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I believe we need to give more care to the lower class

Alistair Wilson

Governments need to care more for poor people  

27 members have voted

  1. 1. should governments give more care to poorer or low income people?

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As a Socialist nation and a socialist minded individual I believe people care more about fluffy their dog by buying him (or her) food more expensive then human food with better ingredients then some human food. Dogs can survive by eating their own barf (and they do sometimes) they can eat out of a trashcan. They don't need your 100% chicken and muscle builder. But do you know who does? People, such as the people who you see on the streets. Don't you see, the government needs to take more care of the poor and low income families if not I and others will.

Also other people in other nations need this care too. In America we still are a splendid nation with richness everywhere to give, but not all nations have this. Just think about this...

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The US disburses the most money of any nation on Earth by far in humanitarian aid. Something like $8.25 billion last year. And that is the figure for just what is called "Humanitarian aid" from the Federal government. That doesn't include any private contributions made to NGO's operating here or overseas. 😵 Americans are quite generous....other governments less so. 

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  • 3 months later...

The US pays poor women to be baby factories at the detriment to society as a whole. Money does nothing to solve the problems of the poor. They need education, job skills and often the basics of reading writing and math. Learning to be self sufficient does way more than just throwing money at them.  Section 8 housing , food stamps, welfare in general , free phones all do nothing to break the cycle of poverty. If anything it makes it generational. Welfare in America has destroyed the lower class family and made it fatherless. 

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  • 2 months later...

Though there are obviously issues with world hunger and poverty around the world unfortunately it is sort of hard to intervein with, without making the problem worse. It is an honorable thing wanting to help others, wanting to give to those who need food and shelter, the thought is nice, it has good intent. One likely feels good when giving to charities to help those in poor living conditions in other countries. However, with these donations comes a price, our donations to other countries our even our assistance of other countries by our military can negatively affect another countries economy. One of the biggest needs of the impoverished is food, which the US contributes a fair share to already. One potential problem is that if foreign nations are bringing in free foods then manufactorers and farmers could have less buisness. If a family has two options, option 1 to get food items for little to no price from a government/foreign aid organization or option 2 spend money that they may not even have at a local market where local foods are sold they will most often choose option 1. This makes it harder for nations to grow their economy and by proxy grow their government in tax revenue, overall slowing the growth of a nation and ensuring more generations go through the same poverty. I believe this is much more prevelent in the textile industry. For example, here in America there is an organization called "good will", if you don't know its similar to a thrift store except they get their goods via donation by people who donate their used goods at their locations, they are all over the United States. They sell the donated books, toys, cookware, appliances, board games, and clothing of all sorts at their locations for cheap prices that are more affordable for the impoverished of America for the most part, as 3,300 of their 4,245 locations (as of 2021) are in the US or Canada, however there are also locations in places like Italy, Finland, Venezuela, Thailand, ex. The clothes that get donated to these stores that are either unsold, unrecycled for use in new textile production, or simply aren't put on the shelves are often sent overseas, often to thirdworld countries where they are put into second-hand garnment trade and are traded very cheaply affecting these countries income from textile production as well. There are many other organizations all accross the western world that does the samething good will does. I am not saying we should stop government aid entirely but simply saying that aid helps for a short time but it doesn't help much long term. At any point a foreign aid organization could leave a community for somewhere else, leaving a community that was dependent on them for food and water, possibly even shelter or textiles and they would be worse off then before. If we leave these countries to make their own buisnesses, produce their own foods, manufactor their own goods and textiles then they are more likely to grow by themselves and have less hunger and poverty and more technology and abundent resources for survival. Perhaps a thing could be said about donating to schools in third world countries as I believe the most important investment in a country and for the overall health of humanity is a stable good education however it may be best out of the private citizens willing pocket, we also still need some investment in some of our schools in poorer communities in the US as well too, as there is an education gap between wealthy and impoverished communities. I believe helping those poorer than you is honorable still. Anyway, thats my two cents on the matter. 

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On 10/9/2022 at 7:13 PM, whiskerz said:

The US pays poor women to be baby factories at the detriment to society as a whole. Money does nothing to solve the problems of the poor. They need education, job skills and often the basics of reading writing and math. Learning to be self sufficient does way more than just throwing money at them.  Section 8 housing , food stamps, welfare in general , free phones all do nothing to break the cycle of poverty. If anything it makes it generational. Welfare in America has destroyed the lower class family and made it fatherless. 

This is a total BS narrative contrived for the sole purpose of giving a moral justification for selfishness. These public assistance programs are there to help people survive the day-to-day, they are not meant to solve all of an individual's problems or to set them up for long-term success. Furthermore, if you are so concerned with giving individuals the tools they need to succeed in the modern economy, I would expect you to be advocating for full public funding of university students and vocational training as well as childcare for working single parents. Something tells me the same person who objects to giving the poor enough money to feed their kids for the month is not going to be particularly keen on that kind of spending.


I know you spelled it differently, but I hereby revoke your right to wear the name Whiskers. You don't deserve the privilege. 

Edited by Kadin
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Humanitarian aid to the third world actually undermines their success. Clothes donations destroys local business (you can't compete with free). Food aid disincentives people to learn agriculture. Plus, the populations of these third world countries are directly related to how much food there is. With all this food aid, the women - having no access to birth control - keep having children. These children are then in turn are used as justification for more food aid. 

So, you have all these people who don't know how to grow their own food, and they're reliant on the West for food. Well, what happens if that food chain gets disrupted? You're then looking at mass starvation. This already happened with COVID lockdowns. It's going to happen again - but worse - due to climate change. What happens if the Russo-Ukraine war causes a limited nuclear exchange? Won't be pretty! 

If I recall correctly, African fertility is starting to drop. They also are getting wealthier. Perhaps in the coming decades, their population will become more sustainable, and they'll be growing more of their own food. However, I am completely against more of my own tax dollars going overseas. American quality of life keeps declining, and we need to give more to foreigners?! Lol, no thank you! 

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On 1/4/2023 at 8:14 PM, Kadin said:

This is a total BS narrative contrived for the sole purpose of giving a moral justification for selfishness. These public assistance programs are there to help people survive the day-to-day, they are not meant to solve all of an individual's problems or to set them up for long-term success. Furthermore, if you are so concerned with giving individuals the tools they need to succeed in the modern economy, I would expect you to be advocating for full public funding of university students and vocational training as well as childcare for working single parents. Something tells me the same person who objects to giving the poor enough money to feed their kids for the month is not going to be particularly keen on that kind of spending.


I know you spelled it differently, but I hereby revoke your right to wear the name Whiskers. You don't deserve the privilege. 

It is far from a BS narrative. I have worked in the big city ghettos for years and seen what goes on. So much welfare money gets turned into drug money.  Almost any government program turns into waste and abuse. Handing the government money for a program is like handing a chimp an AK-47. Name a successful government program in the last 40 years. I will wait.  Vocational training I am all for. I am for a limited welfare with a maximum lifetime benefit of 5 years. The money handed out right now goes well beyond feeding kids. There needs to be some incentive to get off welfare and not live 38 years in government housing. There were poor before welfare. There will always be some level of poor. Americans have no idea what poor really looks like. Poor does not mean you have only 48 channels of cable. Poor is living in a mudhut making $5 a day selling fish you caught out of a local lake. 

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