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Everything posted by DragonK

  1. IIRC, hades was first one to call them war, I'm just repating what he said. I mean I did even say "tehnically".
  2. Tbh, we planend it way ahead of knowing your cute little suicide attamept. Luckily you suicide saved you from us calling in others. And our cute and "coward" nations that went in without even militarozing are owning your scrubs without much trouble. Maybe next tiem choose 1 alliance that you can actually handle and then decalre war on them?
  3. Tehnically Arrgh decalred on HBE, so then 4 fronts?
  4. o/ burn the paper o/ tVE Seriously tough, probably well planed, but poorly executed. o/ schemese to overthrow hegemoney
  5. Meh, not enough blood and plunder. -1 to this whole coup and NAP thingy.
  6. Not everyone is playing this game for lack of validation like you do, some of us actually play games for fun.
  7. You imply it's our fault. But you come from wrong perspective. Go to Arrgh and then check alliance wars. You'd see HBE isn't as important as your page would imply. Also that you only have wars from us is your own fault for not warring with other people. Not our fault we only ones with balls around here. (PnW balls included).
  8. Wait till all micro leaders start aproaching you with their little schemes on taking down t$/TKR/Pantheon/Inqusition/BK or whatever else they think they can handle. Personal favourite are the ones who openly ask you to suicide for them so they can profit from safety.
  9. Meh. There is a tradeoff, but it's a tradeoff I cna get behind. We are getting retaliated and we have our units and infra destoyed. We just simply set a differnet objective than other players, and thus, in our own perspective, we win and are better than any other alliance. If you use the norms set by game, we're bunch of total failures that can't get ifnra lelvels above 600, no growth or economic stability, no standing army and getting rolled worse than GPA. We live with it, and you're welcome to try it, since you like exploiting stuff so much, try exploting the gmae we do, I bet you'd ragequit within a month. On other hand your way of playing the game has only one negative consiquence. You'll get hit by me as soon as I exit VM and there is nothing you can do about it .
  10. Called it But yeah if baseball and trade ahve it, no reason for bank not to have it. I get spammed in differnet way, well used to, now it's bluebear's turn to deal with spamms of that sort
  11. A good fix would be to make bots that automatically send all resorces from nation, alliance bank to raider and delete nation. That way everyone is happy. Raiders get their dosh and pixel huggers get their ragequit without too much hassle.
  12. This is a first, but I agree with Buck. Also who could have tough hades was such corrupt, bot-exploiting, cheating bastard. I know I did. That's why I had Arrgh protect his alliance for so long. Us criminals have to stick together. (Racketig money was just a bounus, having him bend the rules and exploit shit was the fun part). The main reason I dropped the contact except for obvius fact we couldn't really protect anyone, was fact he selfishly only used those benefits for himself, never sharing with rest of us while calling us immoral and what not on OWF. Karma is a !@#$, ain't it?
  13. tl;dr But yeah as much as I hate every update you ever made, still love you like a welshman for giving me opportunity to waste my life destroying other people's pixels while failing to make socialist country I always wanted to live in. Now back to my grog... and don't chage war... in a way that I won't like
  14. I skipped the text. Was boring. Then I saw PnW Balls. Then I read it casue it was next to pictures. Was ok. Bleh, more paper.
  15. I mean I need high quality paper to wipe my ass off! I'm the grand admiral, I need to look clean!
  16. There was suptle pirate influence in there soemwhere. And like Keza said in his sig, I was drinking beer, not !@#$ing it Congrats both sides.
  17. Arrgh! A sore loser spotted! What you gonna do matey? Lose to me again
  18. I'm the type of person who'd willingly tkae the bait of troll and then beat every argument atempt they make, to be seen plainly by uninformed spectator. But I'm tired of it all. So I'm gonna do what they do. Till I don't do anymore at all.
  19. Only when you look I make as many ships as I want/need. And when I need them I get them. Good luck trying to stop me
  20. Untrue, my ships do destory infra too. Adn other ships, and my ground and air kill your in defense too. You just get more out of it, but I get more out of it on 5-4 people I'm engaging on my terms.
  21. Meh I remeber when I hated shitpsoters (still do) but sicne reason and logic don't work on OWF I see no reason to hold back either. This is a place for shitposting, so shipost I will.
  22. Regarding nukes, yeah you could afford to shoting 2 nukes per war while fortifying to avoid beige, but nukes are costly, target a single city, and were considrered (and they still are by some people) coward's weapons. And adjusting your build to affford NRF during the spy op thigny would be ahrd since they were hit by alpha and they'd have ot waste precious moeny to build up uselles infra to afford NRF or destory couple of usefull projects to accomodate single NRF which is usefull only in that scenario, worthless either way. The proper respnse to getting spyed is declarring war, which was disabled, you used a "bugg" to hided behidn while yoru opponents were recoveryign from prevbious war. And on top of that ganging 12v3. It's cowardly however you want to put it. At least our side went out with our pride intact. We fought to our best agaisnt overwheling odds, and stuck to our way of fighting. We didn't surrender, and we didn't abuse nukes or spys to get there, just good old conventional army and strategizing and planning (or in Arrgh's case, comlete randomy chaotic bs that somehow works).
  23. You think I remeber what I wrote here, or that I want to read this appaling grammar? Not my fault they not on my timeline anymore. However stats for war are there somewhere, and I'm on top of Arrgh's list, with 50 mil infra damage done. You your whole side. Damange agaisnt me, by your whole side, is less than 30 mil, since I remember how much I was spending on rebuilds rebuys and what not. Hogwarts is your protecotrate so still part of yoru sphere, but yeah not in alliance. Soemtiems I refere to alliance sometimes to yoru sphere, I should be clear on what I mean. We had much easier opponents tbh Problem TEst ahd was they were too big and even whe nbeaten down they were still in range of strong guys. I was only one in Arrgh with that problem, and it was on lesser scale thant lowest of TEsty. When Arrgh was beaten down it only put us in range of your weaklings whick we utilized to fullest. And? We didn't surrender either. We both achived our respecitve objectives. noone was defeated. And the reason *I* initiated peace tlaks is casue RW wanted out, and I knew both Pre and Roz would fail at diplomacy, so I was neogtiating with them while trying to keep the conversation civil. I had no intentions of peacing out myself, till very last day when my alliance deicded they wanted a break to adjust their builds to new mehanics, you know that thing we couldn't do cause you guys hit us after Alpha did.
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