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Everything posted by BowShot118

  1. Hey! Welcome to the game, best advice I can give you is to find a good alliance to show you the ropes and have fun with the game. [Insert Immortals Plug Here]
  2. Neat concept, not sure how it would work out in play however, Bombers are a cool idea but, imo, removing the current unit's ability to airstrike ground units would be a step to far and drastically minimize the usage of the units. Perhaps removing Infra damage, having Bombers be Infra damaging with similiar rates of casualties when hitting ground/see? Alongside, would there be a new improvement for the bombers or would it split the hanger space? So you can split your planes and bombers by percent (so like 70% planes, 30% bombers) or would it be a 50/50 split? Cool concept though
  3. C'mon, at least put effort into your shitposts!
  4. Imo, just replace the resources tab with a trade tab and keep the resources at the top of the screen, it's the only bit that I find annoying while playing on mobile.
  5. It could be because you're using the food you're producing, meaning you break even instead of producing any extra food.
  6. People spend lots of money and loose it all.
  7. Just because someone got incredibly lucky doesn't mean it should be removed entirely.
  8. As far as I know, the custom little nation map is purely cosmetic and has no impacts on the game, so I would be against tying in Land ownership with game features. Plus, land in cities is important as it lowers disease and means you can produce more food.
  9. Congrats on peace, good luck in the future!
  10. When you asked for pictures for the DoW and I gave you that, I didn't expect you to use it lmao
  11. Inb4 another dupe scandal
  12. Weren't you guys the Gov behind the recently couped Vanguard? Good luck with your future merger requests and gl on not getting couped next time, choose your Heirs wisely xD
  13. It was a good fun ride Uriah, thanks for being a massive part of the community that got me into the game! Best of luck wherever you go next o7
  14. Trust, I guess it does take some time to learn about the game's mechanics.
  15. But it also states how many turns you have left in Beige, inferring that it is important. A Warning when declaring war/changing block colours while in Beige should surely be sufficient. Alongside this, the name for the block is "The Beige Protection Block." If that doesn't scream protection I don't know what does.
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