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Everything posted by SoS

  1. I have 4 opponents. The highest bidder can choose which will eat a nuke. Lowest bidder will eat a nuke. Anyone that doesn't bid will eat a nuke.
  2. SoS

    Rose DoW

    Airstrikes take out tanks pdq. If I didn't have a good stock of steel, I would do the same.
  3. Cucks and Muslims...too much...No more plz
  4. Maybe they were just Scorpios. You're more likely to find a woman who can multi-orgasm (5%) than a psychopath (1%) Come to think of it - all the women I ever dated are evil psychopaths in hindsight.
  5. If you're in a decent alliance with good econ programs, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to have 2k by the 9th or 10th. As well as buying cities in minimum time.
  6. Bad stimuli is evil. Excessive good stimuli that potentially leads to bad results is evil. People like jesus have determined we live in a shit world. And, that the worm-brain morals aren't moral enough. You must deny yourself good stimuli, as well. You must detach from your worm-brain. The worm-brain became associated with evil. I'm not sure if psychopaths are less than or more than emotion possessing humans. Emotions are an adaptation that helps humans obtain good and avoid bad. Psychopaths are masters of mimicking and utilizing emotions, while suffering none of the weaknesses or negative effects of having emotions. It's possible psychopathy is an evolutionary advantage. Good and bad stimuli is relatively universal. Evil and morality is relatively universal. The ends are the same, only the means are different.
  7. The reason for cable news bias is the nature of the market in its early days. Most of their customers were urban/liberal. That bias became entrenched in their culture, despite the fact cable news now has a thriving right bias market and a moderate market.
  8. Comparing them to moral-less animals is to say that you can't ascribe evilness to them. I cannot imagine where you worked with psychopaths, unless it was a prison??? Yes, they have a cognitive understanding of morals. But, they have more than that. They experience good and bad, just like a human. They want to seek good and avoid bad, just like a human. Those motives are the entirety of morality. Morality is nothing more than that. The "higher understanding" of morality is altruism. Altruism has been proven to be a self serving adaptation, tho.
  9. Guns were actually involved in the Oklahoma City bombing.
  10. Yeah, minus anything that would cause tanks with flamethrowers to break through my walls.
  11. Psychopaths do have a concept of morality. They're not oblivious to what's right and wrong. They don't have emotions or the social instinct that comes with emotions. They are instead purely rational and of course that leads to egocentric motives. With no love for anyone, no need of anyone (other than to use them), no fear, or anger - it's all business to them. Cost vs reward, risk and consequences. These are the basis of morality. Doing/not doing something by weighing risk/reward. And, they are more likely to be successful in every aspect of life, because they do exactly the same dirty stuff everyone else does but they do it better because they have no guilt eating at them. I think only an animal with an intact social instinct is capable of evil, through acting contradictory to that instinct. A psychopath cannot help but see other humans as objects, like anything else in this world. You might as well be a rock as far as they're concerned. A person that is incapable of caring about another person can't do anything evil, just like a lion eating a person can't be called evil. A sociopath is totally different.
  12. When I was a child I wanted to be a cashier at a grocery store. Entering college I wanted to be a biochemist. I somehow ended up a ship captain. Now I want to have self sufficient land, with some small industry.
  13. We've been tracking from day one. What do you want to know?
  14. There should be a hell of a lot more ways to sort and gather info, but no...we have to work our asses off for basic stats. Dude, at 12 cities you should have 2k.
  15. SK doesn't have a stupid exam. Just an interview to get to know you. We have the absolute best growth package. If you're active and give a shit about the game, you can't do any better than SK.
  16. Yeah, poverty affects all races. As I've said before, there are more (by number not proportion) poor whites than blacks. Racism isn't a causation of white poverty, tho.
  17. "My dank side, my shadow, my lower companion is now in the back room blowing up balloons for kids' parties." - Gary Busey. 4 MHQ
  18. There are real disadvantages to racism, generational poverty, and living in the environment those produce. Sure, those can be overcome. And, it's no one's fault but their own if they don't as it's their responsibility alone. But, situations others cause, beyond their control, make it harder than it needs to be. Having no sympathy for that is a bit dickish. How did you arrive at that, Roz? I suggested they have more challenges that a suburban white kid.
  19. I exaggerated a little yeah, it was more like 3x. I think at that time our ranges were not as tight as were yours. So, 30 top tier nations vs SK's top tier of maybe 15 was brutal. But, that's how we chose to build our alliance vs how you chose to build yours. The real disappointment of that war was sitting around for 2 weeks with our dicks in our hands and thumbs up our butts doing fukall.
  20. Most of us have been around from the beginning. And, I can tell you we like you despite the lack of paper.
  21. The whole point of this move was to disengage from the bipolar structure. That was decided before even talking to Rose.
  22. It's called "white man's burden" and it's nothing new. It's like criticizing a dude at McDonald's, that's paid $7.25, for !@#$ing up your order (again, every time). As an egalitarian, you expect and forgive shit from cretins. We create a shitty environment for minorities, and we are the !@#$ for excusing their reaction to said shit? If everyone were on equal ground, then we could judge them equally. But, they arent.
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