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Everything posted by Britishdude

  1. It just seems to me that I could easily save my own money (in a warchest, perhaps) and cut out the middle man.
  2. Wouldn't the insurer need to have the money to insure his policies?
  3. Good on you for acknowledging your guilt and taking responsibility. I hope you can keep up the responsibility when it is time to pay for the consequences of the actions. Best of luck in your arduous task of gaining back the community's trust.
  4. Both of these guys were in Titan and have applied to Cornerstone: https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=11695 https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=11523 Good show, Guardian. o/
  5. This is very disappointing, and unfortunately very expected.
  6. Congrats guys, here's to a prosperous future. o/ Coalition o/ Aftermath
  7. Congrats and best of luck in your endeavors. o/
  8. Assuming the show is recorded, where will one be able to listen to it after it aires tonight?
  9. Hats off to you, TheSpeaker. Glad to see such an honorable end to this conflict. o/ ESA o/ BoC
  10. Perhaps Placentica can, but unless you're also a kangaroo, I doubt it.
  11. The amount of competence in this thread is underwhelming.
  12. Kazakstan is a solid choice for an ally.
  13. [batman voice]JUSTICE[/batman voice] Congrats guys!
  14. Welp. I wish this had been a thing sooner haha. Good addition though, Sheepy!
  15. Blast Sheepy, I was about to decom my soldiers
  16. I'm sure Abbas is down. Thanks for the welcomes everyone
  17. Cornerstone Declaration of Existence It brings me great joy to announce that an alliance many of you know as the Christian Coalition of Countries is establishing a foothold in the world of Orbis under the name Cornerstone. The CCC has a rich history that stretches back to 2006, and we are excited to extend that history into the future of Orbis. Charter of Cornerstone IRC Channel: #Cornerstone Forums: http://s7.zetaboards.com/CCC_Forum/forum/3036304/ /s/ Triumvir of Foreign Affairs, Britishdude Triumvir of Internal Affairs, LesPaulSupreme Triumvirs of Defense, Richard VII and Gaius Catullus (no we're not daft, we do know that typically a triumvirate only has three people). Oh, we're protected by VE, so don't raid us
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