Again, we share common ground here. I hope everyone desiring to begin an alliance will take the time to learn the game and make a plan with support from others experienced in the game. I think we had a disagreement early on here about my desire to change the alliance culture, this is core belief of mine that alliance leaders must be knowledgable of both in-game mechanics and political sphere of OWF and Discord.
This is something that should occur often, people should want to go do their own thing and get their in-game objectives met. I think this environment we have made were poaching is bad has helped create the stagnation I so want to see end (by no means do I mean alliances should not fight to keep their members and gov).
Good write up @darkbladeI hope players of Orbis will heed these words and push for their voices to be heard. We must make sure the new generation of players, the ones that don't leave Discord, hear these words.