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Everything posted by Alastor

  1. If anyone watches youtube videos you probably already know about this. There's a charity going on right now to plant 20 million trees. $1 = 1 tree started by a famous youtuber. The supporting party is the Arbor Day Foundation who will be the ones planting said trees. Conservation, restoration, and charity are things that everyone can get behind regardless of background or political affiliation. I encourage you guys to participate and maybe even spread the word. Relevant links below: https://www.arborday.org/ https://teamtrees.org/
  2. Yes, but did you read my whole post? The project begins its benefit at 4 satellites and maxes out at 24, with diminishing returns. The halfway point is roughly at 9 or 10 satellites. 24 nations with GPS is a drop in the bucket for 100+ member alliances like TKR or NPO. However, half of the top 50 has 30 or less members in their alliance. Assuming not all of them are perfectly active, trustworthy, have enough project slots, etc. - half of the top 50 right now couldn't max out the bonus. Recognizing that fact: I suggest forgoing the "realism" of 4 satellites being the minimum requirement and just start the bonus off at the first satellite constructed. Selective realism doesn't make for great game balancing, in my opinion. Basically you may not think 5% is a big deal, but your propaganda project only gives 10% recruitment and many alliances consider it a meta-defining aspect of the war system.
  3. I love agreement If this were CN I'd agree with you. CN had four mechanical actions that mattered and each one was time-locked behind some sort of gate. Every 24 hours you pay bills via one click, every 20 days you collect taxes via one click, every 10 days you buy or send tech via one click, every 24 hours you nuke via one click if you're at war. So obviously you had 25% more to click during war and the "loser" of the war was never really "out" until they had no money to buy nukes. Even though it was an incredibly boring system, everyone *could* matter in every war. PnW wars are typically decided within hours. The "loser" typically loses all ability to impact a fight within a day or two by having their units zeroed out (usually during the first blitz before you even know you got hit). So you can maybe double-buy if your opponent isn't paying attention or you can wait til you get beiged or more likely wait til you're in a low enough score range that you can begin out-buying opponents with less cities. Wars in PnW are arguably just as boring as wars in CN because of how one-sided they become and how quickly they turn that way. However, PnW has a "robust" (for a nationsim) economic system with multiple different min-maxing options and ways to make money and do things. Peace in this game is way more fun than the war system. It's actually funny that CN has a long history of neutrals and unaffiliated groups going unmolested for long periods of time while in PnW it's "trendy" to hit people that are minding their own business.
  4. And so, too, another thread descends into bickering while peace talks die.
  5. I see your point but I just cannot reach your same conclusion. To me it would appear that even if t$ had permission from NPO, that is still engaging in the same game-y tactics and behaviors that NPO and BK have been utilizing to hit micros, protectorates, and now OWF/Carthago/TEst. Basically holding an alliance down with a treaty and a promise of peace, then letting your ally swoop in and suckerpunch them while roasting them on the forums for all to see. DB got the raw end of the stick, war dodger or no, and t$ facilitated, enabled, and participated in it. I respect what you're saying and I think there are solid points but to butcher a famous Malcom X quote: The two choices are between a fox and wolf. One will eat you, the other will eat you but lie. I'm not trying to defend NPO by any means, as I told Shadowthrone above: I think multiple alliances this war have shown an unsettling willingness to debase themselves to their lesser instincts and become basically tribes just striking out at any perceived weakness with no regard for the future impact. "The other tribes don't matter, we just need to feed our tribe and then find the next meal." It's a very chaotic approach to FA and it won't be sustainable long-term for anyone.
  6. I'd argue that while a lot of posts get mass-upvoted for being stupid highschool comebacks, the system also helps flag quality posts when skimming through massive 30+ page threads. It has its uses but really not something serious people pay attention to. I agree it should be removed though. Or at the least, remove downvoting.
  7. Honestly man I'm not sure why you're defending t$. Didn't they opportunistically hit your sphere during this war as well? I guess they got clapped in the first round and used NPO entering as a chance to "morally object" and white peace out before taking more damage... but does that heal those wounds that quick? Not to mention that half of t$ was in Penitas Oculatus when they hit Dark Brotherhood while they were allied to NPO. This seems pretty fair game for NPO to then hit t$ protectorates now, right? Eye for an eye?
  8. "Social fun" I'm sorry this is PnW, there will be no fun here.
  9. Echoing what someone else said, can alliance-wide projects please give diminishing returns from the first project going forward? It's not just a "micro" problem if the bonus is only attainable for larger member alliances. 24 of the top 50 alliances right now have ~30 members or less, quite a few don't even have 24 members. So almost half of the top 50, including one in the top 10. 5% doesn't seem like a huge buff but the Propaganda project is basically a must-have in wars at this point and it only offers a 10% recruiting bonus. I think it's a cool idea, but maybe concede realism for game mechanic functionality in this instance? Or utilize realism in a different way, 4 satellites gives you like 2.5% of the bonus and it descends from there capping out at 24? If the propaganda department makes a difference in the meta, the 5% bonus to battles will as well.
  10. If you're talking about the Syndicate, I agree with you.
  11. Hello, Alex added in bonuses to production to encourage nation specialization. The idea was if you used your limited improvement slots on a single resource instead of multiple resources then that single resource would receive bonus production. I've heard a lot of people argue that this didn't really help people specialize production it just inflated the number of resources on the market. In order to address this, my suggestion is two-fold: 1. Lower the current improvement stacking production bonus from 50% to 10%. 2. Add in production bonus up to 40% based on the contiguous amount of time you've had those improvements. So for example, you have maxed steel mills for 10 days you get 10% bonus production for maxed improvements, plus another 10% for having them built for 10 days. After 40 days, you'll gain the full 40% time bonus plus the 10% for having 5/5 steel mills. This way we're not adding further production bonuses, but we're actively encouraging people to specialize and stay specialized into specific resources.
  12. Could not agree more. A lot of the automated advantages larger or more technical alliances have need to be integrated into the game.
  13. I agree that you haven't directly attacked anyone that you've had a treaty with. That is fact. However, you've shown that your political agenda is more important than your relationships.
  14. Hello, Do you enjoy spreadsheets, numbers, and economic theory? Join up on the Economical! discord server. A place to discuss both PnW and IRL economics, economic theory, and mechanics in general. The goal is to provide a discord community to talk to vetted experts from multiple alliances about mechanics and economics and share secrets on how to min-max your nation. https://discord.gg/JGQKXcG
  15. >NPO / BKsphere / TKRsphere / KT+TGH / Rose all split up into "minispheres" with several wildcard large-ish alliances just kind of hanging out between spheres. IQ died, Syndicate signed with NPO, the Chaos and KETOG blocs formed. >Knights Templar + Grumpy + Guardian + The Golden Horde + Empyrea (KETOG) hit TKR+Soup Kitchen+Church of Space+Valinor etc (Chaos) using the CB as "lulz" or something. >Sphinx got his master plan leaked. Said master plan included NPO+BKsphere teamup against... Chaos, I think? but also KETOG later down the road. Basically a planned reunion of IQ. >Said leaked masterplan was used as a new CB for KETOG+Chaos (now KERCHTOG) to team up and hit BKsphere, I believe Rose got involved at this point as well against BK. >Depending on who you ask, KERCHTOG either planned to team up on BKsphere all along and went to war on purpose to lower their score without giving it away --- OR, they reacted to a solid CB being leaked on the OWF. >Syndicate hits Grumpy and Guardian to opportunistically attack whales while a largescale war is distracting their coalition. Syndicate's stance is that retaliation will mean activation of treaties (NPOsphere coming down on KERCHTOG). To my best knowledge, Syndicate was allowed to continue their mini-war unmolested but it should be noted that they did get clapped. >NPO eventually gets involved anyway citing KERCHTOG as a security risk for Pacifica. Again, depending on who you ask, this is either the reunification of IQ or "minispheres" acting in their own interests. Much outrage ensues. >Syndicate objects to this and ends its mini-war immediately. >KERCHTOG eventually lose military control of most tiers except the lowest because Arrgh stronk. >NPO invites an out-of-game community to join PnW and they call it Guinea Pig Whaling Company - led in-game by Auctor (NPO gov). They have roughly 1000 members. The largest alliance in-game. >GOONS also forms during the war, forming another very large alliance of 100+ members but they're alright socialist guys. >NPOsphere/BKsphere begin hitting Syndicate protectorates and Syndicate gets brought into the war, while still treatied to NPO, semi-separate from KERCHTOG. Again, depending on who you ask this is either justified or not from NPO's perspective. >The war rages on with no end in sight until these latest peace announcements posted an hour ago in alliance affairs. Sorry it's a long read, it has been a multi-month war though.
  16. I hope all the alliances in this list find the peace they are looking for except Syndicate, Enterprise, and House Stark.
  17. I look forward to another couple months of war while actual terms are argued over. Cheers to peace!
  18. The plan is to live-stream said keno so people can see the results. I think I notated something to the effect of making an event out of it in the OP. Something having value doesn't necessarily equate to people's willingness to pay for it. And yes, something being a 100% loss counts as 100% risk. You are guaranteed to lose money on micchans avatar, not so with Crowdsourced Keno.
  19. Basically what Lank said. Have the subsidize rate be separate from tax rate. That way if you want to subsidize all of someone's food needs you don't have to also tax them 100%.
  20. I beg to differ, sir. The avatar auction holds no potential for return on investment, is 100% risk (read: loss), and no more verifiable than my transactions.
  21. I think that implementation of in-game optimal, or at least competitive, playstyles is going to be key to the long-term health of the game. There is quite an imbalance right now between the people who don't have coders on retainer and those who do.
  22. 1. You're right but it's only an example. There are many functions in the game that serve too limited of a purpose to be "useful" and my point is that it would be cool to see these things fleshed out. 2&4. Not worried about enhancing NRP per se. Just giving mechanical value to some of the otherwise cosmetic values on the nation page. I can see how the title might've implied enhancing RP. 3. I would be genuinely interested in the actual data you have on the topic of whales and an income gap. To my knowledge, income scales linearly while cost for cities increases exponentially so the game seems skewed in favor of the people catching up to the "whales".
  23. Much like how team color matters but only slightly, I suggest making other elements in the game matter but only slightly. Some examples: 1. Trades executed via Shared Markets give the buyer a 1% discount on the trade. The seller gets the full amount, the game just covers the difference. 2. Economic policies matter with each type boosting something. Far Right decreases military upkeep by 1%, Right increases commerce in cities by 1%, Moderate increases raw resource production by 1%, Left increases farm output by 1%, Far left decreases infrastructure purchase cost by 1%. 3. If your currency matches your alliance currency then you get a 1% gross income bonus. 4. Alliance seniority and nation page visits have ranks. Seniority can reflect "newbie/regular/veteran/ancient/founder", nation page visits can reflect "nobody/small fish/known name/rising star/celebrity"
  24. If Micchan can sell his avatar pic, I don't see why I can't crowdsource keno. @Woryand your $1000 was instantly lost in an unrelated Keno accident.
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