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Who Me

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Everything posted by Who Me

  1. The money earned number on the baseball page is not showing the correct number for the amount you actually earn, I don't know if the money invested number is incorrect as well. I know this because you can check the the totals from the money in your nation and the money earned numbers and they don't match up. This is without any other money being add or subtracted from the money in my nation by trades or turns occurring during the time baseball games are played.
  2. Getting resources from another continent at the equivalent of one city would not be very efficient or cost effective.
  3. Nation Link: https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=263802 Ruler Name: CHINA SALESMAN Nature of Violation: Inappropriate nation description. https://i.imgur.com/F5UdOzI.png Also, the in-game report system isn't working. When you click the submit report button it throws a something went wrong message.
  4. Just don't let Sphinx do any FA, ever.
  5. In response to spnewbs's WOT: So in much much fewer words, you are not smart enough to fight efficiently and you want curbstomp wars to be even more one sided than they already are. All of a nations spies can be wiped out in one round of spy attacks and then they are a sitting duck for the rest of the war. You can only build 1 nuke and 2 missiles per day and if they are not protected they will be destroyed with the 3 spy attacks per day that can be run on a nation. There is a reason that nukes are protected from until the next server reset after they are built (not 24 hours btw). I do love that people on the winning side of a curbstomp war complain that the losing side has any way of fighting back and doing damage.
  6. This happens on more than just the buy/sell improvements pages. It also happens on the baseball player upgrade screens and the embargo screen when you are trying to remove embargo's.(probably on other pages I haven't encountered yet or have forgotten about) Every time you click a button it jumps back to the top of the page so you have to scroll back down to where you want to click the button. The page just needs to stay where you have scrolled down to until you scroll to another position on the page. It's bad enough that you have to click a bazillion times to upgrade a player or remove each embargo but having to scroll the page for each click is annoying as hell.
  7. A training alliance for a 5 member alliance? Ain't that something.
  8. if you want more raids, go sit on none for a bit, I'm sure you will have all the raids you can handle.
  9. Quite frankly, unless you are a reroll at 28 days old you really have no idea about anything of how the games works. Perhaps you should learn more about how things work in the game before you voice rather silly ideas like this.
  10. So if people have something going on IRL they should just delete instead of going into VM?
  11. Again, before any other changes are made, the spy system needs to be fixed and balanced otherwise the smaller/losing side will be at an even bigger disadvantage.
  12. Perhaps sheepy should make the up-declare range unlimited as well so whales can't build out of range during wars and thus be un-raidable.
  13. So the Hide custom nation descriptions by default box when checked will hide other players nation descriptions instead of your own nation description when this change goes live?
  14. Perhaps you should do something to balance the spy system before you make any other changes. @Alex
  15. See, the problem is, when you check the box to hide nation descriptions it should hide everyone else's not your own. then if you want to see them you can click the button to show it. But, you know, sheepy code.
  16. The attacks took place at roughly 4:10 am to 4:20 am game time.
  17. I just had to run the same ground attack 3 times before the game registered it. The first 2 time it gave me a result like normal but it didn't use any MAPs or cancel the fortify on my nation. It also didn't use any of my units even though the battle report said it did. I don't know if it used any of my opponents unit but I don't think it did. On the third try it registered the attack and used MAPs, canceled fortify and killed units. Don't know what caused it but thought you should know about it.
  18. So you are saying that within the context of the game it is silly to be able to play hundreds of baseball games each day but it is ok to be able to build thousands of tanks, hundreds of planes and recruit and train tens of thousands of soldiers each day, everyday? Why is one totally unrealistic event ok but not the other?
  19. You go ahead and sign that treaty, I will be more than happy to nuke your alliance for you. I have been.
  20. Isn't it just as silly that nations that don't share borders much less continents can engage in land battles or that land locked nations can suffer naval attacks on their nations? Isn't that the way it should be? The people that put in the work reap the rewards of their work?
  21. You are assuming that a lot of people are using illegal scripts to play baseball. Besides not being the case they are blindingly easy to spot if you only try. You are also assuming that people will log in every turn for a monetary bonus. While people do log in every day for the log in bonus, they have 24 hours in which to do so thus making it very easy to do so. Getting them to log in every 2 hours is much more wishful thinking. All this is is an attempt to punish the few power players in baseball. No one seems to care about the power traders that make so much more money with much less effort. In the end, if you don't want to play baseball, don't. Just don't hate on the people that do.
  22. People won't log in every turn just to play 1 home/away game. They might play the game if they were already logged in for some other reason but they wouldn't log in just for that.
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