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Andrezj Kolarov

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Everything posted by Andrezj Kolarov

  1. I'm just being pragmatic, Trump's appeal is only limited to the hardline conservatives such as those that supported the Tea Party, he has virtually zero cross-over appeal for moderate Democrats or even independents. How can he win if he cannot unite Republicans, Romney had the support of most of the Republicans (including the leadership) and he still didn't win, how can Trump win if his own party is completely split in support of him? There's like zero chance he could take places like California or New York. I'm just pointing out that historically the US doesn't elect radicals/non-mainstream candidates, the only exception to this would probably be Carter. EDIT: Trump is like Ross Perot, a populist who can make a lot of noise but ultimately can't win.
  2. You do realize right that he stands no chance against her? Trump's a political novice while Clinton is a political giant who's been in politics her entire adult life, and probably has connections to everybody in Washington.
  3. Look at all those Lords, Kings and Emperors. !@#$ing monarchists
  4. After your cities get big enough 5 hospitals won't be enough, especially when you consider how ridiculously expensive land becomes after 2000 - meaning most nations tank the disease rate from pop density onto hospitals too.
  5. I can't believe it's been over a decade and they still haven't changed that horrible frontpage.
  6. So there's only 3 recycling centers and 1 subway per city that can reduce pollution, I think there should be more for nations with bigger cities. I propose Landfills, which could offset 30 pollution each, and you could have 5 per city, they would be cheap to buy and maintain too.
  7. I think it could work if it was officially supported by the mods, a sticky thread and all. Each nation could have a seat at the General Secretary, nations could propose resolutions, and if they get enough votes the proposal could be adopted. Of course like the real UN, nations wouldn't actually have to adopt anything from the UN if they didn't want to.
  8. Well yeah, if you lost 370 infra it could be something like: 5,765 killed 10,865 wounded/maimed 20,460 displaced/homeless as an example, similar to a suggestion I made earlier about casualties causes for battle reports.
  9. Yes, "it was only a suggestion", such a political opportunist.
  10. A cat of course, even the Prophet had his own cat.
  11. How the heck did NPO get into 7th place so quickly? They must be utilizing superior communist economics like my nation.
  12. FYI it's former owners etc, their property was nationalized after the Revolution, thus why the Government considers them an enemy, they may want to overthrow the State to regain that property.
  13. You are quite possibly the worst troll I've ever seen "Muhammad". Seriously at least Moreau is somewhat believable, please go back to troll school.
  14. What makes you think the Texas state government is any less "corrupt" than the Fed govt?
  15. If government is corrupt, then the solution is to make it less corrupt, if it's wasteful then make it less wasteful. Government is fundamentally a good thing and without social organization we'd still be living in caves. Trump says he's against government intervention yet says he wants to build/repair bridges and roads, well who do you think is going to do that? The private sector? Do you want tolls on every bridge and road you travel on?
  16. If a nation has 3x munitions factories and 3x lead mines per city, PLUS the Arms Stockpile NP, will there be enough lead being produced to feed the factories?
  17. It means: "living, partly or wholly, on the labor of others, ie on employed workers". So if your personal income comes from other people's work. Obviously those who can't physically work and live from a state pension (ie physically/mentally disabled and elderly retired) don't count. We'll consider it.
  18. Was a plebiscite conducted to know if the people in these areas want to be ruled by Hequ, or if they want complete independence?
  19. Your country supports foreign subversive groups: https://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/12670-khilafa-backed-groups/
  20. Wow, Fraggle is a pretty small nation to be having nukes.
  21. You say this, but there isn't a "Politics" section to the Factbook. Also having ideology on the front page would be cooler.
  22. That's what you call avoiding the question. If the government is wasteful then right response, the patriotic response, is to introduce reforms such as more accurate accounting for public spending to reduce waste and inefficiency, but then again the US government has been around for a long time so I'm fairly sure the US government has introduced reforms to reduce waste. I mean can you please give me some some actual evidence of waste in US govt spending? And by "waste" I mean funding allocated to something which was embezzled or not spend on what it was meant to be. "The Government spends money on something I don't want them to spend it on" is not "waste", it's just a political difference of opinion. If Trump doesn't want government money spent in the Middle-East then he should put that in his election manifesto, he should not try and undermine the very basis of taxation and government spending itself, which is one of the very foundations upon which governments operate. He's basically encouraging people to avoid or evade taxes using some nebulous word "waste" (without giving examples) instead of maintaining that paying ones taxes is the basis of being a good citizen, if the government cannot collect taxes, or the majority of citizens try to avoid/evade taxes then the society will break down. Taxation is the law, no different than other laws against crime. If anything it just proves Trump is a selfish unpatriotic man who only cares about himself and only wants the Presidency for personal power. A patriotic person loves taxation because it means the government is spending more money to uplift and help their less well-off fellow countrymen. If anything taxation all over the world needs to be reformed so it's levied less on the poor and more on large corporations and wealthy individuals.
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