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Everything posted by Sketchy

  1. I'll pay Arrgh 10 shekels to formalize their raids with an official declaration of war.
  2. I agree, The Chola deserve to be recognized for their efforts.
  3. Difference is: Christians read it: "You are going to go to burn in hell for that". Muslims read it: "BLOW THEM ALL UP". All these moronic liberals who say shit like "well not all muslims are bad" need to wake the !@#$ up. I'm an atheist, and even I can recognize Christianity has for the most part, assimilated into modern western society and changed with the times. Islam isn't compatible with western civilized society. Period. Those "nice" muslims are the irrelevant minority, and they are either culturalized or just very good at hiding their prejudices. A few "nice" muslims doesn't change the fact that innocent people are dying from terrorism. Maybe one of these "extremists" needs to blow up and kill someone in your family to finally crush your moronic naive ideals.
  5. Simple enough, add a cities land to the nation page under it's infrastucture. If space is an issue, remove "Powered: Yes" from the display. It's hardly the most important information to display on the nation page.
  6. I'm not sure if this has been suggested before, I did a search but I didn't find anything. My suggestion is simple, change nation score to so that it is increased when your purchase military improvements instead of military. So for example, purchasing a barracks would give you the equivalent of 3000 soldiers in nation score. Currently, larger nations can sit at 0 military, attack someone who has maxed military but has far lower military capacity, then build their army and completely destroy them. Additionally, nations who have already decommisioned a military improvement during a day cannot create more of that improvement, and vice versa. It's not perfect, people can still sit at 0-0-0 until before a war and then build up and do exactly what I mentioned above, but in my opinion it's is a fairer system. TL:DR: Make nation score based on military improvements instead of military, remove the ability to decom military improvement you built the same day or build military improvements you decommed that day. Thoughts?
  7. Protectorates are just as important of a pact as any other. Removing them from the treaty web is a terrible idea if you actually want it to reflect the actual political web as it currently is.
  8. Well you have extremely poor FA skills. Go back to your alliance, find someone with the gift of gab, and make them do all of your talking.
  9. You already admitted to being cowards. You guys are scummy opportunists riding on the coattails of Mensa, basically like everything other alliance who has joined the fight against GPA. Mensa deserves respect, the rest of you, including GPA, not so much.
  10. Man, It was pretty cowardly of you guys to attack GPA in the first place, considering you'd never have done it alone. But white peace after 20 wars? Scared they might fight back?
  11. Rose is now protecting The 13th and Rotary Club International.
  12. You forgot Roz Wei in your web.
  13. Fireworks War. It's independence day after all.
  14. Actually that logo is on all the imperial septims and is the Symbol of Akatosh. Do you not pay attention to anything?
  15. I've played 712. I voted for ck2. By far the best in my opinion, I like that it is based around individual characters instead of nations. Far more replayability and roleplaying elements. Plus I make mods for ck2 on the workshop, so there is that. I can't get into EUIV or any of the other PI games tbh. I prefer Civ5 for nation strategy over EUIV.
  16. TLF & UPN have an MDOAP: https://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/13636-a-walk-under-the-northern-lights/ Phoenix is paperless: https://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/13541-mission-accomplished NPO and TKR no longer have an MDOAP. Rose no longer protects VarEn (Who don't exist anymore).
  17. "a sabbatical-like break that allows women and, to a lesser degree, men" Entitled and sexist. Probably has no children because no one has any desire to sleep with her. Maybe we should give all those single-lady spinsters leave to take care of their cats? Oh wait, sorry. Forgot you can't be sexist towards men. Because we are all privileged oppressors. I better go check my privilege.
  18. Kastor made that comment, things escalated. Most of us were indifferent to the announcement, since Phoenix proved to be an unreliable ally, we expressed that.
  19. Since I never responded to the whole "viceroy" thing or paid it any attention, I'm not sure why you are using it to argue against me instead of the person who originally posted it. Either you didn't notice, you see all rose posters as a collective incapable of independent thought, or you are being intentionally disingenuous. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume the first one. Since most of your post is in response to another person, I'm going to further elaborate on my points. You bolded "> One last reply towards something said so you can "Have the last word" while still attempting to end the discussion." which I can only assume (since you never elaborated yourself) this was an attempt by you to say I was attempting to do the same. Except I wasn't ending the discussion, saying I was done and then leaving whilst taking one last jab. "Oh? So everything we said were lies and what you said is obviously true? Is that to make it sound like we are lying, despite plenty of evidence posted to the contrary and plenty of unproven accusations slung at us by you." Considering Rose has provided a considerable amount of counter arguments to every point Kastor has made, and Kastor has just regurgitated the same "Rose strong arms small alliances and uses them as meatshields" line without providing any proof besides a reference to Storm Division, which was easily disproved since all the relevant information behind that was provided in the thread it was discussed in. SD Betrayed rose, joined a war on the opposite side despite having no actual obligation to do so.
  20. lol @ damage control Says "I'm done here" Then follows it up with: > A hollow "you know the real truth" remark to make it sound like we are lying, despite plenty of evidence posted to the contrary and plenty of unproven accusations slung at us by you. > One last reply towards something said so you can "Have the last word" while still attempting to end the discussion. > A "I wish you well" comment in an attempt to save face despite just literally just calling Rose a bunch of "evil strong-arming overlords". > Not responding to any of the points made, due to the realization they are true and you can't argue your way out of them.
  21. It seems like you have forgotten, so I'll remind you. BOTH Alliances need to sign a treaty for it to be valid. If Phoenix didn't like the arrangement, they shouldn't have signed the treaty. Also, what is so wrong with wanting an ally, to help counter? It's common strategy employed by both sphere, the only difference is Phoenix by their own admission were to lazy, incompetent, and afraid to partake despite signing a treaty agreeing to do so. As for storm division, either you didn't even read that thread, or you are intentionally feigning ignorance in order to push yet another false narrative. SD joined an offensive war alongside BoC against an ally on our side of the sphere. SD had no reason to join the war, they were not obligated to do so, and were asked to stop. Additionally, the leaked conversation of them admitting they intended to betray rose, only reinforced that betrayal. Since everyone else has read that thread and seems to understand the situation, I'm guessing you read it, then decided to twist reality to suit your narrative.
  22. Half the allies of any alliance wouldn't come to the aid of their partners without treaties, which is exactly WHY people sign them in the first place. So... your point? Rose just joined and took a large amount of damage in their allies defense, despite the very serious likelihood of loss and being dogpiled by a bunch of different alliances. So saying we just "strong arm alliances into being our meatshields" is an obvious attempt by you to push the "Rose is an evil abuser of smaller alliances" narrative, because your "Rose is salty they lost an ally because of us" narrative failed once you realized we didn't care. If Phoenix didn't want to involve themselves in our "petty bullshit wars" the simplest thing would have been not to sign a treaty. Anyway, I'll be waiting here, feel free to come back with a new narrative for me to debunk.
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