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  1. Alex's post in Alliance Recruitment Page was marked as the answer   
    I've set a minimum score threshold before which alliances can appear there, at 1,000. With that limit in place, it automatically filters out basically all of the 0 member, inactive, and other alliances that we probably don't want to direct new players toward.
  2. Alex's post in Password Reset was marked as the answer   
    This should be fixed now, sorry about that. Missed this captcha when I upgraded all the old ones previously.
  3. Alex's post in Are people really making negative food? was marked as the answer   
    It shows below -100% because that way you can gauge how close to -100% you are. I.E. If it just said -100% for everyone quantity below that, you'd be uncertain as to when you should expect it to come up to a greater than -100% level.
  4. Alex's post in Unable to Withdrawl from Alliance Bank (Resolved) was marked as the answer   
    Marking as resolved.
  5. Alex's post in Resource Value Estimates are Extremely Incorrect was marked as the answer   
    The Monetary Net Income figure should include the value of produced manufactured resources. I'm checking it for typos/bugs now.
    The Oil figure was using the average price for Coal in one spot, so I've fixed that, thanks.
  6. Alex's post in Bounties issue was marked as the answer   
    That shouldn't be enabled, I will make sure it's not. Thank you.
  7. Alex's post in Sequential Bonus was marked as the answer   
    It should be fixed. Please check back tomorrow if you do not receive the full bonus tomorrow.
  8. Alex's post in Can't Decommission Ships was marked as the answer   
    This should be fixed now, please report back if not. Thanks for letting me know, I'm surprised we've found such an obvious bug so late in the game
  9. Alex's post in Power outage bug was marked as the answer   
    Do you actually have any coal at the current moment, though? You can't use coal you'll have tomorrow to power your power plants today.
  10. Alex's post in No Alliance Taxes Collected was marked as the answer   
    This is the case, yes.
  11. Alex's post in Missing Flag in Nation Edit Page was marked as the answer   
    It's been added now.
  12. Alex's post in Logging In Money Bonus Issue was marked as the answer   
    If the difference between your time zone and the server time zone is -4 hours, then the screenshot still would have been taken at a minimum 11 minutes after you received the money.
    I'm not saying you intentionally spent the money and then reported this, just that it could have happened inadvertently, or that someone attacked you and took or destroyed some of your money, etc. It is possible that a trade offer you had open on the market was accepted during this time, taking your money and giving you resources, which would be a passive way of "spending" money.
    In any case, it's very unlikely that you got the notification without receiving the money. It's the same code that gets run for every nation every day, so for 4,000 active nations, the chance of 1 in 4,000 not working meaning the code is bugged would be roughly (1/4000)^d where d is the number of days you want to look at, but even for one day that's something like a 0.025% chance. So in my opinion, it is simply more likely that you spent the money, actively or passively, than that the code is bugged and no on else reported it.
  13. Alex's post in Blockaded was marked as the answer   
    Strange, this seems to happen so infrequently I can't figure out what exactly causes it. I've removed the blockade.
  14. Alex's post in Am I using too much uranium? was marked as the answer   
    Yes, usage rounds up.
    Nuclear Power plants need some minimum amount of uranium to produce anything. That minimum is 0.1 per turn. 0.1 per turn powers up to 1,000 infrastructure. So even if you have 0.01 infrastructure, to have power with a Nuclear Power plant, you will use at least 0.1 per turn.
    Similarly, if you had 1000 you would still use 0.1 / turn, but at [1000.01-2000], you would use 0.2 / turn.
  15. Alex's post in BBCode in Alliance Announcements + Weird Nation Bug was marked as the answer   
    The correct BBcode is [link] not
  16. Alex's post in Announcements bug. was marked as the answer   
    A bug with nation ID 0. Just a display bug.
  17. Alex's post in Spy Recruitment Table Missing? was marked as the answer   
    I am optimizing pages for mobile. I have done Spies & Missiles so far.
  18. Alex's post in Bank Not Looted After Beige of VM was marked as the answer   
    This does appear to be the case, yes.
    I should not that you cannot make transactions like this while in Vacation mode, so it was obviously done before then.
  19. Alex's post in Network still Banned...? was marked as the answer   
    I asked you several times over for the IP addresses you're using to check if they're banned. PM me your IP addresses you're using at the school and I will remove any bans associated with those IPs.
  20. Alex's post in Joining Alliance Bug, Email Validation! was marked as the answer   
    This should be fixed. Now when you create an account you don't have to validate your e-mail straightaway, but you do need to do so to do things like join an alliance.
  21. Alex's post in Email Activation??? was marked as the answer   
    I apologize, please try to resend your validation email!
  22. Alex's post in Email Validation? was marked as the answer   
    I apologize for the issue! Try resending the email now it should work.
  23. Alex's post in Bug pollution commerce was marked as the answer   
    I apologize, I don't speak French.
    Improvements that reduce pollution are the Recycling Center and the Subway. Both require power to operate. While it looks like all of your cities have power currently, maybe that was not the case before, causing them to not work and thus not reduce your pollution?
    If you have a high disease rate, make sure you have enough land (I would say 500 at a minimum) and you can buy Hospitals to reduce Disease directly. Pollution causes disease, so reducing pollution will help lower your disease rate as well.
  24. Alex's post in Is there a way to set a default tax rate was marked as the answer   
    I made you guys a default tax bracket, bug has been fixed for future new alliances.
  25. Alex's post in Picture for ingame bio was marked as the answer   
    You can add pictures via BB code. Use
    [img] tags
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