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Ekaterina Kalmyk

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Everything posted by Ekaterina Kalmyk

  1. Thanks for explaining, Partisan. I read all of the text, some of the logs (because my gosh, I'd be here forever if I read every line of every log). I'm glad Syndicate gets this chance to explain after everyone read that other topic with the leaked log. Some very insightful stuff here. Gives us some context. Definitely consistent with what I've read and seen of Alpha so far. (Sorry, James. Not sorry, Steve. )
  2. Congratulations to those who got promoted.
  3. Gigantic new Pantheon flag, because I'm too lazy to re-size & re-upload.
  4. The other female spy could be a kunoichi, thus fulfilling both gender diversity requirements and my own personal desire to see ninja in this game -- mostly the latter.
  5. Sounds like a good plan to me. Manually processing all of that is way too much maintenance work. I'd rather have Sheepy focused on developing new stuff for the game like new National Projects, Perks. etc.
  6. Sorry to see you go, seabass. From my short time visiting Sparta forums, you seemed like a fairly involved, fairly cool dude. It was just a misunderstanding, surely you don't have to leave Sparta altogether... Maybe just the "stepping down from the role of leadership" bit.
  7. I would like to point out UPN isn't a pirate alliance known specifically for having a certain degree of freedom in raiding.
  8. Thanks for posting this, Don, this answers the question I asked you earlier today about why Amaterasu was in the "allies and friends" section of our Foreign Quarter. I thought maybe it was just because Hooves is cool. In any case, congratulations to both alliances, I hope only good things come from this arrangement. Let the alliances of anime, Greek Gods, and sun-themed flags flourish henceforth. http://i--jay.deviantart.com/art/Greek-mythology-Character-303974673
  9. I think you forgot the image for ninja under the Spy image option, but other than that, cool. Still waiting on/hoping for Perks.
  10. Mmm-kay, I hope you remember it, lol, 'cos my memory is kind of crap. Just remember it's somewhere in the Arrgh surrender topic, that'll help. ;D
  11. Post the full details, then. Folks can only comment on what they see... and yeah, like I said, a year of real life is a really long time in this game, so maybe six to eight months instead. But it's all over with and done now, all parties have agreed on these terms. I just couldn't stand to say nothing when I saw these terms. Others can justify their positions however they want. *shrugs* It kind of seems like the people replying to my post are not talking about me, though... Like, did I say Arrgh is being abused by this harsh deal? Additionally, Saru, you seem to be talking mostly about some UPN-t$-Oktoberfest reps conflict that's got nothing to do to me and really very little (if anything) to do with the topic at hand, so I'm not going to respond to that, but I read and formally acknowledge your post. Wow. O.o And how many of them fought in the war? Or are protectorates benefiting from this kind of arrangement the norm? XD MDoAP allies I can understand, especially if they helped in the war, but... wow. I hope there's a clear list spelled out somewhere of the 6+ alliances so that no one violates it by accident. And do future protectorates of any of those alliances count for this, too, or just current ones? Anyway, most important thing is that everyone's clear on the specifics, to avoid unnecessary conflicts for the next year.
  12. What's this supposed to be? Making fun of people who choose to fly (relatively) free? Yeesh. (Sore winners always bothered me, I can't help it.) I wasn't even here in October. Eh, you think it's ridiculous and other people are just calling it like they see it. It's a difference of opinion, there doesn't have to be a hidden agenda behind it. And t$ members aren't the only ones with that opinion on it. Everyone's just assumed it was a RL year, but yeah... should've been more specific. A year of real-life time is "harsh terms," a year of in-game time may not in fact be long enough. That along with raid vs. inter-alliance war clarification, as maybe this only applies to raiding. But as Emmad just said, there are additional complexities not covered here, so hopefully they've worked all that out. Okay, good, 'cos this seemed surprisingly lax on the details. Just so long as y'all and Arrgh know what's what. ;P
  13. "recourse"+3 mil is a lot and a year of real life time is a long time... "recourse" without interest and an agreement lasting six months maybe fairer, but whatever, winners get their choice (unless they're named durmij). ;D What I'm actually curious about this, now, is if a full-scale war is covered under this agreement as well, not just raids. Like if Arrgh formally declared war on UPN (or got tagged into a full-on war against UPN via an MDoAP), with a DoW and all, is that covered under these terms, or do these terms merely apply to Arrgh raids?
  14. Harsh terms indeed. I don't know how, but you've managed to make me feel bad for the pirates.
  15. Right, that's why I said GMT was a fine enough compromise. I'm an EST player but I still like UTC (GMT? err, whichever) better than Mountain time.
  16. Back on topic, here's a great raid target: https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=9278 EDIT: This nation was displaying as having over 2,000,000 Nation Score, with 999,999 Soldiers, Tanks, etc. all maxed out, despite only having two cities. Now that it's been dealt with and corrected to a nation score of about 127, my joke's significantly less funny. ;P
  17. GMT+0 seems fair. Though some warning might've been nice, hah.
  18. Mmm-kay, thanks. Are there any plans to configure the display of odds to take War Policies into account?
  19. So basically, if I have Covert and I'm engaging in an offensive spy operation, anything at or above 85% probability is actually 100%? Or: 85% x 1.15 = 97.75%
  20. Fortress should probably let you start your defensive wars with 7 MAPs while forcing your opponent to have 5 MAPs... the downside could be that you, too, start your offensive wars with 5 MAPs... because, of course, you've put your military focus on being defensive.
  21. If we're pointing out typos, you forgot to change "Domestic Policy" to "War Policy" in that entire paragraph in the beginning. Obviously, you'd have to change "5 different options" to "10 different options" too, and you may want to rephrase the bit about "nation building" to something about war instead. Also I'd like to add my own thanks to you for adding the city number so that I don't have to count 'em manually, hah.
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