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Everything posted by Kevanovia

  1. I didn’t state that Cynic was a BK-plant, nor do I believe that he was a BK plant. So...not sure where that came from. i do agree with you that it was a poor decision to put Cynic in gov, and there were consequences for doing such. No arguments on that topic, so no need to put words in my mouth about some random theory regarding BK/Cynic. Beerhoe has stated multiple times on Great Fire and has mentioned in other threads that Polaris was the source of their initial leak. I also heard about the information that was “only given to BC” before Alexio told me about it. Lest we forget, you guys believed their was a leak but didn’t know if it was TUE or BC so you put out two tests with different information. I also heard about both leak tests well before the DoW (I wasn’t convinced they were true until IQ declared, obviously). So obviously you either have wrong information as to who all originally knew about your leak test, or your leadership flaps their jaws more than you are aware...or you’re being disingenuous. Hilarious that you’re giving us “competency tips”. Maybe one day the lightbulb will turn on for you.
  2. You’ve got to be getting dizzy from all that spinning.
  3. 1) Sure, I/BC let you know our opinion on our issues within the bloc and brought problems out into the open via gov channels after they were dismissed in private. However, I defended you goobers in public/on our show constantly as good allies should. I was adopted into the BC family where they had already married a crazy cat lady that received her felines from the Pet Cemetery. 2) Uh, no. At least as far as I know, this is false. 3) Naw fam, Cynic ended up being a turdbag - also Polar leaked as well. 4) Errrrr what? The leak was manufactured from Polar/Pacifica. Therefore Polar had the info. Sure Cynic leaked it, but it was found that Polar were the first ones to hand out that info to TGH and friends.
  4. Charlie and I were high gov in BC at the time and have a better understanding on what happened in regards to the topic at hand than you do. We experienced it firsthand.
  5. BK analyzing their current relationship with TCW:
  6. Bad Company left Vanguard on their own and IQ then hit them shortly thereafter. “Goes to show how aware you are”
  7. Calling in backup, eh? “Errr...NUH UH!.....errrr..well....errrr....halp me Leo and Roq!!!”
  8. Greetings Soup Kitchen member! Nice attempt on your first OWF topic since leaving the IQ-sphere. There are a few things that you will come to realize since switching spheres/alliances, such as: your way of viewing war may change. The burning of pixels is not something to fear. The Kitchen has been at war for 3/4 of its time on Planet Orbis. War is something we celebrate. You’ll get ‘em next time. May your Soup be hot and your future posts be full of meaningful goodness and wonder. Cheers friend. Blessed be The Bayleaf.
  9. Good luck with your rebuild. At least this time you didn’t have a butthole steal your bank. Best wishes moving forward.
  10. I am surprised that the parody interview Charlie made is getting so much heat. The audio is from a clip where Roq was getting interviewed by a guy that was being an !@#$ to him, so Roq got defensive. Charlie used the audio and inserted his own questions about the recent ‘IQ-revival’ situation. I know Charlie and he wouldn’t do anything to attack someone OOC. OOC Roq is one of the sweetest people in the game, if he felt like this was a OOC attack, then I have no doubt Charlie will take it down. It was meant to be a parody for propaganda on the war. It wasn’t supposed to be taken as an actual interview as it was so blatantly fake. Also, Dio - you were one of those “ !@#$” that originally upvoted it. It appears you changed your tune when your coalition decided to use the fake interview as a political high horse to ride on. It’s hard for me to even know if some of you are even being genuine in your “ZOMG OOC ATTACK!” because of how this thread played out and the initial reactions. To me it almost looks like a narrative you are trying to push even tho you know it’s fake. If that is the case, then shame on you because you’re trying to paint a picture that Charlie is some !@#$ that attacks people OOC, which in of itself is a borderline OOC attack trying to give a negative persona about the person behind the keyboard.
  11. Frawley, I love ya but that is a weak response/reason. There were still many paths you could have taken that would have led to the dynamic play-style we were hoping for.
  12. “You didn’t take our bait, darn it. Well...we’re going to hit you anyway...because reasons.....LONG LIVE IQ!!”
  13. ThE sYnDicAtE aNd iTs AfFiLiaTeS hAvE nO inTeNt To ExPaNd ThEir WaR oN tHe CoALitiOn CuRrEnTLy FigHtiNg ThE bLAcK kNigHtS aNd ThEir ALLieS bEyOnD gUaRdiAn AnD gRuMpY oLD bAsTaRdS.
  14. I am in Soup Kitchen good sir, but I appreciate that you like the name I came up with. Many thanks.
  15. MoonShadow rolling in dem dolla dolla bills y’all.
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