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  1. Yesterday
  2. Ignore them? I didn't ignore them. I dismissed them. They're bad points.
  3. We’ve not engaged much partially because we’ve been busy, but also because with much of this, we have already made our stance on what happened in the lead up to this NAP clear in Roberts’ post here: We aren’t interested in repeating them ad nauseam, and we have been reaching out privately to talk to folks as well. That said, there are a few points made here we wish to clarify on publicly. This particular claim makes very little sense to me. Singularity didn’t even exist when the Fortuna war ended, and at that point, we were still allied to one of the alliances that would go on to form Singularity. So no, we weren’t immediately plotting against you. If Rose instead wanted to make that claim, they might have a leg to stand on. However, that decision to fight them was based on our understanding they were blaming us for the coalition against Fortuna, which we made clear in our CB/discussions with them following that war, even if they disagreed with our conclusions. Did we try to make an arrangement that was as much to our advantage as to the advantage of the other members of the coalition? Of course we did. As did you, as does any alliance. But blaming everything that went wrong in that war on TKR shows a lack of accountability for your own role in how that war played out. Everyone involved contributed to the breakdown of that war. Best I can tell, there was at least one glaring possibility that was missed and/or not adequately planned for during war prep, which when happened, led to panicked decision making, a breakdown of communications, and a war that went down quickly in flames. We all had a hand in that. To clarify your misconception here, the moment the offer was made to us, we took it to the coalition. There was no separate deal. Despite your perception that you were going to be left behind, that was never a reality nor a real possibility. Although, by your own words, you were doing just fine and didn't need our help, we can agree that had that been a legitimate thing we were trying to do, it would have been bad. Fortunately, that wasn't the case. We assume this misinterpretation of our intent comes from the fact we first took the offer to Rose to gauge their interest, since they had the most to lose from continuing the war and we were willing to continue fighting if they were. Our only mistake during that part of things was to not push for a public peace server, considering how quickly rumors began circulating following the end of the war and again, how quickly responsibility for that entire war was shoved onto us. I could likewise say the same, considering every effort in collaboration with you for the past year results in malicious rumors and our name being smeared. While we don’t deny we’ve made mistakes and are fine taking ownership of them when we’ve actually done something wrong, there have been countless rumors about us of late that are clearly false and, whether intentionally or unintentionally, manufactured. It's easy to read between the lines and completely misinterpret statements when one is searching for ill intent. This is what we believe has been happening on your end. We're choosing to give you the benefit of the doubt here instead of assuming you're intentionally lying and smearing us. There is clearly some mutual mistrust between our alliances fueling this, and that's something we are willing to admit and work toward resolving. We’ve already started talking with your alliance privately and are happy to try and work this out if you're willing to as well. Same offer goes to Rose and Guardian, who I understand to have similar concerns as well.
  4. I think i can see where this is going NAP -> Sleep -> Coma -> Eternal rest
  5. Lame as hell, in my personal opinion. #CrapOnTheNAP
  6. What ODOO thinks is going on behind the scenes: What is actually going on behind the scenes:
  7. 1. When this tumour reached stage 2.
  8. Just FYI - If @Dr James Wilsonknows the context, and continued to “ignore” @Sketchy’s points… …that makes the situation worse for you guys and justifies Sketchy’s feelings about your sphere, and the current decision that was made regarding this NAP.
  9. Well hell, we all know what a pile of crap the war system is, so why don't we just have sheepy take it out of the game. Then we can save all the money we spend on upkeep for the military building and all those pesky military units. Not to mention all the money we spend on rebuilding. We can all just sit around hugging our pixels and building more cities. Think of all those poor raiders, they can finally build cities and infra without fear.
  10. “I was TKR high gov for 2 years bro” High Five man!
  11. Currently there are 4 distinct spheres that signed a 3-month NAP extension without fighting a single conflict. This means that over 60% of the alliances are subject to the NAP extension with the other 40% under an NAP which ends next month or neutral alliances. With 3 seperate NAPs running concurrently, here are a few takes: Where did the definitive purpose of signing a non-agression pact shift from a tool to rebuild after long-lasting and costly wars to a political method utilized to circumvent wars and discourage game activity? Is this just a new rendition of the same NAP to discourage the hiring/auctioning of mercs/pirates to hit another coalition after notable instances? (e.g. Wheel of Misfortune, TGH) Does this recent foreign affairs move set a precedent on future NAPs to be signed in a similar manner? How will this affect the overall game activity in the next 2-4 months given these are often the months of highest game activity? Ty @Themonia for pointing this out.
  12. this is a test thread for the automated ron system. leave me alone feel free to discuss below 😀
  13. Monti


  14. See I just wanted to bring people together, especially those with the strongest differences. To that end my comment was a moderate success.
  15. It sure smells like this NAP ain't gonna hold.
  16. Going against my better judgement, I've looked through this entire thread and I see a lot of shit throwing. I genuinely want to know as it's getting brought up time and time again each year. What past actions are people referring to when they claim tkr bad. I've DM'd several of you privately and had either no response, deflected response or no reply. (All valid). So once again I ask publicly.
  17. Delusions of grandeur... my kinda person.
  18. Your first mistake was thinking anyone is as important as Sketchy.
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