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    Basketball, football, rolling random micros.
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  • Discord Name: andrew6319

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  1. I look forward to seeing the seas being run by the Pacific pirates soon, congratulations
  2. I am going to be honest, hearing about this brought a tear to my eye. I haven't been in Rose long, and unfortunately was not able to interact with Bunnet. I regret not being able to talk and become friends with Bunnet. May this legend rest in peace. To all family and friends you are in my thoughts and prayers. May love and good memories soften the pain.
  3. Congratulations! Love the alliance theme. Kinda cool the Kan and Toxic are back together in the same aa after so long. Good luck 🫡
  4. Event Horizon is the definition of pay to win lmao
  5. Sounds like you're mad because Event Horizon was punished for breaking norms. Imagine if The Knight Radiant blitzed Event Horizon right now, you would be salty because you guys just rebuilt. As a rule of thumb, you don't hit an alliance at the begining of their rebuild.
  6. Espresso is a cool name and all, but I kind of liked the name darkest hour deux. Is that just me 🤷
  7. Happy birthday Grumpy, to 8 more 🥳 🥂 🥳
  8. This would absolutely destroy inactive raiding. You're beating a dead horse. If you do this, you need to do something to make raiding more profitable.
  9. Real bold, declaring war on tkr after they've already started to get zeroed. I don't know what I expected from y'all, but I thought there'd be more self respect from an alliance calling themselves "Rome".
  10. I wish Mom's Friendly Robot Company many more years of success!
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