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Everything posted by Skyler215

  1. Lol! This topic has gone wild!!! ALL HANDS UP and wave!!!! Wooohoooo!!!
  2. I bet you're right Wilhelm! Hahahaha! But where's the guy who started this trend market thread? Can't see him anymore...
  3. Ahahahahaha!!! Still putting my fingers in top of the table... Who knows... But peace will remain...
  4. Yes they are worth it. To counter intel from others., the damage depends on how many spies you used and how many spies the nation got that you're trying to do your work,, hope his helps..
  5. Very nice indeed... To keep the peace alive! I love peace...
  6. In behalf if DEIC/VoC welcome!! Have fun and enjoy the game! Just listen to that guy above saying, EAT YOUR BROCOLLI! Hahahhaah!!
  7. Dramatically perfect!! Sweet! Go forth and defend!
  8. Philipinians would like to express its congratulations to your air force base. As long as no planes come to our air space, we are in good standing and in peace. Congrats and may your air force stands for peace..
  9. Hhmmmm good suggestion, but it think let's have a comment from sheepy about this... But I like the idea... It might be tat way... Who knows..
  10. Yea,.. It's a bit of a problem... Sometimes it happens...
  11. Lol!!! No war is going to happen in couple more weeks... That's for sure...
  12. Yes Vincent, I too agree with shellhound,. If proven, wouldn't the peace keepers strike to those who create tensions?.. So they will stop spreading news about war that's not going to happen so they won't abuse it and profit from the gossips?...
  13. Yes I agree... But well, it's good for business of others... But I'm sure we will be the peacekeepers of ever and what else could it be? I recalled a quote that saying "sorry but peace isn't profitable as war" it's true like in real life...
  14. I see no war... Only speculation from resource producing nation so they can sell resources at higher prices.. As I currently check every alliance and they movement, you'll all be surprised what I have found out.. And you'all be again surprised that my secretary at work having a double job, doing my papers in my office and the other is, this is a bit fun since it's not included in her job description, making the tally of the alliance forces. Top 15 alliance.. But she likes what I wanted her to do.. Having a spreadsheet of every alliance everyday except sat and Sunday since she's out of work.. Also, on my prediction being an economist in real life, it's only a speculation for the resource producer to sell at high price.. And I agree.. Peace will still remain in a couple of weeks... Thanks to my office secretary.. She then asks, boss/madam: aren't you an economist and playing this kind of game? But I like what you're doing... Thanks to you madam.. I also have a nice view of the set up in that game as my brother wanted to play that too.. Should we teach him that game? And I then look at her eyes and say, darling, just do your assignments and what I want you to do, and it's all good.. Don't wanna put your brother in danger.. Haha!
  15. @sheepy, it's somehow okay but again it will matter how many friends you have to like the post or whatever,,then it's another loophole to be abused...
  16. 3 turns actually... But that doesn't matter now as the turns generates what it should be doing.. Ty sheepybababa!!
  17. Just give them more pizza and meats.. They will pay more... Haha
  18. Nation name: Philipinians Nation link: http://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=6939
  19. Thanks for this guide.. I'm new and it's good putting some kind of information like this..
  20. Thanks for the answers guys.. That's what I have in mind too as I'm new at this..
  21. Wow sweet!! Good to know.. I'll ask my friend to do so..
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