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Death LordSK

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    Republic of Zealandia
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  • Discord Name: Death LordSK#8261

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  1. Why? This diminishes the ability of the losing side to dish our damage for no apparent reason. Unless we want to punish the the losing side more?
  2. Alliance of the Year: Eclipse Most Improved Alliance: The fighting Pacifists Best New Merged Alliance: Singularity Best Rookie Alliance: ~~~~~ Best Alliance for New Players: The armed peacekeepers Most Likely to Succeed in 2024: Singularity Most Likely to be Rolled in 2024: ~~~~ Most Honorable Alliance: ~~~~~~~ Best Fighting Alliance: Eclipse Worst Fighting Alliance: Name withheld Best Alliance Growth: The Fighting Pacifists Best Foreign Affairs Team: ~~~~ Best Foreign Affairs Move: Formation of welp Worst Foreign Affairs Move: Hs and CTO peace talks Alliance with Best Propaganda: ~~~~ Most Missed Alliance: wei Best Alliance Flag (please link): Best Holiday Flag (please link): Biggest Alliance Decline in 2023:
  3. Add a extension treaty. Gives gov control over all the Alliances linked.
  4. We only have one dev working on this game. And they are currently busy with war back and front end. Also, adding literally anything to this game takes a few months, I would rather have this quick fix and then we go from there than wait for 6 months to know that if the new shiny things works or not.
  5. It really does seem negligence, at c33 with a would be peace time consumption of 12.5k~ with this project my consumption would be increased by 12.5k × 0.15 = 1881 which is worth a grand total of 1881 × 123 = 231k, half of the daily login bonus. So yeah this penalty is negligible. I think the main problem with this project will be having enough infra to actually use it well.
  6. You should also try Cataclysm. They have high taxes use it well. But if you ever get bored of taxes you can always join us in TFP
  7. I think a better system would be to only do this while in war. Still allow you to buy cities during wars ofc. Fixes the problem and implements the change aswell.
  8. What? Nuclear winter time should be the time where you make most of your money for any whale. You save food during peace time and sell during war time when the price is 200 ppu. Also, when you are at c30, 100m is only 3 days of income. So unless your alliance is taxing you dry you should be easily able to make money 100m. And that's a pretty big point. Military (and competence) wins wars. And wars are (part of) the name of the game.
  9. Thats still not alot. 2 weeks of raiding for any decent raider. If someone had to "work hard" for c10, they either have a very serious condition called skill issue or they got screwed over by their aa.
  10. Well, steel and alu are used for improvements. And all Manu are used in some projects.
  11. Rpc already did a number to raw prices, we don't need to nerf them anymore.
  12. Inb4 c4s have 10k land per city because they raided alot
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