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Everything posted by Clarke

  1. Considering the main group of criminals in America are black and the majority of black people are on the left, its fair to say the left is more violent than the right. Then there is people from Central and South America with high rates of criminality also mostly on the left. You're more likely to get attacked for having pro-right views than pro-left views. Its ridiculous to suggest otherwise.
  2. I think the point is more what the !@#$ is going on in your head or anyone else's who thinks that way. No point rolling someone for being thick. Jews aren't a race either so all the morons saying racist, please stop.
  3. I see the light of Islam now, its the flash before the bang.
  4. Islam and mass immigration are the biggest threats to western civilization which is deeply connected to terrorism and higher rates of crime. No point solving other issues if you can't enjoy the world. I'm a firm believer in people reaping what they sow so if you think terrorist attacks aren't a problem then no one will mind if the next one kills you as its not a big deal. It would be good to kill a lot of bad Muslims, not just ISIS as a lot of Muslims hate gays, treat women and minorities terribly. Bad people fighting other bad people (ISIS) is a win win situation.
  5. There's nothing to argue, Muhammad was a vile human and ISIS are also vile. The main reason they do what they do is so they can be more like Muhammad. "ISIS are the DOGS OF HELL, killing them and you will be rewarded and if you are killed by them you will be rewarded." This sort of nonsense is exactly what inspires Islamic fanatics like ISIS, "if you do something you will be rewarded". No you won't, there is no reward.
  6. The fundamental problem with this is that Muhammad unjustly killed and raped people, it is a religion of contradictions. ISIS and Muhammad are one and the same. ISIS are no doubt better followers of Islam than anyone else.
  7. The problem with Islam is that its terrible, as someone who logically came to the conclusion religion is nonsense of all the religions Islam is the one that attracts the dumbest illogical people. A lot of really disgusting humans as well who rape/kill people they don't agree with over nothing, kill their own family for "honor". Nothing worse for minorities than having Muslims as a majority, this sort of BS doesn't work on the internet. People have to have their asses up their heads to believe this sort of nonsense and the nonsense in wake of the terrorist attacks, all of the attacks.
  8. Hardly conservative, any disagreement these days suddenly sends leftists screaming conservatives everywhere. I don't identify with labels but there is a new movement forming and what connects these people is logical thinking on political and social matters, it sounds like its alt-right but that's because the alt-right is apart of it.
  9. The #2 alliance is protecting the #5 alliance, this game is done.
  10. Not that you don't have a life, you just don't have very good ones. I doubt you even lift.
  11. I was misguided in thinking you could be logical as your position was fundamentally flawed from the beginning of the interaction.
  12. It seems you have a comprehension issue, clearly I'm the one who got the nerve struck lol.
  13. How didn't my last post clear this up, you weren't relevant enough for me to even talk about your alliance in such a manner and I always considered your alliance a colony. How much clearer do you want it? There is no possible way to continue that line of thought now.
  14. I think you're getting confused, I was never talking about you until you decided to respond and then I told you the story about your alliance. I already said you're irrelevant, why would you think I would be talking about you prior to you responding.
  15. Your alliance has no relevance, its merely a colony of the Syndicate and you're ok with that. For you to comment on other alliances struggles is a mistake because you don't anything. You could have asked other Mensa guys, they knew the joke. https://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/9520-deic-bank-content-anomaly/page-7#entry167090
  16. Nerds isn't exactly the word, I preferred my use of addicts. One side has a larger collection of addicts who have being addicted to this sort of stuff for up to a decade or longer. Only the most addicted still remain and their devotion is enormous compared to a new player or someone who has better hobbies. This isn't the only game they're addicted to either, they usually have other similar addictions.
  17. First and foremost I am good at taking the piss which made so many people salty about what I said. I find it rather humorous but you seem to forget why you were salty.
  18. Nah I don't really have time for this game, war was in like day 3 before I logged in. Keep in mine you probably waste ridiculous hours on this game while I don't, I'd be lucky to get an hour a month on anything related to the game.
  19. I was actually thinking about it while reading this thread and came to the conclusion those who deny this simply do so to make it seem like they're better than what they're. Last time I said it was because more "nerds" but now I will say it is because well the same, just people who have a different set of priorities. Incompetence, skill and whatever words you use have no relevance, the simple fact is one side has more members who have a worst addiction to the game than others.
  20. Communism is unrealistic, one that doesn't end in death of course. Unrealistic for the current time and obviously the past.
  21. Probably the most interesting thing that ever happened on Orbis.
  22. Clearly Muslims are oppressed by their nations leaders who are anti-gay, sexiest and so on...
  23. Needs a horde of members to be acceptable.
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