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Ryu[Old Account]

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Everything posted by Ryu[Old Account]

  1. Forgive him. He can't help taking selfies even when being spit out by the opponent.
  2. May the Empire expand and flourish. Now tell me, why is it run by midget Napoleon?
  3. Excellent. Now make "friends" (allies) according to your personal and moral values and everything will align.
  4. The only reason why Isolatar is rejoicing is because he can't wait for you guys to drop enough for his teammates to start scavenging the remains.
  5. Why do you keep trying to make an artificial enemy of a long standing friend? Which loyalties do you really hold dear if you could even use that word... And I think you got something big stuck in your throat. You keep making weird noises after everything you say.
  6. The Light is out. Long live the Darkness!
  7. And where did I state I was against them? Use your demagoguery little better you old tart. This is a certified genius you're talking to, not an orc made out of incest.
  8. He's so pathetic, isn't he... lol Shape-shifting, tiple-faced, no-backbone, three-mouthed creature desperate of being part of the group.
  9. You can forgive him but that won't make him any less despicable.
  10. The Orc lover cannot keep track of what he's blabbing about anymore. Saruman's duplicity further exposed: 1) http://prntscr.com/9zds2i 2) http://prntscr.com/9zdroe after destroying, pillaging and stealing: 3)
  11. Oh now you compliment them. Not so long ago you were bashing them hard for taking a stand against fascist fanboys in this game. You were passionately against Satisfriend who was under attack of some neo-nazi role players. I guess times change. Now you consider him to be your war orc. The Charming Orcs should be their name, Saruman the new leader.
  12. Go ahead, try to bite me. I am in your range... friend.
  13. Invisibility? We're the most visible thing on this forum... Face it, you cannot out-troll us. Not even with OTT cartoonish ISIS propaganda.
  14. Someone find 40 virgins for Ibrahim so he spares us from details.
  15. The last war when server went to crap, I liked CF and they liked me. It was the time when everyone hated them. Now the critters want to eat us alive and keep the rest of body parts for later. Don't be fooled by their cute exterior. They are devilish little creatures that will harm even themselves to prove a point. As it is clear now...
  16. When's Blitz gonna start? #feelingthebern Now some real Latin... Ut sementem feceris ita metes.
  17. It's not about who has hubris but who has grounds for it. As you said: #feelthebern lol
  18. Cute. Little hyena pup coming to aid. Good luck guys.
  19. BTW, great idea. Fun to see how it's all messed up in a diagram.
  20. The correct thing would be to put Mensa declaring on PP and Arghh. Although raiding did get out of control leadership on both sides were in contact and raiding stopped before Vanguard decided to retaliate. I don't blame them for retaliation but it wasn't declaration on Mensa's part since our leadership forced everyone to stop raiding. Vanguard declared on us.
  21. One correction, Mensa didn't declare war on Vanguard. It was the other way around (days after raiding stopped). Go search for DoW topic and you'll see it's Vanguard that opened it.
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