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Everything posted by Avakael

  1. The assorted alliances of Coalition A acknowledge that they are required to admit defeat, and did so 3+ weeks ago. The assorted alliances of Coalition A will eventually be required to accept terms, after the usual haggling process that hasn't (officially) begun yet. The assorted alliances of Coalition A are not, however, required to make the war worth the effort to win. That's your problem to solve.
  2. It's true. I'm the brains of the operation. All negotiations now need to go through me.
  3. You were a subordinate of Inst? I genuinely feel sorry for you.
  4. Wait, so this isn't even half of them? What the hell comes after this?
  5. Imagine drafting terms so ludicrous that nobody even notices the 12 month NAP.
  6. What is boiled may never steam, but steeps again, stronger and warmer.
  7. @Prefonteen there's a customer here who needs information about our upcoming GOONS buyout
  8. What are you gonna do about it? Disband us? ?
  9. Can confirm, t$ is literally dying and will disband imminently.
  10. The Cleveland Browns sneak away with another one.
  11. You can go ahead and DM me about it. I'm not trolling, and I should clarify that I'm not actually expressing any sympathy for Coalition B. Enough of them played CN to understand what the concept of a "precedent" is in the context of a global war.
  12. I actually don't expect peace talks to ever be concluded, unless a large enough chunk of Coalition B fractures and seeks a separate peace. If I was in their shoes, I wouldn't see a benefit to peace at all; the Rubicon has been crossed in such a large way that it's hard to imagine a negotiated peace turning out to be any more than a 6 month armistice. If peace terms do ever arrive, they will be designed to win the next war. I hope they aren't permanently crippling, and I hope they are only pointed at alliances, and not individuals.
  13. I still think they're stupid and a waste of resources, tbh. Unless the target has an awful lot of infra. Looking to get nuked, however, is an honourable goal, so best of luck.
  14. Wtf don't ruin my narrative, we were clearly invincible until Alpha showed up ?
  15. Incidentally, congratulations to Alpha for bringing down The Syndicate's last whale.
  16. Always great to see two friends sign a treaty!
  17. If you want more micros, just make a micro. All you need are the nation score pre-requisites, a discord server with the permissions set up correctly, a few good spreadsheets, some basic people skills and some daily activity and effort on your own part. Also, avoid being a chundering lump of dog eggs, as that can hinder things.
  18. An upvote to anyone who can figure out how to squeeze in all the twists and turns since Surfs Up into that "mmm watcha sayyy" homicide skit.
  19. BK has it. Go hit them, it'll be fun.
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