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Everything posted by MRBOOTY

  1. Israel has been responsible for 50,000 Arab deaths, almost all of which are the result of the racist surrounding countries attacking Israel because it is a Jewish state. Israel has not tried to kill Palestinians in the same way that Saudi Arabia, Iran, and every other shithole has attacked gays, women, and minorities. Arab regimes are responsible for the deaths of millions of Kurds, Christians, and minorities. You're right, no lives matter more than others. Just because you're a winy little !@#$ that thinks that he's a victim does not mean that you get to claim people like you are more important than others. Also, it's clear you support ISIS. Why don't you go join? People like you (racist Islamic extremists, not Muslims in general) are already making the UK a shithole. Why not move? I actually spend a lot of time defending Muslims and Arabs in real life and online, and people like you don't make it easier tbh.
  2. He tried to get the Light Federation to merge into Cobalt and implied he would bribe our leaders... twice Yeah he seems to be a good member who makes some poor decisions
  3. This exactly. It sucks to have to build up to fight raids (though likely noone will raid me at my level), and nukes are great deterrents. Also, they are in fact useful. While I doubt this will happen, if someone were to attack an alliance out of the blue, and if the alliance had had literally no chance to build up, nukes would be the only response. With some alliances that are always militarized, they could conceivably hit at any time, and nukes are a good way to make sure that you can punish attackers.
  4. Yes, !@#$ing bring it back please. And record it of course . As for co-host, you really need someone who understands the high level diplomacy of the game and who is important, and they're going to have to speak their minds (they sort of need to be talkative, too) Ideas for co-hosts: ELPINCHAZO Caillou Tim Armstrong Placentica Partisan Saru Hodor Tenages There are lots of others, but it's 1 a.m., and this about covers who I'd imagine you'd work well with, and who would do at least a decent job
  5. Dude you just gave everyone raid targets... Anyway, I wish all of you the best, and plz joen TLF guise
  6. Those REALLY helped me find new posts, and that was a great way for new posts from new players to get exposure.


    Yeah for sure :/. Sorry that happened. On a separate note, it's cool that so many who have made new accounts in recent days have gotten forum active.


    I was going to say... I still get the politics and snore screen
  9. Also worth mentioning, part of this is a result of Sheepy moving servers, and having to revert to the last backup. Far from convenient, but it has little to do with whining.
  10. With the addition of Jemm to the "people that have hacked P&W" club, I have started to notice a few patterns with people who have brute-forced the game. To put it bluntly, and I don't like calling people this... they're losers. They have nothing going for them in real life, so they try to feel powerful in game, often by ruining the fun for others. Jemm was nothing but an obnoxious distraction at best, and the only reason I knew who he was was because he sexually harassed a few people who I know. As for Sith and Ghost, they clearly had a thing for wanting to feel important, hence their bragging to everyone who would listen. They're pretty well known for doing that in a lot of games, which kinda makes it even sadder: they have nothing better to do than go around annoying people all day. Sheepy has a real life, and a really successful game too, and either out of desperation or jealousy these people hack the game. The thing is, it says more about them than it does about anyone else Edit: I'll leave this up, but I just got word from a friend that Jemm has been in the military and has not had access to a computer... That would mean... 1. This post does not apply to him. 2. Da real hacker is still out there...
  11. Wait, dosent mensa donate a shitton too? It makes since for both Oblige and Mensa, as you guys have made nations that are very new and understandably far behind others, but it's absolutely insane to criticize Oblige for something that was your growth strategy for a while
  12. What he's basically saying is that we're like a year into the game and already everyone and their brother has nukes. He's wondering if this is really a good idea, or if military wonders should've been more elusive/more expensive to begin with. It is a bit late to discuss this though, unless we want to nerf Placentica again
  13. I think the idea is if one of them were to raid one of your members you could retaliate against that individual nation. But still, this is something new and I think cool, considering the treatied mess we've had.
  14. Yeah, I was confused too, and expected an official DoW on the Vargen Institute, since Cobalt has started to attack them.
  15. Pretty self-explanatory. Votes are private
  16. The only one that may be a bit strong is the air interceptors one, as a 25% boost to air defenses can make some impenetrable to attacks, but otherwise this is fantastically dynamic and will improve the war system
  17. I would ask the same of you, considering you're a micro trying to get attention.
  18. I just watched this and it's absolutely hilarious https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHoVqI5ZopE
  19. My mom: So were the Smith's upset that we couldnt make it to the play? Me: Yeah, did they see it as a violation of your MDoAP? *Entire family sits there in silence*
  20. I was also given back 60k of food that I sold way before the exploit.
  21. The cheater only bought 2k off of me, but my nation was re-spawned with 8k. You might want to look at the mechanic that did that too, since others may not feel like reporting it
  22. As do I Here's the thing, the ad was leaked... and it never went up officially, because Rose barred the member from posting it. That member got in trouble, and that was that. I'm not surprised that James II has logs, I have information about different things he's said that are pretty mindblowing. So yeah, the OOC attacks complaint is pretty silly.
  23. I'm a bit biased as an leader of an allied alliance, but I would highly recommend InGen. It is an alliance composed almost entirely of elite members who know the intricacies of this game and who have been around a while. The fact is, they became the #24 alliance just by creating themselves; when others saw InGen forming with MadMax, Olivia Mira, and The Witch King, they left their alliances to join them. I don't think I've seen anything like it. Also, when push come to shove, these players are absolutely the ones you want behind you in any conflict. My mom has told me that she always likes to go to hole-in-the-wall, smaller restaurants, because they often are the best, and InGen is the P&W version of one of those restaurants.
  24. So I wanted to have a discussion, mostly just for fun, about thing on Orbis that are normal sort of dic- jerkish, and really jerkish. To start Normal: Buying a really low market offer and reselling it for higher Sort of Jerkish: Undercutting an offer by 1$ Really Jerkish: Tricking someone into accepting a terrible offer and not giving the money back. Ashland level: Telling someone you'll pay them 1 million to rap for you, then giving them a "sell" offer instead of a buy one !@#$ing Ashland...
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