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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/30/23 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. At the moment there is only one form of gambling within Politics and War: Keno. Keno has been shit since Elijah Mikaleson ruined it for everyone else, and while I'm glad to have it back in the game, the cap should be raised or removed since we can now clearly see that it can't be exploited like old Keno (at least I believe so) and it results in a net loss for most people, which is what gambling should aim to do. I can't imagine it'd be too difficult to copy a Blackjack or Slot Machine AI from open source games, and it'd add more for people to do during peace time besides log in once a week and comment on the forums about how the forums are dead. Not to mention that we literally had a second form of gambling that got removed along with Keno and it was called Dice. I don't remember what it was like because frankly no one played it since there was a $100k cap on how much you could bet but I think that it could make for a fun alternative if the cap was removed. You can argue that baseball is like gambling but baseball sucks and I'd rather do my coursework at that point. I'd argue this is more important than all of the war changes and would be implemented faster since the dev team wouldn't need to endlessly debate on whether the mechanic would favor whales too much or not. 1 upvote = 1 less city for some poor sap who got unlucky while gambling
    1 point
  3. Well...... A war that wasn't started because of us. This is unexpected. I thought that when we signed House Stark that they'd get involved in a war because of us. It seems the turns have tabled. Black Skies recognizes that Singularity undoubtedly had to blitz us to keep us from using 100% of our power. Best of luck o/ Black Skies after 8 wars in 10 months:
    1 point
  4. UPDATE! - Trial is set for December 16th, 8 PM EST. Nokia has volunteered to prosecute Alan. This is enough to get the event going. I am still looking for an assistant to Nokia. As Nokia can voice chat, any assistant prosecutor does NOT need to voice chat. Lysander has indicated that he still wishes to be alone on the defense. Court Lineup and all relevant dates below. Court Lineup: Defendant: Alan Judge - Thalmor Bailiff - TBD Court Reporter: TBD Lead Prosecutor: Nokia Assistant Prosecutor: TBD Lead Defense: Lysander Relevant Dates: Deadline for list of formal charges: December 11th, 8 PM EST Turnover of Discovery: December 13th, 8 PM EST Trial: December 16th, 8 PM EST.
    1 point
  5. Wars on Earth, peace in Orbis. Interesting.
    1 point
  6. Look it's not too late to secure your own NAP against the most feared alliance in the game, Camelot.
    1 point
  7. Let me tell you folks, these charges against Alan are a sham! I've known Alan for a long time, and he's a tremendous guy, believe me. Tremendous, really. Palsada? Total liar, folks. You can't trust a word that comes out of Palsada's mouth. Alan is a winner, and these fake charges are just a sad attempt by the swamp to bring down a great man. It's all a big witch hunt by the Rose deep state. This is just another example of the fake news media in RON trying to create a narrative against good, hardworking people like Alan. Palsada is probably just jealous of Alan's success – he's a very successful person, everybody knows that. And let me tell you about this so-called judge, Thalmor. Terrible judge, folks. He's biased, unfair, and probably part of the deep state. I've seen some bad judges in my time, but Thalmor takes the cake. Alan is a winner, and with the support of the people, we'll overcome these obstacles and bring back the greatness we deserve. Believe me, folks, we're on the path to success, and together, we'll make Orbis great again!
    1 point
  8. When are you going to realize that you’re the problem? You were the problem at EotR, and you were the problem at Black Skies, lol. Edit: Alan sucks too, but you’re no better.
    1 point
  9. Yeah great idea till someone figures out how to cheat/abuse it, like that jackass did back in the day with Keno.
    1 point
  10. Tbh having more ways to lose my money sounds like a fun and productive idea. I just pour everything I have into bounties on small or new players.
    1 point
  11. Baseball would be better if each game gave you more money, took 10 minutes instead of 1 second, and a little simulation of the game between the two teams played out so you can shout at your AI players to play better as they fumble the ball. Also the ability to trade players sounds cool, but then it might be useful to add more depth to players like perks that randomly spawn (or whatever makes sense, idk I don't play FIFA).
    1 point
  12. Alright, now I know you guys are trolling. There's no way you picked "Ouroboros" except to hear how @Thalmor will butcher the pronunciation.
    1 point
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