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Everything posted by Spite

  1. What's your point? Nazism is a form of fascism which espouses, amongst other things, the idea that the Jews were and are responsible for the "new world order" and that the Germans had to take back control of their country from their influence. Fascism is a nationalist, authoritarian and right wing form of government. By its very nature it advocates the supremacy of one nation state - a single racial ethnic group united against all others. In some cases this is extended to the wider racial group - almost universally a white one. Fascism as a modern political movement was born out of social darwinism, violence and a massive inferiority complex. It still breeds true to this day. Anyone who stands up and calls themselves a fascist is either ignorant of what they're saying, or in their heart they belief their nation and race to be superior to all others. To me that's frankly repulsive, and regardless of whether people accept the moniker of nazi or not, the mindset of the self-declared fascist is the mindset that led to the rise to power of the Nazi movement in Germany and in other countries around the world since then. Here's a reminder of what RL fascists actually look like- the kind you meet on the streets, not the kind who type behind their computer screens and their false names, safe in their homes:
  2. The current zeitgeist isn't anti-jewish, it's anti-muslim. It doesn't matter what your object of bigotry is, just that you have it. Rozalia admits to having fascist views, bashes muslims daily, sounds like a Daily Mail comments section. I'm sure he'd be at the front of the line cheering any sort of fascist takeover. Wouldn't be surprised to see him at an EDL rally.
  3. I think some sort of education should be mandatory to age 18 in developed countries, and that education should ideally be free up to age 21, or if not free progressively funded. Not only does it help individuals reach their potential and have a better chance at reaching their life goals, it is better for society as a whole if it is made up of well educated people. A well educated population is the basis of a strong services sector, and since our entire economy now rests on services, it should be our biggest priority to ensure the maximum possible number of people have good qualifications, and where there are skill shortages to encourage training and immigration in those sectors.
  4. Rozalia would be one of the ones happily saluting if he'd been born in 1930s Germany
  5. Banning something always gives it a certain glamour. Usually letting stupid people voice their views publicly is the best way to discredit them. That said, fascists don't tend to pursue their methods democratically, and there does come a time when free thinking people need to act to protect their constitutional rights from the fascist menace.
  6. This is actually insane. Money is a measure of resources, resources will not become infinite and therefore some form of allocating them amongst people must exist. Whether you call that "allotment" or "beer tokens" or what then it will exist and it will be money. If anyone can withdraw however much resources they want from the communal pot, then everyone will withdraw different amounts and you'll still have a hierarchy of resource use. If you restrict it, you have money. As I said, everyone might be able to have a toaster under a communist world government, but not everyone can have a private yacht or a jumbo jet or a spaceship or whatever else the 1% have. Workers councils can't manage a complex economy. In the UK alone there are tens of thousands of industries which contribute to the economy. Sure each one could be managed locally, but you'd need higher committees to manage integration of industries, and when you have tiers of communication reaching ever higher guess what - that's government!
  7. 2015 was the year of the beard anyway. For once clean shaven men were in the minority!
  8. Yeh I don't see why we would be seen as dishonourable. We always join in wars with our allies even when it's inconvenient or we're not obliged. And we have fulfilled every contract and pledge. That's the definition of honourable surely.
  9. I don't think it would work, especially now the Internet exists. I think it would have the opposite effect. I think the close proximity of so many devout Muslims in Western Europe will slowly foster a stronger Christian identity in challenge, even though there might not be an associated faith factor.
  10. I always liked kano, what a dick he was
  11. You think they should perhaps be more vigorous in their hate? Maybe throw some of the Christians to the lions, or ban public gatherings, or crucify them? We know that doesn't work too.
  12. I think the growth of Christianity in China exemplifies the theory that oppressing a religion in fact encourages it's growth.
  13. I think some people may have been wounded in the brain
  14. Our lower tiers being like, 3 people?
  15. Should just merge your active members into the Dioist fold, problem solved.
  16. To be fair, PP brag about the amount of damage they do to Guardian and Mensa. Then they store their loot with Arrgh. I'm not Sherlock Holmes and I still don't think this should be the cause of bad blood or a feud, but to me that's spitting in the eye of Mensa and Guardian.
  17. That's not what irony means In any case a skirmish between Mensa and Arrgh is hardly a massive bloc war, and an unofficial agreement not to raid us made a year ago isn't exactly a NAP.
  18. Took me an hour. To be fair, I write a lot. And I didn't proof or review it at all, which is why the prose and pacing is garbage. But I don't love you enough to spend hours rewriting
  19. Yes because I would deliberately make myself utter shit so I could be on your level. If you weren't so rubbish you had to keep deleting your nation out of embarrassment maybe you could fight me.
  20. Sure, because calling yourself cool is the first sign of being cool. Like me, except you're rubbish at the game and your redeeming factor in any war is you're too irrelevant for anyone at your actual level of game experience to be able to fight.
  21. As individuals, more than half our alliance have led communities bigger than the entire of Orbis active population. You're just a shit player, with nothing to your name but a lot of butthurt whining
  22. He was using the collective we We can all do that, it's the privilege of discipline that one can speak for all. Foxfire just mad she's getting rolled for the millionth time. Let's be honest, I and most other Mensa people like Arrgh and I doubt it'll be a beatdown so much as a skirmish.
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