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Everything posted by Artifex

  1. "No raiding" lol, you just want the loot all to yourselves.
  2. Pantheon, born as gods, survived as peasants, and died like warriors.
  3. So Spanish Armada is an extension of Alpha which is now an extension of Church of Atom?
  4. The title and post content confuses me. t$ and HS dropping and HS and NPO signing?
  5. Holy shoot, lol, that's amazing. Also, had to down vote the video because the audio was tuned for ants.
  6. Had to down vote for terrible title. Good luck with the rebranding though, probably should have happened when you guys decided to stop being a mass protectorate target, though. You know, to symbolize a new era of not being a protectorate or something? Not trying to be mean or imply anything, just would have been better and more meaningful timing.
  7. This. We all know you guys are tight, no need for a halfway measure like this to try and please the peeps who wanted you guys to split or Polaris to stop being a big treaty junction.
  8. You really think Orbis at large would sit idly by while you guys dog piled peripherals to your heart's content? The only reason why it's not happening right now is because it's seemingly limited and Chaos is playing watch dog.
  9. Yes, but if you had done that, you would have provoked a wider response and far greater expense, which is really why you didn't. You guys are beating up WTFark while Chaos keeps look out and saying it's for their own good and for everyone to just move along.
  10. Good intentions or not, the message can be interrupted in a way that can backfire in your faces. And it is oh so convenient that you guys have an entire bloc to back you up in case things go south, but Fark and WTF are dead in the water. It's okay to be a big bloc as long as its you guys, right? Yes of course, how could I not see it clearly until now? Less allies means more security! Why does anyone ever think, "Allies," are beneficial in wars? All they do is attack your enemies and help you.
  11. I just realized... Perhaps slower than most... Chaos sphere, while apparently being the opposition to order and consolidation, punish a couple of the few unentrenched alliances with burdensome war. One would think, if their publicly held objectives are honest, Fark and WTF would be among their last targets, and instead, those that are actually embedded deeply into the treaty web's main mass would be their target; as to teach them that there's no safety in numerous treaties, as that's what they seek: safety. Soup Kitchen attacking Fark and WTF only proves those who seek many treaties, correct in assuming they have safety. As it stands now, Soup Kitchen's recent aggression towards Fark and WTF serves only to enforce the current status quo of heavy treaty forests. Good job Soup Kitchen, you played yourself. EDIT: Unless of course Soup's actual plan is to proliferate treaties, in which case, good job.
  12. I support finite resources to fight over to proliferate war! PnW isn't a zero sum game, lets change it!
  13. Petition to change Politics and War to Politics and Peace.
  14. Lets face it guys. PnW isn't a zero sum game. We need some finite resource to fight over and make it interesting.
  15. So, what publicly available metric can we use then when comparing alliance strength? Or are alliance strengths forever elusive?
  16. If you would be so kind as to answer my question. We can then answer your question. But until then, agreeing on a metric is what we must first do.
  17. What publicly available metric do you think would be best to measure an alliance's income, power, or success? City count? Infrastructure? What do you think?
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