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Everything posted by hidude45454

  1. Nvm, misread your statement as "every alliance upper-gov were replaced with people who have no experience with politics" >.> I would like to see above statement happen though
  2. All good points. Mind leading by example? Alex is 5% of the problem. It would be so much easier to just change your own alliance culture and get rid of the old guard that are incapable of letting go of the past. That's an...interesting definition of "making fun" >.>
  3. OK, let's see how many people I can piss off by saying this. Holy shit, this is the biggest, worst circlejerk I've seen on forums in a long long time. I seriously haven't seen such a lack of originality in the range of comments before, and this thread should have died two pages ago. To those of you defending the name change: 1. Stop being salty, and 2. Why do you feel such a need to defend it? To these of you bashing the Lord name change: 1. Stop being salty, and 2. Why do you care? Do you crave the internet upvotes that much?
  4. Here's how Bernie Sanders [New Alliance] can still win! I just committed, donated my entire life savings and my gran's kidney replacement funds, MATCH ME! (Seriously though I'll be the first to commit to this, as long as the other 19+ members aren't total knobs. I've always preferred excitement over realpolitik, so this is as good as it gets.)
  5. Say it with me: quality over quantity. With this alliance primarily being ex-OWR, I have high hopes that you'll offer far more to Orbis than OWR has. Good luck.
  6. Don't be such an elitist; why do you think you have the authority to judge the personalities of everyone else? 99% percent of the game does nothing except follow orders, and they can't even do that correctly a lot of the time. Does that mean they can be called braindead and garbage? If you want to kick them all from the game, go ahead. I look forward to seeing this game become even more of a dick measuring contest than it already is, where people will be even more afraid of going to war because they have no one left to back them up. There are people who have lives outside this game. Some are in the military, some have jobs and kids they need to support. Plenty have probably accomplished way more than you in real life, so why do you feel the need to go to such lengths to mock them in-game? If that's seriously how you feel about people you consider to be "under" you, then you're the self-absorbed one, not them. Plus, everyone is petty in this game; you're being petty just by ranting so much about people you consider insignificant. Lots of people (I'd say the majority) play this game for the community, including me, and I can understand why they don't want to be bothered by all the trash that comes out of the OWF every day. Just because they don't pursue what you pursue doesn't mean that you get to look down on them for being different. OK, that middle paragraph is just sick, and a bit sadistic too. Let's try turning around your bullet points on you, shall we? You were born into a meaningless universe that doesn't give a shit what happens to you in your lifetime and once you die. You will almost certainly never be a billionaire or even a millionaire, and you will never be able to impact the lives of many. Besides your immediate family and friends, no one will remember your name when you die, and you will have contributed close to nothing towards the progress of human society. You might rant on Facebook, rant on the OWF, maybe attend a few rallies, maybe even be a good citizen and vote. Your individual vote will never matter. Stalin said it best - "A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic." Any remotely large organization will consider you a statistic that can be used for their personal gain. Nothing more. The world could leave you for dust, and nothing would change. For someone who claims to care so much about the long term, you really seem focused on shaping everyone around yourself. Have fun crying about your fears in the real world. Doesn't that sound just wrong to you? If it doesn't I don't know what does. In my opinion, there are two important groups of people to criticize. People who others would not normally dare criticize, but most importantly, people with the potential to do something great. First group is kind of obvious. People have idols they look up to, and in a lot of cases they will avoid seeing their flaws; this is why a lot of people tell you never to meet your idols. Criticizing your idols means you will learn to accept that all humans are imperfect, and that you have a lot to develop yourself if you want to be a better person. It also means you don't get triggered as much, which is always a plus. With the second group, your goal is to turn people with potential into doers and fighters. If you want to be successful, you have to accept criticism and have the intrinsic motivation to do whatever it takes to accomplish your goal. Furthermore, this means you have to lead by example. If you want to change Orbis, start with yourself, then those around you. And let me tell you, almost everyone has potential. So what exactly do you think you can accomplish by mocking them and seeking to destroy them?
  7. Why the hell is there so much snarkiness on a Lordaeron name change page? I have never seen downvotes on so many posts in a thread from so many triggered people Seriously though, keep at all of what you're doing and you'll somehow become worse than Kastor at maintaining Lordaeron's reputation lol.
  8. Why? Are you slowly trying to hide Kastor's legacy or something?
  9. Uh huh, what I'm trying to say is that there's not much you can really do about it and posting a forum topic complaining about it and trying to shame people is pretty pointless.
  10. No one thinks about that when trading From experience the people who post annoying offers are in a rush or just plain dumb lol. As a trader, the only thing I focused on was keeping the buy price and sell price as far away from each other as possible. And if the market prices change, then meh, I just go with it and not much really changes. Oh god, considering the amount of naval attacks I get against me, I feel empathy for whoever has all their trade offers cancelled by a blockade every day
  11. I used to trade basically every kind of resource, and I only produced maybe three resources in total There are people on the market that buy and sell the same kind of resource purely for profit, and that's fine. There are also raiders who loot resources that they then sell, and that's fine too
  12. I don't know how, but the forum is somehow still managing to degenerate by the day
  13. You people really don't understand how pirates work do you
  14. Decent first treaty to have, congrats Epimetheus
  15. At 0:35 I swear the guy is saying "Western Union" Also lololol the rise of Avansies confirmed
  16. I agree, and I'll give you credit for that. But you can't say you're criticizing and refusing the status quo when in your claimed plan, 3/4 of the outcomes are meant to just strengthen or weaken each sphere's hold on UPN, which in itself is a pretty pointless goal. So unless you convince me that this plan didn't heavily involve sphere politics, I think that any alliance from either sphere should feel directly involved in your plans. I mean, your actions are intended to stop war. You move to NK so that TKR can't hit you, and so that if IQ hits you then TKR are technically bound to defend them. I see this as you fleeing from consequences you should've anticipated. I'm confident that alliances on both sides were willing to assist UPN and Rose even before I leaked, which is part of the reason I leaked. Yep, that's what they told me. So were they misled, was I mislead, or was there just a misunderstanding somewhere down the line? Indeed, but what I'm trying to say is that the TKR buildup can't entirely be credited to a planned offensive on HW. Honestly, I still think that TKR did have plans to hit you and I don't like how indirect TKR is being about it either, so I'd genuinely be interested in actually seeing whatever leaks you received that showed you TKR planned to hit you. So there are three problems here: 1. Everyone wants to change the game but no one wants to be first, 2. TKR and friends don't have the balls to hit NK, and 3. TKR (probably was) planning some sort of offensive against HW. Solution: TKR, if you're listening, create a paperless splinter and hit NK with that. Kill three birds with one stone why don't you If anything, this should teach you not to hoard treaties. Lmao, totally wrong. Wasn't that hard to gather from all your chat logs and any Arrgh members in the private channels that this was happening. I was in Sparta while most of this was being planned, and I never leaked to TKR, only Rose and Acadia. Bluebear also says that I wasn't the only leaker, so not like this is all my doing. If anything, Cracov was one of the people who (frustratingly) gave me the least amount of information Seabass asked NK if they wanted to participate. So uh, does this mean that NK leaked Well yeah, of course I don't like the way that you tried to set this up. Why else would I do it One thing, and you say "Hypocrisy just never seems to end with that guy"? I'm embarrassed if you think Hogwarts stands for what TEst stood for, lol. And I've already said this before, but I would much rather prefer several dozen smaller alliances across several spheres fighting wars, not the shitfest that current global wars are. I'd support global war anyways, but that never would have happened under the current circumstances. IMO there are even better circumstances for a legitimate war now, and I hope Partisan will do everything in his power to ensure that one happens. ---- tl;dr there are too many passive alliances afraid of trying something different, Hogwarts is trying something different, but I think they're just accomplishing the opposite of what they set out to achieve.
  17. OK, if you're so open to talking about this, I suppose you won't mind answering a few questions for me? This is entirely true. How have your actions so far proved that you're trying to change this? OK, so basically both IQ and EMC both have a valid CB on you now. What's to stop one (or both) of them declaring war on you anyways? FYI alliances in both sides were prepared to counter, so nothing would have changed more or less. Arrgh also told me that this was intended to start a global war, where one war would slowly spiral into a larger conflict as more alliances joined in. So is this not the case, or was that your intention? Didn't you yourself say that TKR initially started building up because they thought that you were declaring on them?
  18. How about TKR splits in two and has a civil war. I dare you.
  19. No, you're the one that makes sure no one else leaves your bait unbitten Let's just enjoy war while it lasts, this thread is going on way longer than it has to.
  20. The most logical name for this war is the Gulf War. Iraq = Sparta Kuwait = GoB America + friends = Hogwarts (and the OWLS ;P) And a gulf has to do with water, which has to do with whales!
  21. You had 29 city nations fighting 19 city nations, for god's sake. Make our lives more interesting!
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