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Everything posted by Felkey

  1. What school? Need specifics man
  2. I would disagree with this but I'll actually leave my reasoning. It seems like all attacks are carried out at once which takes out the various timing aspects of the game. Such as looting your opponent throughout​ the day for maximum effectiveness as opposed to all at once. Attacking right after your opponent buys as opposed to when they have no units to kill in order to keep their units low, trying to time you attacks with another person where you let the stronger person attack first to give the other attacker a chance to get an advantage as well. It just feels like this takes away from the timing, planning, and coordination aspects that make wars here interesting.
  3. PC MASTER RACE!!! So many mods... Clearly not enough though...
  4. So you're like a father who needs to learn to ignore his children?
  5. Pffft... !@#$ their strategy. We all wanted to see TKR vs. BK and they couldn't even do that right :'(
  6. Come on guys, let's not lose sight of our 30 page goal, everyone go back to shitting on each other
  7. One more page and we hit 30 YAY!!!
  8. I have nothing to add I just want to be a part of the !@#$ery
  9. Ffs get a better server already...
  10. Nah... If it was the treaty web it would be way more of a cluster !@#$ and tkr would some how end up fighting a proxy war with themselves. I like tkr but damn they sure got a paper fetish.
  11. Attention whoring you say... I can respect that
  12. Sooo... You're just gonna do the same thing you always do? Does that really need an announcement?
  13. This is so much better than actually working today.
  14. Trumpty Dumpty with a yellow spray tan instead of an orange one.
  15. What happens when you scramble Rudolph the red nose reindeer, a red shirt character, and a horny fox in the transporter system
  16. A self-conscious pig that has confidence issues so it wears too much makeup
  17. A severely constipated fat guy with a bad spray tan
  18. Yes, but seriously though, less captcha please, when you're actively trying to use the market and check on several trades you may have going at any given time it's so annoying to have that thing pop up every 5 minutes.
  19. I'll try and keep this simple for you... Generally speaking if you meet one person and think they're an idiot, they're probably an idiot. But if the rest of the world is full of idiots according to you, but they think you're and idiot that does idiotic things, you're probably the idiot. Speaking of idiotic things, did you ever manage to get Mensa's boot unlodged from your butt? PS: can you and​ roz please go start your own alliance together?
  20. As someone who has recently contributed several pieces to the tkr art gallery, I could totally get behind this suggestion...
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