than I expected you would be
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